I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 109? Ding!Check in successfully

Chapter 109 Ding!Check in successfully
"Report, His Majesty is in trouble!"

In the early morning of the next day, someone rushed in, making the tense Ye Zhen and the civil and military ministers feel as if they had been knocked on the brains.


Ye Zhenwen looked at each other angrily, and stretched out his hand to pull out the long sword in the guard's waist.

"Your Majesty, our logistics line has been blocked by Turkic harassment!" The visitor rushed to report:

"Your Majesty, the bridge over the Luo River was burned down by the Turkic people in advance, and our southward passage back to Guanzhong was blocked!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

At the same time, there was a buzzing in my head.

There was no one in the back road, and the Turks sent people to capture the bridge of the Luo River in advance.

It's all over now.

"Hahahaha, good! What an evil, it seems that my Da Zhou is really a spy."

Suddenly Ye Zhen laughed wildly, his eyes were red like blood, and he swept across everyone in front of him.

As if about to shoot a heart-piercing knife.

This frightened everyone present.

The emperor might as well doubt himself.

Everyone is thinking this way.

"Block the news. If I get out of this place and let me know who spreads it, it will disturb the hearts of our soldiers and the people, and I will definitely kill them."

"It's Your Majesty!" Everyone replied hurriedly, for fear that Ye Zhen would treat him as a spy if it was too late.

Although Ye Zhen's thunderous means temporarily suppressed the news.

Not long after, Xie Li received a report from his subordinates and immediately asked him to spread the news in front of the three city gates.

In half a day, everyone in Gaonu City knew all about it.

The entire Gaonu City began to be filled with enthusiasm.

Being besieged by the Turks is not terrible.

Because in the borderlands, this kind of thing is really common.

As long as there are soldiers and food, they are not afraid of the Huns at all.

But now the back road has been cut off, and the Turks really want to capture Gaonu City.

Here is His Majesty the Emperor, who is too attractive to the Turks.

Enough to drive the Turks crazy.

But the Huns did not attack.

One is that they are waiting for the news, and the other is that Gaonu City is fermenting negative emotions.

As the saying goes, attacking the city is the bottom, and attacking the heart is the top.

After dealing with Da Zhou for so many years, they have learned to behave a little bit.

Steal some art of war.


Three days passed in a flash, and the atmosphere in Gaonu City was oppressive and uneasy.

In addition to sending troops to watch the three city gates, the Turkic army was recuperating in the camp.

Just wait for Zuo Xianwang to come with good news, attack the city together, capture Ye Zhen in one fell swoop, or behead him.

From then on, a new situation was created.

The darkness is very cold, the moon is glowing, and the wind is very strong.

The whistling sound came from north to south.

Like full of boudoir resentment.

"My lord, we really want to sneak attack the Turkic camp!"

In the afternoon, Ye Qing and others rushed to the vicinity of Yanu City, but they didn't show up.

I chose a hidden place and temporarily hid it.

After resting until midnight, Ye Qing finally approached the Turkic camp quietly with everyone.

At this time, there were five hundred riders, and all the hooves of the horses were wrapped in cloth.

The horse's mouth was also tied up slightly, and the horse's bell was also removed.

Everyone was both excited and a little worried.

This is a big camp of Turkic people, a big camp of tens of thousands.

The heart of the enemy, they are entering the wolf's den.

It's not like chasing someone behind the ass last time.

"Of course, look at the arrangement of the Turkic people. Although they were on guard, they still set up their camps in a disorderly manner without any rules." Ye Qing analyzed:

"And they only stayed away from the direction of Gaonu City, and felt that even if someone came to attack, they would come from the tiger's foot of Gaonu City, so the guard post and patrol cavalry were in front of the camp.

What's the matter? I didn't expect someone to show up after the northern camp.This is an opportunity. "

"This battle, let's rush in, just set fire to the camp, burn as much as possible, don't fight, leave after setting the fire, don't love to fight!" Hidden on the head.

You must know that the army led by the Turkic Khan must be full of masters.

With my own manpower, once I get stuck, it will be really dangerous.

So Ye Qing had to remind him a few more times.

"Understood my lord, we will definitely follow you closely, and we will never desert you!"

The young man replied softly.

Ye Qing nodded, then bowed and urged the horses, and all the horsemen stepped forward slowly.

The speed and posture are kept very low, trying not to be discovered by the Turks.

Soon they were drawing closer to the camp.

The Turkic camp was not only chaotic and disorderly, but also not very strong.

Just simply built a frame with willow wood.

It's a bit of a staking.

Obviously they are used to nomadic herding, and they don't really like Da Zhou's method of erecting fences with dense wood.

Because wood is too precious to steppe nomads.

They don't like this kind of prodigal behavior.

They firmly believe that as long as they are strong, no one will dare to provoke them.

At this time, they were besieging Gaonu City, and they were at an advantage and in a strong position.

Where did he expect a ghost-like army to emerge from his back.

Ye Qing, Xue Rengui, Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Luo Cheng and others came to the willow frame, and all the weapons were under it.

Nodding at the back, Qiqi pushed upwards with all his might.

"Drink, let's go!"

The people picked out the willow sticks, and rushed into the camp on the back of their horses.

Yanyun's eighteen riders also followed behind, and the five hundred riders took advantage of the situation to enter.

"Ding! If you successfully check in at any Turkic camp, you will be rewarded with a copy of Modao's technical information!"

Immediately, the system's mechanical prompt sound came to mind, but Ye Qing didn't have the time to care about it.

Leading all the cavalry to enter, the Overlord Panlong halberd picked up and knocked a brazier into the air.

The flying sparks and open flames touched the tent and immediately caught fire.

"No, enemy attack!"

The startled Turkic people woke up from their sleep one after another, and rushed out of the camp. Before they could put on their clothes in a hurry, let alone take the weapons piled up on the rack, they were stabbed and killed by Ye Qing and others.


Ye Qing and others rushed and killed all the way, set fire and destroyed all the way.

They rushed very violently, sprinting from the rear camp to the middle camp.

Change direction from time to time to maximize the damage area.

"Damn, what's going on!"

Xie Li, who was awakened, was very annoyed.

There are people howling in the middle of the night, and the noise of panic and panic, it really makes people want to cut their heads.

"The Great Khan has Zhou's army sneak attacking our camp, and now he has killed from the rear camp to the middle camp. The Great Khan retreats temporarily to avoid being affected!"

One of Xieli's confidant generals hurriedly persuaded him.

Originally, he didn't dare to say such depressing words, but Ye Qing and the others killed too fiercely, and they killed the fierce general who was intercepted by several members of his side.

It really made him feel like a ghost.

So for evil interests, for the sake of the Great Turks, I have to bite the bullet and say such things.

Sure enough, he was quickly reprimanded by Xie Li.

"Bastard, you actually let Ben Da Khan retreat, with only a few hundred Zhou troops, even if Ye Zhen brought his elite to kill him, Ben Khan wouldn't frown.

Nor will I be timid.

Go to Ben Khan, transfer Ben Khan's pro team, dare to attack my camp, I will let him die without a place to bury him! "Xie Li drew his golden knife and pointed at Ye Qing and the others who were rushing towards them.

His actions immediately inspired all the Turkic soldiers.

The Turkic people who were flustered in the first place screamed in an instant, holding weapons or riding horses to meet them.

(End of this chapter)

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