I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 101 Ambush in Qingjian

Chapter 101 Ambush in Qingjian
"Report! General, the main force of our army's cavalry has surrounded a Turkic army in Fort Wu!"

When he was near Qingjian, Han Zhan received a report from his subordinates.

Hearing the news, Han Zhan was overjoyed, and said to the generals following him:

"My lords, our lure plan has succeeded. At this time, in Xihe County, there are still Turkic tribes near the Zouma River and the Yellow River that have gathered at Wu Debao. We only need to rush to surround the enemy's reinforcements quickly. win big.”

"The general is mighty, this time we will definitely hit the Turks one by one, and let them know that Xihe County is not a place where they can come if they want!"

"That's right. This time, the two units of our army lured the enemy. The Xiaoyao Mansion rode northward to explore the road. The Turkic people mistakenly thought that we would go directly northward to find the main force of the Turkic army to fight. The Turkic people must leave a large number of troops in the north to prevent our army from going northward to attack them. In the hinterland, destroying its prairie royal court is actually nothing more than worrying about it in one fell swoop."

"And in the name of His Majesty, we pretended to travel lightly to Xihe County for inspection, and asked them to gather heavy troops to surround Wu Debao's substitute. In fact, we wanted to counter-encircle and annihilate him!"

"That's right, this big victory is all thanks to the good ideas of the second prince and the third prince, and it was all achieved by the unity of my entire team!"

A group of civil and military generals echoed one after another, as if they had won the victory.

Han Zhan drew his sword and said: "Command the army, don't camp tonight, pass through Qingjian overnight, rush to Wu Debao, don't let a Turkic go away!"

"It's the general!"

Everyone took the order with a bang, and screamed one by one.

Even the soldiers below were extremely excited when they heard this.

I heard that this battle will be won 100%, that is a great achievement.

Therefore, under the deliberate advocacy of people with ulterior motives, they secretly praised Ye Tao, the king of Fufeng, and Ye Wei, the king of Hongnong, who came up with their ideas.

Although the Korean War is a supporter of Ye Yu, king of Xiliang.

But he is also famous after all.

The foundation is still the Wu Xun family, if they can win this battle, then the prestige of his Han family will be even greater.

The Han family will also reap huge benefits, so they did not abandon the cooperation with the civil service department and the aristocratic family department.

For the small actions of the following people, it is the default.

The soldiers are all held by the generals, so what's the use of fanning the wind.

As long as the military power is seized, there will be a battle of many heirs, and with an order, the army can still mutiny, and the surname is still Xiliang.

Of course, there are some things that cannot be clearly stated. The king of Xiliang has to pay more attention to him and rely on him more.

Otherwise, it is not certain who to support at that time.

So Han Zhan is happy to sell a good one.

Not much to say, the Zhou army's main force of [-] infantry is adding [-] to assist a total of [-] troops, marching mightily.

After dark, I went to Qingjian.

At this time, the main force of the entire Great Zhou was all on their way, only wanting to reach Wu Debao quickly, and then gather and annihilate the Turks.

I can't even take into account whether there is any change in Qingjian.

Because the passage has been smooth, they naturally feel that nothing is wrong.

So rest assured bold fast speed through.

"The green mountains are still dangerous, and there is no way back here..." Han Zhan rode his horse, looked up at the vast mountains on both sides of the clear stream illuminated by the torches of the army, and couldn't help but think of an anonymous person in Chang'an City Scholar's poems.

Suddenly, Han Zhan's eyes shrank and fixed there.

In the distance, a fire dragon suddenly appeared.

It was formed by continuous torches.

"Not good! Enemy attack!"

Anyone who has fought a war and has a bit of common sense knows what is going on.

Han Zhan's mind buzzed instantly.

The other generals were not much better.

Then he heard the earth-shattering shouts of killing from Beishan Xiang.

There is also the strong shock from the roaring horseshoe vibration.

The dense torch flying dragons in front of the team charged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fend off the enemy! Fend off the enemy! Hurry up..."

The commanding general of the front team hurriedly drew his sword and gave an order.

Soldiers, in a panic, seized the scattered array of weapons.

The teams and armies simply couldn't complete the usual condensed formation.

Han Zhan is a general after all, and he has quite a lot of experience.

Immediately, the opponent said: "After the order, the army will change to the front team, withdraw from Qingjian, and then stand up."


The crowd is not a military rookie, so they hurried down to command.

Then Han Zhan said again: "Tell the front team, even if they are all dead, they must give me a hard top. Don't retreat, don't panic, and the supervising team will follow me!"

After talking about Han Zhan, he must urge the horse to move forward.

But some loyal men held him by the rope.

They all persuaded: "No general, the front team is dangerous, you are the commander of my main force, don't move lightly, let alone put yourself in a dangerous place."

"Yes, General, if something happens to you, our army will be in danger. The army still needs you to command it. Please withdraw the push first, and I will wait for cover!"

"This...!" Han Zhan was quite moved. Although he didn't know why he was suddenly ambushed by the Turkic people, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were not greedy for life or fear of death. This is a consolation.

After hesitating for a while, Han Zhan said: "Then please, everyone, this battle is all my fault. I will apologize to His Majesty after I go back. I hope you can meet Your Majesty together. Take care!"

After talking about Han Zhan, he urged the horse to turn around and withdraw from Qingjian.

In front of the enemy, the Zhou generals who stayed behind did not back down. They roared angrily: "Come on, follow me. I am dead and the lieutenant is on top! The lieutenant is dead and the general is on top, and the general is dead. The captain is dead and the centurion is on top!"


There is no hypocrisy between Dazhou and Turks, and if they meet, it will be a deadly battle.

At this moment, the generals of the Great Zhou had inherited their consistent will to fight.

The Turkic iron cavalry first rushed for a while, smashing and destroying the thousands of Da Zhou soldiers in the front, but as the Da Zhou soldiers counterattacked, they swore to resist the counterattack.

The Turkic cavalry failed to rush over for a while, and the two sides fought through Qingjian.

The sound of shouting and killing accompanied by the neighing of horses and the sound of weapons colliding wanted to cut through the entire Qingjian Pinggu.

After leaving Qingjian, the Korean War Commanders began to set up roots, preparing fortifications and phalanxes.

Seeing that it was almost done, he said: "Decree that all our soldiers should withdraw from Qingjian and let the Turkic people come to charge. I don't believe in positional warfare. The Turkic cavalry can beat my big Zhou at night."

Of course, there is no way around the Korean War. In this crisis, it is impossible for him to withdraw to the end, otherwise the army will be defeated like a mountain, and the 5 people will be completely defeated.

As long as you stay here, the direction of Nannu City will receive the battle report, and His Majesty the Emperor will send troops to help.

"Huh, I want to withdraw, but there is no door, bragging, seize this opportunity, and completely crush the Zhou army who wants to withdraw, until the position of the big Zhou auxiliary army behind is also trampled!"

In fact, the Turkic people did not dare to invest in many soldiers and horses just now, only a few thousand people.

The main force of the ambush stayed behind and did not join the battle group.

One is that if the clear stream is not open, it cannot be displayed.

The second is that there are too many Zhou troops inside, too dense, which is not conducive to the cavalry's charge, because Zhou's infantry have no way to go, and they get together, which hinders the cavalry's charge.

Affects the continuous impact effect.

The second is the continuous offensive ability of the generals, a small group of elites defeats the enemy's will, disrupts the enemy's formation and heart army, and most of them pursue and bite.

This is the most perfect combat plan for cavalry, of course, this is what the Turks themselves think.

It is also their experience, so at this time the Turkic army still fights in this mode.

After seeing the opportunity, the Turkic general in command finally used his hole card and continued to attack in one go.

More cavalry rushed into the valley, and then continued, like a flood, like a rainbow piercing the sun.


In the future, Zhou Bing and General Zhou, who had to retreat in a hurry, were instantly submerged and trampled into a pulp.

The ground trembled and the mountains shook more violently. Han Zhan and the others all tensed up, gripping their weapons tightly and staring at the entrance of Qingjian with all their concentration.

Whether it is life or death, whether the temporary defense can block it, and whether it can win a precious foothold for the next self-saving, depends on the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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