I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 105 Ye Qing's Military Strategy

Chapter 105 Ye Qing's Military Strategy


Li Cunxiao, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Luo Cheng and others were immediately angry.

But Ye Qing raised his hand on his shoulder and stared at these people with a smile.

Then he glanced at Han Zhan and the others.

I saw everyone lowered their eyes and dodged and avoided.

As Ye Qing glanced over, their faces became hot.

Still a little ashamed.

Logically, they shouldn't have any doubts about Ye Qing, after all, Ye Qing saved himself last night.

"That's right, I was ordered by the military department and His Majesty to go out of the city and go north to investigate deeply. The general knows this best."

Han Zhan nodded and said nothing else.

Because this original intention is disgraceful!
Then Ye Qing said again: "And my Xiaoyaofu guards did the same thing. We went all the way north, and after a few days, we encountered the Turkic army and fought with them. We wiped out a Turkic squad, and then the Turkic army tried to encircle and annihilate them." We, we had to evacuate temporarily.

Then the way to the south was blocked by the Turks. In order to fulfill the orders of the army and His Majesty, we bit the bullet and continued to go north, then went east and south, and then we arrived at Qingjian. "

"Hmph! This is just your one-sided statement, and it's not that what you say is what you say, and no one can prove it!" The people of the second line seized the loopholes in Ye Qing's words, took advantage of the victory, and picked on the bone.

The others also nodded slightly in affirmation.

Ye Qing didn't speak, but turned his gaze to Li Cunxiao. Li Cunxiao took out a sheepskin map from his arms and said:

"This is made by drawing and recording the places our army has visited and explored. The general and others should know the truth!"

Now there are quite a few generals who have been stationed here on the frontier all year round, and they know a little bit about the situation in the north, and they have also walked through it in person.

After looking at the map, they all nodded and said:
"This map records quite detailed, and the depiction is basically correct!"

"From the distance, it can be inferred that to finish these roads, I have been rushing all the time, and there is no other time to do other things at all."

"I believe that His Royal Highness Six is ​​innocent. Some people are naturally rebellious. They don't want to see my birthday. When I return to Gaonu City, I must read him a book!"

"Counting me in, I missed my big week once before, and now I still know how to repent. It's really a beast."

With the appearance of the map, this cannot be faked. Including the Korean War, most of the generals believed Ye Qing.

At the beginning, the crusade against the generals of the two lines began to criticize Sang Huai one by one.

Originally, they looked down on these colleagues who had taken refuge in the civil service and aristocratic families, so they condemned them now.

The generals of the two lines had nothing to say, and their faces were red from being scolded.

After all, people still need face when they are alive.

Warriors are inherently thin-faced, and they can't stand it.

So he quickly dodged and hid.

Li Cunxiao, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Luo Cheng and others looked at each other with bright smiles.

Although Ye Qing's words were half-truth and half-false on the map, it's still very cool to teach these Chen naysayers a hard lesson.

"Your Highness, let's get in. The Turkic army that was ambushing was beaten away by us. Next, I want the army to rest for two hours, and then return to Gaonu City to rescue them!" Han Zhan said as he walked.

Ye Qing said: "You all think so!"

"Your Highness, the Turks ambushed us with around [-] troops, which is not the main force. The general estimates that there are about [-] to [-] main forces besieging Gaonu City."

"Your Majesty has only [-] soldiers ready to fight. If the Turks attack, Gaonu City will be in danger, and Your Majesty will be in danger. I will rush back as soon as possible!"

Entering the military tent, Ye Qing suddenly stopped, and then said:
"Generals, you are all right, but I don't think we should return to Gaonu City, or the generals, you should not return to aid!"

"Your Highness, what do you mean!" Han Zhan was a little confused.

Since you know that Ye Zhen is in danger, why don't you come back to help.

The others are also confused.

Ye Qing went to the tent, took three things, put them on the table and said: "Generals, please look, this is Gaonu City and Your Majesty, and the one next to it is the main force of the Turks. slave city.

But I think the [-] to [-] cavalry in the Turkic Khan area would not dare to dismount easily to attack the Great Zhou Jiancheng, which was defended by [-] main battle infantry, because he might lose all the [-] to [-] cavalry, not necessarily I can chew it off.

If I were evil, I wouldn't do this? "

"This..." Everyone seemed to make some sense when they heard it.

The Turks are cavalry, easy to ride and step, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

Not cost-effective.

"Then if His Highness is a Turkic Khan, how will His Highness fight?" Someone asked.

Ye Qingdao: "If I came to attack His Majesty, I would surround and not attack, and then send a partial army to cut off the logistics and communication behind Nannu City, and cut off the passage north of Luoshui.

Then wait quietly, if King Zuo Xian succeeds in ambushing the general, then summon King Zuo Xian to go to Gaonu City and besiege His Majesty.

At this time, the odds of winning the attack are very good. "

"If the ambush of the general fails, the general's strength will also be damaged, and when he hurried back to Gaonu City, he would just eat up the exhausted general.

At that time, there was still no reinforcements outside Gaonu City, so they could only passively defend the city and wait for rescue.

At this time, Xieli can do whatever he wants. "

After listening to Ye Qing's analysis, everyone felt that as long as Xie Li was not stupid, they would probably adopt this plan.

The Great Zhou and the Turks have fought for hundreds of years, and they both know each other well, and they are not fools.

The Turkic people are smart, but the technology and population are not as good as Dazhou.

No big country that can coexist at the same time is really simple.

"That! According to what His Highness said, we are neither going back nor not, and we are not going to return. Your Majesty is doomed to be surrounded. It is unreasonable for me and others to watch Your Majesty be besieged by the enemy and not rescue him because of danger." .”

"That's right, my loyal heart can shine on the sun and the moon, and the world can learn from it. Even if I die, I will go back and save you!"

For a while, the generals were emotionally agitated, and they kept expressing their loyalty one by one.

Han Zhan shouted: "Shut up all the fuck, it looks like you are capable by saying these useless things, listen to what Your Highness has to say!"

"It's... the general!" Everyone was scolded, and they shut up obediently.

If the emperor is not here, who is he to show his loyalty to?

Just be honest.

Ye Qing brewed his emotions before saying: "Simple, send a message back to Gaonu City, and lead an army northward!"

Send a message!
Take a troop north?
Everyone didn't understand it for a while.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "The general sent his army north, inserted it behind Xie Li's ass, and at the same time notified Wu Debao's cavalry to join them, and went north with the intention of breaking the Turkic Zuoxian King and destroying the Turkic main force.

I took Xiaoyao's deputy guards back to Gaonu City to spread the news. Once Xie Li heard that Zuo Xianwang was defeated and our army won, his heart would be confused.

If you hear that the generals gather the army of Xihe County and go northward to cut off their back road, they will join forces with Gaonu City to encircle and wipe out the main force of the Turks.

Xie Li must panic and flee northward. "

When Han Zhan and the others heard the words, they were stunned at first, shocked by Ye Qing's bold strategy, and then their eyes sparkled with brilliance.

"Wonderful! Breaking the situation like this is wonderful. Even if you don't meet the main force of evil forces, at least you can leave the Turkic troops behind, and it is feasible to bite down thousands of chieftains."

There is no need for everyone to say anything else.

This time they were supposed to ambush the Turkic people, but they were ambushed by the Turkic people. Ye Qingcai was able to escape and win the victory, but they did not have any glorious attack feats.

But if according to what Ye Qing said, the operation went smoothly, they are really getting the credit for relying on their own strength, and they are upright.

"I can't wait for Your Highness' military strategy!"

"Your Highness, please rest assured to go back to Gaonu City, and leave the matter of going north to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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