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Chapter 804 Luanti Qiang Canal committed suicide, and the Southern Huns perished

Chapter 804 Luanti Qiang Canal committed suicide, and the Southern Huns perished (two in one)

Luanti Qiangqu glanced at the people's looking eyes, and then sighed with a wry smile: "The people of Juqu Lielie said that we can let the Southern Huns return and merge into their tribe, but we can't use the name of the Southern Huns in the future to unite the north and the south." , mainly in the north, and will be collectively referred to as the Huns in the future.”

Speaking of this, Luanti Qiangqu deliberately paused for a while, and everyone nodded slightly. It is normal for the two to become one.

There is no distinction between north and south, so naturally there is only one title, the Great Huns.

"However, Juqu Lielie also said that since there is no North and South, the Great Xiongnu has only one Chanyu, and the kings can only have four, and our Southern Huns are all organized into one unit, unified under the name of its right, and there will be no more in the future. The Southern Xiongnu Chanyu and the left and right sage kings are gone." After a pause, Luanti Qiangqu said.

Zuo Xian Wang Luan Tihu Chuquan, You Xian King Luan Ti Bao, Zuo Guli King Hada and San You all stood up.

The condition is that they want to eat the Southern Huns directly.

Without the Shan Yu and without the Four Kings, what kind of fart they are among the Huns.

"Shan Yu, then what are we, we might as well help the Han people." Luan Tibao said angrily.

He can no longer become a king, and he will still be controlled by the Northern Huns. In the end, he may swallow all his bones.

They know the survival rules of the Huns best.

Moreover, the Southern Huns and the Northern Huns broke up 200 years ago, and then became feuds. It can be said that the hatred between each other is deeper than the hatred with the big man.

After all, the enemy is the enemy, and there is only winner and loser.

And the betrayal of one's own people is more infuriating than the enemy.

The Southern Huns are traitors in the eyes of the Northern Huns, and they are also the chief culprit for the division and weakening of the Great Huns.

This is something that the Northern Huns and the Southern Huns are well aware of.

Originally, there was a risk in submitting to the Northern Huns, but now the risk is even greater.

"Shanyu, the emperor of Chang'an sent someone to contact us, saying that as long as we remain neutral, he can give us favors, and it will be the same as before." Hada, the king of Zuoguli, also stood up and said.

Obviously this condition is still permissible.

They are the kings enshrined by the big man. As long as the big man wins, they will still breed and herd in the Xihe and Hetao areas.

Slowly accumulate strength and wait for the civil strife in the big man to intensify, then there will be a chance.

It is better to die than to live.

But Luan Tiqiang Qu shook his head and said: "This is different from the past, today's Northern Xiongnu Yijing is not 200 years ago, and today's big man is not 200 years ago either.

The current Han Dynasty is in constant civil strife, continuous attacks, constant deaths and injuries of the people, and great loss of national power. Although it can suppress our southern Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Wuhuan and other tribes.

But they are definitely not Ju Qu Lie Lie's opponents.

Do you know what Ju Qu Lie Lie and the others brought back from the Western Regions? "

Everyone looked at Luan Ti Qiang Qu, Luan Ti Qiang Qu smiled bitterly: "They brought back better ordnance and stronger weapons than the Han people. The Donglai Army has continuous crossbows, some trebuchets, and some siege equipment. , Ju Qu Lie Lie they all have.

It took them only one month to conquer the countries in the Western Regions, and half a month to conquer the Western Xianbei. This time they came back with preparations.

They are planning to take over the land of the Han people and conquer the fertile land of the Central Plains. They are here to capture and occupy the land, not to just grab it and leave. "

"We, the Southern Huns, have been fighting for a long time. It would be great if we could avoid it, but we couldn't escape it if we were caught in the middle.

So we can only choose one. If the goal is to conquer the Han people, then I admire Ju Qu Lie Lie's heroism and courage. I am willing to give up the position of Shan Yu. In the world of the big man, you can get what you want, and the benefits are the first. "When Luan Tiqiangqu said this, tears flowed out of his eyes unnaturally:

"In order to be able to fight with you easily, and in order for our Southern Huns to truly melt back into the Great Huns, Ben Shanyu will give this head as a gift to Ju Qu Lie Lie. I hope that the grievances between the North and the South will end here, and the South will divide from the I'm starting to finish."

"Shanyu!" The more people heard, the more something was wrong, and when they came back to react, Luan Tiqiangqu raised the knife and put it across his neck.

Immediately, blood spattered three steps, staining the white fur red.

"Father Khan..."


Luan Tihu Chuquan and Luan Tibao turned pale in shock, their faces paled suddenly and their bodies rushed over.

The two catch Luanti Qiangqu who is about to fall.

The warm blood flowed on their wrists, but it made them extremely cold.

A generation of Shanyu committed suicide in this way.

Since then, there has been no southern Huns.

The next day, the Southern Xiongnu beat the white flags and moved northward with the whole team.

Jiuyuan City!
After the Southern Xiongnu occupied Wuyuan County, the Han people fled east to other counties in Bingzhou.

So at this time, it became the base camp of the Northern Huns after they went south.

Because this time the northern Xiongnu army brought a lot of equipment, the simple nomadic experience could not satisfy the movement mode of an army of 60 to [-].

So Juqu Lielie simply went south into Wuyuan County.

"Report! Shan Yu, the Southern Huns are here!"

Ju Qu Lie Lie raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and the other high-ranking officials of the Northern Huns also sneered.

After 200 years, the Northern Huns finally won and the Southern Huns surrendered.

Everyone is ready to ridicule the Southern Huns Shanyu and scold his ancestors. All generations of Southern Huns Shanyu should be cast aside.

"How many people came?" Juqulielie saw that the overall situation was not so narrow, and he focused more on how many people the Southern Huns could bring to the Northern Huns and how much war potential they had.

The person who reported the letter had a weird look on his face, and after thinking for a while, he finally said, "It's estimated to be less than fifty thousand."

"Ahem...!" Ju Qu Lie Lie's face suddenly darkened.

Others are also talking about it.

Not even [-], not even [-] for the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Why are there so few.

Didn't you fucking cultivate in the hinterland of Dahan for more than 100 years?

The more you live, the more you go back.

How to keep less and less.

I heard that Wuyuan County was also forcibly snatched by you from the Han people.

The grass has grown so high, there are only so few people left in your Southern Huns.

Too much of a fucking jerk.

"However..." The messenger went on to say, "However, they all wore white banners, as if important people died!"

"Dead?" Ju Qu Lie Lie frowned, then stood up and said, "Go, let's all go and see, and see what Luan Ti Qiang Qu figured out!"

The crowd followed Ju Qu Lie Lie out, and then rode to the gate tower.

Soon the troops of the Southern Huns appeared in everyone's eyes, and the meandering troops carried white flags.

There are really not many people, and they don't seem to have much momentum.

Everyone's doubts are even greater, what does the Southern Huns mean?
Challenge us?
Dedicated to come over and do such a thing.

"Come here, ask the Southern Huns what's going on?" Juqu Lielie ordered.

Immediately, someone went out of the city to urge the horse to approach the Southern Huns team, and ran back after a while.

The look is also extremely weird.

"Say!" Juqu Lielie said a word without anger.

The subordinates said: "Back to Shanyu, Luanti Qiangqu, the Southern Huns, is dead."

"Dead?" Juqu Lielie was even more confused, and the others were also confused.

The person who asked the question just now said again: "I heard that he committed suicide."


The entire northern Xiongnu high-level people were fried.

Good Luan Tiqiang why did he commit suicide?
"Oh! Interesting?" A sneer appeared on Juqu Lilie's face.

Soon the army of the Southern Huns came to the city gate and stopped.

The leaders are Zuo Xian Wang Luan Tihu Chuquan and You Xian Wang Luan Tibao.

"The Xiongnu Luan Tihu Chuquan came to see Shan Yu by order of my father." Luan Tihu Chuquan saluted Juqu fiercely in accordance with the standards of the Huns.

Juqu Lielie from the city said coldly: "You are Youxian King Huchuquan, why did your father commit suicide? Why did you come here today with a white flag because you have resentment?"

"There is no Right Wise King in front of Shan Yu, only Hu Chuquan, a warrior of the Huns." Hu Chuquan bowed strongly to Ju Qulie on the city, then got up, and took down a wooden box from the horse beside him, Submitted with both hands:
"My father said that the Xiongnu only has one Chanyu, and he can't plead guilty to the Chanyu in person, so he is willing to die to eliminate the Shanyu's resentment, hoping that there will be no distinction between the North and the South!"

As he said that, Hu Chuquan knelt down again, holding up the wooden box high.

There was another round of discussions in the city, obviously they were also shocked by Luanti Qiangqu's actions.

This Luan Ti Qiangqu committed suicide ahead of schedule.

So he escaped a humiliation.

After arriving in Jiuyuan City, after the merger of the North and the South, even if Juqu Lielie did not kill him, other generals of the Northern Huns would kill him.

You will die sooner or later, it is better to choose the most dignified and valuable way to die.

A trace of complexity flashed in Ju Qu Lie Lie's eyes, he took a step forward, leaned on the wall and asked, "The wooden box you entrusted is your father inside?"

"It's my father, please check it out!" Hu Chuquan replied humbly.

Under the leadership of Luan Tibao and Hada, other southern Huns also performed Huns' worship ceremony one after another.

Ju Qu Lie Lie gestured with his eyes, and a defector from the Southern Huns who had seen Luanti Qiang Canal helped him go down to check.

The man came down, opened the box, and carefully identified it.

Then he closed the box and bowed with his fists on his chest.

Then slowly took three steps back, and then returned to the city and reported the matter to Juqu Lielie truthfully.

Ju Qulie sighed slightly, and there was a hint of approval on his face: "Your father is very strong, he has the courage of my great Huns, in fact, he doesn't need it, the division between the north and the south is purely caused by the Han people, and the southern Huns are fine. Whether it is the Northern Huns, they are all my Great Huns.

This is blood of flesh and blood, so how could I embarrass him. "

The northern Huns paid homage one after another and said, "Shan Yu is heroic and broad-minded, I am not as good as you."

Hu Chuquan, who lowered his head, had a flash of pain in his eyes, but he shouted: "Thank you Shanyu!"

Luan Tibao, Hada and others also shouted these three words.

Although they knew that Juqu Lielie was putting on a show for outsiders to see, they had to flatter him unconditionally.

This is the law of the Huns, the strong are respected.

The weak have no human rights.

"Get up, from now on, there will be no difference between the north and the south. My big Huns should all be upright grassland men and real men. We should avenge together, take away the Han people's country, rob their cities, and sleep with their women. Eat their livestock and make them slaves forever." Ju Qu Lie Lie raised his hands above his head and said passionately.

Whether it is the Northern Huns or the Southern Huns below, they all praised Shan Yu, the Lord Shanyu, and said that the Great Huns are prosperous and prosperous.

The reception of the Southern Huns was only an episode of the Northern Huns. It should be estimated that the division between the North and the South was actually taken by the Han people.

In fact, no matter whether it is the north or the south, the Xiongnu advertised themselves as self-unified, and they were the great Xiongnu and their direct descendants.

It's just that the North and the South have real results today.

After accepting Huchuquan, Luan Tibao, Hada and others, Juqu Lielie entertained them, and asked: "Now our great Xiongnu has no distinction between the north and the south, and there is only one enemy, and that is the big Han. You have lived in Han for a long time. Let’s talk about the situation on the Han side.”

Hu Chuquan briefly talked about the situation of the big man in the past 100 years.

And Luan Tibao said: "Back to Shanyu, because he was afraid of Shanyu, the emperor of the Han people issued a conquest order to the Han, and asked the states and counties of the Han to send troops to the north. Now their troops are on their way."

"It's all here, isn't the big man fighting a civil war? They have spared their troops and time, can they let go of their rift?" Ju Qu asked with a sneer.

Hu Chuquan said just now that the national power of the big man has weakened, the population has dropped sharply, and the combat effectiveness has declined.

Even the emperor is now a puppet, controlled by a man named Cao Cao.

And this Cao Cao is not very capable, he is a son of Guizhou from a family, and he couldn't get along in the Kanto area, so he was beaten and fled to Guanzhong.

This is the chance to control the emperor.

The strongest Han army is a vassal named Xu Ding who started as a commoner.

Now the general.

Such a disunited big man dared to utter wild words and issue an edict to crusade against their great Xiongnu.

"Returning to Shanyu, if it was just the imperial edict of the Han emperor, of course not many people responded, but then Xu Ding also issued an order of the general, which echoed Chang'an's east and west, so the princes in the eastern area of ​​the Han should also send troops to the north. "Luan Tibao said:
"Then Xu Ding said that he will beat anyone who doesn't go north. This person occupies five or six states and counties, which is almost one-third of the big Han, and even half of the country. The Han people are probably afraid of him."

In fact, Luan Tibao wanted to say that the Southern Huns and Xianbei were also afraid of this Xu Ding.

The decline of the Southern Huns began with Xu Ding.

The battles in Shangjun, Xihe County, and Wuyuan County directly weakened the strength of the Southern Huns by half.

It is still a lingering shadow of the entire Southern Huns tribe.

It is precisely because of this that Luanti Qiangqu was willing to commit suicide to offset the enmity of the northern Huns and gain some hope for the southern Huns.

Because Xu Ding is too strong, with this big man and general around, they will never be able to get ahead if they are attached to the big man, and will be suppressed for an entire era, or even two eras.

This is what they can't wait for.

"So that's the case, but this is also good. Let's deal with them together, and deal with them at the border. It's better than fighting slowly in the hinterland of the Han Dynasty." After fighting all the way back from the Western Regions, Juqu Lielie and his Northern Huns The disciples have gained enough self-confidence before, so they speak more arrogantly.

Luan Tibao and the others dare not answer the words. Although the Northern Huns are strong, they must be really strong.

Before the fight, who wins and who loses is still open to debate.

However, there are many people in the northern Huns, and now they have taken over the western Xianbei and have a strong army of 60.

It really has the strength to fight with all its strength and destroy the country.

"Report! Shanyu, Budugen, king of Xianbei in the central region, led his troops to join our army."

(End of this chapter)

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