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Chapter 802 Zhuge Liang Plays Wei Yan

Chapter 802 Zhuge Liang Plays Wei Yan (Two in One)


Liu Biao, who is a member of the imperial family, pretended to be deaf and dumb, so he was vague.

Even if someone was talking to someone about sending troops, he had the right to pretend that he didn't see or hear it.

But after reading Donglai's newspaper today, and seeing Xu Ding's heart-wrenching words, cold sweat broke out in the back of his head.

He sighed heavily, and then said to the servant: "Go and gather all the civil and military officials in Jingzhou, I have something to say."

Soon all the important people in Jingzhou arrived.

Liu Biao began to sit up straight, then pointed to the newspaper on the table beside him and said, "I believe you have all read this!"

Everyone nodded, waiting for Biao Liu Biao to continue.

Liu Biao said: "Even without the promised newspaper, I in Jingzhou would send troops on my own, but only with its guarantee can we have the guarantee that we can go to the northern border smoothly.

So I can send troops to Jingzhou. "

Everyone discussed and whispered.

Liu Biao's attitude changed too much.

But this is not important anymore.

Kuai Yue stood up and asked: "My lord, how many troops should we send, who will be the commander, and how many generals will we have?"

Liu Biao said: "Let's send five thousand troops. I don't have many troops in Jingzhou, so I can send 5000 troops. Let Wen Pin be the commander, and Wei Yan, Su Fei and others will accompany him."

There was no objection from the crowd, they all came out and said: "My lord is wise!"

Soon Wenpin, Wei Yan, Su Fei and others mobilized their soldiers and horses to leave Xiangyang City and head north.

But soon their forwards stopped, and someone on the official road stopped the marching team.

"What's going on, who told you to stop." Wei Yan frowned and urged to check immediately.

The officer in front replied: "General, there is a young man in white blocking our army's way."

"Young man, what kind of young man is so courageous to block my Jingzhou expedition team? Could it be that his neck is stiff." Wei Yan rode his horse forward and took a look at the front.

It's not that there is a young man in white standing on the official road, waving a white fan in his hand, his eyes are slightly squinted, and he looks like an expert.

But looking carefully, it turns out that this young man is only fifteen or sixteen years old, he looks fair and clean, and he is also quite self-cultivating, with the air of a Confucian scholar.

Wei Yan shouted in a rough voice: "Boy, who are you? You rushed into the expedition team and delayed our army's northward crusade against the Xiongnu. Do you know that you are going to kill the Huns? Leave quickly."

"Zhuge Liang in Langya, I heard that the soldiers of Jingzhou were going to fight, so I came here... I came here..." Zhuge Liang deliberately prolonged the syllable here.

Wei Yan was really fooled, and asked anxiously: "What are you doing here? Could it be that you came to see him off, but you don't even have any rewards in your hand, hurry up, little baby, go home and study."

"Hahaha! General, if I go back, your head will be lost. You really want me to go back." Zhuge Liang laughed suddenly, then turned away from Wei Yan, and turned to the side of the road.

Wei Yan was so angry that he screamed, touched the sword at his waist, and wanted to chop Zhuge Liang with the sword.

But in the end Wei Yan endured it, and just snorted coldly: "Little baby, don't put on a show here, get out of the way quickly, or don't blame our army for being rude."

"General, you really want to let me go. Are you sure you can keep your head off your shoulders?" Zhuge Liang asked again, then turned and walked to the side of the road, shaking his head as he walked, "Ignorance! Ignorance! Ignorance is imminent , Hey, it's a pity that I have lost a few capable fighters like this."

"Wait, baby, what did you just say? Who is in trouble?" Wei Yan suddenly became interested, and was hooked by Zhuge Liang's words.

He is short-tempered and can't hide things from talking, so he asked too much.

The corner of Zhuge Liang's mouth raised slightly, and he walked back to his original position in the middle of the road, facing the five thousand army in Jingzhou, then closed his white fan, and pointed lightly: "All of you are in great trouble, and you will all die."

"Bullshit, Zhuge Xiaowa, how dare you curse my army, you should be killed!" Wei Yan's eyes bulged out of anger, he drew his sword and urged the horse to charge over.

The soldiers of the Jingzhou Army were also talking about it. It would be abhorrent if Zhuge Liang didn't see him off or bless them. He even cursed them.

"Wait a minute, Wen Chang's sword will keep people behind!"

Seeing that Wei Yan's sword was about to hit Prince Liang, Wenpin's voice came from the army.

Wei Yan leaned his horse sideways, tilted his sword, and slashed across the sky over Zhuge Liang's right shoulder, a strand of untied hair fell gently with the wind.

Wei Yanlema turned his head and looked at the unmoving Zhuge Liang, showing a hint of appreciation.

This little scholar didn't even blink his eyes on his sword, which is rare.

Wen Pin urged his horse to go out, stopped twenty paces ahead of Zhuge Liang, and asked, "Who are you, Zhuge Xuan?"

Zhuge Liang clasped his fists and said, "This is Uncle Liang!"

Wen Pin nodded slightly: "So that's the case. No wonder you have the guts. After a famous family, why did you utter such wild words? Give me an explanation, otherwise Mr. Zhuge will not be able to keep you."

"Liang is not cursing everyone, but discussing the facts." Prince Liang suddenly asked solemnly: "Dare to ask General Wen, you went north with a mere [-] troops, and you are somewhat sure to survive when you reach the northern border. Can you fight against the occupation?" How effective is it? Why did Liu Shijun not send civilian advisers to accompany him, but only sent three generals to lead the army."

After Zhuge Liang asked, Wen Pin frowned, and even Wei Yan behind Zhuge Liang looked gloomy.

Liu Biao is indeed a bit petty.

Only five thousand soldiers and horses were sent to the expedition. First, there was no need to pay money and food, and second, there was no need to consider pensions.

5000 people are indeed small to the 50 army of the Northern Huns.

During the decisive battle, it may be the starting point of the waves, and they will be killed all at once.

Wenpin asked for a long time, "What do you want to say?"

Zhuge Liang bowed respectfully and said: "General Wen, General Wei, and General Su are all our generals in Jingzhou, brave and good at fighting, but you lack a counselor, a counselor who can plan for the survival of the army.

And there is also a lack of a friend who can bring tens of thousands of troops to the three generals. "

"Hmm! It's interesting. You wouldn't say that this person is you, Zhuge Liang." Wenpin suddenly laughed.

Even Wei Yan was taken aback, looking at Zhuge Liang with a strange expression.

It turned out that this kid wanted to go out with the army for doing so many tricks.

Fuck, these literati have strange brains.

"No, it's right!" Zhuge Liang replied confidently.

Do you recommend yourself?It is natural to be imposing, hold your head high, and be confident.

Wenpin thought for a while, then turned around and urged his horse back to the formation. Seeing that Zhuge Liang hadn't moved in the middle of the journey, he stopped, turned his head and said: "If you can really change our army from 5000 to tens of thousands, let you do it. So what about the counselor, within three days, I'll give you three days!"

After Wenpin finished speaking, he turned around and urged his horse back to the Zhongjun.

Zhuge Liang smiled, beat the white fan with his right hand, stretched out two fingers with his left hand and said: "It doesn't take three days, just one and a half days!"

"Cut! Haven't you been two days!" Wei Yancui stepped forward and gestured with two fingers. He didn't understand Zhuge Liang, but he still sneered.

Tens of thousands of people are conjured up in a day and a half, you grew up bragging, right?

Zhuge Liang said: "I said it was a day and a half, so it is a day and a half, you... are different from me!"

Shaking his fingers, Zhuge Liang walked towards the central position of the Jingzhou army.

"It's not the same! Aren't they all two? Can yours be shortened?" Wei Yan was even more confused, and couldn't figure out what to do with the two fingers.

The army continues to march!
Wenpin gave Zhuge Liang a horse.

Then asked: "How do you plan to conjure up an army of tens of thousands?"

Zhuge Liang said: "It's simple, please send 100 people, each as a team, to take our Jingzhou battle flag to the counties and cities along the way, and say that we are willing to fight against the Xiongnu in the north and sacrifice our blood for the country. Or the team provides protection, as long as they are willing, come to join us and go north with us, so that everyone can take care of them.”

"That's it!" Wei Yan chuckled lightly, it was too simple.

It's too simple.

This can attract tens of thousands of troops, who will believe it?

Zhuge Liang said: "That's it!"

Wenpin thought for a while, then slapped his thigh and said, "Mr. Kong Ming has a good plan."

After praising, Wenpin recruited personal guards and asked them to fetch fifty military flags, and then confessed that each of them formed a team of five and headed to the county seat on Thursday.

Sure enough, teams of dozens or hundreds of people soon came back.

These teams are privately formed township regiments, ready to go north to find large troops.

Hearing about the Jingzhou army's own team, he followed.

In a day and a half, the army of Wenpin and others grew to nearly fifteen thousand.

This made Wei Yan and Su Fei drop their eyes, and looked more respectful when they looked at Zhuge Liang.

The little boy is pretty good, a simple trick, made their team grow three times.

And it is estimated that if this continues, at least 5000 people will be accepted.

More than 2 Jingzhou troops came out like this.

This is not a small force, and no one dares to underestimate them when they reach the north.

"Kong Ming, now that we have people, what will our army do next?" Wenpin asked.

Zhuge Liang said: "General, of course it is to integrate and teach the soldiers. Of course, this aspect is not in my control. It is the business of the three of you. By the way, send someone to Taizhou first, communicate with the general, and let them prepare early. There are more than [-] people's food, grass and weapons, so as not to have to line up to get them when they get it."

Promise free food and equipment, don't want it for nothing.

"Hahaha, okay, what Kong Ming said makes sense." The three of Wenpin laughed, Zhuge Liang is quite a thief.

There are so many teams going north, it is reasonable to make a reservation with Xu Ding early, so as not to shirk when you get it.


Yanzhou Chenliu County!
At Lu Bu's place, Lu Bu and the generals, who had already received the imperial edict, were so excited that they stayed up all night.

During the Northern Expedition to the Xiongnu, the generals can go back to their hometown to have a look.

After leaving Wuyuan County for so long, I finally had the chance to go back.

It's just that after the excitement, there are also worries that cannot be avoided.

From where to go north, I waited for others to leave, how can I feel at ease in the three counties of Yanzhou and the three counties of Yuzhou.

In particular, Runan County is constantly competing with Yuan Shu, and both are gearing up.

The signs of Yuan Shu's counterattack became more and more obvious.

"General, general, good news, good news." Chen Gong walked in hurriedly with a newspaper in his hand.

Lu Bu asked, "Gongtai, what's the good news?"

"General, Marquis Wei published the general's order in the newspaper, calling on the princes of the world to raise troops to go north. Look..." Zhen Chen Gong handed the newspaper to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was still literate, and when he took a look, his brows immediately relaxed.

He slapped the table and shouted: "Okay! He's so proud, he's a real man, and I, Lu Bu, respect him."

"General, now we don't have to worry about the Sun family and Yuan Shu making trouble behind us after we go north, and we save even logistics, so we can go north to fight the Huns with peace of mind." Chen Gong laughed.

Lu Bu also said: "That's right, if the Sun family dares to act recklessly, Xu Ding will beat him hard. Both the Sun family and Liu Biao have to send people to go north. This time, we can't even think about it. Anyone who dares to delay will be a big man's sinner."

Cao Cao's central court spoke, and the general Xu Ding also issued an order.

Whoever dares to disobey is a traitor to the party and is condemned by thousands of people.

"Then don't worry, the general. There is a palace guard here, and the general will not be disappointed. My wife and I are waiting for the general to return in triumph." Chen Gong promised.

Lu Bu came over, held Chen Gong's hand with both hands and said, "Gongtai, I will leave the house to you, I don't worry."

Chen Gong nodded, but Lu Bu let go and said again: "Gongtai, do you think I will come back after this battle? Is it better for us to stay on the border of Bingzhou?"

Speaking of these words, Lu Bu suddenly recalled Lu Liang's confession at the time of his death, and felt very uncomfortable.

But deep in my heart, there is a voice that yearns to return home.

Chen Gong stared at Lu Bu for a long time with half-closed eyes, and seeing that Lu Bu didn't look away, but only looked reminiscent, he asked, "General, what do you think of Weihou?"

"Promise him..." Lu Bu didn't answer casually, but after thinking for a while, he said, "I am not as good as him in martial arts, he is the best in the world in military strategy, and we are not as good as him in terms of territory. Speaking of prosperity and harmony, people living and working in peace and contentment, and governing the world, there is no opponent for him."

Chen Gong knew that Lu Bu had the answer in his heart, so he said: "General, these advantages of Weihou are actually nothing. Gong thinks his greatest strength and the most powerful is his vision. He has the vision to see the world from afar. strategy.

Therefore, the world in the future must belong to him. After the Northern Expedition defeats the Huns, the pattern of the world will change further, and we cannot stop the rolling tide. "

Lu Bu pondered for a while, and then said: "You mean to switch to him."

"No! It's following the trend. There are constant disputes in the world. Who can give the people a good life, a stable and happy life, with clothes to wear, food to eat, a house to live in, and school to go to? Then help who?" Chen Gong said the same thing. Very skillful, this time not very blunt.

Because this is the result of his deliberation.

Xu Ding's character and credit are there, and people cannot help but be convinced.

He really couldn't find a reason to resist.

What to use as a support, no, not a single one.

Be it a belief or a principle.

"Follow the trend!" Lu Bu murmured, thinking of the few days that Xu Ding and him killed the Huns in Bingzhou, in retrospect, he was very kind.

There are really very few people in the world that he can look up to.

"Forget it for now, let's talk about it after beating the Xiongnu, and then I'll see how Xu Ding handles the Huns and Liu Bei." Lu Bu basically had an idea, but he didn't want to talk about it now.

Because it is meaningless, the most important thing is to discuss with Xu Ding and make a promise in person.

(End of this chapter)

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