I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 115 Alcohol Is Used For Disinfection

Chapter 115 Alcohol Is Used For Disinfection
"Eh... Your Highness, what you said!"

The person who was stopped was stunned, and then said: "Your Highness is not as serious as you said, our army has always done this."

"Your Highness, it's your first time joining the army and you may not understand the situation. This is a common treatment method used by all dynasties in the Central Plains, and there is nothing wrong with it." A doctor came over and explained.

Ye Tao felt that the opportunity came, and said: "Sixth brother, what's going on, you don't know much about medicine, this way of saving people is no better than killing people, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, lest it will have a bad influence."

"It's the sixth brother. You can forget about it if you bring wine to the wounded barracks. It's not good to delay the treatment of the wounded by indiscriminately instructing the doctors to rescue them!" Ye Wei also thought it was an opportunity, so he acted cautiously.

Ye Qing said with a serious face: "Second brother, third brother, this method of treatment is really wrong. The gauze should be rinsed with white cloth, and after washing, it must be boiled in boiling water to dry before use. Bacteria, so as not to infect the wounds of wounded soldiers with dirty things that are not dirty, and to prevent the formation of light pus, to prevent high fever."

Seeing that Ye Qing said the truth, Ye Zhen couldn't help being suspicious.

Ask other doctors:

"Is he right?"

The doctors replied with some hesitation:

"Your Majesty, there seems to be some truth. In the past, it was true that the wounds were very easy to turn pale and pus, and many people died of fever."

"Yes, Your Majesty, if the wounded soldier persists in high fever, nine out of ten will die. Only a very small number of warriors can survive, and the mortality rate of ordinary soldiers is a bit high."

Ye Zhen pondered for a while after listening, and then asked Ye Qing: "Are you sure your method is effective and can reduce the fatality rate of wounded soldiers."

"Return to Your Majesty, this method is more scientific, and you can tell the truth in just one click." Ye Dao replied:
"To reduce the fatality rate, the wound must be cleaned with a high degree of alcohol, and no dirty things can be left in the wound, otherwise even clean gauze will have no effect."

"Washing the wound with wine, how can this be done, Your Highness, are you right?" A doctor was dumbfounded.

As we all know, wine is inherently strong.

People sometimes drink it on their heads and use it to wash wounds. If it doesn't hurt to death, it will be burned to death.

"Sixth brother, stop making trouble, this matter is not a joke." Ye Jin swiped and pulled Ye Qing.

Ye Qing is going further and further on the road to death.

It turns out that you are here to drink wine to do this damage to death.

Can you still accumulate some virtue?

You are too cruel.

"No, I didn't make a fuss, it's because you guys are wrong, what I'm talking about is alcohol, not ordinary wine." Ye Qing waved to his subordinates, asked him to bring a jar of wine and said:
"Your Majesty, what I store here is high-purity wine, which I call alcohol.

One sip may cause sudden death, so it is not suitable for drinking.

But it can be used to wash wounds, and the wounds he cleaned recovered very quickly, and there were very few people with high fever. "

"Alcohol? The essence of wine?" Ye Zhen was a little surprised, he had never heard of this thing, and there was some doubt on his brows.

"Ahem, Sixth Brother, your lie may be a bit big, isn't it? Your wine is all refined, and you will die if you take a sip. You really think we are three-year-old children."

"Sixth Brother, hurry up and tell your father that you are wrong, there is still time to admit your mistake."

Neither Ye Tao nor Ye Wei believed what Ye Qing said.

I thought he was forcing an excuse for being drunk while marching.

Even Ye Jin on the side stopped talking.

Now it seems that Ye Qing is really hopeless.

You are still blind at this time, you really don't know the dangers of society.

The experience of severe beating is somewhat less.

Ye Zhen also had a gloomy face.

He was dubious.

Ye Qing had indeed created many miracles.

But many things that happened to him were also a little weird.

Ye Qing shook his head lightly and said with a smile:
"Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. If you haven't seen it or heard it, you think it's impossible, and you think it's wrong. It's too arbitrary."


"Does Your Highness have any records in this regard!" A doctor asked with a cautious attitude.

As doctors, they still hope that what Ye Qing said is true.

It is the nature of doctors to save lives and heal the wounded.

Ye Qing nodded and said: "That's right, from the time I received the military order to go out of Gaonu City, in the past half a month, the wounded in our army have been washed with alcohol and bandaged with the clean gauze they carried. It can be said responsibly , So far, no one in my Xiaoyao Mansion has lost combat effectiveness because of the wounds becoming pale or festering."

"Not a single person died in battle because of a persistent high fever. My Xiaoyao Mansion has been able to maintain continuous fighting power in the past few dozen days, precisely because there are appropriate and reasonable treatment methods."

After Ye Qing finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

It turns out that there have been examples.

Xiaoyao Mansion has always done this.

No wonder Ye Qing is so confident and determined.

The doctor said: "Since this is the case, you can wipe it off. Your Majesty thinks you can wipe it off!"

"Sure!" Ye Zhen also wanted to see the effect with his own eyes.

If it is true as Ye Qing said, then this will be a big reform for the treatment of wounded soldiers.

Once it proves successful, the death rate of wounded soldiers in this area will be greatly reduced in the future.

Keeping more veterans will be a significant improvement to the overall military strength of the Great Zhou.

With Ye Zhen's permission, all the doctors in the wounded camp were summoned.

Ye Qing and the people from Xiaoyao Mansion taught them this knowledge.

So these doctors began to clean the gauze to be used in the future according to Xiaoyaofu's method, and then boiled it in boiling water.

Because there is no emergency, all the urgent gauze grades were deployed from the Xiaoyao Mansion's resident.

This is the second step, alcohol disinfection to clear the wound.

"Ah! Let me go, I will die..."

"Murder... you guys are fucking shit, I didn't die on the battlefield, I will be burned to death by you..."

Soon there were countless howls and curses in the camp of wounded soldiers.

It is really the pain caused by the alcohol to clean the wound, which is too great.

It's simply not something ordinary people can bear.

Heart-piercing one by one, howling ghosts and wolves.

The voice was as shrill as it was, as if it was being purified.

Of course, vulgar language is also essential.

All kinds of scolding, all kinds of crying.

"Come on! Give them a soft cloth to bite on, and it won't hurt anymore!"

The doctors who rescued him were a little bit unbearable.

Damn, I've never done such a wicked thing.

This is not saving people, it is torturing people!

However, they can only obey the orders of Xiaoyao Mansion and act according to their methods.

Gag the howling wounded.

The screams of rescue and treatment continued here, and the wounded soldiers in other places trembled when they heard the sound.

The body trembles!

"The damn thing is that the gate of hell is closed. I heard the old Wangtou's cry just now!"

"I heard old man Li's voice, he said he wanted to fuck... grandma..."

Although Xiaoyao Mansion's treatment method is cruel and violent, it still has an immediate effect.

After going through the process of cleaning with alcohol, all the wounded soldiers felt like they had survived the catastrophe, and after the bandaging, they felt that the effect was not bad.

The wound didn't hurt as much as expected.

Especially after an hour or two, not many people with hot bodies were found.

Only then did everyone understand that Xiaoyao Mansion's method is indeed effective.

Treating wounds in this way can reduce complications and can greatly reduce non-combat casualties.

The soldiers who survived this treatment also sincerely thanked Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion at the end.

But in the same way, when it comes down to it, they are also full of fear, leaving a lot of shadows, and they grit their teeth every time they think about it.

She loves and hates Ye Qing at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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