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Chapter 809 Battle against the Northern Huns

Chapter 809 Battle against the Northern Huns ([-])


Upper Valley County.

The [-] northern Xiongnu army was divided into several groups and killed.

Among the Northern Huns in this team, there are only [-] Northern Huns headquarters, and the remaining [-] are from the subjugated Western Region countries and Xianbei ethnic groups.

Entering Shanggu, the area around the Outer Great Wall is almost empty.

Except for the Han army in Guangning City, there are no garrisons in other fortresses and checkpoints.

When the [-] Hun army arrived, they saw that there were many banners on the tall Guangning City. The northern Hun general Xubu Gaitao, who commanded the army, called Budugen over and asked: "Budugen, the former How many Han troops are there in Guangning City?"

Bu Dugen thought for a while and replied: "General, in general, the Han army's largest frontier army in the county is [-]. It is matched with [-] county soldiers and [-] other miscellaneous soldiers. It will not exceed [-]."

"So, there are not many Han troops in Guangning City?"

There are only three thousand people in the area, and they are vulnerable to a single blow. They have 7 people, and they can drown the Han army.

At this time, Bu Dugen said: "It is common sense for adults to say that the city of Guangning is only [-] more, but the Han army has already made a decision. They voluntarily gave up Ning County, and the soldiers and horses of Ning County naturally withdrew to Guangning. There will be at least one or two thousand defenders at other passes.

In this way, there are as many as [-] soldiers in Guangning City. "

In this way, there are quite a few people.

Xu Bu Gaitao couldn't help hesitating.

Bu Dugen continued: "General, there is one more thing that needs to be known, that Xu Ding has a new Japanese army, which is soldiers found from islands outside the East China Sea. Death is famous, as long as the order is given, even if all the people die in battle, they will stick to the order to the end.

Moreover, there may be an unknown number of such troops. If we fight with elite fighters, it will be a huge waste. "

There are troops like this in this world.

Even if they are all killed in battle, they will not retreat, and they are so cheap, you can grab a lot of them.

Xu Bu Gaitao almost wanted to be rude, but he still didn't believe it.

You have to say that the Han people have hard bones, which is a little bit possible.

Apart from the warriors of the Huns headquarters, there is no other tribe in the world with such bravery.

Even those barbarians in the West do not have such a valuable quality.

Bu Dugen sighed with a wry smile: "General, don't believe me, our central Xianbei has suffered losses twice at his hands, and because of this... it has become like this."

"This... well, I will pay attention to it." Xu Bu Gaitao looked at Bu Dugen who was a bit lonely, and gave up his plan to attack Guangning City in doubt.

Because attacking this city will cause a lot of damage, and if the time is delayed for a long time, then the next strategy will not be completed.

"Keben, you bring 1 people to stay here, and show me Guangning City. The others lead an army to follow me to Juyongguan, break through the city, and wait for Shanyu's army to destroy Guangning City." I think Xu Bugai Tao made such an order.

The general named Keben was a little unhappy, but he still took the order and led 1 people to look at Guangning City.

Next, Xu Bugai Tao led a mighty army of [-] to kill Juyongguan.

Juyongguan belongs to the inner defense line of the Great Wall.

It is the only way to enter the customs from Shanggu County, and it is also the north gate of Youzhou, where it is the lifeline.

There is Juyongguan that can be attacked and retreated to defend.

It is vital.

One of the nine passes in the world.

"Rest here, build siege equipment immediately, and attack the city in a day." Xu Bu Gaitao glanced at the tall Juyongguan Pass, turned around and gave his order.

The subordinates went to make arrangements immediately.

This time they brought some artisans over.

Although craftsmen are extremely valuable in the Northern Huns, it is only for the sake of conquering Juyongguan.

Ju Qu Lie Lie spent a lot of money, specially dispatching a batch of them to Xu Bu Gai.

In order to rush out as soon as possible, tens of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers from the Northern Huns were also assigned tasks by craftsmen to assist them.

Within a day, many siege equipment was quickly built.

Seeing that the trebuchet was perfectly made, Xu Bugaitao was quite satisfied.

Immediately, he drew his sword and pointed at Guancheng Road: "Siege the city, you must take it down today, even if tens of thousands of people die, you must take it down, and after you take it down, go to the hinterland of the Central Plains and let it go for ten days. Everything is yours.”

The [-] troops who heard the news screamed.

Let it go for ten days, and everything is yours.

The gold, silver, jewels, and rich silks are all their own.

The white and slender Han women are also their own.

Whether it is the headquarters of the Northern Huns or other miscellaneous soldiers, they are equally excited.

In the past, everything belonged to the Northern Huns, and their slave army was just a knife in the hands of the Northern Huns.

Everything captured must be handed over to the Northern Huns, and there are basically too few things that can be kept in their own hands.

Not to mention the fragrant and tender Han women.

On the Juyongguan Pass!

Cheng Yu, governor of Youzhou, personally sat in the town.

Standing on both sides are generals Su You, Qianzhao, Chun Yuqiong and other generals who descended from Ganyuan Jizhou.

Of course, there are also several senior students from the martial arts hall. They are responsible for protecting Cheng Yu, and at the same time, they are also responsible for taking the lead at special moments when there is a lack of generals, so that the defense line of Juyongguan is safe.

Moreover, these students also carried muskets with them in order to snipe the invading Northern Huns generals in the city.

"The Northern Huns are coming in, but they are ready." Cheng Yu asked.

Everything else was planned and arranged by him.

But morale is needed when going to battle.

Su You, Qianzhao, Chun Yuqiong and others replied in a loud voice: "Return to the envoy, everything is ready. When the Northern Huns attack, it will be the time for their destruction. This battle will wipe out all their troops."

"Okay! Beat the drums to face the battle, let's go ahead and temporarily evacuate the personnel into Neiguan City and hide behind the wall to see how the Northern Huns' armaments have reached the general level." Cheng Yu is an old man who seeks the country, and did not expose himself at the beginning Strength, but want to wipe the foundation of the Northern Huns.

The generals went down to lead the team, and then all the troops on the Guancheng hid.

Soon the army of the Northern Huns stopped advancing, but pushed out the trebuchet.

Row after row are lined up, and then the stone bombs are ready.

Budugen's eyes were very good. He looked at the city gate in the distance, and said to Xubu Gaitao: "General, don't you think the enemy's city is a bit quiet? It seems that there are no troops defending the city."

"How is it possible?" Xu Bu Gaitao also looked, but he did not find the enemy.There was silence on the tower.

"Hmph, they must be hiding. Facing our weapons, they can only dodge their lives. Pass my order, when they attack, increase their strength, and let these Han people see that our weapons are powerful!" Xu Bu Gai Tao shouted.


The siege machinery is ready.

All catapults are lined up in front.

Xu Bugai drew his sword and shouted, "Attack!"

Whoosh whoosh.
The soldier in charge of manipulating the catapult put all the stones in the spoon behind the catapult, turned the turntable, and let it go violently.In an instant, huge boulders were thrown towards Juyongguan City.

Boom boom boom! ! !
The boulder hit the city wall, making a loud noise that made the entire city tower tremble.

The soldiers in charge of defending the city all hid behind the wall piers and were not attacked.However, such a fierce attack also caused a certain amount of psychological pressure on them.

Cheng Yu, governor of Youzhou, was in the cave behind the soldiers.

The Cangbing Cave is a place for storing arrows, swords, and avoiding attacks.

Lead the move with him.

Seeing the enemy's continuous attack, Zhao Zhao said: "The enemy's equipment really has a certain combat effectiveness. No wonder he dared to attack us on his own initiative."

Cheng Yu said: "Not only are the equipment strong, but their soldiers are also extremely brave. However, they are unlucky to meet me today." When he said this, his face was already full of smiles.

Clearly confident in his strategy.

"Master, when shall we fight back?" Qian Zhao asked.

"Don't worry, let them make noise outside the city first, and we will fight back when we attack the city." Cheng Yu presided over this battle, not to destroy the Xiongnu army, but to drag them down and weaken their spirit.Then surround and annihilate it.

The catapults continued to attack, causing many damages to the towers.

Xu Bu Gaitao laughed out loud, and said to Bu Dugen: "It's not too late, attack the city immediately!"


Bu Dugen personally went out to command the battle: "The general has an order, attack the city immediately!"

roar roar.
Thousands of soldiers ran to the city gate in neat steps.

There are still about fifty steps away from the Chengguan.

Cheng Yu suddenly walked out of the cave and shouted, "Shoot the arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh.
All the soldiers hiding behind the wall stood up and fought back outside the city.

Arrows flew like rain, completely covering the rushing enemy troops.

The armor of the Huns had difficulty reaching the arrows, and many were shot and killed.

But in siege battles, casualties are inevitable. Even if some are shot, the rest of the soldiers will move forward bravely.Their fighting will is no less than that of the promised army.It is not weaker than the garrison of Juyongguan City.

Cheng Yu saw it and shouted: "From now on, no one is allowed to hide anymore. Everyone fight back and keep the enemy out of the city."

"Recruit the general."


Cheng Yu ordered: "Prepare boiling water, wait for the enemy to set up a ladder, and pour it over their heads, it will definitely have a miraculous effect."

"Yes. Shi Jun has a good idea." Pull Zhao to prepare.


The Xiongnu's siege troops had already arrived outside the city, took the ladder, and climbed desperately.

Qianzhao prepared a large amount of boiling water, and poured it towards them after boiling.

Clap la la.
Boiling water was poured on the Hun soldiers, causing them to feel severe pain, and they all rolled down the ladder without any accident.They were either thrown to death, or stabbed to death with knives and guns, which was horrible.

The fight went on for half an hour.

The Huns made no progress.

It was only then that Xu Bu Gaitao realized that Juyongguan City, where Cheng Yu was stationed, was really difficult to conquer.

The Han army was prepared and on guard. I'm afraid they had expected that they would come to attack Juyongguan.

Perhaps it was a mistake for him to come here. He should first conquer Guangning City and have a foothold in Shanggu County.

It's just that the time given by Shan Yu is tight, and whether Juyongguan can be captured is also related to the grand strategy.

It's all here, it's useless to think so much.

"Boys, continue to attack!" He drew his sword and roared.

The subordinates continued to transfer other troops to increase the intensity of the siege.

Time passes quickly.

The sky turned dark.

The Xiongnu army failed to attack the city and suffered numerous casualties, so they had to retreat first.

But before they could find a place to camp, Cheng Yu launched a full-scale counterattack.

He let Qianzhao stationed at Juyongguan.

Su You, Chun Yuqiong and others led [-] elite troops and jumped out of the city carrying grenades.

At the same time, under the leadership of Gongsun Zan, Zhang Jai and other generals, the Baima Yicong, Guiyi Army, Euphorbia Soldiers, and New Japanese Army lurking in various places in Shanggu County quietly surrounded them.

This battle is fought at night.

More than [-] troops participated.

Although there are still not as many Huns soldiers, they definitely have an advantage in terms of elites.

Whether it is the Baima Yicong, the Guiyi Army, the Euphorbia Soldiers, or the New Japanese Army, their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Under Cheng Yu's layout, all the troops quietly arrived around the Huns.

At this time, the Xiongnu had just finished attacking the city, and all the ministries suffered heavy casualties, so they needed to recuperate as soon as possible.The most important thing was that they were hungry. They hadn't eaten for a day, and they ate some bread at noon, and they couldn't hold on anymore.

"Let's set up camp here, the general."

One of Xubu Gaitao's confidants checked the terrain and chose to camp at a backing.Because beside the mountain, there is a river that can provide water for the army.

"Okay. After fighting all day today, the general is almost exhausted. Hurry up and set up camp and take a rest."

Xu Bugai found a piece of bluestone and sat down there.

Bu Dugen stood beside him and said, "General, behind the high walls of Juyongguan, our soldiers are not very good at attacking the city. If the stalemate continues, it will be bad for us."

"What's your idea?"


Bu Dugen said: "It's better for us to pretend to attack Guangning City or other Han army cities in Shanggu County, and attract the enemy. When the enemy comes to rescue, we will ambush halfway and we will surely win. After that, we will try to capture Juyongguan .”

"It is indeed a good idea to attack the enemy and save them, but why didn't you say it earlier?" Xu Bu Gaitao complained.

"The last general just remembered."

It's a pity that Budugen's strategy is destined to be impossible to implement.Because at this moment, more than 4 elites have already surrounded them.Under Cheng Yu's unified dispatch, they attacked the Huns.

"Envoy..." Gongsun Zan, Zhang Jai, and Min Rou came to see Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu said: "Now that the enemy is preparing to set up camp, they must be unprepared. Xu Bu Gaitao would not have thought that we would counterattack at this time. General Gongsun, please lead the White Horse Yi Cong to charge from the front and wrap the enemy around The euphorbia warriors of General Zhang Jaw are good at fighting cavalry, and can attack from the flank to injure them severely.

General Min Rou went to the east and set up a defensive line to prevent the Huns from escaping.The rest of the new Japanese army will wait here with me.I believe it won't be long before the Xiongnu soldiers will come from here, and I will make him come and go. "

"As ordered..."

The generals replied.

Da da da.
Fifteen thousand white horse righteous followers, led by Gongsun Zan, rushed towards the Xiongnu soldiers from the front.Their feet are wrapped in thick cotton cloth, which makes them run very lightly.If you don't listen carefully, you won't feel their presence.

When there were more than a thousand steps away from the enemy, Bu Dugen inadvertently felt the ground trembling.

"This is.."

His face changed drastically, and he shouted: "No, it's the enemy's cavalry!"

"What's going on?" Xu Bugai was so tired that he wanted to sleep, lost himself in Qingshi for a while, and was woken up by Budugen.

Bu Dugen hurried over: "General, it's not good, the enemy's cavalry is coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt the rumbling voice getting louder.

Xu Bu Gaitao also reacted, he lay on the ground and listened, got up and said: "The enemy is coming from the west, order all the ministries to abandon the camp and fight immediately!"

"The general has an order to fight immediately." Xubu Gaitao's confidants went to deliver the order.

(End of this chapter)

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