Chapter 106

Gao Nu City!
Ye Zhen led the people to the city wall and walked up. The vastness outside the city made people feel uneasy after looking at it for a long time.

This place is not like the Central Plains, where there are mountains and water everywhere.

Even the plains are lush green.

Hu Tian in August, the snow and the vegetation are all withered and yellow and lifeless.

Sudden!There was a strong tremor coming from the north, growing stronger.

At the same time, there was a wave of yellow sand that covered the sky in the north and swept in like a net.

"That is……"

With the rush of yellow sand from the north, the city wall under his feet began to shake.

"Your Majesty, the Turkic army is boundless!"

Someone exclaimed.

Ye Zhen's face darkened, and his eyes were fixed on the Turkic army appearing in the distance.

Angrily said: "Not ready yet."


When the generals heard the words, they immediately turned around and ordered: "Quickly, close the gates of the city, send the archers up, and quickly organize the peasants to bring up the supplies for the defense of the city."

"Damn it, don't rest, hurry up and defend the city, and block the north gate with stones for me!"

The Turkic army reached the foot of Gaonu City, with a mighty force of [-] to [-].

You can't see the end at a glance, and it's coming fiercely.

However, it did not attack the city, but suddenly reined in and stopped.

Then a small team stepped forward.

The team carrying the banner of the special talisman festival of the Turkic Royal Court came to a stone's throw away from the gate of Gaonu City and stopped.

"Listen, Zhou Jun in the city, I, the Great Turkic Khan, will let your emperor come out to speak!"

Hearing the shouts of the Turkic people below the city, the Zhou soldiers and Zhou generals on the city were all commotion.

"Your Majesty, the Turkic Khan Xieli is here, and he wants to speak quietly to you, Your Majesty." A general who had dealt with you here for many years found out that the Xieli Royal Court logo was real, so he reported it to Ye Zhen. .

Ye Zhen didn't say a word, and kept staring at the man surrounded by Xieli's team.

If it is not expected to be good, he is evil.

"Men Zhou, didn't you hear me? Call your emperor over here, our Khan wants to see him!"

The Turkic general Cui Ma under the city stepped out of the battle and walked forward a few steps, a little dissatisfied in his arrogance.

"His Majesty……"


Ye Zhen spit out a sentence lightly, and a guard who was protecting him opened his bow and shot the arrow in one go.

The next moment, the arrow flew out of the string.

With a bang, it shot at the Turkic General's chest.

This Turkic general is also a first-class expert, and his strength is not weak. Naturally, he sensed the strangeness and swung his whip to knock out the arrow.

But at the moment he swung the whip, the arrows that flew from him split into two.

It turned out that these were two double arrows that were slightly glued together.

Halfway through the journey, under the action of the wind, the two arrows separated instantly.

The Turk knocked off one whip, but the other pierced his chest like lightning.

The Turks will fall in response!
This frightened the other Turkic generals, and they all protected their evil forces.

In case of entry-level Zhou will be killed next time.

However, this evil spirit is also a hero, and with a wave of his hand, he makes people retreat.

Then his eyes fixed on General Zhou who was shooting arrows just now, and seeing Ye Zhen who was dressed in extraordinary clothes beside him, he said, "It turns out that Emperor Da Zhou was already in the city, and Xie Li was rude."

At this moment, a sneer appeared on Ye Zhen's stern face:
"Xieli, just say what you want to say, imitating a four-faced image, I find it awkward!"

"Hahaha, good, Emperor Zhou is refreshing!" Xie Li laughed three times and said:

"Emperor Zhou, I have brought [-] troops here, which is enough to surround your Gaonu City. You have nowhere to escape. Surrender. If you surrender, I can make you the king of my Great Turk!"

"Stop talking about children. I'm afraid my brain will become as stupid as you. If you want to fight, you can fight. I'm in the city. If you don't leave, don't mess up, don't panic, don't panic!" Ye Zhen turned around and left , I don't want to talk to Xie Li at all.

"Wait, Emperor Zhou, do you think I'm fooling you? Then you underestimate my evil power too much. I'm not afraid to tell you. I know your battle plan. You have no secrets in front of me. Do you think I can't catch you." Xieli sneered and said:
"You let your six sons go north, don't you just want to lure us to pursue them, making me think that the main force of your Great Zhou will go directly north to find a decisive battle?

But I knew it, and only sent more than ten thousand people to intercept and round up, and your six sons became unjust ghosts in a muddle-headed way. "

Ye Zhen stopped suddenly.

His face turned cold, and a strange light flashed across his eyes.

But it passed away in a flash, and there was no obvious change in his expression.

But General Zhou, Zhou Bing, Ye Jin, Ye Wei, Ye Tao and others who came after hearing the news were all taken aback.

Then each expression.

Ye Qing was killed by the Turks!

Although such a result was expected.

But when everyone heard Xie Li say it, they still felt very uncomfortable.

Even if Ye Qing is no longer valued by the emperor.

After all, it is also royal blood.

He is also the sixth prince of Da Zhou.

"Of course this news is nothing to Ye Zhen, the Great Zhou Emperor. It's just a frown. After all, you have quite a few sons." Xie Li continued:
"But you sent the cavalry to release the second lure to lure my Turkic army to Wu Debao, and then gather and annihilate, then there is something to say, because I also sent a large army of more than 3 people from my department Zuo Xianwang to ambush in Qingjian .”


Suddenly Ye Zhen's chest rose and fell, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"His Majesty……"

Everyone was shocked and hurried forward to look for it.

Ye Zhen stretched out his hand and waved lightly to indicate that nothing happened.

Then he turned around, his eyes were like blood, and he stared at Xie Li with a pale face.

Xie Li said proudly: "Although your army has [-] troops, my Zuo Xianwang only has [-], but riding on the right foot and laying an ambush again, I don't think I need to continue talking!"

The faces of Zhou soldiers and generals in the city changed drastically.

The cold light shot out.

General, they are in danger!

The [-] army may have been wiped out.


"Hahaha, the mighty Turkic Khan used such a despicable method of bewitching. Everything is just your guesswork. How can you guess the real battle plan of my Great Zhou?" Ye Zhen said sonorously, He retorted coldly and sharply:
"Don't even think about disturbing the morale of my city guards. Since you said you would kill my son, why didn't you see his head? You said you were going to ambush my Da Zhou's main force, so why didn't you see the details? You didn't see a piece of my Da Zhou's armor and a broken flag."

"Uh!" Xie Li was dumbfounded for a moment.

Ye Zhen asked whether it was really important to get it.

Caught his little pain point.

The guards of Xiaoyao Mansion headed by Ye Qing did not capture or kill them.

To return the trace of the TM lost, I caught it for a few days, intercepted it for a few days, and I didn't even see the shadow of him.

As for Zuo Xianwang, it is estimated that the battle has just started at this time, and it is impossible for the battle report to be delivered so quickly.

So he was impatient.

At this time, Ye Zhen on the city went back down the wall with scriptures, Xie Li also felt bored, and it was a pity that he failed to hit the morale of the defenders of Gaonu City, so he had to turn around and return to the battle.

Then he issued a pro-order: "Except for leaving the south gate for Ye Zhen to receive the bad news from the rear, all other gates and gates of Gaonu City are surrounded by me in all directions."

"It's sweat!"

(End of this chapter)

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