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Chapter 801 The Great General Orders to Conquer the Huns

Chapter 801 The Great General Orders to Conquer the Huns (Two in One)

"Commander, in fact, not only do you find it unbelievable, but we also find it unreal. These barbarians are so powerful and have such a large territory, but they all turned against us at once." A shopkeeper explained:
"Later when we marched toward the Dead Sea, we realized that there was a powerful nomadic tribe in the east. They were extremely ferocious. They were numerous, brave and good at fighting, and extremely fierce. All tribes were no match for them, and they had been plundered by them in previous years.

So after seeing the strength of our rebel army, these barbarians decisively turned to us.

And our troops fought it a few times near the Dead Sea.

It is also more victory than defeat.

If it weren't for the equipment you got, Commander, I'm afraid we would have been beaten back to the vicinity of the Caspian Sea, and we wouldn't be able to persist until now. "

"So that's it. Are you encountering nomadic cavalry with wolf totems, and their weapons are stronger than those in the west?" Xu Ding finally understood completely.

"Commander, how do you know, that's right, the flag totems of these enemies are wolves, they are as fierce as wolves, they are very brave in riding and fighting, and they are too mobile." The man replied in surprise.

"So you lost a few times, some equipment fell into their hands, and then you lost even more times. Let's explain clearly. Have you retreated to the Caspian Sea now?" Xu Ding asked.

The subordinate who shopped around faltered a bit: "We still haven't been able to hide from the commander. Not only did we retreat to the Caspian Sea, but the equipment and craftsmen were also captured by the enemy, so the general asked me to ask the commander for instructions. Send the main force to the east."

it is as expected.

No wonder the Northern Huns had equipment and craftsmen, which were leaked by the rebels.

Xu Ding shook his head slightly and said: "No need, the enemies you encountered have gone eastward with their equipment and technology to fight against the Eastern Dynasty's big men. They will not conflict with us for the time being, and there is no need to expand eastward. We don't have so many troops and financial and material resources to develop eastward."

Xu Ding added in his heart, if you are fighting east, you must not drive all the enemies to the Western Regions. Isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?
The purpose of opening a trumpet is to harm the West, and it turned out to be such an oolong.

Of course it must be stopped.

Moreover, the development of shopping is too fast, and the northern barbarians are all under his name, and their strength suddenly swells, which is not a good thing.

Even if there is no difference in shopping around, his subordinates will not be honest and content.

So the next step is to let Meng Yu develop and prepare to seize the entire Armenia.

It's been almost a year, and Ajman's elder brother, the Caliph, should have almost developed in the rest of the country.

After dispatching the men who were shopping around, Meng Yu and Soros soon came over.

"Commander, you told us to come over. Is there an important battle about to start?" Soros licked his lips and said.

Xu Ding said: "That's right, the north has basically been controlled by us, and our rebel army has a rear area. Next, we will develop to the south. I want to eat Armenia and the capital province within this year."

"That's great, my lord, Meng Yu is willing to attack Armenia as the vanguard." Meng Yu stood up and begged for his life.

In the past six months, it has been developing by shopping around, and Soros's subordinates are also developing in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. The army has grown very fast, and they have made countless contributions.

There is no limit to the limelight.

As Xu Ding's direct subordinate, he can only guard the Armenian side and watch the Roman army, which is really boring.

The generals are all complaining.

"Don't worry, this time going south, you are the main force, and the Soros department is responsible for blocking the south bank to support you." Xu Ding patted Meng Yu's shoulder and told him to sit back.

This is a three-person meeting, there is no need to be so serious.

Soros said: "Commander, what you mean is to attack Pontus first, cut off the west retreat of the Armenian Army, and scare them, and then the main army will move south."

Xu Ding nodded slightly: "That's right, not only will we fight Armenia this time, I will also pull out an ally from Parthia to fight with us from north to south, and we will take Armenia together."

"Great, it will be much more convenient to have Anxi's support. Rome will definitely be our opponent." Meng Yu became more confident.

"Of course, we still need some time to prepare. Both the army and the supplies must be sufficient. We can't have any luck with the Roman Empire, because we must prepare for a long-term war of attrition." Xu Ding thought for a while, and then said:

"In this way, in order to paralyze the Roman Empire, let's send a team of envoys to the city of Rome to see what Severus and the Roman Senate mean, and to touch the bottom line of the Romans."

"This is a good idea. If we can get half of the province from the Romans without bloodshed, we can stop fighting for the time being, so as not to consume all our potential." Soros suggested.

Today, the Bible has swallowed up a lot of territory in Rome.

His navy is also expanding rapidly, but its combat effectiveness has not yet fully caught up. If it confronts the elite navy of the Romans, it will suffer great losses, which is not conducive to the development of the rebel navy.

After all, the rebel army was first established, and its foundation and heritage are still lacking.

If it weren't for the set guidelines, they would not be able to develop so fast now.

Rapid expansion will bring hidden dangers.

If the rebel army wants to survive forever, it needs to clean up these big and small problems.

"Let's take a look first, we will be making new adjustments and deployments." Xu Ding did not veto Soros's proposal.

To be honest, he didn't want to fight here yet.

It's just because the troops who shop around have developed too fast, and the northern barbarians have merged too smoothly, and it takes a big battle to digest these negative things.

The Northern Huns returned to the east, and now his energy is still to eliminate the Northern Huns and unify the great Han.

The west side is just a second hand, used to make trouble.

Not his main battlefield.

After arranging these affairs, he stayed here for another ten days, and there was no major problem, so he got off the trumpet and returned to the big man.

As soon as he came back, Guo Jia hurried over to report: "My lord, the Northern Huns are here. The news from the north is that the Northern Huns raised an army of 50 troops, and with the momentum of thunder, they solved the western Xianbei. The western Xianbei army was more than 20. Four dead. Ten thousand, loose fifty thousand, and the rest belong to the Northern Huns."

"It's finally here, and it's quite good at playing games. 50 vs. 20, surrendering 20, has strengthened its power." Xu Ding said: "The Northern Huns should not stop there. Response, but their army moves slowly, it will take at least half a month to reach Bingzhou, and [-] days to reach Youzhou."

Guo Jiadao: "I guess the Southern Huns and the remnants of the Xianbei in the middle should be attached to the past. After all, they were too badly repaired by our Han army last year. They are powerless to escape this catastrophe, and the Northern Huns also need them to lead the way."

The Northern Huns have been away from the East for too long, so they have no idea about the situation here.

It is necessary for the southern Xiongnu and the central Xianbei army to lead the way and introduce the situation of the great Han.

Last year, the Southern Huns were brutally killed by Dong Zhuo's soldiers and horses. They lost more than half of their losses.

The Xianbei in the central area was promised to a stud, and almost all of them were wiped out. Coupled with the continuous suppression of the rebel army this year, they almost disappeared in the central area.

Naturally, the combination of new worries and old hatreds will also turn against the Northern Huns and then retaliate.

"Leading the way, it's okay, we won't have to go to them at that time, and solve the grassland problem at once, which will save us trouble." Xu Ding couldn't help sneering, the Southern Huns and Central Xianbei were no longer on his list. Weak opponents have already been ruled out.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ding asked, "By the way, what's going on in Chang'an, and what's Cao Cao's reaction?"

"As expected, Cao Cao played the slogan of going north to resist the Northern Huns and calling on the great Han to stop the civil war. Please issue an order to request all states and counties to send troops to deal with the Northern Huns and protect our great Han mountains and rivers." Guo Jia replied truthfully.

Xu Ding asked again: "Then who responded to him?"

Guo Jia replied: "Ma Chao, Jia Xu, and Lu Bu from Liangzhou, the others have not responded for the time being."

"Hmm! Where's Liu Bei, is this guy still?" Xu Ding was a little curious.

Guo Jia said: "It doesn't mean that there is no movement. This guy is shouting to respond, but the soldiers and horses are still stationed in Shangdang to keep up with Ai Weidong. They have been guarding against us, afraid that we will seize his Bingzhou."

"Small, I can beat him anytime I want." Xu Ding said contemptuously, and then said:
"Publish the newspaper and use the general's seal to tell everyone that from now on, lead troops northward to fight against the Northern Huns. Whoever does not go will be the enemy I promised. Whoever goes, I will let him go north, and provide supplies along the way to ensure that he all logistics."

This domineering!

This pride!

Guo Jia laughed and said, "My lord, you want to steal Cao Mengde's limelight. I'm afraid he will regret this decision."

Originally Cao Cao wanted to show off, but Xu Ding was Tianxiu.

After this wave of operations, Chang'an's influence will definitely be overshadowed.

Xu Ding said: "This time it's not just a matter of influence, I want to use this as a window to gather the princes of the world and let everyone see the might of our army. I hope that after this battle, the big men can really fight less or even stay away." There's a war."

Later generations have various exercises to show military strength and show off their muscles to deter enemy countries.

The appearance of the Northern Huns this time just gave Xu Ding a chance.

The strength of the Donglai Army has to be fought and displayed, so that the princes of the world will know the difference.

That's why Xu Ding dared to make such a bold promise.

If the princes of the world don't go, then what is the significance of this duel with the Northern Huns.

Numbers are numbers after all. Only by feeling the battlefield intuitively can it be real and shocking enough.

"My lord, you want to bring the new army up as well." Guo Jia asked with some doubts after understanding what Xu Ding meant.

The new army and new equipment is Donglai's trump card.

Once it is sacrificed, it will be earth-shattering.

People all over the world will be terrified and frightened.

"Of course, the establishment of the new army is for fighting. It is better to fight a special battle and use it on the enemy than on our own people." Xu Ding smiled slightly, and did not deny the idea in his heart.

The new army on Longteng Continent has already been on the battlefield.

The power of firearms speaks for itself.

The big man can also use it here, and it can only be tested after actual combat.

The Northern Huns are undoubtedly the best test object.

"Okay my lord, Jia understands. I'll make arrangements now. Within three days, the newspaper must be delivered to all states and counties." Guo Jia took the order and retreated, went to the newspaper office, gave new instructions, and mobilized A meeting of people from all over the world.

The newspaper was printed on the same day, and then sent to the states and counties of Dahan from various channels.

Soon there were newsboys shouting from all over Dahan.

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, the latest news, General Weihou supports the court's will to beat the northern Huns, and is willing to send 12 troops to the north to meet the enemy;
And issued a general order, on the occasion of this national crisis, the Western Regions were lost, and the northern Huns returned to the grasslands, intending to invade our Han people in the south, plunder our land, kill our people, and destroy our homeland.

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. The army envoys of the states and counties must send troops to the north. If they do not obey the order, they will be my internal thieves. After the Xiongnu is destroyed, I will attack them.

If you order, I will clear the barriers to the north for you, provide drinks, food and weapons, and provide all logistics for them during the war, General Xu Dingyin! "

"Kid! Come here, kid, give me one!"

"The Great General called on the world to stop fighting. When it came to the outside world, they also borrowed roads to provide food and free pensions. Well, the Great General is still our Great General. The Great General is mighty..."

The states and counties of the Han Dynasty were all rejoicing when they received the general order published by Xu Ding's Donglai Daily.

On that day, some people raised their own military expenses, built their own private army, and set off to leave their hometown under the banner of going north to attack the Huns.

Xu Ding's ruthless move made Sun Jian and Liu Biao in the south very passive.

Anyone who doesn't go is Xu Ding's enemy, and whoever is done will be beaten.

Enough arrogant, also enough domineering.

Sun Jian had no choice but to call back the generals and advisers.

"Read all of Bokang's newspapers, and share your views." Sun Jian glanced over and asked everyone.

All Wu's who didn't write a paper were silent.

Expedition to the north is a major national event, not one family, one surname, one state, one place.

"Since everyone doesn't want to talk about it, let me start." Pang Tong stood up and said:
"Why is the Xiongnu home when the Xiongnu is not destroyed? The ambition of my big man is also the guideline for our words and deeds in educating our younger generations. I, Pang Tong, express my support and must go north. Otherwise, my name in Yangzhou will not be right, and I will be criticized by others."

Seeing this, Zhou Yu also stood up and said: "I agree, we in Yangzhou can send troops, but how much? Who will lead the troops is open to discussion."

"It goes without saying, of course I will lead the team!" Sun Ce volunteered to stand up.

As Sun Jian's eldest son, he is naturally duty-bound.

And this is fighting the Huns, which is what he has always wanted to do.

In this battle, people from other states and counties sent troops together, and they could make friends, so it would be strange if they didn't go.

Seeing that Sun Ce agreed, other people naturally expressed their support. Some said to send two thousand, some said three thousand, and some said five thousand.

"Bo Fu, are you really going?" Sun Jian asked with some reluctance, but he was quite relieved in his heart.

Sun Ce's behavior is like his son, it is him and Zhong.

If you want to attack the Huns, if you can, he will also go.

But he is the lord of Yangzhou and cannot leave, otherwise Yangzhou will be in chaos.

Sun Ce said: "Father, I want to go, and I must go. Father can't travel far, and brother Quan is young. It is only suitable for me to go. Moreover, this battle is not only for destroying the Northern Huns who have returned from the east, but also for us. Yangzhou, rectifying the name of my Sun family is an opportunity for us to show our fighting spirit and strength to the world."

"Okay! I'm very pleased to be able to understand something for my father. You and Gong Jin will bring [-] soldiers and horses to this battle, and you can't fall into the prestige of my Sun family." Sun Jian walked over, patted Sun Ce's shoulder heavily and said:
"Father, at your age, he also fought with the imperial army to serve the country. Now go pay attention to safety and follow Bokang. Don't be reckless. Don't be unconvinced. Where is your uncle Bokang's strength? When fighting for the country, we should not be impulsive, and we should focus on the overall situation."

Sun Ce bowed on one knee and said, "It's my father. Ce'er will live up to his expectations. This battle is for the country, and we will make Yangzhou famous."

"Okay! I believe in you as a father, and I believe that you can shine." Sun Jian nodded gratifiedly, full of bad expectations.

the next day!The [-] soldiers and horses of the Yangzhou Legion were sent out of the city by countless eyes and salutes. The hunting flag was raised high like a flying dragon piercing the clouds, and the team moved slowly.

"Send Jiangdong's children, wish them a triumphant return, and toast!"

Wow!Countless drinks were only half a sip, and then spilled on the official road.

(End of this chapter)

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