I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 104 The 2-line general who made trouble

Chapter 104

Looking at the happy and proud people, Ye Qing naturally wouldn't disappoint.

Not to tell them everything.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, if you don't sell the information, you will know nothing about the situation and countermeasures of the Turks.

Can't make a prediction at all.

There is no chance to fight against the Turks.

Maybe Da Zhou lost even more soldiers and horses.

Thinking of this, Ye Qing felt more at ease.

The so-called compassion does not control soldiers, since this path has been taken, as long as it does not violate the interests of the Great Zhou, as long as it is for the prosperity of the Great Zhou, and at the same time to make oneself stronger and further, then it is worth doing.

All the way back, cleaning the battlefield along the way, packing all the spoils that I didn't have time to pick up during the pursuit, and bringing them back.

Returning to the Xinli camp outside Qingjian Valley, at this time, the battlefield has been searched with the help of scriptures, and all the corpses of the soldiers of the Great Zhou were sorted out.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was a dynasty in the Central Plains, and what they believed in was still peace in the soil, and the soldiers who died in battle would be brought back as much as possible.

Even if it can't be brought back, it will be activated separately and then brought back to its relatives to be buried in the ancestral land.

"How about the battle damage?"

Once back at the camp, Han Zhan asked the left-behind general who came up to meet him.

These generals were about to answer, they glanced at Ye Qing who was walking with Han Zhanping, and hesitated a little.

Han Zhan shouted angrily: "Hesitant fart, hurry up and say, His Highness the Sixth Highness is not an outsider."


Beating people in the army is a common thing, and the general who reported it didn't dare to bet on whether Han Zhan would get angry, so he hurriedly said:
"Back to General, our army lost 610 people in battle, [-] were seriously injured, [-] were slightly injured, and thousands of people were scratched."

Hearing this result, Han Zhan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

It did not exceed expectations, and generally speaking, it was within the acceptable range.

Ye Qing said: "Then how many Turkic heads have been captured by our army in this battle?"

The Central Plains dynasties all talked about the first-level military merits.

In general, military exploits are rewarded based on the heads of enemy chieftains captured.

If you can't bring back the enemy's head due to special reasons, you can also use the enemy's ears as a battle exploit.

However, it will be more troublesome when evaluating rewards, and the Military Law Department will conduct an additional investigation to distinguish the authenticity.

Moreover, the latter method of calculation is only applicable to fighting alien barbarians.

Because their facial features are very different from those of the Great Zhou Dynasty or the people of the Central Plains dynasties.

The person who answered didn't expect Ye Qing to ask this, so he hesitated again.

Presumably, he was considering whether to give Ye Qing face or not.

After all, this is a prince who is not reused.

Ye Qing's strength has no chance to compete for the crown prince.

"Your Highness the Sixth Highness is asking you something, so hurry up and say it, it's really pissing me off."

Han Zhan went crazy this time, and his imposing general didn't even show off in front of Ye Qing.

You, a little bitch, will tell me what the hell I'm thinking about.

So Han Zhan kicked over with one kick.

The generals who stayed behind were all shocked.

General, what's wrong with this.

We can't just give Ye Qing super treatment just because he helped us!

Especially the few generals who belonged to Fufeng Palace and Hongnong Palace looked at Ye Qing with unfriendly and strange eyes.

"Back to the general! Back to your highness, this battle doesn't count the Turkic heads captured after the generals chased after them. We cleared out [-] enemy heads here!"

"Hahahaha, good! Great!"

Han Zhan and the others were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they all clenched their fists tightly.

Qingjian killed [-] enemies here.

They chased after Ye Qing's Xiaoyaofu guards, and captured four thousand Turkic heads in the middle of the night.

There are sixteen thousand in total.

One to three battle losses.

Infantry against cavalry, this is a case that they have never had in a field battle since they have been fighting for so many years.

Even offensive and defensive battles rarely have such a good battle loss ratio.

Just imagine why Zhan Han and others are not excited.

They were nearly wiped out by the regiment.

As a result, a beautiful counterattack was fought and history was made.

And the person who led them to create history was the unknown Sixth Highness.

This is even more powerful than the eldest prince Xiliang King Ye Yu.

"The servants of the Great Zhou who died, as well as the Great Zhou Empire, thank you His Highness!"

Han Zhan suddenly turned around and paid homage to Ye Qing. He was really excited, from the bottom of his heart.

In this battle, the elimination of [-] Turks is enough to deal a considerable blow to the Turks.

The other generals also followed suit:
"The servants of the Great Zhou who died, as well as the Great Zhou Empire, thank you His Highness!"

"This..." Ye Qing felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, he was quite critical of this Korean War general.

However, I was sincerely moved when I saw him worshiping himself twice without being a general.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was with such generals that they could resist the attacks of the Turks from generation to generation and protect the frontiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty to the death.

They are the cutest people.

No matter what the purpose is, one thing is true, they are all fighting for the benefit of the Great Zhou, for the people of the Great Zhou to learn to have a country, and to make a starting point for all of this.

"General, all generals, Ye Qing is ashamed, please get up quickly." Ye Qing helped Han Zhan up and said:

"This battle was jointly created by all of you. It was fought with blood and tears, and with your loyalty to the Great Zhou. It was our swearing to protect the frontiers of the Great Zhou and the will of the people of the Great Zhou. Years, ten thousand years!"

"Great week and ten thousand years!" Han Zhan stood up and shouted.

The same is true for other people, each feeling more excited.

All the soldiers shouted after hearing the words.

They had a big win and needed that catharsis.

But when the second and third princes saw each other, their expressions became gloomy.

Ye Qing flashed, that was a satire on their lord.

The stronger Ye Qing is, the more incompetent Ye Tao and Ye Wei are.

When the people of the two departments looked at each other, something suddenly flashed through their minds at the same time.

So after the shouting weakened, he coughed and asked:
"Your Highness, there is one thing that I don't know about the general. If the general didn't remember the debit, His Highness should have been ordered to go out of Gaonu City and go to the north to investigate.

His Highness did not return to Gaonu City, but instead appeared in Qingjian outside Xihe County, there will be some doubts about this at the end! "

"Your Highness is also puzzled. The timing of your Highness's arrival is really a coincidence. How could it be in the east, just after the Turkic people entered the valley, rushing in, as if the gate is waiting!"

The people of the second line asked questions in a strange way.

Han Zhan and the others were taken aback.

The crowd who were cheering just now were silenced instantly.

The atmosphere is a bit depressing and weird.

Even the air seems to be imprisoned without circulation.

After a brief silence, Li Cunxiao pointed furiously, raised his eyebrows and shouted: "What do you mean? You doubt my lord's success!"

"I never said such a thing, I'm just curious, yes, curious!"

"I'm also curious, but I just can't figure it out. If I say something wrong and offend His Highness, I'm willing to go back to Gaonu City and plead guilty to Your Highness in front of His Majesty!"

The generals of the second line clasped their fists in a magnanimous way of bowing and saluting.

The latent lines seem to say, I will definitely report this matter to Emperor Ye Zhen.

With the protection of Ye Tao and Ye Wei, they are not afraid of you, Ye Qing.

This time, Han Zhan and the others became suspicious of Ye Qing and the others.

Thinking about it carefully, what the generals of the second line said didn't make sense.

Isn't Ye Qing in the north, suddenly ran to the east, there is no such coincidence in the world.

Everything is as planned.

Your trajectory, Ye Qing, is somewhat unusual and needs a reasonable explanation.

If the explanation is different, there is no need to go to the emperor.

The [-] main and auxiliary soldiers here can tear you apart.

Therefore, the people of the second line are also harboring evil intentions.

Even if Ye Qing really happened by chance, it would be difficult to wash away the suspicion of collaborating with the enemy.

The morale of the army that had just been harvested was immediately questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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