Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 803 Yizhou's Reaction

Chapter 803 Yizhou's Response (Two in One)

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu headed north from Yuzhou to Taizhou, so as to avoid misunderstanding with Lu Bu.

So they made a special detour to Yuan Shu's place.

"Father Ankang, Gong Jin and I are going north to fight the Xiongnu." Sun Ce and Zhou Yu saw Yuan Shu waiting for them under Ruyin City.

Yuan Shu said: "I won't invite you into the city, but I can see my father before you leave, my father is very pleased and very happy.

Now go fight hard, fight with prestige, pay more attention to safety, and... Don't worry, I will not touch Lu Bu's gangsters. The world will rise and fall, and my Yuan family is no worse than anyone else. I, Yuan Gonglu, want revenge, and I can afford it. "

Hearing what Yuan Shu said, both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that Yuan Shu would take advantage of Lu Bu to go north, and then counterattack and take back the three counties of Yuzhou.

If that's the case, it will definitely bring Xu Ding's revenge, even Yangzhou is no exception.

Now Yuansun is a family, and if they want to fight, they will fight together.

"Come on! After drinking this bowl of wine, the journey will be easy!" Yuan Shu personally filled the bowls for Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, and then handed them over.

One person took it and dried it in one gulp.

After wiping the corners of their mouths, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu knelt together and said, "The adoptive father won't send us off, so we'll go."

"Wait! You go north, I am Ruyin City, how can my Yuan family not send people to join me." Yuan Shu said to the son-in-law beside him:

"Huang Yi, take my Yuan family disciples to help Bo Fu and Gong Jin, and help him manage the logistics and their safety."

Huang Yi was very reluctant, but after Yuan Shu issued the order, he could only bite the bullet and say, "It's my father-in-law, my son-in-law must not fall into the prestige of Yuzhou."

Sun Ce wanted to refuse, but Zhou Yu touched him lightly, so he agreed.

The army didn't stay long, and then continued northward into Xuding's territory. There were people guiding them along the way, and they walked very fast.


At the same time, although the counties and counties of Jiaozhou are located in the south and the distance is far away, they also set off early and sent a team of 3000 people to go north.

Liu Zhang of Yizhou asked everyone: "Xu Ding and Cao Cao have issued orders. Do you think I should send troops in Yizhou? Should I send troops? How much should I send? If not, how should I respond?"

Immediately below, some said it should be published, and some said it should not be published. Anyway, there are disputes among them, and there is no unified attitude at all.

Liu Zhang had one head and two big ones, and then asked his confidant Fazheng, "Xu Zheng, what do you think?"

It turns out that Fazheng took the pseudonym Xu Zheng after mixing in Yizhou.

He is Xu Ding's kaishan disciple, so it is not against the rules to use Xu's surname.

Xu Zheng (Fazheng) attended and replied: "Master, I think we should go, but we shouldn't!"

Everyone was confused, what kind of answer is this.

Liu Zhang said, "What do you mean?"

Xu Zheng (Fazheng) said: "We should go, we should go, the master is a clan relative of the Han Dynasty, and the lord of Yizhou. .

We shouldn't go because we can't go, and Zhang Lu won't let us go. If we go east and leave Jingzhou by boat, there won't be many soldiers and horses, and the journey is far away. We went, and the war in the north is over. use. "

Everyone suddenly thought of a sentence in Xu Ding's newspaper - I was speechless.

This TM almost made me believe it.

Originally, Liu Zhang didn't want to send troops, but he didn't have enough troops to deal with Zhang Lu, so how could there be any troops going north.

Going is less embarrassing, and more distressing.

Xu Zhi couldn't help giving a thumbs up, but Xu Zhi understood me, so he coughed and said in a straight voice: "This statement is reasonable, but how to reply to Chang'an and Weiyuan Island?"

Liu Zhang looked at Fazheng, but Fazheng didn't speak, but cast a glance at Meng Da who entered Yizhou with him.

Meng Da attended and said: "My lord, this is a simple matter. I will write a book and go to Chang'an and Weiyuan Island. I will explain the situation and say that Zhang Lu will not give way, and we will not be able to send troops out of Sichuan. I hope they can understand. This shows our sincerity and is willing to contribute money." Do your best for the army going north to conquer."

This answer, Meng Da thought it was extremely perfect, so he lowered his head and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

The other Yizhou civil and military people around also discussed and expressed that it was feasible.

Liu Zhang also nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right, Zijing's words are really good."

However, as the protagonist, Liu Zhang also has his own set of cleverness, so he said again: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Everyone shook their heads, only Fazheng said: "My lord, in fact, we can do some other things to avoid being criticized. The Xiongnu are in the north, so we can't fight them, but the barbarians, everyone, go to fight the northern Huns, we will fight them." The same goes for the Southern Barbarians."

Beat the southern barbarians.

This is a novelty.

The brain circuit is also fresh.

Everyone was talking again.

Liu Zhang's eyes lit up.

Why didn't I think of beating the southern barbarians.

Yes, everyone is going to fight the Xiongnu, I can't fight, but to fight the southern barbarians, this can be regarded as fighting the barbarians together with the country, and I have also fulfilled my duty as a big Han courtier in Yizhou.

That way no one is slandering me.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhang made a final decision and said, "Okay, according to Zijing and Zixiao, write books to Chang'an and Weiyuan Island, and send a team to fight against the barbarians in the south. It's time to teach these unruly people a lesson. "

Biejia Zhang Song asked: "My lord, are you still contributing?"

Zhang Song knew that Liu Zhang was a stingy person, so he deliberately didn't mention the money just now, probably because he didn't want to spend money.

Sure enough, Liu Zhang said: "I don't know where I can get half of the money in Yizhou for capital contribution. It costs money and food to fight the southern barbarians. I don't know where to allocate this material. You can discuss it with good students."

This Tai Chi was played very smoothly, Zhang Song had no choice but to sit down.

Everyone knows Liu Zhang's small thoughts, so we are not discussing this matter.

Anyway, it solved the matter of sending aid to the expedition against the Huns.

One more thing is worse than one less thing. Let's discuss how to deal with the barbarians in southern Yizhou.

Because Liu Zhang took over Yizhou, the barbarians from the southern counties repeatedly attacked the cities of the Han family and began to rebel and refused to listen to orders.

Among them, Meng Huo and some other tribal leaders, such as King Jinhuan, King Mulu, and King Duosi, were the most active.

Not to mention Yizhou's plan to attack the southern barbarians, Chang'an City, after receiving Xu Ding, made it clear that it would send troops north to deal with the Xiongnu.

The whole Chang'an is boiling.

Cao Cao and others were also extremely happy.

Xu Ding recognized the position of the great general, also recognized the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and issued the order of the great general.

This is great news for them.

The imperial court established by myself is now the real central government, and no one can deny it.

"However, my lord, Weihou's general order is really a bit domineering, and its power has far overshadowed the court, which is not a good sign." After reading Xu Ding's general order in the newspaper, Xun Yu was not very happy. Instead, he looked sad.

The promised land, soldiers and prestige have long overshadowed the emperor and Cao Cao among the people and the court.

A piece of general order is better than an imperial decree.

This is probably because Liu Biao of Jingzhou and the Sun family of Yangzhou are going to send troops to the north.

Because of a general order, all the Kanto wars stopped.

It works better than the emperor.

How terrible this is.

If it goes further, I am afraid that the court in Chang'an can be overthrown.

That big guy is really dangerous.

In his eyes, Cao Cao is mostly a powerful minister, and the emperor and the big man still have a chance to come back.

As long as the emperor grows up and Cao Cao accepts that greed when he gets old, all problems will naturally be solved.

This is Xun Yu's true inner thoughts as a royalist.

So now he is worried about Donglai instead, afraid that Xu Ding will mess up.

"No way, Bokang has a strong foundation and can afford it. It is impossible for us to suppress him at this time and jump out to sing the opposite, otherwise the newly established central prestige will be indifferent." Cao Cao turned his eyes to the east, and then said:
"The only thing we can do is to take this opportunity to elevate the prestige of the imperial court, make greater contributions in this battle, and attract the attention of the world.

Only after this war can we lead the princes of the world and compete with Bokang. "

Xu Ding moved, and soon Cao Cao dispatched soldiers and horses in Chang'an, and then crossed the Wei River and went straight to Jiuyuan City in Bingzhou along the old Qin Zhidao.

With a general order, almost all the states and counties in the world who could send troops sent troops, and soon a large army passed through Jizhou and Zhongshan.

Because Xu Ding ordered everyone to go here north to Dai County, and then went straight to the hinterland of the grassland, so that they could travel less and avoid exhaustion and waste of food and grass.

Without staying too long, the army entered Daijun, assembled and rested in Beiping, waiting for unified orders and arrangements.

"Report! Lu Bu's army from Yanzhou has arrived!"

"Report! Sun Ce's army from Yangzhou has arrived!"

"Report! The Jingzhou army has arrived!"

"Report! The Hanoi army has arrived!"

"Report! The rebel army from Liang Guojun has arrived!"

"Report! The volunteer army from Chen Guojun has arrived!"


Everyone came to report almost every day, and Guo Jia, the coordinator of the loser, asked people to write them down one by one.

"My lord, here are the exact numbers, please take a look!" The subordinates handed over the statistics of the arrivals of each army.

Guo Jia read while watching: "Lü Bu sent [-] troops, Sun Ce sent [-] troops, Jingzhou sent [-] troops, Hanoi sent [-] troops, Liang Guoyi's army totaled [-], Chen Guoyi's army counted [-], Three thousand in Xuzhou, three thousand in Taizhou, three thousand in Qingzhou...a total of [-]."

The number of [-] is not too large.

The supply of food and grass can also handle it.

"Why are there so many Jingzhou troops?"

What surprised Guo Jia was that Jingzhou sent the most troops, reaching 2000, and Liu Biao was so willing.Guo Jiafang was a little suspicious.

So he took his men to the place where the Jingzhou army was camped.

As soon as he came out, the leaders of the major armies joined hands.

Sun Ce asked directly, "Mr. Guo, where are the Northern Huns? When can we send troops to attack them?"

Lv Bu snorted coldly and said, "What's the hurry, the Northern Huns can't run away, they'll wait to come and die, little baby, just stay there."

"You!" Sun Ce wanted to get mad on the spot. Lu Bu is too arrogant and defiant, and he didn't offend him.

But he was held back by Zhou Yu, and Yuan Shu and Lu Bu were incompatible now.

Now that Sun Yuan is one body again, it is reasonable for Lu Bu to release his anger.

Guo Jia comforted: "Everyone, don't be in a hurry, everyone is coming from far away, you need to take a good rest for a while, our people will send information from the north every day, and we will notify you as soon as we find out."

Wen Pin asked, "Mr. Guo, where is the General? Why is it so long since he was seen?"

Now that our armies from all walks of life have arrived and gathered in Beiping, the number of troops must have exceeded [-]. If no one comes out to take the lead, there may be chaos. "

The entire Beiping city is full of rebels from various states and counties, but the Donglai army does not even have [-].

How can this be a town.

According to Zhuge Liang, someone must come out to take charge of the overall situation and lead everyone. The Jingzhou army has the most, and they must take the initiative to avoid being reduced to cannon fodder.

As a counselor, Zhuge Liang's words are absolutely correct, so Wen Pin, as the commander of the Jingzhou Army, naturally stood up to speak out in order to gain the favor and support of other irregular army volunteers.

"The general is at Juyongguan. Our Donglai army has 12 people in Godadaan. Once the main force of the Northern Huns is found, the general will bring the army to join us." Guo Jia said:

"Everyone just needs to rest well now, recharge their energy and store up energy, and don't have to worry about other things.

As for the leadership, we don't need it, everyone is the head of each state and county, and the official title is after Jia, so it is impossible for Guo Mou to arrange it.

Everyone has rich experience in how to fight, and it will not be too late to assign tasks depending on the situation. "

Naturally, everyone didn't want to have multiple leaders for nothing, and they strongly agreed with Guo Jia's words.

If Xu Ding is here, it's okay to let him be Dangdang. If he's not here now, no one will be convinced whoever takes the lead.

Seeing this, everyone had to disperse separately. Guo Jia looked at Wenpin who left in disappointment, then called for his subordinates and said, "Go and inquire about the situation of the Jingzhou Army. I want to know why they have the most soldiers and horses, and who is in Wenpin Wait until later."

Wenpin is a general, even if he knows the art of war and strategy, he should not use the thinking of a literati.

Guo Jia, who has always been keen on intelligence perception, became vigilant.

The task was arranged, and in the evening, several men came down to report to Guo Jia.

"Langya Zhuge Liang! It turns out that he is Zhuge Jin's younger brother. No wonder he is a little clever. He is also a talent. He can think of such a simple way to gather the rebel army and strengthen himself." Guo Jia couldn't help laughing after hearing the report from his subordinates. , touched it and murmured:

"This kid is comparable to Fazheng and the others. He is also an evildoer. He probably reads a lot of books in the library."

Zhuge Jin was an administrator when he was in school, which made Guo Jia think more about it.

This time, besides Zhou Yu, there is another little guy who can make plans in the alliance army, which is getting more and more interesting.


And state.

Meiji, Xihe County.

All the horses and horses of the Southern Huns gathered here, regardless of age, age or distance.

All that can come.

Luanti Qiangqu, the king of the Southern Huns, sat in the middle seat, and below them were Luan Tihu Chuquan, the wise king of the left, Luan Tibao, the wise king of the right, Hada, the king of Zuo Guli, and other future generations.

"Everyone knows what happened in the north. The Northern Huns have returned, with 50 soldiers and horses, and the envoys of the Northern Huns King Juqulielie have come." Luan Tiqiangqu has aged a lot, his gray hair is almost Covering the entire head, without the demeanor and vigor of the past.

Over the years, I have been fighting with the big man on and off.

The Southern Huns almost exhausted everything they had accumulated over the past 100 years.

And I can't see any hope and expectation.

"Shanyu, what does Juqu Lielie want to do to us?" Luan Tibao, the right virtuous king, asked.

In fact, if he didn't ask, everyone probably had the answer in the past.

The gathering of the army here today is a very obvious attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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