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Chapter 798 The Three Swordsmen Return, and the Northern Huns Appear

Chapter 798 The Return of the Three Musketeers and the Appearance of the Northern Huns (Two in One)


Wuwei County.

The three fast horses traveled eastward in a busy journey.

"Finally entered the territory of my big man? I'm back!"

"Ma'am, I'm back!"

"My lady, I'm back too."

The three people immediately looked at each other, full of expectations and excitement, and then burst out laughing.

It's been five years.

Five years, they have been away from Dahan Yijing for five years.

Over the past five years, I have lived and slept in the open air, and have encountered countless difficulties and obstacles.

Traveled half a big man, and even left Yangguan in the west, traveled all over the Western Regions, and then went to Kangju, Yuezhi and other places further west.

They are finally back today.

They are the Three Musketeers Shen Sheng, Mu Chen and Ji Chen

They thought they had had enough time, they were homesick, and they wanted to see their beautiful wife after five years of absence.

"Who is it, stop immediately." The defenders of Guzang City shouted immediately when they saw the appearance of the three of them.

Many forces in Liangzhou are now intertwined, and the passing roads have long been blocked layer by layer.

Without a special certificate, you cannot pass the card.

The three of them reined in their horses and stopped because the other party had drawn their bows and arrows. Mu Chen clasped his fists and respected: "We are from the Kanto region. We left the customs five years ago to go to the Western Regions, and now we are wandering back. We hope to return home soon. Mingchao."

Looking at their attire, the three of them did bring a lot of exotic items with them, and they also looked like big men, with strong accents.

However, the guard still asked: "Report your name and bring your identity documents. Since you are my big man's people, you should have these."

Said that the guard said to his subordinates again: "Go and report this matter to the lord."

Someone immediately reported to Han Sui.

"I'm sorry for the general, our identity document was lost in the battle with the alien race, and I'm afraid we won't be able to get it out." Mu Chen explained with some embarrassment.

There is no way, they are wandering, and they have fought countless small battles, some bright and some dark.

His belongings have been stolen, and there have been times when he was penniless.

And it's all true.

"Hahaha, since you don't even have an identity document, it seems that you are Ma Chao's spy." The guard immediately turned his face when he heard this, drew his sword and pointed:

"Come on, take it!"

Immediately two or three hundred people rushed out of the city to capture three of them alive.

The three looked at each other tacitly, and then shouted in unison: "It's done!"

The three of them urged their horses at the same time, swiping their weapons and charging towards them.

Having stayed in the Western Regions all these years, let them understand the truth of one person.

Some people are just unreasonable, just kill them.

Whoever is stronger, what he says is the truth.

He didn't explain, and he didn't bow his head and feel wronged.

"Puff puff……"

Needless to say, the martial arts of the three belonged to the brave type.

Three or five strokes defeated Han Sui's troops, and then urged his horses to charge into the city.

One shot picked the general who had just ordered.

At this time, Han Sui hurried over with his soldiers.

The three of them didn't stop being afraid, and went straight to kill them.

"Damn it, you actually caused chaos in my city, kill me!" Han Sui was quite happy when he heard that there were three strange people who came back from the Western Regions.

Because he really wanted to fight the Western Regions and sell some things there to raise military expenses and strengthen his strength.

I didn't want these three bastards to come in, the one who was angry at that time.


The three of them killed all the way, picking stabs from left and right, and rushed in at once. Han Sui's generals tried to stop them, but they were also killed.

Han Sui turned pale with shock.

These three guys have such high martial arts.

Seeing something bad, he hurriedly urged the horse to turn around and run away.

At this time Ji Chen saw him, changed his bow and shot an arrow.

The arrow hit Han Sui's back, and Han Sui fell off his horse with a cry of pain.

Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen went straight to kill Han Sui's banner.

All the soldiers of Han Sui shouted that the lord was dead in battle, and then fled towards the city.

Seeing that Han Sui was still alive, the three shot him down.

"This guy seems to be Han Sui?"

"If I remember correctly, when we left the customs, he should have been nesting in Jincheng and domineering. Why did he come to Wuwei County?"

"Most likely they were beaten and ran away."

The three of you said one sentence, and I said one sentence, and shook their heads lightly, without any burden for killing Han Sui.

Picking out a plaque on Han Sui's body, the three urged their horses to gallop out from the south gate.

After a while, Yan Xing, Han Sui's son-in-law, came with troops.

Seeing Han Sui's death in battle, I felt sad, and then my face was complicated.

It took a long time before he said: "Contain the body of the lord, and all the cavalry will follow me to chase the enemy..."

Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen took Han Sui's token and went all the way south, traveling very fast.

The following checkpoints could not be stopped, and all of them were passed.

Soon the three of them arrived at the Ma Chao checkpoint on the border with Jincheng.

Then Yan Xing chased after him.

But seeing where the three of them were, they rode back and left.

Leave the three people looking at each other behind.

"Report! General, Han Sui's army went south, and just retreated north."

Pound was still reading the military book, and when he heard his subordinates report, he looked puzzled.

Asked: "It's strange that Han Sui's army went south and left again."

"Report! General, there are three cavalry approaching from outside the pass, saying that they want to pass the pass, let us let them go to the east of the pass."

"Well! It's interesting." Pound seemed to understand something, so he got up, put on his armor, and went to close the post with the weapon in his hand.

When he came to the front and saw Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen, Pang De said, "Who are you three? Where did you come from?"

Mu Chen said: "We are from the Kanto region. We left for the Western Regions five years ago. Now that we have learned of the great changes in the Western Regions, we are here to report to the world."

Originally, Muchen didn't want to mention the major events that happened in the Western Regions, but the three of them discussed it just now, and decided to speak up, so as not to force their way through the barriers.

Pound was a little surprised and surprised.

The three of them came back from the Western Regions, so they asked again: "What happened in the Western Regions, can my majesty and dignity last forever in the Western Regions?"

Mu Chen shook his head slightly and said: "Liangzhou has been blocked for a long time, and all the cities and countries in the Western Regions have severed ties with my great man, and they are not loyal to my great man. Now that the Northern Huns have suddenly returned to the east and captured the countries of the Western Regions, they will continue to go east. At that time, it will become my confidant's trouble again, and the three of us learned that we will return immediately, hoping to be vigilant."

"The Huns are returning to the east?" Pound looked suspicious.

This excuse is a bit of a mouthful.

The Northern Huns have been beaten away for hundreds of years, and they can still come back.

The Southern Huns were also disabled.

"General, we are telling the truth and we have nothing to hide. We just want to go back to Kanto." Ji Chen also said.

Pang De looked at the three of them again, and said, "You can't prove what you said, but let me believe you, then let me ask you why Han Sui's soldiers and horses chased you?"

"What we said was the truth. As for Han Sui's soldiers and horses chasing us, it was because Han Sui was killed by us. This guy didn't want us to pass the test, so we had to kill him." Shen Sheng, who hadn't spoken all this time, said coldly.

Shen Sheng's temper was slightly impetuous, so he was not polite to Pang De.

If Pang De doesn't let them pass the level, then just make another pass and kill them.

"What did you say? You killed Han Sui." Pang De felt astonished as if he had seen a ghost.

"Exactly, Han Suiyi was killed by us, how could the general have a heart, why don't you take the opportunity to attack Wuwei, I believe the results will be brilliant." Mu Chen suggested with a smile, and threw away Han Sui's waist card.

"It was taken from Han Sui, the general can check it."

Pang De ordered someone to pick it up and have a look. It really belonged to Han Sui, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Han Sui really died, that's a great thing.

Pang De then said to his subordinates: "Hurry up, go to Jincheng and inform the Major General."

Then Pang De said to another subordinate: "Send someone to Wuwei to find out information."

After arranging these, Pound made a gesture of invitation and said, "Three heroes, please enter..."

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The three of them were able to kill Han Sui and still come from his territory, which seems to be an advantage.

The three looked at each other and smiled slightly, and finally met a reasonable one.

Rested here for a day with Pound, made friends with Pound, and talked freely about the Western Regions.

The next day, the three set off for the south.

After watching the three leave, Pang De stroked his beard and murmured, "I hope Meng Qi won't think aggressively of them."

With Pound's letter and token, the three of them went smoothly on the next road to Jincheng, and no one made it difficult for them.

But outside Jincheng, a horse blocked their way into the city.

"I heard that you killed Han Sui?" A young boy in plain clothes stopped them.

The young man held a golden spear with a tiger's head, the body of which was made of cold iron, measuring one foot and one foot three in length.

The young man's eyes were full of fighting flames, and he was eager to try.

The three looked at each other, not knowing who the boy was.

Shen Sheng said coldly: "Who are you, kid? It's none of your business whether we killed Han Sui or not?"

The young man said: "If you really kill Han Sui, I will let you go into the city, and I will see if you have the ability."

"Hey, I don't accept it. This is, why don't you learn well at a young age, and learn from others to pick things up halfway, okay, then let me see if you have the ability." Shen Sheng urged the horse to rush over.

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched slightly, and he also urged his horse to meet him. He hadn't met an opponent for a long time, and most people would not dare to fight him.

If you catch these three guys today, you should be able to have a good fight.


When weapons clashed, sparks splashed everywhere, and golden cries continued.

As soon as the weapons of the two touched, they quickly separated, and then swept towards each other again, fighting in battle.

Soon the two fought for five rounds, and the fight became more and more fierce, and the fight became more and more intense.

Mu Chen and Ji Chen, who watched all this from the sidelines, became a little worried.

They knew Shen Sheng's strength very well.

The domineering and martial arts proficiency of the young man on the other side also exceeded their initial cognition.

They know that this is a master, and he is also a strong man of strength.

"If this fight continues like this, it will definitely be Mengxi who loses in the end."

"Then let's fight with the wheel! We haven't encountered such a master for many years."

The two immediately thought of Xu Ding.

That's the real monster.

Soon the boy fought twenty rounds with Shen Sheng, both of them were sweating profusely, and Shen Sheng was panting.

The strength of the young man is too fierce and domineering, the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes, and he is no match for the opponent in terms of strength.

Skills are about the same.

And the opponent seemed to have endless strength, so if he continued to fight like this, he would definitely suffer in the end.

Perhaps seeing Shen Sheng's concerns, Mu Chen said at this moment: "Mengxi get out of the way, I'll meet him."

Shen Sheng pushed back the young man, and dodged straight away, but the young man did not pursue, and also responded: "Okay, I will wait for you."

The two teenagers fought against Muchen.

The two fought for another twenty rounds. At this moment, Ji Chen also rushed over.

Muchen left the battlefield.

The boy fought with Ji Chen for another twenty rounds.

"Huh, it's okay, it's not bad, you have the strength to kill Han Sui, I, Ma Mengqi, believe it."

It turned out that the young man was Ma Chao. After fighting the three of them for [-] rounds, he felt comfortable and enjoyed the fight enough.

So Ma Chao also took the initiative to stop.

"You are Ma Chao?"

The three of them were stunned. This guy was one of the great princes in Liangzhou, so he was too young.

And it's too casual.

As princes, wearing plain clothes to stop them from competing in martial arts is too childish.

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Ma Chao laughed heartily and said:

"Walking into the city, I will take care of you. You are qualified to be my friend Ma Chao. Tell me about your time in the Western Regions."

The three of them looked at each other. Although Ma Chao was arrogant, he was indeed strong.

And it can be seen that he is a hearty Northwest man, so they rushed into the city with their fists clasped.

During the meeting, they talked with Ma Chao about the Western Regions and the return of the Northern Huns to the east.

"The three brothers can rest assured to go back to Guanzhong. I will be the master of this matter in Liangzhou. Han Sui died. Yan Xing is not my opponent. I will destroy him and rectify the army at that time. If the Northern Huns dare to come Kill them until they are not left behind, and we will never let them enter the land of Hexi and harm my country." Ma Chao said proudly.

The three said: "It's hard work for the general. If you have the general's words, I will definitely send the news to all parts of the Han Dynasty earlier, so that everyone can prepare early."

"Come on! Drink, if you don't get drunk today, you won't return..."


After leaving Jincheng County and entering Hanyang County, the three of them gained experience this time. They first explained the events of the Western Regions and the return of the Northern Huns to the east.

Sure enough, all cities and checkpoints are allowed to pass.

Jia Xu met the three people in Jixian County, and also entertained them, and wrote a letter to let them go east safely.


"My lord, please read a letter from Jia Xu, my lord!" Xun Yu walked in and gave the letter to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Old man Jia is thinking about it, and he is willing to surrender."

Xun Yu didn't talk to him because he didn't read the letter either.

Cao Cao took a look at it, the joy on his face disappeared, and his expression became serious.

Xun Yu asked, "Master, what does Jia Xu mean?"

Xun Yu asked, "Master, what does Jia Xu mean?"

Cao Cao said: "This is not about Hanyang County, it's a major event that may be difficult."

Cao Cao handed the letter to Xun Yu and asked him to read it for himself.

"The Northern Huns seem to be returning to the east, and now they have conquered the Western Regions, and will invade the grassland soon..." Xun Yu's face suddenly became solemn.

Xiongnu, this is a term that the Han family cares about so much.

It is not a concern for the Southern Xiongnu to beat them up with classics.

The Northern Huns who were driven away and chased out of the Western Regions came back.

"It's a major event in the world. Although I don't know if it's true or not, Jia Xu probably won't use this to fool me." Cao Cao thought for a while and said:
"Report this matter to His Majesty, inform the officials, and welcome the three returning warriors."

"It's the lord!"

A few days later, outside Chang'an City, by the Weishui River.

Cao Cao led the cavalry team to wait for Shen Sheng, Muchen, and Ji Chen who were crossing the river from the north bank of the river.

Soon a cavalry team appeared on the north bank, with only a few thousand cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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