Chapter 113
Ye Qing returned to the station with all the riders.

Zhang Yi and Yu Jin led people outside to greet them.

"Yu Jin and Zhang Yi pay their respects to the lord, and congratulate the lord on his return from victory, and thank my Xiaoyao Mansion for the great meritorious service!"

"Okay, don't need to see outsiders." Ye Qing teased and said with a smile:

"It must be your Haifeng's idea. There's no need to do these silly things. My Xiaoyao Mansion is the place to do practical things!"

Everyone laughed and said they were right, and everyone wanted to criticize Zhang Yi.

But Zhang Yi said solemnly: "My lord, you are now Lord Marquis. The rules and etiquette cannot be broken. Otherwise, letting outsiders laugh at our Xiaoyao Mansion, wouldn't it be a fall to the prestige of the lord."

"Oh! It makes sense, but... I don't want to hear it!" Ye Qing jumped off the horse, and Wu Xiaoma entered the station by himself, and started to stroll.

Li Cunxiao, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Luo Cheng and others also followed suit, jumped down and patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said:
"What Haifeng said is reasonable, but I don't want to hear it either!"

Warriors pay attention to freedom.

They teased Zhang Yi one after another.

There is no way, teasing other people may be singled out for a duel.

Joking with Zhang Yi is just right.

If Li Ru and Shang Yang were to find the two grim and staid faces, they wouldn't want to do it either.
Who told Zhang Yi to be a good talker by nature, if he didn't take advantage of it at this time, he wouldn't be able to take advantage of it at other times.

As soon as Zhang Yi received the news, she ordered someone to arrange hot and cold water so that Ye Qing and the others could take a shower immediately when they came back.

So it can be regarded as a cadre.

This satisfied Ye Qing and the others.

After bathing, everyone was full of hot meals and dishes, and drank a few glasses of wine.

Only then did Ye Qing call everyone for a meeting.

First, Zhongqing listened to Zhang Yiyujin's report on Gao Nu's affairs in the past half month.

Then Ye Qingcai said: "Have Haifeng arranged for someone to go to the north gate? The Turkic people suddenly attacked the city. It's a big deal. We must know the latest situation as soon as possible."

"My lord, at this time, I have arranged for people to watch, and at the same time contacted the King of Hedong. Once there is news, both parties will pass it on." Zhang Yi replied.

The channels of the King of Hedong are not in vain, some things are not accessible to their Xiaoyao Mansion.

So Zhang Yi didn't waste this resource.

Ye Qing smiled knowingly when he heard this.

Zhang Yi really will come, this time Ye Jin is also depressed.

Zhang Yi didn't eat the melon, and was followed by Zhang Yi.

"Okay! You have handled this matter properly." Ye Qing glanced at everyone and said:

"Your Majesty just gave me the title of title, and allowed us to build a guard of [-] soldiers and horses, and also allowed five generals."

He paused at this point.

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Yu Jin and others all sat upright, straightened their bodies, and raised their ears.

They know something is coming, and it's about them.

"Rengui, Jingsi, and Zilong contributed a lot to this battle, so I will promote the three of you as generals first, and Wen Ze and Luo Cheng as deputy generals."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Yu Jin, Xue Rengui and Luo Cheng were overjoyed.

Come out and thank you for taking the order.

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, and Xue Rengui are three masters, and they made the most contribution in this battle, and the others have no objections.

Luo Cheng is first-rate, Yu Jin is second-rate, being a lieutenant general is not a slight to them.

Especially Yu Jin, who didn't participate in the war, felt a little embarrassed.

However, he has been with Ye Qing for a long time, and he has worked hard without credit.

There are only five generals around Ye Qing now, and the places were allocated just now.

As for Cheng Yaojin, he could only take the post of captain or lieutenant general after returning home.

"I have two Rising Dragon Pills here, which are for Yu Jin and Luo Cheng. I wanted to reward you for your next meritorious service, but now the situation is special, so I will give you two first." Ye Qing took out the porcelain bottle and poured out two of them. A pill, and then hand it to the two of them.

The two were overjoyed to receive it, and Yu Jin said: "My lord, what is this Shenglong Pill?"

Everyone is also curious.

Only then did Ye Qing come back in a daze.

I used it myself, and knew it was a pill to improve the strength below innate, but I didn't tell everyone.

So I talked about the efficacy of the medicine.

Now everyone understands.

It turns out that there are such wonderful medicines in the world.

Could it be that Ye Qing took the Rising Dragon Pill that night, that's why there was a vision when he broke through.

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, and Xue Rengui were slightly disappointed.

It is only useful in nature.

To them, this thing is a candy.

It is much more difficult to break through after birth than after birth.

It is indeed a pity that such a shortcut cannot be taken.


At this time, the North City Gate!
As the person who reported it said, the Turks really attacked.

Xieli has actually been building siege equipment for a long time.

Because his plan was to eat Gaonu City, capture Ye Zhen, and destroy Gaonu City.

The result was broken by Ye Qing.

If King Zuo Xian couldn't wait, they could only attack the city ahead of time.

Otherwise, when the infantry and cavalry armies of Dazhou's main force arrived, he would really have no chance to attack Gaonu City.

So because of Ye Qing's rebellion last night, the Turkic camp was ruined, which forced Xie Li to launch an attack immediately.

Strive for a burst of energy to win it down.

If you can't take it down, you will immediately withdraw to the north to end this year's southward sweep.

Therefore, at this time, the Turkic people came like a tide.

The [-] troops shrank to the north gate and concentrated on launching the most violent attack.

"Give me an arrow and shoot these bastards to death..."

"The mere barbarians, the Turks, are dying, and their Zuoxian king is dead. My main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty will return to help tomorrow. Brothers must hold on, must hold on!"

"Kill! Give me a hard kill!"

There are generals commanding with all kinds of vulgar voices on every section of the city wall in the northern city.

One by one, they waved long swords, held long spears, or held up big bows, and led their subordinates to hack and kill the Turkic people who climbed up the wall.

Or smashing stones and trees.

Or use a fork to push down the enemy's ladder hanging on the city wall.

Or pour hot golden juice and hot oil.

What is hot oil is boiled dung water or swill.

This thing is more lethal than boiling oil.

Because it can not only scald the enemy, but also make people lose their combat effectiveness in a short time.

And it can't be washed clean, which can easily cause secondary infection.

There are no antipyretics in this day and age. Once infected with a fever, unless one dies, the person will basically die.

The entire northern city gate is full of fighting.

Countless Turkic warriors under the city cave were hitting the city gate.

In a siege battle, the hope of breaking through the city hole is generally the best.

Because the probability of capturing the city wall by climbing up the city is really too small.

It is very easy to be driven down by the defenders.

Therefore, it is the first thing to attack the city gate and blast it open with a ram.

However, Ye Zhen and other Zhou Wenwu had already considered this point.

The city cave was directly sealed with stones.

Therefore, the Turkic banging wood hit the city gate, except for loud noise and resonance.

It is basically an invalid broken city.

Ye Zhen personally sat in the gate tower to supervise the battle, and a large number of masters gathered in the gate tower.

Which section of the city wall is in danger, and the soldiers below the city cannot be transferred temporarily, and these masters will go out to help regardless of their own safety.

So this time the offensive and defensive battle was extremely fierce and tragic.

People on both sides kept falling, blood stained the city wall, and corpses piled up on the ground below the city.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The war is cruel and bloody, without any hypocrisy.

At the end of the fight, the two sides fought not only loss, but also will and determination.

The battle lasted from morning to noon, and from noon to afternoon, before sunset.

The soldiers on both sides did not even have a bite of food.

Finally, the Turks blew their long horns, and the exhausted soldiers withdrew like a tide. The first offensive and defensive confrontation of Gaonu City ended with the defeat of the Turks.

(End of this chapter)

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