Chapter 103

But at this moment, a sudden change sounded from behind him.

Some people shouted in horror: "King! Look, our guards are gone..."

"Well, it's gone, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Turkic King Zuoxian scolded angrily, and turned his head to take a look.

I saw several familiar figures who had just rushed to the back all fall from the sky.

Either he died from being shot by an arrow, or he was shot into his own team's soldiers.

Or be cut in half with a halberd.

Or he was kicked and his body hit the north mountain wall.

Then an unstoppable iron cavalry is devouring its main army.

Little by little they were wiped out.

"how so!"

Zuo Xianwang murmured in disbelief.

"Wang, hurry up, the opponent is too strong, they are all entry-level!"

Just when King Zuo Xian was in a daze, a first-rank military general who had just left for the rear team jumped out from the crowd. He was in a state of distress, his hair was loose, his clothes were torn, and his arm was missing.

Clutching his chest, he came to Zuo Xianwang's side.

While talking, Ye Qing, Xue Rengui, Li Cunxiao and others came to kill him.

A group of Turkic people were killed, screaming like ghosts and howling like wolves, and ran wildly in panic.

King Zuo Xian was horrified, and finally let out a low growl, urging his horse to charge towards Taniguchi.

The entire Turkic army just rushed out of the valley and broke through the Dazhou phalanx.

However, they did not continue to attack the places with many people, but followed their Zuo Xianwang to the places with few Zhou soldiers.

Make a turn and head north, and then go galloping.

"This is……"

Han Zhan and others thought that they were going to play tricks, and the army formation opened, and what was waiting was the massacre of the Turks.

They gave no order to retreat and flee.

No one dared to escape, they just held their weapons tightly and made the last desperate fight.

Because everyone knows there's no point in running.

The few who can escape back are just lingering.

There is nothing terrible about warriors shrouding horse leather.

If you are cowardly and cowardly and flee back, your colleagues will despise you, your countrymen will cast aside you, and your family will be ashamed.

It would be better to die in battle than to live in a dark corner for the rest of your life.

But now they are dumbfounded.

The Turks broke through Da Zhou's army with scriptures, but they went north.

It's not like attacking, it's like running away.

So they are a little puzzled, puzzled, and full of question marks.

But soon all their confusions were answered.

Because they saw a team of Zhou Qi fighting hard behind the Turks.

The Turks are being hunted down.

And this army is only a few hundred people, and it is only the strength of a captain general.

This scene simply made them not too frightened.

"That's... Xiaoyao Mansion guards!"

Suddenly someone recognized Ye Qing and the riders behind Zhao Yun.

The military rider with the word "Xiaoyao" is like a ghost in blood, which makes people's scalp tingle.

Because those war cavalry were too brightly stained with blood.

That's Turkic blood!

"How could they be here?"

"It's unbelievable! They only have five hundred riders, and they are chasing the main force of the Turks."

"That's right! The main force of the Turks who ambushed us this time, at least [-], were chased and bitten by the guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion!"

The results in front of them simply refreshed their understanding.

"Come on, blow the trumpet, and follow the general to hunt down and kill the Turkic people, and those who can leave will go!"

Although he can't figure it out, Han Zhan is also worthy of being a veteran. If he has no ability to sit in the position of a general, then it can't be justified.

Seeing the guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion chasing the Turks, he would be a fool if he didn't seize this opportunity.

So he couldn't control other things at all, and took the lead in chasing north with his personal guards.

When the other generals heard the words, their eyes lit up.

His face finally turned into joy, and he was a little excited.

The fighter plane is in front of you, if you don't chase it, I'm really sorry for this shirt.

So one by one roared and chased after them.

At this time, Yijing has no rules, and there is no situation. If you catch up, you will bite. If you can bite, it is luck.

Turkic people are cavalry, if you chase the whole team, the day lily will be cold.

The reaction was quick, and one person brought hundreds of guards up.The reaction was slow and dozens of people were chased after him.

Slow down, looking at the wounded soldiers all over the ground, I had no choice but to raise my arms and sigh: "Forget it, I will stay and form the team."

So they sent orders to clean up the battlefield, treat the wounded, and set up formations to prevent sudden changes.

Of course, they were not without gains. The Turkic wounded soldiers who were not completely killed in Qingjian Valley at this time were also credited.

This chase lasted midnight.

Before dawn, Ye Qing and others stopped their pursuit.

Running around and fighting all night is exhausting.

So backtracking.

On the way, I ran into Han Zhan and others who hadn't caught up.

"Chen Hanzhan has met His Highness the Sixth Highness!"

"My minister, Li Shitian, has met His Highness the Sixth Prince!"

"Chen Matao has met His Highness the Sixth Highness!"

Under the leadership of Han Zhan, a group of generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty paid a visit to Ye Qing who had turned back.

In the past, they could not wait to see Ye Qing.

Because Ye Qing is just a Xiaoyao county uncle.

His title is low, and he doesn't seem to be valued by Ye Qing.

Naturally, they love their houses and their cubs, and they will not talk to Ye Qing.

But there was a fight last night.

They owe Ye Qing a favor.

Without Ye Qing, they might have died in battle, and their souls would have returned to the nine heavens.

Warriors are honest after all.

Even if there are a few people who hate the poor and love the rich, and like to make money.

But generally speaking, he still has a straight temper.

Ye Qing glanced past Han Zhan and the others, jumped off the horse and said, "You don't need to be too polite, the general, and you don't need to be too polite to the loyal and brave soldiers of our Great Zhou."

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Han Zhan led the crowd to cup their fists in thanks.

"General, what are the casualties of our army this time!" Ye Qing asked.

Han Zhan thought for a while, then shook his head lightly, and said, "The specifics will not be known until we go back, but it should not be less than [-]!"

This is the most conservative estimate!
Because the entire front team in the army has 4000 people.

The casualties of other teams were not small.

"Five thousand! That's a lot!" Ye Qing sighed inexplicably.

War is like that.

"Your Highness, don't be sad. Although our army lost [-] or more in this battle, the Turkic people are not feeling well. According to my estimate, it should be no less than [-]." Han Zhan thought that Ye Qing was on the battlefield for the first time, so he came to fight Turkic felt sympathetic when he heard the huge casualties of five thousand, so he explained:

"Your Highness, we were going to annihilate our entire army this time, but with only five to six thousand infantry casualties, we achieved a loss ratio of more than one to two in the infantry battle. In fact, it is a very rare victory."

"That's right Your Highness, thanks to your timely support this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"If His Highness hadn't come out from behind the Turkic people, so that the Turkic people ran away, there would be no place for me to chat now."

Everyone agreed one after another, and then turned their eyes to Xue Rengui, Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and others from time to time.

These fierce generals are young, but they are all top-notch in strength.

It's so monstrous.

Looking at the unusually eye-catching costumes of the eighteen riders and the murderous look emanating from them.

Everyone gasped.

Good guy, everyone is top-notch.

A cavalry team composed of eighteen first-class masters, accompanied by three entry-level fierce generals.

No wonder they were able to kill Turkic people and run away.

With such strength, looking at the Zhou army, there are very few of them. I am afraid that there is only His Majesty's Qianniuwei.

Isn't Ye Qing the most useless prince?
Isn't he the prince who is least loved by His Majesty?

How come there are so many masters around.

It's ridiculous, the military department used His Highness the Sixth Highness as a bait at first, it's really absurd.

It is really defeating my Great Zhou Empire.

A strong force like the guards of Xiaoyaofu is enough to act as the forward of the main force of our army, responsible for breaking the formation and killing the enemy, and boosting morale.

The second prince and the third prince missed my big week!

(End of this chapter)

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