Three Kingdoms open plug-ins everywhere

Chapter 806 Killing the Hungarian envoys, the main force makes an appointment

Chapter 806 Killing the Hungarian envoys, the main force makes an appointment to fight ([-])

"Ding! Xiaoba has started to go offline, and Thirteen will serve you!"

"Ding! Thirteen is online successfully, and now I can serve you!"

The army was moving towards Dai County, when the system sounded, Xu Ding asked, "Xiao Shisan, what kind of hack are you?"

"Master, I'm a satellite plug-in, and I can provide you with a satellite map search function!" Thirteen replied seriously.

Satellite plug-in.

Check out the powerful function of searching all the time!

Xu Ding was overjoyed, but according to the nature of the system, it is estimated that the satellite plug-in is definitely not open to the whole map, and there are certain geographical restrictions, so he asked:

"Xiao Shisan, what is your limitation? Can you only check and search a certain range from time to time?"

"Smart as the master, you guessed right, I always check the search range to follow the master's position as a point, and radiate four hundred miles in all directions. If you go beyond four hundred miles, you will not be able to detect it." Xiao Shisan explained.

"Four hundred miles, why is this number?" Four hundred miles is neither far nor short, within the scope of a state, what Xu Ding is somewhat curious about is his standard definition.

Xiao Shisan explained: "Master, because the system only has four levels, the range can only be [-] miles. If you upgrade to a level, you will add [-] miles. If the master wants to extend the search range from time to time, please increase the range as much as possible."

That's it!

Now Xu Ding understands, this is the same as pet cheating, upgrade to a level to open a pet bar.

In other words, he still has a pet column that is empty, and he hasn't found a suitable contract partner yet.

"Xiao Shisan, turn on the satellite for me, I want to check!" Xu Ding ordered.

Thirteen warmly reminded: "Okay master, now I will get the satellite for you. After opening it, master, you can go to the brain, the direction you can see, but the satellite search direction, if you want to look down in four directions at the same time, You can close your eyes for a high-level view, tap your right index finger to zoom in, and tap your left index finger to zoom out."

Is it very humane?
Xu Ding smiled and closed his eyes.

Immediately there was a multi-dimensional three-dimensional satellite map in my mind.

The area within a radius of [-] miles has been monitored by satellites.

Click on the place of Juyongguan with the right hand, and the city of Juyongguan is pulled closer.

The situation in Guancheng is clear at a glance.

The soldiers patrolling above, the battle flags fluttering in the wind, and the people and horses transporting materials in the convoy are all clearly visible.

Even the big man who was building the road outside Guancheng knew clearly that the gravel he hit with a hammer was split into dozens of pieces.

"Not bad! Not bad! This is even better than the Beidou system."

Then Xu Ding opened his eyes and looked to the northwest.

The satellite map in my mind only has a range of 400 miles from the northwest direction.

Soon the grassland in Dai County became clear at a glance, and it began to show yellow grass, bare stones, and dry rivers, winding to the end.

Small groups of cavalry roamed the central steppe.

Occasionally, two teams would meet, and fights would break out.

Battles come and go quickly.

The cavalry of the Han army often had the advantage and returned victorious in the end.

Although the Han and Hungarian armies hadn't met yet, their scouts had already confronted each other on the grassland.

Xu Ding smiled slightly, because his troops had issued binoculars, and the elite scouts also carried them.

Can find the enemy before the Huns cavalry, and then consider their own strength to make countermeasures.

Whether it is a strategic retreat or a detour, or gathering a small team to grow up and annihilate the enemy, the scouts of the Han army have an advantage when they are also equipped with sophisticated weapons.

"It seems that the Northern Huns are still on their way. Let me take a look at Daijun and Yanmen County." Xu Ding looked to the west, then zoomed in, and soon Daijun appeared in his mind.

A large number of soldiers and horses gathered in Beipingyi and Gaoliu, and tents were spread out.

Flags of various states and counties were also erected in the camp.

Passing by one by one, Xu Ding nodded slightly when he saw the Sun family, Jingzhou, Lu Bu, Zhang Yang and others had arrived.

Anyway, these guys have a bit of nationalism.

It can still be taught.

Looking west, when he arrived at Yanmen County, Xu Ding found that the entire northeastern part of Yanmen County was empty and uninhabited.

Not even a dog was left.

Even Mayi City, where he stayed before, was deserted.

"Liu Bei actually gave up the entire Outer Great Wall. He didn't intend to fight against the Northern Huns on the Outer Great Wall." Xu Ding frowned, half of his joy dissipated in an instant.

Then look southwest.

It was not until Lou Fancheng that Liu Bei's soldiers and horses were seen.

Then there are also some soldiers and horses in the southern plain city.

There are soldiers in these two cities in Yanmen County.

"Small, forget it and ignore him, as long as this guy doesn't take the opportunity to harm Jizhou and Hanoi, I'll deal with him after the fight." Xu Ding didn't check to the southwest.

Because you don't need to guess to know Liu Bei's general strategy.

This guy can't avoid the battle, he wants to rely on the city to hold on, or wait for his side to fight the Huns.

But his little calculation is bound to be disappointed.

Two days later, Xu Ding's army arrived at Gaoliu City.

He hadn't seen him yet, so he hurried to Beiping to meet Lu Bu, Sun Ce and others.

The envoys of the Huns arrived first.

And this envoy was an old acquaintance.

It was Luan Tihu Chuquan, the Zuoxian king of the Southern Huns.

"The Great Xiongnu's envoy Luan Ti Hu Chuquan and Huyan Qianjun met the great general of the Han Dynasty!" Xu Dinggao sat on the seat in the city lord's mansion, and Luan Ti Hu Chuquan greeted a man named Huyan Qianjun from the Northern Huns.

Although the two armies are enemies of each other, but in the end they are a great family and a great country that has been passed down for a long time, and the basic etiquette has not been neglected.

This is not only respect for the enemy, but also an expression of self-confidence in oneself.

Xu Ding raised his hands and stretched his sleeves and said, "Give a seat to the envoy of the Huns!"

Huyan Qianjun's originally haughty expression sank instantly.

Just now they said that they were the great Xiongnu and wanted to overwhelm others with power, but Xu Ding's backhand was just a gift to resolve it.

Only the strong and high-ranking people can bestow it on others, just like God pities Zougou.

Xu Ding looked directly at Luan Tihu Chuquan and said nothing, the other generals also stared at him.

It seemed that Huyan Qianjun, the envoy, had been ignored.

This made Huyan Qianjun extremely annoyed.

And Luan Tihu Chuquan felt a chill down his spine.

Xu Ding and the other generals looked at him as if they wanted to eat him.

All of them are like scourges.

I regret coming here.

Originally, he didn't want to come, but his form was weaker than others, so he could only obey Ju Qu Lie Lie's arrangement.

Xu Ding has always played cards against common sense, and it's not that the messenger has never killed him.

Whether he can leave alive today seems to be very questionable.

"Ahem!" Huyan Qianjun couldn't bear it anymore, he slapped his chair and stood up and said: "General of the Han Dynasty, I sent a letter of war by the order of my family Shanyu. My family Shanyu asked you if you dare to fight, ask Are there any heroes in your Han people?"

After finishing speaking, Huyan Qianjun threw the letter brought by the general on the ground.

The high-spirited rough voice, as angry as you want.

All the generals in the hall were taken aback, good guy, you dare to be so arrogant in our place.

Everyone looked at Xu Ding.

Xu Ding smiled slightly: "You have no life to go back!"

"Hmph, why do you Han people really have no heroes, and you still want to kill envoys?" Huyan Qianjun didn't notice Xu Ding's calm murderous intention at all.

Luan Tihu Chu Quan's heart almost jumped out.

Secretly cursing the stupid pig, this promise must never be provoked.

What he dare not do.

"Wrong, it's not that we don't have no heroes, but we have too many. As for killing envoys, that depends on who." Xu Ding stretched out his hand to pinch the teacup, flicked it, and the teacup flew towards him.

It hit him on the forehead at a speed that even Huyan Qianjun hadn't even reacted.

Then a figure as fierce as a tiger rushed across.

Hu Yanqianjun was hit on the forehead by the teacup, and screamed in pain, he waved his hands and clenched his fists to rush towards Xu Ding, but was hit on the left side of the cheek by a punch the next moment.

The whole person fell backward again, not waiting to stabilize himself.

Then he was punched in the stomach, and then his arm was twisted.

"Ah! Damn Han Chinese, you despicable..."

"Let you yell! Let you yell!" Dian Wei swung his heavy fist and roared, punching down.

Soon Huyan Qianjun was silent.

"If you don't get beaten like this, I thought the birdmen of the Northern Huns were capable." Dian Wei directly beat Huyan Qianjun to death, his face was beaten beyond recognition, and he couldn't help complaining.

A soldier came in and dragged Huyan Qianjun's body away, and chopped off his head by the way.

Luan Tihu Chuquan shrank aside like a castrated rooster.

Xu Ding then said: "Don't worry, you and I won't kill you. You go back and send a message to the Shanyu of the Northern Huns, saying... If you want to fight, I will fight. If you want to die in five days, you can come. I have never been defeated, even if he comes to a million people, I will still kill him."

"Yes... yes... the general." Luan Ti called Chu Quan as if he had been pardoned.

When he went back, he brought back the head of Huyan Qianjun who had been beaten into a pulp.

"Bastard! What a powerful Marquis of the Han Dynasty." Juqu Lielie was completely shocked when he saw Huyan Qianjun's head, which was out of shape.

Today's big man is so crazy that he doesn't even have the Confucianism and Taoism of hundreds of years ago.

He even dared to kill his envoy, and he was still alive.

"Send 45 troops, I want to see how strong the big man is number one in the world."

"It's Shan Yu, we will definitely kill the Donglai Army!"

According to the agreement, the Northern Huns sent 45 troops to directly kill Xiangdai County.

Of course, Ju Qu Lie Lie was not dazzled by hatred, he was the king of the Northern Huns, and he couldn't sit in this position without any strength.

He divided the main force into two, 38 headed towards the place where Xu Ding made an appointment, and the remaining [-] were led by Xianbei in the middle, and divided into several groups from the north to quietly circle around Shanggu County.

He wanted to break through Xu Ding's main force, take advantage of the situation to knock down Shanggu County, make a surprise attack to Juyongguan, and then enter the hinterland of Youzhou, without giving Xu Ding a chance to escape.


Cao Cao's army marched northward.

The spies kept coming.

"Report! Prime Minister, there is no trace of the Southern Huns ahead, nor the shadow of the Northern Huns. It seems that they did not go south in Wuyuan County."

Cao Cao dismissed the spies with a wave of his hand, then stopped the army and prepared to set up camp.

The big tent was safe, so he called all the civil and military generals over.

"I have a letter from Bokang to me here. In the letter, he said, let us slow down our journey northward. This time, the battle with the Northern Huns will be dominated by his side. If you see the Northern Huns retreating westward, you don't need to make any guesses." , chase with all your strength, just chase." Speaking of this, Cao Cao glanced at the crowd, and then said:
"What do you think?"

"My lord, the edict to conquer the Xiongnu was originally issued by Chang'an, and the states and counties in the world responded, and they should also respond to us. However, the soldiers and horses of the states and counties have gone to Dai County in Youzhou, and our side has become a secondary battlefield. , it is also within reason.”

"My lord, I also think it's okay. The general said that it is extremely necessary for us to slow down our march to the north. If the northern Huns use their main force to deal with us first, then we will have a hard battle and the army will not lose.

Even if we can resist it, it will take time for the general to come from the east, so we should not rush to meet the Northern Huns. "

"Of course, if the Northern Huns retreat, it depends on the situation. If it is a false defeat, we will rush in. Wouldn't it be a big mistake, so we should be more cautious in chasing the enemy."

Everyone chattered about it.

But the effect is similar.

Although Cao Cao brought all the main force here, and mainly his sons and nephews in the future, there were nearly 60 soldiers and horses, but the Northern Huns had [-] million after all.

In case of encounter, even if you can win, it is estimated that you will not be able to take advantage of it.

And once defeated, the entire army may be wiped out.

"Then postpone the northward advance and wait for the situation on Bokang's side." Cao Cao finally chose a conservative plan.

Fortunately, he is the only one here, and he can enter when he wants to, and stop when he wants to stop, so there will be no disputes.

A few days later, I received a letter from Xu Ding who dispatched personnel through the network.

After reading the letter, Cao Cao immediately recruited the civil and military generals.

"Bokang wrote again, saying that the Northern Huns had made an appointment with him to fight in the grasslands outside the Great Wall in Dai County. It is estimated that the Northern Huns' fighting force would be no less than 40." Cao Cao passed on the letter.

"If that's the case, the Northern Huns and the Great General will have a decisive battle in the central Xianbei area, so there will not be many Northern Huns in Wuyuan County. We should take this opportunity to destroy these Northern Huns." After reading the letter, Liu Ye passed it on to the next one, and said.

Others also said: "I just don't know if the general can defeat the Northern Huns. The enemy is no less than 40, and his total force is estimated to be in the early 20. The difference is doubled. Both sides have excellent equipment."

Everyone couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

More than 40 plus more than 20, the combat strength of the two sides reached more than 60.

This battle will definitely shake the sky, and the blood will flow like a river.

It's a pity that they can't see it, and they can't participate in it.

"The great general will definitely win. I, the great Han generals, will win if one Han reaches the five Hus." Cao Hong said confidently.

In terms of love, he and Xu Ding have an old friendship and want to call him brother.

Yu Li, the righteousness of the country, the Han people cannot lose.

"Even if you lose, it shouldn't be too ugly to lose. The general's martial arts are the strongest among my men. He has a strong army under his command, and he also has elites from various states to help out. I heard that Lu Bu brought all the iron cavalry from Bingzhou. With a large number of soldiers and horses, it should be able to fight off the sharpness and huge number of the Northern Huns."

This point has been affirmed by everyone.

Cao Cao pulled out his sword and said, "Pass my order, pull out the camp and go northward to attack Wuyuan County. Bokang has attracted the main force of the Northern Huns in Youzhou for us. We must encircle and suppress the partial army of the Northern Huns and recover Wuyuan County. return.

Regardless of whether our Dabuhan Army in the East wins or loses, we should all shoulder our own responsibilities. "

"Promise!" All the generals stood up suddenly, and then stood up one after another to accept the order with fists in their hands.

Then the army pulled out its camp and marched towards Jiuyuan City step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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