Chapter 107
"What should we do, Your Majesty?"

Back at Xingyuan Mansion, a group of civil and military ministers all asked.

At this time, the main force of the Turks was besieging the city, and there were only [-] real combat infantry in the city, and the rest were auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands.

There is even a cavalry team under Ye Zhen's name.

That is the tiger and cardinal rider, but most people will not include them in the battle sequence.

Because of Ye Zhen's presence, they wanted to ensure Ye Zhen's absolute safety.

Keep fighting power at all times, in case there is no hope of defending the city and breaking through, only they can protect the emperor and escape.

A city can be broken, soldiers can die, and people can perish, but the emperor cannot be captured, let alone die.

"Don't panic, it's a small scene, stay safe and defend the city, and do what you have to do." Ye Zhen reprimanded angrily.

All the civil and military personnel were astonished.

Don't panic, the battle plan has been leaked.

The combat troops were ambushed, and the defenders were surrounded.

It was still a small scene, but there were [-] Turkic cavalry outside the city.

It's hard to get out even if you want to run.

However, everyone will retreat one after another if they understand it. If they dare to talk nonsense at this time, they will be killed as confusing the army's morale.

However, some people did not step down, such as Ye Wei, Ye Tao, Ye Jin, and several of Ye Zhen's most trusted civil and military officials.

"Send people to the rear, be sure to stabilize the rear, and draw as many troops as possible to go north. Even if you can't reach Gaonu City, let the Turkic people know that there is still a steady stream of troops going north in Dazhou, and they can't let them feel We are an ant ready to be crushed."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Someone is going to arrange it now.

It has been a city of no defense since ancient times.

Whether it's for the Turkic people or for the city guards, someone has to be sent to the rear.

"From now on, the three of you will go to the gates of the city to boost morale. Don't hide behind. You must firmly guard the city with the soldiers of the Great Zhou. The city can survive, but you are still the king of the Great Zhou. When the city dies, you It's nothing." Ye Zhen looked at the three sons, and Yan Chi said righteously.

"It's the father!"

The three took orders at the same time.

Originally, they had brought a thousand or eight hundred soldiers and guards with them, which was of great benefit to the defense of the city.

And everyone understands that there are also the new King of Chu, Marquis of Wucheng, Marquis of Luoyang, Liangzhou and King of Xiliang in Chang'an City.

They are all eligible to inherit the throne.

If the three of them couldn't defend Gaonu City together, it would be useless to escape back.

And if Ye Qing broke through, he might not take the three of them with him.

Because Ye Qing still has many choices.

Ye Zhen and even Ye Qing could be sacrificed, so how could they really call the three of them when they were really dying.

When the three of them went down, Ye Zhen started other arrangements.

It is said that Ye Jinli did not go to the city gate at the first time, but called for his subordinates and said, "Go to the camp of Xiaoyao Fuwei. This king wants to have a good chat with Yu Jin and Zhang Yi!"

Xiaoyao Mansion still has [-] guards left in Gaonu City.

This is not a small fortune.

Especially at this critical moment.

Ye Jin's eyes shone brightly.

"Sixth brother, I'm sorry, if you are lucky enough to return to Chang'an, fifth brother will pay homage to you and help you develop Xiaoyao Mansion's industry..."


Just after leaving Qingjian, Ye Qing and others were rushing to Gaonu City.

Suddenly I rein in my horse and slow down.

The whole team also slowed down.

"My lord! What's the matter?"

Ye Qing shook his head and said, "It's okay, take a rest, don't rush to Gaonu City."

Saying that, Ye Qingyi ignored everyone.

Because the system's prompt sounded again in his head.

"Ding! My lord, Ye Jin, King of the East of the Great Zhou Dynasty, wants to know the preferences of Yu Jin and Zhang Yi, so that he can tell them the news that the county uncle Xiaoyao of the Great Zhou Dynasty was beheaded by the Turks, and try to recruit the two of them. He is willing to spend 500 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not. "

"Sure enough, it's my good fifth brother. It's really a good plan for you to take action just after something happened to my younger brother." Ye Qing sneered in his heart. This fat King Hedong looked harmless to humans and animals, so he made a move very quickly. can take Yu Jin and Zhang Yi away, so why not give them to you.

Ye Qing knew that the summoned characters were 100% loyal.

Unless you force them to do something that distorts human nature and violates benevolence and righteousness.

Otherwise, they won't betray you no matter how they beat or scold you.

What's more, I didn't do anything harsh to them.

Instead, they treat each other as brothers.

"Thank you Fifth Brother, I accept this great gift."

Ye Qing immediately said to the system: "System, sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, Master, you still have 64400 taels of silver, 80% of a food base, and a chance to draw a lottery!"

Ye Qing said again: "Lucky draw!"

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for winning a mount card!"

Mount card!
Good horse?

Ye Qing was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Use the card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the mount card and getting China's top ten famous horses Wuzi!"

Wu Zai!

The mount of Chu Overlord Xiang Yu!

What a set!

First it was the Overlord Bravery, then the Overlord Coiled Dragon Halberd, and now it is the Black Horse.

The standard configuration is complete.

Then the next step is Yu Ji's time.

Ye Qing couldn't help thinking about it.

But he quickly shook his head, it was not the time to think about it, so he came back, pointed to the right with his right hand and said: "Is there a good horse over there, the whole body is black!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Look in the direction of Ye Qing's finger.

Sure enough, a black horse appeared, and galloped parallel to the others.

The whole body of this horse is like black satin, shiny and shiny, only the four hooves of the horse are as white as snow. This kind of war horse has an elegant name called "Treading Clouds and Wuzhao".

"My lord, look at this is a good horse, I will get it back for you in the end."

Luo Cheng urged the horse to leave the team, and then approached Wu Zai.

Ye Qing showed a smirk.

Everyone shouted regret, they would have known that they ran first just now.

Let the newcomer Luo Cheng pick up a chance to perform.

But soon Luo Cheng caught up with the horse and jumped over, wanting to tame it, but the crow galloped away and stopped abruptly.

Luo Cheng was tortured until he was in a panic.

In the end, it took half an hour to tame Wu Zai.

Luo Cheng had no choice but to run back in despair.

"My lord, the last general is incompetent. This horse is Tailie, the best among horses. His own strength alone is top-notch. The last general can only fight to a tie with him, and cannot subdue him!"

"What, this horse is equivalent to first-class strength, Luo Cheng, you are not talking nonsense."

"That's right, it doesn't matter if Luo Cheng is not tamed, but don't lie to the lord!"

Everyone was surprised.

You Luo Cheng can't tame it, and you can't boast that this horse is strong.

A horse with first-class strength is simply unheard of.

If this horse is tamed, it is equivalent to bringing an extra helper when fighting.

People with first-class strength can easily enter the rank realm.

How can people not be shocked.

Ye Qing smiled and said: "I really think what Luo Cheng said is true, if you don't believe me, you can go and wipe it!"

(End of this chapter)

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