Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 800 The Northern Huns Step into Monan

Chapter 800 The Northern Huns Step into Monan ([-] in [-])

"Bastard! A group of traitors!"

In the back hall of the palace, Liu Xie roared several times, and split the coffee table with a sword.

It turned out that after the matter of the Northern Huns was mentioned in the early court, some officials hinted that they hoped that the emperor would keep the three of them to contribute to the country and offer suggestions to deal with the Northern Huns.

Liu Xie also felt that these three people had nothing to do with Cao Cao, and China and Israel tried to win them over to stay in the court party for their own use.

As a result, the three of them decisively rejected the request to be an official.

He also vowed that he would go to other states and counties to remind the people of the world that he missed his family and had no intention of being an official after being out of customs for five years.

In front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, they blatantly rejected him as the emperor.

What a contempt and neglect of him.

"Imperial power, hehe, it must be the trick of Cao thief." Liu Xie cursed inwardly.

Because he knew from the scriptures that Cao Cao went out of the city in a big way to pick up three people by the Weishui River yesterday, and even went to the prime minister's mansion to entertain them.

So Liu Xie subconsciously thought so.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, Ji Chen and others are just ordinary people. They are rangers in the Jianghu. They just know how to use swordsmanship and martial arts. They travel north and south, and they may not be there to be officials. Okay, Your Majesty doesn't need to be angry because of them." Dong Cheng came in to persuade.

Liu Xie accepted the sword and said: "What Aiqing said is reasonable, but it can be seen from the tone of the three of them that the people in the world have lost their awe of my big man, and they are not willing to become a member of the imperial court." pride."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. When the matter of the Northern Huns is over, the authority of the great Han will naturally return. What Cao Cao wants to do now is to enhance the prestige of the court. If the princes of the world really respond positively, there will be many people who will come to Chang'an by then. As long as Your Majesty wins over the Northern Huns after the Northern Huns are wiped out, leaving a few people to form an evenly matched situation with Cao Cao in Chang'an, you will have the opportunity to gradually take back everything that belongs to Your Majesty." Dong Cheng solemnly reminded:
"I hope that Your Majesty will put the overall situation first, be more patient, and don't let Cao Cao see anything."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."


Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen traveled all the way east and learned about Xu Ding's development.

Knowing that Xu Ding Yijing occupies the five states of the Han Dynasty, and there are three states behind, the land of eight states has a huge population, and the development of Yijing far surpasses other princes in all aspects, they all showed gratified smiles.

Entering Taizhou, Donglai's troops were soon there to pick them up and take them on a train to Donglai comfortably.

"Master Hou is amazing. This train is comfortable to sit on. You can sleep with peace of mind. There is no jolt at all."

The three were curious and pleasantly surprised on the train.

In just five years, such a big change has taken place in Dongnae.

Through the window, you can see the straight concrete avenue outside, and when you cross the bridge, there is a wide and straight bridge connecting the two banks.

There are ironclad warships emitting black smoke to transport goods and people.

Transportation has been revolutionized.

Most of the cities we pass are brand-new and towering, giving a brand-new atmosphere.

"It's better to go home!"

"I miss my wife and children!"

"Hahaha, dare you say you don't want to..."

The Three Kingdoms learned that they all regard the scriptures as their fathers, and after a few spring breezes with their wives in Jizhou, they all successfully sowed the seeds, and they were all proud.

Turns out we had a baby.

When they got off the train in Donglai, they didn't arrange for them to take the overpass, but took the ferry and drove directly to the west coast of Weiyuan Island.

The three of them were shocked by the river ferry again. How rough the waves were, the ferry was so fast and smooth, and the facilities on board were so perfect.

This is not a boat, it is clearly a house, a luxurious mansion that can move on water.

"Here, the three of you can disembark!"

"Thank you, everyone." The three felt the crew, sailors and service personnel on the ship, and then stepped onto the deck.

I saw Xu Ding who greeted them at the harbor.

The three quickly walked over the wooden ladder.

"Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen have met the general."

Xu Ding walked over and looked at the three of them carefully. They all changed, became more mature and darker.

Xu Ding reached out and squeezed their arms one by one, and then patted them lightly.

"That's right, the muscles are still so tight, which means that martial arts have not regressed." Xu Ding nodded slightly, then turned around and walked three steps before turning back to face the three of them:
"Welcome home!"

"Go home!" The three of them were full of emotions, their hearts were surging, they almost burst into tears, and they were a little choked up.

Xu Ding stood aside, then pointed to the three women with children who had been looking forward to not far away, and said, "I am not the only one who welcomes you back. Look, your wives and children are here. Let’s catch up on the old days, we will have a pleasant chat tomorrow.”

Only then did the three of them look in the direction of Xu Ding's finger.

Zhen Jiang, Zhen Tuo, Zhen Dao, who were mothers of Jing, and their four-year-old boys and girls were standing there.

Zhen Jiang, Zhen Tuo, and Zhen Dao looked at their husbands who almost didn't recognize each other, and the three children secretly glanced at Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen curiously and evasively.

"Mother, which one is our father?"

Daddy's two determinations melted all the defenses in Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen's hearts in an instant.

Each went to his wife.

Zhen Jiang, Zhen Tuo, and Zhen Dao were naturally full of expectations and excitement.

When they got close, they embraced each other and expressed their love silently.

This is the case with the reserved big man.

"It's really a touching admiration. The three sisters thought they would never see them again. It would be good if they came back. In the future, the three sisters don't have to cry to wash their faces."

At some point, Xu Ding also had two young women beside him.

The two sisters Zhen Rong and Zhen Mi stood beside Xu Ding, and then reached out to hold Xu Ding's hand and wrapped it around his arm.

The two girls have reached the season of growing their bodies and beginning to fall in love.

Innocent and romantic, blooming in season, they never lost the heroes around them.

They are very happy and thankful, so they don't want to let go.

Xu Ding pulled out his hand, touched the heads of the two girls, and then wrapped one hand around the other and said, "Naughty, didn't I tell you not to come here, I still can't help but watch this tear-jerking scene, let's go, I'll take you along the coastline, Blow the warm sea breeze."


The next day, after spending a whole day with his wife and children, Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen joined hands to find Xu Ding.

Xu Ding said: "I know the news you brought back, but I still want to hear from you personally about the situation in the Western Regions."

The three of them focused on what happened in these years.

In front of Xu Ding, they didn't have to hide anything, they said everything they should and shouldn't say.

It is more detailed than Cao Cao, Jia Xu and others.

"Thank you for your hard work. You are so prepared for the situation in the Western Regions. Don't rush to do things. You stay with your family. Then I will send someone to follow up and record everything you know about the Western Regions and the Northern Huns in detail." Xu Xu After hearing this, Ding nodded slightly, the three of them have been in the Western Regions for these years, it is really dangerous.

Shen Sheng said: "My lord, how should we deal with the Northern Huns? Cao Cao asked the emperor to issue an edict to the world. If the Northern Huns really go further east and eat the grassland, Cao Cao will use this to call on the world to attack the Huns in the north. At that time, it will be a righteous name." With the share in hand, I am afraid that this will hinder our unification of the world."

"It doesn't matter, if you come from the northern Huns, even if you have mastered our three treasures of horses, such as continuous crossbows and catapults, they are just rootless duckweeds, and they won't do much good. Don't worry, if Cao Cao really It can mobilize the princes of the world to conquer the Huns in the north, so I think it is an opportunity, a chance to solve the war of the Han Dynasty at once." Xu Ding said indifferently, with a deep look in his eyes, and a confident smile on his face. A trace of worry.

Shen Sheng, Mu Chen, and Ji Chen were somewhat puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

A chance for world domination.

Isn't this obviously beneficial to Cao Cao and the emperor?
If there is no Northern Huns, Xu Ding will be able to crusade against Liu Bei before the end of the year, settle Bingzhou, and then go south to wipe out Lu Bu, Liu Biao, and Sun Jian. The world can be settled, and Cao Cao can't last long.

All the way back, they knew that there are many forces in the west, and Cao Cao has not yet been able to dominate Liangzhou. His strength can only be regarded as medium, and it is far from the time to challenge Xu Ding.

It can be said that the situation is very good and tends to Xu Ding.

The arrival of the Northern Huns will inevitably affect and block the unification process in Donglai.

The three of them don't know the real situation in Donglai now, and naturally they don't know how far Xu Ding's strength has reached.

Yijing can be confident and despise the princes of the world.


Western Regions!

Yanqi City of Yanqi State.

At this time, it became the temporary royal court of the Northern Huns, and ruled the cities of the Western Regions with this as the center.

However, the Xiongnu are nomadic people, and they still don't like to stay in Fangcheng, where they rule and live mainly in the city.

Juqulielie, King of the Northern Huns, asked, "Where did the left side go?"

"Reply to Shanyu, the left side is attacking Hujie Kingdom after taking the rear Cheshi, and we will take Hujie Kingdom within ten days." Someone replied.

Juqulielie, King of the Northern Huns, asked again, "Where did the right side go?"

"Return to Shan Yu to attack the mountain country on the left, and is advancing southward." The person who replied just now replied again.

Juqu Lielie brought a few chachas on the map, and then said to his subordinates: "So, in half a month, we can advance to the grassland and take back the hometown that belongs to my Great Huns. Everyone, get ready, who dares to slack off! "

"It's the great Chanyu, whoever stops me, the Great Huns, from taking back my hometown, kill him!" A group of high-ranking officials of the Northern Huns swore with murderous intent in their eyes.

Finally, I still have to call back, and I have been waiting for this day for hundreds of years.

After King Huyan, the Northern Xiongnu did not meet the Ming Lord, and they failed to revive and rise. Let alone the great Han, even in the Western Regions, they were chased and beaten by other tribes.

How embarrassing.

Today they finally regained their former glory, but they want to create even greater glory.

By defeating the Xianbei who came from behind to steal their grassland, they can return to their former supremacy, and then compete with the Han Dynasty in the south for the status of Eastern supremacy.

Big man, wash your neck and wait.

Beautiful, white, fragrant and tender big men and girls, just wait for me to ravage you.

"Okay then, advance to the grassland in half a month. Before departure, you must kill and capture all the remaining Han people in the countries of the Western Regions, and then we will sacrifice to the heavens for our army..." Juqu Lielie, the king of the Northern Huns, ordered calmly .

All the high-ranking members of the Northern Huns showed their ruthless expressions, and a hint of ferocity emerged.

Han people, all go to death, the Western Regions belong to his great Huns.

After half a month!

Pulei country!
"Today, I, the Huns, returned to the grassland and took back our own hometown. The warriors drew their swords and took back everything that belongs to us!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

The hundreds of thousands of Huns raised their weapons and cheered loudly.

Then the northern Huns sacrificed and shouted: "Bring the Han people and sacrifice the flag!"

Soon a large group of Han Chinese who had lived in the Western Regions for decades or even generations were taken up by Hun soldiers.


The Xiongnu soldiers howled, excited and high-pitched, loud and bloodthirsty.

"God damn Hun thief, come on, come and kill your grandfather, kill me for a day today, and kill your whole family!"

"Anyone who offends me will be punished even if he is far away. Huns and barbarians, your doomsday is coming soon."

"All that the sun and moon shine on is my Han land, and where the mountains and rivers go are my frontiers. My big Han cavalry will come back, will come back..."

The high priest of the Huns: "Kill! Kill them all, these Han dogs, kill all these Han dogs, don't let them talk..."

The Xiongnu soldiers raised their bows and arrows one after another, and shot them hastily.

"Hahaha, son of a bitch of the Huns, you are afraid, you are afraid, you are afraid that I am a big man to the bone, I can't change it... Poof, you can't change it..."

Countless people from the Han family finally cursed the last sentence before they died, and stared at the Xiongnu soldiers with full of anger.

Those who had the conditions still insisted on facing east, jumping to look at the direction of the capital of Luoyang.

In the distant hometown, my beloved big man cavalry will come back, my big man rides against Wuhu, apart from my big man, what country dares to rule the roost...

"Let's go!" Juqu, the king of the Northern Huns, drew his sword and pointed to the east, and the soldiers of the Xiongnu blew their horns, and there was a long hum.

The Xiongnu army marched into Monan, a mighty 50 people rushed past like locusts...


Western world, northern Armenia.

Xu Ding hung up the plug-in twelve, and used the trumpet clone Qin Hao, that is, Alexander Qin.

The sudden appearance of the Northern Huns and their return to the east made him very puzzled.

This has never happened in history.

There must be a reason for this.

Spread out the map and mark the location of the Northern Huns.

All mysteries are solved.

The position of the Northern Huns is exactly where the east and the west connect.

In later generations, it will be the part of the five Central Asian countries, so the strategy of the Northern Huns is interesting.

They can go back east or go west.

So it has been swinging here for more than a century, and has been spinning.

Until this year suddenly eastward.

The strangeness of this must have something to do with my being in the Western world.

So he immediately boarded the trumpet.

After coming here, he discovered that the Western world has undergone tremendous changes.

His territory has expanded more than ten times since then.

Occupy the north and east of the Black Sea.

The Kingdom of Bosporus, a vassal state of the Roman Empire, was annexed.

Another half of the provinces were eaten, and the Armenian province also won one-third, establishing a stable and expanding regime in the Caucasus inside and outside.

And the Roman Empire was unable to entangle with Xu Ding's rebel army because of the new regime that emerged in the northwest, so it did not attack Xu Ding here.

On the other side of Anxi, it is also on the defensive.

Make every effort to wipe out the insurgents such as Villatoli and Mundu that directly threaten the provinces directly under Rome.

And the currency comparison also followed the promised arrangement, and tried its best to win over the northern barbarians and nomadic tribes such as the Colchis, Sarmat, Alan, and Miaot.

Because the policies given by the rebel army were loose and they paid enough attention.

Coupled with the strength shown by the insurgents.

All ministries in the north and northeast are willing to establish contact with the rebel army, form a mutually beneficial alliance, and even join in for self-protection and development.

Comparing goods is also not rejecting those who come, and actively establish contact with various ministries, build roads and expand the territory.

All of a sudden, the power developed to the east of the Caspian Sea.

"Even so, we shouldn't have extended our tentacles to the Dead Sea so quickly."

In just half a year, so many barbarians fell to the rebel army, which still made Xu Ding feel a little inconceivable.

The barbarians in the West are more ignorant and less civilized than those in the East.

(End of this chapter)

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