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Chapter 810 Battle against the Northern Huns

Chapter 810 Battle against the Northern Huns ([-])

All the soldiers who were camping got on their horses and prepared to fight.


The Huns gathered temporarily and were in chaos.

And Gongsun Zan's Baima Yicong had already charged over aggressively, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Xu Bu Gaitao could already clearly see the banner of Baima Yicong, and immediately drew his sword and shouted angrily: "Kill it!"

"Kill..." The chaotic formation of the Xiongnu army followed Xubu Gaitao to fight.

Bang bang bang.
The two armies met on a slope, and the Xiongnu army was hit and turned on their backs.

Taking advantage of the terrain, the white horse cavalry is invincible.

"Xub Gaitao, die!" Gongsun Zan locked on the target with a glance, and quickly stabbed with his spear.

An attack and kill that was caught off guard put Xu Bu Gaitao at a disadvantage.

He noticed that his army was being attacked by Baima Yicong.It is difficult for the tired and hungry Xiongnu army to form a favorable resistance without forming an formation.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely cause heavy casualties.

He hardly thought about it, he tried his best to push Gongsun Zan back, and ran to the back.

Budugen came over: "General, an enemy army has appeared in the north. There are many people. We are surrounded."

"Retreat to the south!"

Xu Bugai roared.

"Yes." The battle had just begun, and the will of the Huns was destroyed by Baima Yicong, who didn't even have the courage to resist.All of them followed Xu Bu Gai Tao and fled to the south.

However, is the south safe?
Cheng Yu had already arranged everything, no matter where the Xiongnu fled, they could not escape death.

"Kill..." Gongsun Zan chased after him without stopping.Baima Yicong was also exceptionally brave. He had successively defeated the temporarily assembled Huns and dispersed them.

Soon to the south.

The road ahead becomes narrow.There are hills on both sides and a road in the middle.As long as the Huns stand there, they can stop the White Horse Yi Cong and make the Huns withdraw safely.

Xu Bu Gaitao was very excited, and shouted: "My sons, stay here with me."

He went with the army.

At this moment, the flag of Zhang Jaw appeared and was planted on the most conspicuous hillside ahead.Holding the long knife, Zhang Jai laughed and said, "Xiongnu boy, let's see where you are going to escape today!"

Countless euphorbia warriors came out and completely blocked the place.

"This." Budugen said in surprise: "General, the enemy has already occupied an important position, and we cannot rush through."

There are obstacles in the way, and then there are white horses chasing soldiers.

The Huns were in a desperate situation.

Xu Bu Gaitao was helpless, he shouted: "Fight with me! Fight!"

In fact, he could still go to the west, where no enemies appeared.However, Cheng Yu led the new Japanese army, waiting there in full force.Xu Bu Gaitao still could not escape death.

Cheng Yu originally calculated that Xu Bu Gaitao would break through from him, but he miscalculated.

When encountering Zhang Jaw, Xu Bu Gaitao did not choose to escape, but put all his eggs in one basket and fought a bloody battle with Zhang Jaw's Euphorbia warrior.Probably he also understood that the enemy had already set up an ambush, no matter where he went, a battle would be inevitable.

"Hmph, I'll let you taste the power of the euphorbia warriors!" Zhang Jaw swiped forward with his long saber, and the euphorbia warriors marched in unison, pressing towards the Huns.

As a veteran elite that specializes in restraining cavalry, the soldiers all have their own arrogance.

Facing the Xiongnu soldiers who are not very well equipped, they all have the mentality of winning.

Puff puff.
The long halberds continued to protrude, cutting off the horse legs of the Huns cavalry, or in groups of three or five, ten in a team, and killed the Huns who had fallen from their horses.The battle had just begun, and the situation was controlled without any surprise.

The Euphorbia continued to approach the front.

Xu Bu Gaitao realized that he underestimated Zhang Jaw, and even underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Euphorbia warriors.

The iron halberd can break the horse's legs and undoubtedly restrain the cavalry.

How could the exhausted and exhausted Xiongnu be such an elite opponent.

He hesitated again.

Want to order the withdrawal of troops.

However, the military order is not a child's play. I said to the soldiers just a moment ago that I will fight to the end, so how can I go back on my word now.Such repetitions, what is the military power?Once the army retreated, the remaining morale would be gone.Xu Bu Gaitao gritted his teeth, decided to make mistakes and fight to the end.

a little.

Gongsun Zan, who was chasing from behind, arrived behind the Xiongnu army with his white horse Yi Cong, and launched a fierce attack.

Cheng Yu learned that the Xiongnu army did not go to his side, but fought against Zhang Jai in the south, so he stopped waiting and led the new Japanese army to join the battle.

At the same time, he ordered Min Rou to shrink and encircle, and assist in opening his jaw.

In this way, the Xiongnu army faced siege from all sides, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

"Please look, my lord, the Lord of the Xiongnu is there." After Zhang Jai and Cheng Yu met, he pointed to a corner of the battlefield.

Cheng Yu looked over and smiled and said, "I thought that the general of the Xiongnu was mediocre in martial arts, but I didn't expect him to be so brave. Junyi, are you sure you can defeat him?"

"What does the envoy mean, let me kill Xuta?" Zhang Jaw asked.

"He is a general of the Huns. Once he is killed, the enemy will be terrified and it will be easier for us to win."

"The final general understands." Opening his jaw and clasping his hands, he said, "Your Majesty, please be careful, within twenty rounds, take his head."


Zhang Jai drove the horse into the battle, and ran towards Xubu Gaitao.

"Kill..." Xu Bu Gaitao was still fighting desperately, and he didn't see the rushing Zhang Jaw at all.Until Zhang Jaw appeared behind him and shouted: "The Huns are defeated, die!"

He turned around in shock, and hit back casually, just in time to block Zhang Jaw's long knife.

"It's so dangerous..." Xu Bu Gaitao almost pissed in fear: "Han dog, you shameless person, you actually engaged in a sneak attack."

"The envoy has an order to take your head. Xu, forgive me, you are not my opponent, so let's kill you." Zhang Jaw said with a haughty attitude.

It seemed that taking Xu Bu Gaitao's head was a very simple matter, but he didn't bother to do it.

"Don't talk big, look at the gun!" Xu Bu Gaitao is not a person who dies easily, he immediately stabbed with his gun, and directly aimed at the door of Zhang's face.

clang clang clang.
The two fought fifteen strokes.

Zhang Jai turned around and retreated, Xu Bu Gaitao thought that Zhang Jai couldn't beat him, so he chased after him.Suddenly, Zhang Jaw reined in the horse, turned around and slashed at Xu Bu Gaitao's shoulder, cutting off a large piece of flesh and blood.

"Ah." He threw away the spear and let out a miserable scream.

Zhang Jaw rushed over and cut off his head with his saber.

"If you haven't surrendered yet, when will you wait?" Zhang Jaw held up the bloody head and shouted around.

All the Xiongnu soldiers who were fighting, seeing the general dead, had no intention of fighting again, and fled in all directions.

But Gongsun Zan's White Horse Yi Cong and Zhang Jaw's Euphorbia Warrior took advantage of the situation to pursue and kill them.

Just half a quarter of an hour.

A large number of Hun soldiers were massacred.They have lost the will to resist and the courage to fight. Facing a tough opponent like Baima Yicong, they have no choice but to run for their lives.

However, Cheng Yu's new Japanese army was stuck behind them, and they were doomed to find it difficult to escape from the battlefield.

Anyone who approached Cheng Yu was dealt with by the new Japanese army.

Min Rou arrived with the rebel army: "Master, the last general is ordered to come here."

"Lead your troops, surround this area, and don't let the enemy escape. In this battle, we will completely annihilate this Hun army." Cheng Yu's eyes were full of fierceness.

The Xiongnu dared to go south to invade, and they were provoking Xu Ding and the Central Plains court.Do you think that if you master a little technology, you can turn the world upside down?Only by hitting them back fiercely can the effect of shock be achieved.

With the joint efforts of several parties, the already hungry and exhausted Xiongnu soldiers, coupled with the death of Xubu Gaitao, brought their morale down to the bottom. Facing the siege of tens of thousands of elites, they finally found it difficult to continue.A total of [-] Huns were wiped out here.

It also included Bu Dugen, the Xianbei general who surrendered to the Huns. He was picked off by Gongsun Zan and trampled to death by horseshoes.

The rest of the generals of the Xiongnu did not escape, and all the jade was broken.

From the beginning to the end of this battle, it only took one night.From the beginning to the end, Cheng Yu was in control of the situation, and the Huns hardly had any decent resistance or counterattack.

At dawn.

The news spread outside Guangning city.

Cobain, who was stationed there, couldn't believe it was true.

He personally led more than a thousand riders to inquire outside Juyong Pass.

After that, I clearly saw the blood-stained battlefield, where tens of thousands of Hun corpses were lying there, and they hadn't come to clean up in a hurry.After encountering the Han army sweeping the battlefield, he angrily ordered to rush to kill.

"General, general..." Suddenly a soldier ran over: "Our camp was attacked by the Han army, and the brothers are resisting."

"Hurry back to the army!"

Keben also ignored the blood feud at hand, and ran back to the camp at full speed.

However, he was still one step too late.

The camp was blocked by Cheng Yu's siege, Gongsun Zan's white horse Yi Cong blocked the intersection, and a large number of cavalry surrounded him on both sides, trapping him tightly.

Keben has no escape, and fights to the death with Baima Yicong.

"Kill..." This encounter didn't last long, Coburn was killed, and none of the thousand cavalry under his command survived.

So far, the Xiongnu army who attacked Shanggu County was completely wiped out along the Inner Great Wall.

Juqu Lielie, who was still confronting Xu Ding, should have lost [-] elite riders, so he was extra careful and asked people to go around to investigate again, so as to avoid the strong result of an ambush by the Han army.

In the end, it doesn't matter if you don't check. With the vigilant Northern Xiongnu elite scouts, they really discovered the Jingzhou Army in Huanghua Mountain.

In addition, he captured the righteous soldiers who did not abide by the military regulations and went out privately.

"What a cunning traitor, there is indeed an ambush, and he almost fell into your trap again." Ju Qu Lie Lie was lucky to himself, fortunately, he had this order more or less.

Otherwise, in a decisive battle with the main force of the Han army, if this Han army fights out, it will be greatly disturbed if it is undefeated, and it will never be possible to win.

"Shan Yu, what should we do now?" a member of the Northern Huns asked.

Ju Qulie sneered and said: "Since this Xu Ding likes to play so much, then I will play him to death. We will attack Huanghua Mountain tonight and eat up this Han army of 3 horses. I think Xu Ding will be very angry when he knows it." It will be rich."

"Shan Yu is wise!" All the generals of the Northern Huns laughed loudly when they heard this.

So that night, the Northern Huns sent an army of 15 to Huanghua Mountain.

"The general is not good. We were discovered by the Northern Huns, and the army of the Northern Huns went to Huanghua Mountain."

In the middle of the night, the sentinels on guard outside Huanghua Mountain came back to report.

This made Wenpin break out in a cold sweat.

"Go and call General Wei Yan and Army Master Zhuge."

"Nuo"'s subordinates hurried to deliver the order.

After a while, Wei Yan and Zhuge Liang came over.

"General Wen, are you calling us here for something urgent?" Zhuge Liang asked.

Wen Pin said: "We were discovered. The Northern Huns knew that we were hiding in Huanghua Mountain, so they sent a large army over?"

"What?" Wei Yan's copper eyes widened.

Zhuge Liang's heart skipped a beat, no wonder Wenpin called them out of bed at this time.

"Kong Ming, what should we do now?" Wenpin asked.

Zhuge Liang thought for a while and said: "General, there is only one way at this time. Stick to the camp, guard the mountain pass, hold back the Northern Huns army, and send people to go over the mountain overnight to tell the general. I hope it can come in a hurry."

Wenpin knew it would be such an idea. In fact, the current situation can only be like this. No matter how talented they are, they can't show it in the face of absolute strength. They can only stick to it and wait for reinforcements.

I hope Xu Ding can send troops to rescue the siege, otherwise their Jingzhou army will all die here.

It turned out to be a steady mission, but it turned out to be a deadly mission.

Things are so delicate on the battlefield.

Next, Wenpin issued an order to ask Wei Yan, Su Fei and others to take [-] each to guard the mountain passes, guard the pass by themselves, and Zhuge Liang guard the camp to help him stabilize the morale of the army.

The Northern Huns arrived at Huanghua Mountain, and immediately launched a multi-channel attack.

The Jingzhou army counterattacked and stood firm according to the terrain.

The battle broke out without warning.

"En! Is there something new?" Xu Ding, who was bored, still used Xiao Shisan to monitor the grasslands, and found that the battle in Shanggu was over, and was ready to sleep with satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, when he turned back to the perspective, he discovered that the northern Huns barracks on the opposite side had retreated.

As a result, I followed it and found that more than [-] Northern Huns went to Huanghua Mountain.

"This is when Su Fei, Wenpin, Wei Yan, and Zhuge Liang were discovered!"

Xu Ding suddenly lost all sleepiness, and quickly made new considerations in his mind.

Then he said to the guards outside the camp: "Go to each camp and send an order to call all the generals over."

Soon all the generals came over, and it was a bit uncomfortable to be called here in the middle of the night.

But Xu Ding didn't have time to talk nonsense with them, so he said directly: "Wenpin and others in Huanghuashan were discovered by the Northern Huns, and now the Northern Huns have an army of more than [-] to attack Huangshanhua."

There was a ringing in everyone's mind, like thunder.

Our ambush force has been spotted.

The Jingzhou army was surrounded.

"So, all our previous plans have been abolished. Now, all the ministries will go back to form a team, and now attack the Northern Huns camp." Xu Ding glanced at the crowd, and gave the order directly, without giving them any time to discuss and argue.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then stood up one after another and said: "The general is not ordered."

So the generals went down to gather their own troops, Xu Ding then said to Zhao Yun in the headquarters: "Zilong, you take the sixth school lieutenant to cross the northern Huns camp and go straight to Huanghua Mountain, and go to the place where you can attack or assist Huanghua Mountain according to the situation." Wenpin and others, pay attention to protect yourself first."

"It's the lord, the last general will go here!" Zhao Yun quickly left the account.

Then Xu Ding said to a personal guard: "Lv Bu and Huang Zhong, who knew the cavalry camp, abandoned the cavalry camp and came to join the battle. Before dawn, I want to see them kill the northern Xiongnu camp."

The personal guard took the order and left immediately.

All the armies were ready, so they went out with Xu Ding and went straight to the Northern Huns camp.

Wenpin and others who wanted to save Huanghuashan had to defeat the Northern Huns camp.

This is called besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

(End of this chapter)

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