Chapter 102

"My lord, the entire Turkic army is attacking, and the time has come for us to give it a go!"

In a corner in the northeast that was ignored by everyone, thousands of eyes were staring at Qingjian.

"Get on the horse, follow me!" Ye Qing got on the horse, everyone tightened the reins and grasped their weapons, and then urged the horse to follow up and charge down.

When he came to the foot of the mountain, Ye Qing shouted softly, "Where is Luo Cheng!"

"Where are the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun!"

The next moment, a horse galloped out from the left, and a white horse with a white robe and silver spear suddenly appeared.

"Northern Yan Luocheng pays homage to the lord!"

Xue Rengui and the others were taken aback for a moment, and wanted to rush out to fight with him, but when they heard that they were here to pay homage to Ye Qing, they relaxed Song Shenji a little.

Then retreat to the right and rush out dozens of horses.

These dozens of riders were all dressed in cold clothes, with machetes on their waists, masks on their faces, black scarves on their heads, only their eyes were exposed, and long black cloaks around their bodies, and they wore barbarian riding boots, which were equipped with daggers.

Each of them carried a big bow and two quiver, and they were all equipped with full moon scimitars.

The people and horses seem to be one with the black, like ghosts and ghosts.

Countless people came out. If Ye Qing hadn't reminded them, everyone would have almost ignored them.

"Eighteen Yanyun riders pay homage to the lord!"

The eighteen riders said at the same time, their breath was calm, their eyes were like an abyss.

Ye Qing's Overlord Panlong Halberd pointed in front of him and said, "Luo Cheng will join the ranks and go with Zilong!"

"No!" Luo Cheng urged the horse to join the team.

Then Ye Qing said again: "Yanyun's eighteen riders are in the ranks, and they are behind me!"

"No!" Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry also joined the team.

The whole team had Ye Qing in the middle, Li Cunxiao and Xue Rengui on the left and right.

The three are in the front row.

Followed by Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, followed by Luo Cheng and Zhao Yun, and then the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry.

A front and arrow formation, no torches, no extra burdens.


The Turkic people didn't know that a small team suddenly appeared behind them, and at first they thought it was soldiers from their own side who were running behind.

But suddenly someone turned around and found that the coming team didn't have a torch, and the impact speed didn't weaken faster than them.

Suddenly felt that something was wrong, and carefully discerned it with fixed eyes.

Suddenly the pupils shrank.

Because the riders who come here wear Yu Jingliang, except for the eighteen riders who are dressed in black, the others are all red.

Obviously Zhou Qi.

"No, it's Zhou..."

With a "poof", the man hadn't finished speaking when an arrow fell from his head and shot him off the horse.

Only then did the Turkic riders realize the strangeness, and they all turned around to have a look.

They were all taken aback.

Why did Zhou Qi appear behind us?

Aren't they all the bait for Wu Debao to besiege my Great Turk?


Before the Turkic could react, Ye Qing's three cavalry arrived.

Spears and halberds waved like death scythes.

Tear apart the Turks standing in front.

The three of them are all high-level powerhouses, and they fought suddenly, and if they rushed in suddenly, they would be like a tiger entering a herd.

The Turkic army was all focused on rushing forward at this time, and the whole team was leaning forward. Even if they found that Ye Qing and others wanted to come back, they couldn't turn around if they wanted to stop the speed. They could only turn around and fight back immediately while rushing forward.

They are not like Zhou Qi, who is equipped with the three treasures of the horse, and they have a place to use when they stand on the horse and turn around. They are not opponents at all when they face the powerful Ye Qing and others who are in an advantageous position.

The three of them were three sharp knives, rushing and killing all the way.

The Eighteen Cavalry are also all first-class combat power. When they work together, they have a tacit understanding and the power to kill. They once jumped to the first rank of combat power.

They are also possessed by God of War.

The scimitar in his hand didn't seem like a broken formation, but it was very suitable for following Ye Qing, Xue Rengui, and Li Cunxiao to expand the results of the battle and expand the wounds.

Zhao Yun and Luo Cheng followed behind, eyes full of horror, these eighteen riders are not weaker than themselves at all, where did the lord find the killing star.

All of a sudden eighteen first-class generals, and the method of killing is extremely skillful and ruthless, they are all ashamed of themselves.

With the efficiency of these eighteen cavalry, Zhao Yun and Luo Cheng became even more excited and aggressive, leading the guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion behind them to further clean up all the Turkic people they passed.

The five hundred riders marched forward indomitably, like a bulldozer rushing across Qingjian Valley from east to west.

"King Zuo Xian, it's not good...with Zhou Qi, we can't stop it!"

Turkic King Zuoxian, who was attacking the middle of the team, suddenly heard the sound of panic behind him. When he turned around, he saw several generals shouting in horror.


King Zuo Xian cursed angrily, and immediately said to the guards beside him: "Go, stop them for me, this is just a small team of Zhou Qi, it's not a big deal."

Seeing the commotion behind him, Zuo Xianwang thought it was a small cavalry team carried by Han Zhan.

Just now I deliberately walked ahead and stayed at Taniguchi, and now I came back for help.

King Zuo Xian's guards are all composed of masters from the headquarters

Among them, there are two first-rate masters, dozens of first-rate masters, and 30 second-rate masters.

All of them are extremely powerful, and they are all brave people.

After receiving the order, these people jumped up from their horses and walked away stepping on the shoulders of the soldiers in the army.

At this time, the entire Turkic army was rushing westward, and it was impossible for them to return to their horses. They could only show their mastery and volley to the rear.

The guards left, King Zuo Xian turned his eyes back to the front again, and roared: "Continue to attack, hit me!"

"It's the king!"

The entire Turkic army didn't know what was waiting for them, but they knew that they needed to break through the temporary defensive phalanx formed by the infantry of the Zhou army after the Tasha Valley and the simple horse-repelling formation composed of chariots and horses.


In the whole valley, apart from the earth-shattering sound of horseshoes, there were bloodthirsty roars of Turkic people. They waved their weapons, patted their horses' buttocks, and screamed, all of them excited.


Suddenly Zhou Jun shot countless arrows from the formation.

After a burst of arrows, another burst, three bursts in succession.

Countless Turkic people fell from their horses.

Zhou Jun's bow and crossbow were more advanced than the Turkic people, and they shot farther and caused amazing damage.

However, it failed to scare the Turks.

After losing a thousand or eight hundred horses, the Turks finally left Taniguchi and devoured the remnants of the Zhou army that had not withdrawn.

Then the horse crashed into the Zhou army's phalanx,


There were countless collision sounds, accompanied by blood rain all over the sky and screams and screams.

"not good!"

Han Zhan and others found a high-ranking commander to watch everything on the battlefield.

Suddenly, I felt pain in my heart.

Their faces were all pale, and their eyes flickered with strange light.

The horse-repelling formation formed by the temporary phalanx and the carriage failed to stop the fierce Turkic cavalry.

Although the Turkic cavalry also lost a lot.

However, with these few casualties, they created opportunities for the army to continue to collide and trample.

That's why Han Zhan and others will look sad.

"Hahaha, okay, let me continue to charge, don't let a Zhou soldier go."

Turkic King Zuo Xian saw that the Dazhou infantry phalanx had broken through in front of him, his expression was excited and he was overjoyed.

Fifty thousand Zhou people, the great generals of the Great Zhou, and Zhou generals of all ranks will all die at my hands.

In this battle, I will become famous in one battle.

Made great contributions to the Great Turks.

Dazhou is finished, Xihe County is going to be finished, and entering the three counties of Guanzhong will no longer be a luxury.

(End of this chapter)

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