I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 112 In fact, we broke into the camp

Chapter 112 In fact, we broke into the camp
Chen Jin took the brocade, and the first time he saw it, he lifted his spirits.

Immediately straightening his body and voice, he said: "My minister, Han Zhan Gong'an, is responsible for His Majesty. He was lost and fell into an ambush by the Turkic army... In times of crisis, His Highness Six was able to fight from the enemy's rear, and defeated the main force of the Turkic army. The enemy beheaded the general, and more than [-] heads of the Turkic Zuoxian King's tribe were collected..."

After Chen Jin finished reading, his hands were shaking!
Great victory!

Historic win.

Defeat first and then win, killing 6000 enemies.

It is rare to confront the enemy with one step.

Even though he is a civil servant, there is an unconcealable heroism and joy rushing out of his body.

The others were shocked by the great news.


The main force of our Great Zhou Dynasty killed the Tujue Zuoxian King's tribe, beheading [-] enemies.

It was supposed to be ambushed and wiped out by the whole army.

In the end, he was rescued by the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion headed by Ye Qing.

In other words, it was actually Ye Qing who led the five hundred riders to defeat Zuo Xianwang's tribe.

It is Ye Qing's immortal achievement.

Save the Zhou army from danger.

No wonder His Majesty gave such a big reward.

This is truly well deserved, and even a little underrated.


After Ye Tao and Ye Wei heard this, their faces turned ashen.

This turned out to be true, they were still mocking Ye Qing just now.

Still scolding him, still suppressing him!

As a result, the backhand was slapped.

This time, I lost face and lost my hair.

Chen Jin took a deep breath after reading.

Glancing at Ye Tao next to him, he sighed faintly for some reason.

After thinking about it, he didn't know why, he suddenly bowed to Ye Qing and said:
"The six halls have traveled thousands of miles without forgetting their mission, being loyal to the emperor and patriotic, benevolent and righteous, and brave and good at fighting. These are really the blessings of my Great Zhou. I would like to thank Your Highness on behalf of the Great Zhou!"

In fact, what Chen Jin said was not wrong, everyone should really thank Ye Qing.

Because of Ye Qing's situation at that time, he could not take any risks.

I took a detour and escaped from danger without any psychological burden.

It's completely avoidable.

But he didn't, he shot resolutely and finally turned the tide of the battle.

This kind of fearless sacrifice is really admirable and admirable.

Therefore, Chen Jin didn't take it into consideration because he was a civil servant in Fufeng Palace, but boldly said such words.

In fact, as early as in Chang'an, he had paid attention to Ye Qingduo through scriptures.

Without it, Chen Cong lost his pride to Ye Qing.

So naturally, he knew more about Ye Qing.

"Master Chen, you..."

Ye Tao is the one who hurts the most at this time.

Chen Shilang of the Ministry of Rites, you are a civil servant, but you are partial to Fufeng Palace, is it really appropriate to say this?

You don't worry about it.

Seeing this, Ye Wei was ingenious, and instantly felt that the opportunity was coming, and hurriedly followed him: "The sixth brother has traveled thousands of miles without forgetting his mission. He is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, benevolent and righteous, brave and good at fighting. Da Zhou thanked the sixth brother!"

As soon as Ye Wei took the lead, the people of the aristocratic family also found an opportunity in an instant, and it was a good opportunity to attack Fufeng Palace.

The same followed suit, and then followed suit to show sincerity.

Sure enough, the people around him pointed at Ye Tao.

This made the boss of the Wen Palace Department uncomfortable.

Secretly cursing a family lineage for making trouble, will really make yourself clear.

There is also Chen Jin, an old guy who eats inside and out.

Ye Zhen is the emperor, and he can see all of this. As long as the following battles do not harm the country, he is happy to see it succeed.

A united courtier is not a good courtier.

Because they have no opponents and have nothing to do, they will point the finger at the emperor.

Will come to deal with the emperor.

Therefore, factions, mutually exclusive, can make his imperial power more stable and make him more prestigious as an emperor.

"Ahem!" Ye Zhen coughed and said:

"Qing'er, go down and rest first, I will ask someone to prepare some more meat for you."

After the show is finished, Zaichao is here to show the common people like a monkey.

Ye Zhen didn't have such thoughts.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ye Qing replied formally, without calling Father Emperor.

This made Ye Zhen, who was about to turn around, pause slightly.

"By the way, Your Majesty, I still have something to report. This matter concerns me, Gao Chang'an, and the future of the Turkic Army outside the city!" Seeing that Ye Zhen wanted to leave, Ye Qing hurriedly said again.

Ye Zhen frowned: "Military affairs, confidential news, you are sure to say it here!"

It was obvious that Ye Zhen was mentioning Ye Qing.

The meritorious service is true, but you can't be arrogant. Some things are said on separate occasions.

"Your Majesty, I feel that it is more appropriate to say here. The soldiers and civilians in the city should know about it earlier, so as not to be misinterpreted and slandered by those who are interested." Ye Qing insisted.

Ye Zhen had no choice but to watch him, to see what else Ye Qing could say.

Everyone is also curious.

What else is worth saying publicly, and what news would be more gratifying than the defeat of the Turkic Zuoxian King's Department.

Ye Qing said: "Your Majesty, we actually went to camp last night!"

"Break into the camp, this counts... Wait to break into the camp?"

Some people didn't take it seriously at first after listening to it, but suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Even Ye Zhen was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood.

"You guys last night..." Ye Zhen raised his right hand suddenly, pointing at the five hundred riders behind Ye Qing.

All of them were soaked in blood blisters.

It's like just coming off the battlefield.

It turned out that he had just left the battlefield.

No wonder blood smells so fresh.

The others gasped after hearing this.

Last night, the Turkic camp suddenly had people screaming and horses neighing, and there was a lot of chaos.

The camp was full of flames, and the Turkic camp was full of water.

It turned out that Ye Qing and others did it.

They just five hundred riders went to attack the Turkic camp at night.

Severely ravaged a Turkic people.

It's so bold.

The tiger pulls its teeth.

"Okay! You are so brave, you are worthy of being my son." The smile on Ye Zhen's face became brighter as he dictated.

Xieli has made him restless for the past few days.

It's so numb, my son will give you a headache and depression this time.

Don't even try to sleep well.

"Reward! Reward! Reward!" After shouting three words of reward, Ye Zhen was about to continue when someone came to report:

"Your Majesty is bad, the Turks are attacking the city! This time it's for real."

"What? The Turks really attacked the city, how is this possible?"

Everyone could hardly believe it.

Xie Li's Zuo Xian Wang Department was disabled, and last night he was ravaged by the Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry. Now, instead of resting up and discussing the matter of withdrawing troops, they attacked the city instead.

Xie Li went crazy.

"It's just right that I'm here. I'm going to meet the Turkic people. All the ministers will go with me to see what the Turkic people are using to attack my Gaonu City!" Ye Zhen said to the officials, and then said to Ye Qing:

"Qing'er, you go back to the station first. At this time, your department's task is to rest well and be on standby at any time. Your department is now the treasure of my Gaonu City, go down!"

Although he didn't know why Xie Li suddenly attacked the city, Ye Qing didn't intend to care about it.

His troops have been fighting for half a month, and it has really worked hard.

Leave the job of defending the city to the emperor and others.

So there was no hypocrisy, he clasped his fists and said a word of promise, then led the people back to the station.

(End of this chapter)

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