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Chapter 807 Battle against the Northern Huns

Chapter 807 Battle against the Northern Huns ([-])

Four hundred miles north from Gaoliu City, you can reach the hinterland of the northern grassland, which is the border line of Inner Mongolia for later generations.

Four hundred miles to the west, you can reach the Tengger Desert, which is now Shuofang County.

Therefore, Xu Ding could fully see the situation in Wuyuan County. In his eyes, the mobilization of soldiers and horses of the Northern Huns was like a fake, and they were all under control.

"Send the order! Send troops to the north." Because of the distance, Xu Ding led the army to the north first.

Guo Jia, Lu Bu, Sun Ce and others in Beiping also rushed north.

Xu Ding traveled 150 miles to the north and stopped, and the north was covered with vast grasslands.

Two days later, Lu Bu and other [-] coalition troops arrived.

In the big tent, Xu Ding is in the upper position, and all the generals are present on the left and right.

Xu Ding asked someone to lift the sand table up, and then he took the command pole and walked down, pointing to the plan on the sand table and said: "This is our position, the northern Xiongnu can only go through this checkpoint if they want to go south to Daijun. So I will set up a stronghold here first to prevent the Huns from cheating."

"The general is wise, and he must guard against the Huns."

I haven't fought against the Northern Huns for almost 200 years. Who knows if the Northern Huns will become cunning, so some people strongly agree with Xu's plan.

There is no problem in strategy, and everyone agrees on this point.

After all, when it comes to strategy, no one can compare to Xu Ding.

Xu Ding nodded, and continued: "According to our army's investigation, the main force of the Northern Huns is about this position, and there are still two days' journey away. They are walking a bit slowly. I guess the time for the final battle will be slower. Do you know why? "

Xu Ding glanced at the crowd.

Sun Ce, Lu Bu and other generals all showed doubts.

Only Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang seemed to think of something, but they didn't answer immediately.

Xu Ding first glanced at Zhou Yu, then looked at Zhuge Liang, and asked, "You answer, little guy!"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, stood up, bowed to Xu Ding, and then replied to everyone: "The Northern Huns did this for two reasons. Those who fight in battle must be more patient and morale.

If our army is impatient and eager to fight, it will fall into a passive position.

The second is that the northern Xiongnu may have other plans, such as sending a partial army to dispatch from the flanks, spare our army to the north, and attack our army together.

However, it is extremely difficult to use this method, because the northern Huns need to enter from Shanggu County to take down Shanggu and Dai County, or enter Yanmen County from the west and block our army's back road in the north.

So I think they are more likely to attack Juyongguan to prepare for the next successful attack on the hinterland of Youzhou. "

Everyone nodded.

It seems quite reasonable.

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang in white, with a solemn look on his face.

Zhuge Liang is a member of the Jingzhou army. Jingzhou has such a powerful junior, which may affect Yangzhou's attack on Jingzhou in the future.

As if sensing Zhou Yu's gaze, Zhuge Liang also cast a meaningful glance at Zhou Yu.

Xu Ding observed the subtle changes between the two, also revealing a touch of undetectable cunning.

Wang Ba and Mung Bean, this is a destined intersection.

"Very good. Zhuge Liang's analysis is very correct. It seems that the land of Jingchu is full of outstanding people and talented people." Xu Ding finished the shot, and then said with a smile:

"In the first case, I don't think we need to worry, because everyone here is a veteran of many battles, and we will win this battle. Whether the Northern Huns come earlier or later, it will not have any impact on us. , because they have slipped into the dust of annihilated history since the day they moved eastward.

The difference is only whether it perishes sooner or later.

As for the second situation, congratulations to Zhuge Liang, he was right, the Northern Huns sent [-] riders from the hinterland of the grassland to the direction of Shanggu County. , I believe there will be good news soon. "

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words.

The Northern Huns really sent a partial army to attack Juyongguan.

Really cunning.

On the one hand, he asked us to fight head-on, and on the other hand, he played a sneak attack.

"The general knows the intentions of the Northern Huns in advance, and he will be able to set up a net to catch all of them."

"That's right, if the Northern Huns want to play tricks on us, they will only suffer the consequences!"

"However, General, if you allocate some troops to ambush the [-] Northern Huns in Shanggu County, then how many troops are available for us to face off will not affect the overall situation."

Someone asked worriedly: "General, how do you plan to arrange our army, how to arrange troops to fight against the Northern Huns."

The army of 60 people faced each other head-on.

Just thinking about it is terrifying.

There are more than 60 people, [-], and it needs a very wide area to spread out. If those people are scattered on the grassland, it will inevitably be a vast expanse.

Whoever is the master of each army is the assistant.

Whoever is at the front will arrange at the back.

This is something to pay attention to.

Everyone looked at Xu Ding.

Xu Ding said: "Fifty miles to the north is an area that I think is more conducive to a decisive battle. The terrain is flat and suitable for deploying a large army. There is a mountain range in the southwest, called Huanghua Mountain, where troops can be hidden.

In this battle, our Donglai Army will be the main force to fight against the Northern Huns head-on. We will divide two partial armies, one of which will be dominated by infantry regiments. Huns.

The other one is mainly cavalry, and it is in the northeast of our army. Once I send out a signal, I must go west with all my strength to intercept the enemy soldiers fleeing north, and at the same time try to detour to the back of the Northern Huns to encircle them. Of course The number of this team will not be too many, and there is no need to really block the rout. The purpose is to intercept and kill as much as possible and help the chasing troops to leave more enemies. "

"The Donglai army is fighting head-on with the Northern Huns. I admire Lu Bu. I and the state army mainly rely on cavalry, so I will be the partial army in the northeast. My infantry is willing to be commanded by the general." Lu Bu stood up and said. .

He brought a total of 8000 troops.

There are not many cavalry, only 4000, and the rest are all infantry.

Moreover, these four thousand riders were not all Bingzhou wolf riders, many of them were recruited and expanded in the Central Plains.

Xu Dingdao: "General Lu Dayi, Bingzhou wolf cavalry is light cavalry, and it is most suitable to put it here, but since your iron cavalry is still a little less, it is a little thin, so I will send my Donglai Seventh School Weiqi to follow General Lu to complete this task. Task."

Huang Zhong stood up and said, "Huang Zhong takes orders!"

After speaking, he bowed his hands towards Lu Bu, and Lu Bu was extremely satisfied.

Needless to say, Huang Zhong's strength, he did not beat him back then, and now he is fighting side by side against the Huns.

Moreover, Xu Ding was willing to send an organized cavalry for him to command, so he valued him enough.

"Lv Bu takes the order!" Lu Bu's heart moved, and he formally accepted the order with his fists clasped.

Zhuge Liang and Wenpin looked at each other, and Wenpin saw Zhuge Liang nod his head slightly, so he also stood up and said: "General Lu is so heroic, then my Jingzhou army is not talented, and I am willing to go to Huanghua Mountain to wait for the time to intercept and kill the retreating Huns. "

This is a sure-fire deal.

Seeing that Wen Pin lost his mind, Zhou Yu hurriedly gave Sun Ce a wink, but Sun Ce didn't seem to notice, his eyes were fixed on the sand table, showing the raging flames of war.

Zhou Yu bumped him lightly, and Sun Ce came back to his senses, but said, "Bo Fu, the Jingzhou army likes to be a coward. Let them go. We will follow the main force to overthrow the Northern Huns head-on!"

Zhou Yu still wanted to say something, but at this moment Xu Ding said: "Yes, Huanghuashan is mainly dominated by the Jingzhou army. At the same time, I am deploying all the rebel troops from Yanzhou and Yuzhou to your command. My Donglai army will also have a 2000 special teams of people to help."

Wenpin said: "It's the general. Wenpin must complete the task. If there is any mistake, please come and see me."

The Jingzhou army has [-], including Donglai [-], and the rebels in the other two states are almost [-].

With so many soldiers and horses, Wenpin Yijing is quite satisfied.

After all, it is a partial army, and it is still attacking when the enemy is defeated. If you still have opinions, then it is over.

"The other generals and armies will follow me to face the frontal attack of the Northern Huns. I hope that you will unite sincerely and never let go." Xu Ding glanced over and said:

"Next, I will do detailed troop deployment and communication between the armies..."

The Jingzhou army had 3 horses along the way. Because they were going to ambush into the mountain, they set off and hid in Huanghua Mountain that night.

And Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and other cavalry also went out to camp the next day and set up camp again in the east direction.

The belated Northern Huns army stopped forty miles away!

"Report! Shan Yu, the main force of the Han army stopped at the mountain pass entering Dai County, and camped in the middle of the road leading out of the grassland. Moreover, the camp was built so large and strong that it was almost impossible to cross it." Northern Xiongnu explored the horse. Come back and report.

Ju Qu Lie Lie asked, "How many troops does the Han army have?"

"About [-] to [-]." The person who reported back thought for a while and said: "The Han army is divided into two battalions. Among them, the infantry is mainly camped in the south road, and the cavalry is mainly camped in the northeast thirty miles."

"There are only 3 or 20 horses. I thought there were at least [-] people. It's really a bluff." Ju Qu smiled disdainfully:

"With so few troops, he still dares to divide the troops. Who gave him the courage is really arrogant."

"Shan Yu, I guess the Han people are setting up some kind of Longmen array, playing tricks."

At the moment, the generals of the Northern Huns also mocked.

Almost 40 people fought against 3 or [-] horses, and the Han people dared to divide them into two battalions.

Then another general from the Northern Huns stood up and said, "Shan Yu asked me to bring fifty thousand fine cavalry to destroy the cavalry of the Han people first, and burn down the Han camp in the northeast."

Ju Qu Lie Lie is a little bit interested.

Fifty thousand fight ten thousand, and the Han cavalry will lose.

Although it was said that one Han was able to reach the Five Hus before, it was because the Han had strong crossbows, which made the Huns cavalry suffer.

Now my Huns are also equipped with powerful crossbows, are you still afraid of Han cavalry?

Even if there is a loss, it is within the controllable three or four thousand.

Eliminating the Han cavalry in advance is conducive to the impact, encirclement and pursuit of the Han infantry.

Just when he was about to agree, Luan Ti called Chu Quan and said: "Shan Yu was careful to fall into the tricks of the Han thieves, this Xu Xiang is always cunning and cunning, even the Han people are in his hands, so don't take it lightly." attack."

Ju Qu Lie Lie looked at Luan Tihu Chu Quan, with a suspicious expression on his face: "You mean, Xu Ding has an ambush, deliberately leading me to attack?"

"That's right, Shan Yu, Xu Ding has several cavalry in his hands, the number is no less than [-], and there are only [-] now, and there must be bombs among them." Luan Tihu Chuquan analyzed.

Ju Qulie said: "Then how do you think we should deal with the Han army?"

"Shan Yu, don't pay attention to this Han cavalry, as long as we defeat the main infantry regiment of the Han army, we have plenty of time to play cat and mouse and play slowly." Luan Tihu Chuquan suggested.

Juqu Lielie did not immediately give an answer or decision.

The other generals of the Northern Huns were also silent.

Analyzing it rationally, what Luan Tihu Chuquan said made a lot of sense.

But after thinking about it for a while, Ju Qu Lie said: "Even if what you said is right, why should my great Xiongnu be afraid of surpassing the Han army and Han cavalry? If there is an ambush, we can still defeat them. The [-] cavalry, even if all Come out, and the cavalry of my Great Huns will make them come and go."

"What Shan Yu said is very true, or Shan Yu is wise, Shan Yu let me go."

"Shan Yu, I am also willing to go, I really want to see how strong Han Qi is."

At present, there are many generals of the Northern Huns asking for battle.

Ju Qu Lie Lie nodded in relief and said: "Okay, you are worthy of being soldiers of my great Huns. I will give you [-] horses to break through the Han army's cavalry camp and destroy the Han army's cavalry first."

"It's Shan Yu!"

All the northern Xiongnu generals were excited and excited, and a few cast a sneer at Luan Tihu Chuquan.

Shan Yu is their Shan Yu, you Nan Xiongnu is just our dog, how can Shan Yu listen to the dog's words.

Of course, it's not that Luan Tihu Chuquan said that the mention is unreasonable, it's wrong, but that Juqu Lielie felt that he should first test the combat effectiveness of the Donglai Army.

First out of the cavalry to test Xu Ding's strength and details.

This is good for the decisive battle. After all, it is a duel of several 10 horses.

Whether it is to find out the strength of the opponent or the temper and character of the commander, it is extremely important.

At night, [-] Xiongnu cavalry quietly headed north, bypassing the main camp of the Han army, and then went south to attack the Han cavalry camp.

Calculated according to the time, when they arrived at the Hanqi camp, it happened to be dawn.

This is the time when people are most sleepy.

The cold wind pierced through the bones, and the earth was hazy.

The light from the sky is just enough for people to see hundreds of meters away, of course, it can be seen five or six miles away on the grassland.

But it was a vague shadow.


The [-]-riding elite of the Xiongnu headquarters saw the shadow of the Han cavalry camp, and finally stopped being silent. They drew out their swords that had been cold all night, and urged their horses to charge forward.

But the outstretched hand was red from the cold.

After walking on the grassland all night, although it was a slow walk, after staying up all night, my body was somewhat stiff and my blood was blocked.

The war horse under the crotch is also because of walking all night, less rest, and the spirit is not very high.

It was also weak when it started to charge.

It was only when the Xiongnu soldiers whipped their whips that they neighed, panted heavily, and ran with four hooves.

The head-on cold wind blows like a knife, which is extremely painful.

But the northern Huns were extremely excited.

Because they are going to capture the Han cavalry camp, and they are going to fight the Han army, the century-old enemy they have never met.

"For the Huns!"

"For the Huns!"

The Iron Horse Glacier fell into a dream, and the rumbling war horse shook people ten miles away. Cheng Yan, the [-] Xiongnu cavalry, rushed towards the Han cavalry camp like a torrent of steel...

(End of this chapter)

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