I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 110 Next time we die together

Chapter 110 Next time we die together
The Turkic generals rushed up one by one.

Then one by one and two moves were killed off the horse.

Ye Qing and the others became more courageous as they killed more and more. When they saw the wicked king's tent, their bodies seemed to be injected with infinite power.

With a little effort, Xie Li can be killed.

If you were lucky enough to kill Xie Li, that would definitely be of great benefit to Da Zhou.

Although Xie Li didn't escape, he wasn't calm inside either.

His face became more and more gloomy.

The incoming army is indeed very strong. It is rare in the world to be able to advance in the face of a steady stream of Turkic masters and soldiers coming forward to block them.

He couldn't help asking: "Who is this? When did Da Zhou have such a strong man and such a strong army?"

I didn't get back to talking for a while.

The Turkic general who had chased Ye Qing back then replied: "Back to Dahan, this may be Ye Qing, the prince of the Great Saturday. Judging from their banner attire, it should be the guard of Xiaoyaofu!"

"Prince Da Saturday! That pawn that the Emperor of Da Zhou treats like an abandoned shoe?" Xie Li was astonished, his eyes flickering with brilliance.

No wonder Ye Qing dared to say such things at the North City Gate a few days ago.

It turned out to be well-founded.

His six sons are so sturdy and brave.

The cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion are so powerful.

An inconspicuous and unappreciated prince and the guards are so strong, how powerful are the guards of the other princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Knowing the work by seeing the micro, knowing the autumn by a leaf.

Xie Li couldn't help sighing, the luck of the Central Plains Dynasty.

The population advantage is good, and there are naturally many more talents than the grassland people.

The other Turkic generals were equally surprised and shocked when they heard the news.

This is the trash prince.

This is the prince who brewed heroic wine that should be mentioned.

Hate it, why didn't you pay attention to it at the beginning.

Treat him like an ordinary prince.

Ye Qing, Li Cunxiao, Xue Rengui and others ran into a Turkic master after several tricks.

Although he killed a lot, he also felt the pressure.

"Zilong, lead the way, turn east, and don't transfer the others!"

Although he couldn't attack the king's tent in the inner camp of the Turks, Ye Qing didn't get too entangled.

It is still very difficult to kill Turkic Khan.

Turkic people and Turkic masters from other directions flocked here.

In the direction of attacking evil forces, Xiaoyao Mansion Qi fell into it.

So he decisively changed direction.

"Damn it, they want to run away and be chased by Ben Khan. Whoever can kill Ye Qing, whoever has the strength to keep the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry will be rewarded, and all soldiers will be promoted to four ranks..."

When the Turkic soldiers heard this, their eyes straightened.

Braving the basket light.

Even more energetic than before, at this time it is almost possible to kill him and chase after him.

Even if the Xiaoyao mansion cavalry can't be killed, half of it must be bitten off.

There is only one thought in their hearts, that is, they must not let Xiaoyao Mansion ride.

"Your Highness, you go first, I'll kill the rear!" Li Cunxiao thought of himself as brave, turned around and came to the back, slamming his gun.

The Turkic masters and soldiers who caught up were killed one after another.

Even a first-class master can't survive two moves.

"Your Highness, I'll help Jingsi!" Seeing Xue Rengui, he also turned back, retracted his halberd and unleashed his bow, and shot three times in a row, killing the three Turkic masters who were chasing up and trying to entangle Li Cunxiao.

The two men shot both guns and arrows, and the cooperation was in place, which completely made the Turkic people greatly afraid.

Only then did he suddenly wake up, not daring to chase too close.

Ye Qing turned around and took a look, but didn't urge Wu Zai to turn back.

Instead, he accelerated and pulled Zhao Yun to the same position.

Behind him, with a wave of the Overlord Panlong's halberd, a first-rank Turkic expert standing in front of him was sent flying.

Make the front team unobstructed.

After a while, all the cavalry rushed out of the Turkic camp, and the Turkic people were unwilling to pursue them.

But then, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry yelled——Turkic barbarians, your Zuoxian king was killed by our army in Qingjian, my main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty will kill it in the near future, wash your neck and wait Be the first!
The Turkic people who were chasing reined in one after another and stopped.

"Is something wrong with King Zuo Xian?"

"The cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion didn't come from the north, they came from the east!"

The Turkic soldiers were all terrified.

The news is so exciting.

No less than attacking the camp tonight.

At that moment, someone returned to report evil benefits.

Xieli fell silent after hearing this.

The news that Ye Qing brought was too explosive.

And it's completely in line with their vision.

How does this make sense if the news is false.

If it is true, all the Turkic efforts are in vain.

Whether to withdraw the troops or to fight the main force of the Great Zhou in Gaonu City.

Xie Li thought for a while and finally ordered: "First, send people to investigate to the east and contact Zuo Xianwang's department; second, put out the fire and rescue the wounded, count the camp, and report the losses to me."

"It's sweat!"


Ye Qing and the others walked a large circle to the east, and then went south to the south gate of Gaonu City.

It was almost daylight when we arrived.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty in Gaonu City also discovered the strangeness of the Turkic camp, but no one knew what happened to the Turkic camp.

Everything is based on subjective assumptions and guesswork.

It wasn't until Ye Qing and others appeared at the south gate that they seemed to understand something.

"I'm Bo Yeqing from Xiaoyao County. I'm bringing the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion back to the city after completing the mission. Let's open the city quickly!"

The defenders of the city looked down and saw that the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion, all soaked in blood, were really scary.

It made one's scalp tingle, and the guard replied tremblingly: "Your Highness, wait a moment, I'm going to report my name to my lord, and all the generals!"

"Damn it, we were born and died for the Great Zhou, beheaded and killed countless generals, and you are still moaning after returning to the city. Don't you want to stop until the Turks come after us and surround us and kill us under the city!"

"Kasong! Kaesong! Kaesong!"

All the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion roared in dissatisfaction.

It's like a hungry ghost from hell came out to seek revenge.

The defenders were too scared to look up.

Fatty Ye Jin came over soon, came up to have a look, wiped off his sweat, and asked, "But my sixth brother is back!"

Ye Qingdao: "Fifth Brother, brother Zhengqing has been ordered to return!"

"Hey! It's really my sixth brother. What did I say? My sixth brother Jiren has his own celestial appearance, and his life cannot be forced to death. Wouldn't it be fair?" Ye Jin smiled honestly and said to the city guards. will criticize:

"What are you still doing in a daze, quickly open the city gate for my sixth brother, be careful I will kick you to death!"

"Yes yes yes, it's the prince!" The guard frightened Xiang Xing and hurried down the city gate and said, "Open the city gate, listen to me, hurry up!"

Ye Qing watched Ye Jin performing on the city gate quietly, and sneered in his heart.

You can't believe a word this fat man says.

While I'm not prying my corner, now I can pretend.

After entering the city, Ye Jin came down and asked warmly: "Sixth brother, I miss you fifth brother, just come back, just come back, fifth brother secretly wiped his tears while you were away, look, I am not up to date coming."

Ye Qing looked, and really saw that the corners of Ye Jin's eyes were wet, and he didn't know if it was real tears or saliva.

But it doesn't prevent Ye Qing from playing against him.

"Fifth brother is bothering you! I'm really sorry to be a younger brother. If there is a chance next time, I will definitely take my fifth brother to kill the enemy. This way, even if I die, I can die quickly. It's good to have a companion!"

"Eh..." Ye Jin was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly:

"Sixth brother, you are getting more and more humorous, and your mentality is better than your fifth brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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