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Chapter 799 Cao Cao's Plan

Chapter 799 Cao Cao's Plan (Two in One)

Soon the cavalry stopped, led by Zhao Ling and Zhao Zifan.

"Three dear friends, I can only send them here. I wish you good luck and hope to have a chance to drink together." Zhao Ling smiled knowingly and greeted the three of them.

I am looking forward to it.

Because he knew that these three people were all from Donglai, and they were all promised by the lord.

It's just that now they can't talk openly, and they can't share with their own people.

It has been five years since the three of them left the customs in a flash, and he has been undercover in the West for more than five years.

"General Zhao, there will be a chance. There will always be a day of peace in the world. We believe it won't be too long."

Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen turned around and thanked the cavalry who escorted them, and then urged their horses to step onto the pontoon bridge.

After the three of them passed the pontoon bridge, Zhao Ling swung his whip and turned the horse's head and said, "Let's go!"

The sound of hoofbeats went away, and Qianqi soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"The tiger and leopard cavalry welcome!" Cao Chunli, the commander of the tiger and leopard cavalry, said loudly.

A thousand tigers and leopards rushed to form a team, buffered to the river bank, and then formed two teams.

Cao Chun urged the horse to walk in the middle of the road: "But Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen are three strong men!"

Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen didn't expect Cao Cao to engage in such a big battle. They looked at each other, and then replied, "It's the grassroots Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen!"

"Three strong men, please!" Cao Chun meticulously made a gesture of invitation and said: "The prime minister went out of the city to welcome the three, three strong men, please!"

"General first!" The three of them replied politely, not because they didn't understand the rules.

At this time, a thousand tigers and leopards rode and said, "Strong men please!"

Only then did Cao Chun lead the three of them forward slowly, followed by a thousand tigers and leopards.

After walking for four miles, they came to where Cao Cao was.

Cao Cao said: "Today, there are three strong men returning from the Western Regions, and you all welcome me!"

"Follow the prime minister's decree and wait for the strong man!" All the civil and military soldiers replied one after another.

The three of them were brought closer, got off their horses and saluted Cao Cao: "Cao Chao Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen have seen the prime minister, and seen Lie as an adult!"

"The three strong men came back from afar and worked hard all the way, so we can prepare a feast of food and wine in the city, and invite the three strong men to move into the city." Cao Cao said very politely.

The three of them said: "How dare you bother the Prime Minister who loves you so much, you dare not invite each other, you should be respectful, the Prime Minister invites first, and the three of us will follow..."

"Hahaha, okay, the three of you will enter the city with me!" Cao Cao stepped forward and grabbed Mu Chen, who was in the middle of the three, and walked to the west gate together.

The three of them couldn't refuse, so they had to follow on foot.

Others are even more afraid to ride a horse.

Along the way, Cao Cao greeted his relatives with great concern.

The Three Kingdoms were all moved.

Cao Cao loves talents far more than others.

But if they didn't meet Xu Ding, maybe they would intentionally seek refuge with Cao Cao.

But now it is impossible.

I had no choice but to deal with it, and then talked about how to leave the customs and go to the Western Regions.

After entering the city and coming to the prime minister's mansion, at the banquet, he talked about his experiences over the years, how he traveled and fought in the Western Regions.

"The three strong men, can you elaborate on the matter of the Northern Huns?" Xun Yu asked seeing that the others were almost finished.

The three said: "Okay! I will tell you about the Northern Huns in detail."

Then the three of them each said a paragraph, telling the recent situation in the Western Regions.

"The northern Xiongnu were not very strong at first, but they were driven out of the Western Regions by my big man. They have been active in the west of Wusun, Kangju, and Dawan Kingdom.

But starting this year, he finally made a decision to return eastward, and his clan's soldiers and horses suddenly grew stronger, and their weapons and armaments were extremely powerful.

After returning to the east, Wusun, Kangju, Dawan Kingdom and other countries were all worshiped by him and surrendered. The soldiers of the Northern Huns expanded from 20 to 50 million.

In just three short months, it swept across the countries of the Western Regions, and the number of soldiers and horses expanded by more than 50, and it is still growing.

Keep going from west to east.

When the three of us left the Western Regions, they used the scriptures to reach the former Cheshi country. I believe they will reach Dunhuang, Liangzhou in less than a month, and they will also reach Yanran Mountain.

If it swallows the Hexi Corridor in Liangzhou and dominates the grassland, it will become the confidant and enemy of the Han Dynasty, and the national war between the chest and the Han Dynasty will repeat the mistakes of history.

So the three of us didn't dare to delay, and rushed back to the states and counties of Dahan day and night. "

The Northern Huns still have more than 20 troops, and their strength has not yet declined.

Everyone knows the strength of the Huns.

How can it be such an easy family to become the mortal enemy of a big man.

And all the way eastward, defeating and conquering countries, the miscellaneous soldiers expanded by as much as 30.

If it is all invested in the eastward movement, it will be a thunderous battle.

It's just that everyone has some doubts.

Chen Qun said: "Three strong men, although Mr. Chen is not good at military affairs, how could this Xiongnu sweep all the countries in the Western Regions in just a few months, and how strong are their weapons?"

If everyone didn't remember, just now Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, Ji Chen and others said that the Xiongnu's weapons are powerful.

This thing was originally the specialty of their big men, and they still knew the skills and family background of the Huns.

At that time, the big Han dragged the Xiongnu to death with two things. One was the population. The population base was hit, and a war of attrition could last for hundreds of years.

The second is ordnance, the Han crossbow is strong, and the Huns are so forced that they can only admit defeat.

Compared with ordnance, who is the big man afraid of?

Especially now because of the appearance of Xu Ding, all the princes are upgrading their weapons.

Everyone's weapons have been improved again.

The power is stronger.

So everyone has this kind of confidence.

Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen looked at each other.

Shen Sheng said: "I don't know why, but we saw the Three Treasures of the Horse in the Xiongnu Army!"

Three treasures of the horse?

Everyone was stunned.

what is this?
Mu Chen explained: "The Hun cavalry also have saddles, horseshoes, and stirrups. The saddles are not the old-fashioned saddles that I stole from my big man hundreds of years ago, but the latest hump saddles. Therefore, their cavalry combat effectiveness has soared to a large stage. , After returning east, sweep invincible."

Only then did everyone understand what the three treasures of the horse were.

Isn't it the gadgets invented by Xu Ding?

It is only in recent years that they have figured out the benefits of these things.

Only then can people be equipped to enhance the combat effectiveness of cavalry.

Unexpectedly, the Northern Huns far to the west of the Western Regions were also equipped with these good things.

For the Huns of the horse nation, these equipments are definitely a powerful addition to a tiger.

It's no wonder their strength hasn't increased much.

No wonder he dared to go back east to seek revenge from the big man.

"Of course, if these things are enough, it's not urgent enough. The key is that they have mastered the technology of heavy equipment such as continuous crossbows and catapults. By making these weapons by themselves, they can attack the countries in the Western Regions without any disadvantage. We have to surrender, otherwise we can’t all be captured in just one month.” Muchen continued to explain, pointing out the core technology mastered by the Northern Huns.

"What? They will also build trebuchets." Liu Ye suddenly stood up.

This kind of long-range strike weapon can only be mastered by Huaxia and only the big man.

He, Liu Ye, also made it through his discovery and study of ancient books.

Xu Ding was also made through Mohist mechanism techniques and countless experiments.

How did the grassland tribes like the Xiongnu who had no cultural background and inheritance learn these things.

It is undeniable that they did capture many craftsmen from the Central Plains back then, but those craftsmen could only be regarded as mediocre.

Craftsmen without family heritage, even if they are outstanding, cannot be passed on.

Others couldn't believe it either.

If the Northern Huns really mastered these core technologies, it would definitely be a huge limitation for the big Han.

In the past, the siege of the grassland tribes was a weakness. Because of the lack of large-scale ordnance and equipment, they often relied on people to pile them up.

And they just have a small population base, so they can't afford to consume the population.

Now there are 30 miscellaneous soldiers, plus a series of heavy equipment, returning from the east to attack the big Han.

The border town may be extremely dangerous, and the border county may not be able to defend it.

"That's right, they do have trebuchets, and they also have bed crossbows. The crossbows are also extremely sharp, and their power is no less powerful than those equipped by Wei Haihou's men." Ji Chen vowed:

"I am originally a disciple of the Mohist school. I have been exposed to this Tao since I was a child. Please don't underestimate the prime minister and all the adults."

Disciple of Mohism!

Cao Cao and the others sat up straight at once.

Although the big Han respects Confucianism now, they have truly experienced how powerful the Mohist mechanism and ordnance are in assisting the war.

So I couldn't help being awe-inspiring and respecting the Mohists.

Cao Cao looked at Liu Ye, and Liu Ye bowed to Ji Chen and said, "It turns out that Ji Zhuang is a disciple of the Mohist school. Ye has always been very interested in Mohism's mechanisms. I hope to have a chance to discuss with Ji Zhuang."

Ji Chen said: "Your Majesty Liu is too polite. The boy is incapable of studying and has not been taught the truth. He has been wandering around the world with the two brothers for a long time, and he has forgotten everything he has learned. How dare he discuss it with Master Liu on an equal footing."

"Um... Ji Zhuangshi is being modest, and Liu is just a little tricky. I'm afraid he's not as good as you in terms of this equipment." Liu Ye was a little embarrassed. Just now, he knew what Cao Cao wanted. Ji Chen was left behind and brought to the Ministry of Industry to help develop Cao Jun's ordnance.

With such a helper, Liu Ye can also save trouble.

But Ji Chen was not an idiot, so he naturally knew that Cao Cao wanted to win him over.

So I asked Liu Ye to test it out.

But with a clear heart, he naturally refused.

"Lord Liu, let's continue talking about the Northern Huns!" Seeing Liu Ye pestering Ji Chen, Shen Sheng made a sound to make a relief.

Cao Cao also laughed dryly and said, "It's better to listen to the explanations of the three strong men to the Northern Huns. Maybe we will have to fight against this great enemy this year. Everyone should be prepared and know what to do. Don't miss it."

Then the three continued to talk about the Western Regions and the Northern Huns, telling Cao Cao and others to be careful of the Northern Huns' return to the east.

We must be vigilant and take it seriously.

Xi San, the three were arranged to stay and rest.

After everyone left, Cao Cao and his confidants continued to discuss the sudden impact of the Northern Huns.

"I want to keep these three people, but you have a way." Cao Cao asked.

The three of them were able to fight all the way back from the Western Regions, and they have a deep understanding of the Western Regions. They have martial arts, strategies, and insight are talents. Cao Cao lacks such generals, so he wants to accept the three of them.

However, in the conversation at the banquet just now, Cao Cao also felt that the three of them were eager to return to Guandong.

So it's difficult.

Xun Yu said: "My lord, Zi Yang failed to win over Ji Chen. I think it might not be appropriate for us to force Ji Chen to stay. It will cause resentment instead. Why don't you speak to the emperor and ask the emperor to keep the three of you."

Anyway, they will go to court tomorrow, and they will take the three of them to see the little emperor, and they will discuss matters concerning the Northern Huns in the court hall.

It was easy for the little emperor to win over the three of them.

Didn't the little emperor try every means to strengthen himself?

This is an opportunity.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "Wen Ruo's words are very kind, and if he does it, let our emperor help us retain people."

"My lord, it is still necessary to send people to the west and north to investigate more about the matter of the Northern Huns." After discussing the issue of where the three of them would stay, Du Xi picked up the topic of the Northern Huns and suggested.

Cao Cao said: "This matter is natural, we can't just rely on the three people's one-sided words, we need to understand the Northern Huns more directly, and I will send someone there."

"My lord, if the Northern Huns really come, should we do something? Just passive defense is not a long-term solution." Zhao Yan asked.

Cao Cao looked at the crowd, and then asked Xun Yu: "Wen Ruo, tell me, what can we all do?"

When asked this question, Cao Cao looked confident.

Xun Yu said: "Actually, the lord is planning a big plan based on the scriptures. Although the northern Huns return to the east, although there is a crisis, it is a good opportunity for us. The emperor is in Chang'an, and we represent the imperial court.

The strongest enemy of my great man has returned, and I shall order the states and counties all over the world to unite against the enemy. Those who should send troops should send troops, those who should send food should send food, and those who should come to serve His Majesty should come and serve His Majesty.

This is an excellent opportunity for the central government to recover its reputation and righteousness, and if it is missed, there will be no more. "

Dong Zhuo threw the banner of the Central Court into the stinking ditch, and wanted to command the world again, establish orthodoxy, and take the emperor to order the princes, so he had to wash the banner and hang it up again.

It must be recognized by the states and counties of the world.

In this way, the Chang'an government represented by Cao Cao has prestige, and the orders issued can be supported by the people of the world.

The arrival of the Northern Huns just gave this opportunity, an opportunity to unite the princes, gather the prestige of the Han, and reunite the divided Han.

If this opportunity is missed, then Cao Cao will no longer have the capital to compete with Xu Ding for supremacy.

As a Han minister, Xun Yu also hopes that the Han Dynasty will return to unity, the central government will still be the central government, and the emperor will still come from the Liu family.

As for Cao Cao being a powerful minister, it was only for a while, and it will always return to dust.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, as long as the world is still a big man, the aristocratic family will still be that aristocratic family and will never change.

And Cao Cao saw this, so he went out of the city to welcome Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen.

Otherwise, why would the three of them enjoy such great courtesy.

"That's right, this is indeed an opportunity, I agree!" Chen Qun was the first to agree.

He is Xun Yu's son-in-law, whoever he is, if not his father-in-law.

Liu Ye is a member of the royal family. Although his heart is for Cao Cao and he has no cold for Liu Xie, he does not object to things that are beneficial to the Liu family. After respecting the order of the Son of Heaven, the other princes will not dare to slack off."

Du Xi and Zhao Yan also nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Since everyone has no problem, I will go to court tomorrow, and I will suggest to the emperor that if the Northern Huns really come, the princes of the world should put aside their grievances and send troops to fight against the enemy, so as not to let China sink." Cao Cao was ambitious, He likes to seize opportunities in crisis and reverse disadvantages.

The court meeting began the next day. Cao Cao led all the civil and military officials, and then met with the emperor to discuss state affairs.

Liu Xie walked up to the dragon chair listlessly, and after sitting upright, the eunuch sang loudly: "If you have the book, come, if you don't have the book, you will retreat!"

"Your Majesty, I have this report. I have three strong men who came back from the Western Regions and brought back shocking news. I will meet you on a pilgrimage." A servant stood up and bowed respectfully to Liu Xie, and then brought up the topic.

Liu Xie suddenly became interested in the Western Regions, a place so far away.

Shocking news, I don't know what Cao Cao is up to, so Liu Xie said: "Then let them enter the palace to show me, and I will hear what news they have and send them back."


"It is said that the three heroes Shen Sheng, Mu Chen and Ji Chen have returned from the Western Regions."

(End of this chapter)

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