I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 116 Ye Wei Recommends Ye Qing

Chapter 116 Ye Wei Recommends Ye Qing
Xingyuan mansion!

Ye Zhen had already returned from the wounded barracks.

He just went to check it out, just for a show, and naturally he wouldn't stay there forever.

After bathing, I changed into clean clothes and cleaned up after use.

Staring at the men of the wounded barracks, he came back to report: "Your Majesty! According to the feedback from the doctors who treated him, the Sixth Highness' method is indeed feasible!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Ye Zhen felt relieved.

So he asked: "Lao Liu is still in the camp for wounded soldiers?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, His Highness Six is ​​still here." The person who replied truthfully said:
"The other three Highnesses saw that the Sixth Highness's method is feasible, so they all secretly left and returned to the camp!"

Ye Zhen was expressionless, closed his eyes slightly, thought for a while and said: "Go and deliver the decree, let Lao Liu come over, and is there anyone else called to come over to discuss matters?"


All the generals and civil servants came to discuss matters after receiving orders from Ye Zhen after dinner.

Naturally, Ye Qing, Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Jin and others will not be missing.

When everyone was almost ready, Ye Zhen said: "Today our army is united and smashed the Turkic attack. All the ministers have made meritorious deeds. I call you here now to discuss the next countermeasures!"

As we all know, the rear of Gaonu City was cut off by the Turks.

Even though the Turks failed to attack the city today, Gaonu City is still passive.

At that moment, a civil official stood up and said: "Your Majesty, we must guard against night attacks by the Turks. Today our army is exhausted after a day of fighting. There are so many Turks outside the city that they may not come from the north gate to attack at night!"

"Your Majesty, I agree with this proposal, and we must strengthen our vigilance at night! Don't be careless, the Turkic people failed to attack the city during the day, and they will definitely do crazy things!"

Speaking of this, it is basically civil servants who are worried about night raids.

They have always put their lives first.

I am most worried about the city being breached!
Ye Zhen didn't say look, but looked at the general.

Someone stood up and said: "Your Majesty! I think the possibility of the Turkic attack at night is unlikely, because the Turkic people are also tired from the daytime battle, and they are cavalry.

During the daytime siege battle, the siege equipment and the ladders used to step on the city were exhausted.

If you want to attack at night, I'm afraid you won't be able to climb up the city! "

"Your Majesty agrees with General Chen. It is inconvenient to fight at night. The Turkic people's ability to ride is already weakened. They don't have siege equipment, and they want to attack at night. It's a bit of a dream."

As soon as he said this, the military officers nodded in agreement.

Any general who has a little experience in defending border cities knows that there are basically no night attacks by the Turks.

Not to mention the Turkic people, it is the Central Plains Dynasty, and all countries rarely fight at night.

Because soldiers have night blindness.

It is really inconvenient to fight at night, and it is easy to reduce the number of non-combat personnel.

Like being ambushed by Turks in the last Korean War, it was just an exception.

In the case of the layout in advance, the time point was stuck there just now.

Otherwise, the Turkic King Zuo Xian didn't want to fight at night, because if Ye Qing didn't want to fight at night, even if Ye Qing wanted to surprise them from behind, it would not be so easy.

Zuo Xianwang's department would not have lost so badly.

Ye Zhen still didn't speak, and cast his eyes on Qin Hu who was riding the tiger.

Qin Hu has rich combat experience and is the leader of the most elite tiger guard cavalry.

Seeing the emperor's gaze, Qin Hu knew that Ye Zhen wanted to hear something else, so he clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, do you think we should send someone to the south to contact Guanzhong and Beidi County, and get through the rear first."

The eyes of those who didn't speak and those who heard Qin Hu's eyes lit up.

Yes, there seems to be no point in arguing whether the Turks will attack the city, because whether the Turks come and attack at night, the city guards can relax.

Your Majesty would miss these basics.

Where did you put your Majesty's IQ?

So Ye Wei said first: "Father, my son thinks what General Qin Hu said is reasonable. At this time, Xie Li knew that the Zuoxian King's department was defeated by our main force in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he will definitely recall the rangers who blocked our rear near the Luohe River. At this time, we just sent a cavalry to get through the connection going south."

Speaking of this, Ye Wei looked at the family officials in his own camp, then cast a glance at Ye Qing intentionally and said: "I recommend the sixth brother to complete this glorious task."

Ye Qing is recommended!

At this time, the Turkic people who did not exist in the south went south to contact Guanzhong and Beidi County, which was a credit for nothing.

Why should I recommend it to Ye Qing.

Ye Wei's brain rusted?

But soon the officials of the aristocratic family responded and agreed: "Your Majesty, I also think that His Highness Sixth Highness is most suitable for this task."

"That's right, the cavalry in Xiaoyao Mansion are exhausted from fighting, and it's quite easy to go south. It's suitable for them to contact the south side and rest at the same time!"

The main force of the Korean War has defeated King Zuoxian's tribe, and it is almost time to arrive at Gaonu City.

At that time, the Turks must retreat, and the Dazhou army can pursue them there.

And because Ye Qing was not around, he didn't have the credit for repelling evil forces.

So they were happy to send Ye Qing to the south rear.

Although this kind of thing is not dangerous, it is tiring to run around.

In addition, no credit is considered, obviously it is thankless.

So Ye Tao heard this and followed the officials of the aristocratic family to facilitate this matter.

This routine is very familiar.

It was suggested by people from the two departments that they went out of Gaonu City to inspect the north.

Now let Ye Qing go south again.

Make a good calculation.

Ye Zhen saw it, but he didn't point it out, but this time he took the initiative to ask Ye Qing: "Qing'er, what do you think?"

Ye Qing was a little annoyed, he knew exactly what Ye Tao and Ye Wei were up to.

Originally, he also wanted to accumulate more credit, but suddenly a reminder sounded in his mind:

"Ding! Master, the Chang'an City Citizen Qingfang Golden Wing Gang wants to know the situation of the Tiandihui in the next three days, so that they can destroy the Tiandihui while the masters of the Xiaoyao Mansion are going north to fight! Are you willing to spend 600 taels of silver as a reward, do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, the Flying Star Gang of the Chang'an City Mining Workshop wants to know the situation of the Tiandihui in the next three days, so that they can destroy the Tiandihui while the masters of the Xiaoyao Mansion are going north to fight! Are you willing to spend 600 taels of silver as a reward, do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Ye Cai, the seventh prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, would like to know the situation of the Minqingfang Golden Wing Gang and the Mingongfang Flying Star Gang's recent counterattack on the Minwufang. He is willing to spend 500 taels of silver as a reward. Would you like to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Ye Cai, the Seventh Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, wants to know the plan map of Xiaoyao Mansion, the number of troops in the mansion, and the detailed number of masters, so that when the Golden Wing Gang and the Flying Star Gang counterattack the Minwufang, they can take advantage of troubled waters to attack Xiaoyao Mansion and finally set the blame To the two gangs, willing to spend 500 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it!"

Um!The Golden Wing Gang and the Flying Star Gang are about to attack!
It's time to choose.

It is estimated that they just heard the news that the north was blocked.

So I chose to start with this bone-cutting eye.

And Ye Cai actually wanted to directly attack his Xiaoyao Mansion.

He also wanted to put the blame on the Golden Wing Gang and the Flying Star Gang, and then pick himself out, which was a good idea.

Do you want to sell?

(End of this chapter)

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