Chapter 111
Not only Ye Jin but also others received the news.

Finally, it reached Ye Zhen.

This shocked Ye Zhen, who hadn't slept well for several nights.

There was a smile on his face.

Immediately he left the Xingyuan Mansion.

"Your Majesty, I heard that His Highness Six is ​​back?"

Ye Zhen looked at the crowd and said, "That's right, the guard at the south gate reported that Qing'er is back, let's go... just wait here!"

Ye Zhen originally wanted to lead the crowd to pick up Ye Qing, but he hesitated when he finally thought of something.

It stopped in front of the gate.

Ye Tao and Ye Wei also rushed over. They looked at each other, then stood aside, and made eye contact with people from their faction.

Without keeping the crowd waiting, Ye Qing soon appeared in front of the crowd with his team.

Seeing Ye Qing's entire team of blood men appearing on the street.

Everyone was moved by it.

An air of solemnity enveloped him.

"The minister Ye Qing pays homage to His Majesty."

Ye Qing rode a war horse at the front, and saw Ye Qing, who was nearly 40 years old and had been tortured for the past few days, with a slightly aged look.

I looked at it carefully for a long time.

Is this the first time he saw Ye Qing?

But it was the first time to see the real face.

From a distance, this is an ordinary middle-aged man.

But the dragon robe he was wearing and the pair of eyes that were still not lost.

Ye Qing could still feel the majesty of the emperor.

"The minister Ye Qing pays homage to His Majesty."

Ye Qing didn't jump on his horse to salute, nor did his Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry guards.

Because they were all wearing armor and had been soaked in blood.

The cavalry has a tradition of not dismounting from the horse.

So it's not a violation.

Ye Zhen didn't speak, just watched quietly.

He looked at his son, whom he hadn't seen in 14 years.

Similarly, it was not the first time he saw Ye Qing, but it was the first time he saw his appearance clearly.

Young, handsome, and full of vigor, his eyes have an unyielding look.

The whole body is dripping with blood, reborn after a hundred battles, with the spirit of killing.

Looking at the generals and soldiers behind him, they are also full of evil spirits, powerful and elite.

"Mianli, I am very pleased that you have come back from the heavy Turkic army. You are the role models of all the soldiers of our Great Zhou. You have told everyone that our soldiers of the Great Zhou are brave and invincible. They are never afraid of difficulties and hardships. You use your will It proves that my Great Zhou army is undefeated and unbeatable." Ye Qing raised his hands and praised in a high-pitched and excited way.

At this time, role models are too much needed, such heroes are too much needed.

The return of Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion is undoubtedly a powerful medicine for the depressed atmosphere of defending the city.

It is enough to inspire the guards and the people to fight against the war.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ye Qing led everyone to thank him and said:
"Your Majesty, all the generals, as well as my officers and men of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the common people, I have come back with the cavalry from Xiaoyao Mansion, not only to explain the tasks of your majesty and the military department, but also to tell you some good news. I hope you will not get too excited later. !"

"good news?"

Everyone was bewildered.

Discussed for a while.

What good news can there be at this time!

"I wonder what the good news is for Your Highness?"

Someone asked impatiently.

Ye Qing looked around and said: "The good news I want to say is that my main force of the Great Zhou defeated the [-] troops of the Turkic Zuoxian King, and killed more than [-] heads of the enemy!"

The words fell, and the surroundings were silent.

After that, everyone looked at Ye Qing with strange eyes.

"How is this possible? Isn't the main force of my Great Zhou ambushed by the Turks?"

"That's right! Why did His Royal Highness Six say the exact opposite of what the Turkic people said!"

Even Ye Zhen and the civil and military officials were also stunned.

A skeptical expression.

Question marks were written all over his face.

Then his face darkened.

If the return of Ye Qing and others can make a good fuss to boost morale, then what Ye Qing said just now is throwing stones at the foot.

Obviously superfluous.

The prestige that Ye Zhen managed so hard to manage and the morale of the army and the people he inspired were instantly defeated.

Ye Tao and Ye Wei couldn't help but a flash of light flashed in their eyes.

secretly happy.

When Ye Qing came back, it turned out that Ye Zhen was very happy, and even praised him in front of everyone. This is a performance that must be taken seriously in the future.

As a result, Ye Qing didn't seize the opportunity.

So Ye Tao stood up and said in a straight voice: "Sixth brother, you can talk nonsense about food, but you can't talk nonsense. As a member of the royal family, pay attention to your words and demeanor."

"Sixth brother, you see that you are tired and confused, quickly take your people back to rest!" Seeing Ye Tao's voice, Ye Wei also took the opportunity to show his presence.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Wei spoke, many civil and military officials also said: "Your Highness, take a rest, tonight His Majesty will ask you about the detailed situation in the north!"

Ye Zhen sighed slightly, acquiescing to the words of his subordinates, and was about to turn around and return home.

At this time, Ye Qing said again: "Everyone, what I, Ye Qing, said is true! I have facts to prove it."

"Ahem, Sixth Brother, don't make trouble, the truth will fade away at night!" Ye Tao didn't care whether Ye Qing's words were true or false, at this time, characterization of Ye Qing was the best way to contain Ye Qing.

"Second brother, I'm not joking." Ye Qing took out a piece of golden silk from his bosom and said:

"This is the battle report from the general to His Majesty. It contains a detailed account of the course of the battle and the results of the battle. Please check it, Your Majesty!"


Ye Zhen, who turned around, was shocked suddenly, turned around, stared at Ye Qing, and found that Ye Qing's eyes were clear and serious.

No joke.

He said, "Bring it!"

At that moment, the guarded master came out, took the golden silk from Ye Qing's hand, and cast a glance inside.

It was at this moment that he saw the seal of the great general.

Can't help getting excited.

Submitting it to Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen read it carefully, for fear of missing a word.

His face changed instantly.

His face was full of smiles, and his eyes lit up.

After reading it at last, I put it away, looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahahahaha, God bless me Da Zhou, God bless me Da Zhou!"

Seeing Crazy Dian smiling at Ye Zhen, everyone changed color.

Could it be... What Ye Qing said is true.

The emperor can laugh so unscrupulously, and he is comfortable.

There must be a great good thing.

And this good thing is far better than Ye Qing returning to the city.

"Ye Qing listens to the seal. Since I have enshrined you as Marquis Xiaoyao, I allow you to build a mansion with five thousand soldiers, and you are allowed to name five people!"

Everyone was horrified.

This amount of information is a bit large.

Now Ye Qing finally has a title that is justifiable and justifiable.

Promoted from County Bo to Hou Ye.

The span is not a star and a half.

Straight leaped several levels.

This is nothing, because there are too many princes above the Marquis level.

There are even more relatives from the emperor to the clan.

But there are not many five thousand guards in Xu Kaifu's group.

General county kings and above only have the treatment.

Moreover, five official generals were promised to Ye Qing.

Let him appease and reward his subordinates, this is too rare.

You must know that a captain is not considered a general, at least a lieutenant general who has commanded more than a thousand soldiers can be called a general in a sloppy manner.

The lieutenants and the like are considered official generals.

"My God! What did His Highness the Sixth Prince do? His Majesty suddenly rewarded him!"

Someone was surprised from behind.

You must know that Ye Zhen is the most harsh and ignorant of Ye Qing.

Why are you so generous today.

"It seems that the main force of my big week is still there, and I really won the victory!"

A wise man has already guessed the reason.

Looking at Ye Qing's eyes, there is some expression.

Ye Zhen scanned half a circle, handed the golden silk to a civil official under his right hand and said, "Chen Jin, read it!"

Chen Jin, a servant of the Ministry of Rites.

At the same time, he was also the father of Chen Cong who was compared with Ye Qingwen last time.

It can be regarded as the Ye Tao school of civil servants.

(End of this chapter)

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