I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 117 Group buying Huashan faction

Chapter 117 Group buying Huashan faction


Seeing that Ye Qing seemed to be in a daze, Ye Zhen couldn't help but accentuated his tone with warmth and anger.

Ye Qing came back in a hurry, bowed and clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, I am a brick of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so you can do whatever you need. Since the second brother and the third brother respect me so much, how can I be disrespectful!"

"Okay! Then you go!" Seeing that Ye Qing had no objection, Ye Zhen certainly wouldn't say anything!
Ye Qing replied: "It's Your Majesty, I set off overnight, and will send back news as soon as possible!"

After speaking, Ye Qing bowed and stepped back.

While retreating, he said to the system: "System! Sold!"

"Good lord,
"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, Master, you still have 69360 taels of silver, 80% of a food base, and a chance to draw a lottery!"

Ye Qing turned around and left the hall and said, "The system draws prizes!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, my lord, for winning three martial arts character cards!"

One general!
Wuxia opened three cards!
Ye Qing was basically satisfied, and hurriedly said: "Use it!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the Tang Dynasty Li Siye (first class)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts card and getting "Swordsman" Yue Buqun (first class)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts card and obtaining "Swordsman" Feng Qingyang (third grade)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts card and getting "Swordsman" Linghu Chong (first grade)!"

Li Siye?
The supernatural general of the Tang Dynasty said, "Nairou stood in front of the battle with a long knife in his hands, shouting and fighting. Anyone who uses the knife will be smashed."

It is this Li Siye who is the "Modao King of the Tang Dynasty".

I just checked in at the Turkic camp and got the technical information of Mo Dao, and immediately sent a Mo Dao general over.

And judging by the strength, it is still top-notch.

Ye Qing has to say that the intimacy of the invincible system is really everywhere.

But the latter three are a bit interesting.

Feng Qingyang, Yue Buqun, Linghu Chong, three generations of Huashan school, old, middle-aged and young, this is a group purchase.

The old and the young are okay, but this Yue Buqun is a bit annoying.

The strength is the lowest, and the character is not good.

Obviously it's a discount, okay?
"Depart overnight!"

Everyone looked at Ye Qing's retreat with strange expressions.

Why is Ye Qing so active this time?

It seems a bit impatient to complete the task.

So high-spirited, so loyal?

Even the superior Ye Zhen couldn't see through.

But Ye Tao, Ye Wei and the others secretly rejoiced.

As long as Ye Qing agrees.

No matter what he thinks.

Ye Qing's share of the great contribution to defeating Xie Li was gone.

No matter what the people in the hall thought, Ye Qing returned to the station and immediately called everyone over.

"My lord, why did you summon us overnight?" Zhang Yi replied.

Others were also curious.

Ye Qingdao: "I just came back from His Majesty, all the civil and military officials recommended me to go south to get in touch with the disconnected Beidi County and Guanzhong, and get through the logistics line."

"What, you want us to go again!"

Everyone was a little dissatisfied.

It hasn't been a day since I came back, and I have to go on a mission again.

And it's a drudgery of running back and forth, with no credit or rewards.

It really makes them angry.

Why does the emperor always favor other princes.

Ye Qing said: "Everyone don't have to complain, this mission may not be a bad thing for us, everyone clean up, except for the wounded, everyone got on their horses to carry out this mission."

"It's the lord!" Everyone just complained, and after the military order was received, Ye Qing also spoke, so naturally there would be no second words.

Go down now and get ready.

Then Ye Qing took out a piece of brocade silk and wrote urgently.

After finishing writing, hand it over to Zhang Yi and say:

"After we leave the city for half an hour, you deliver this letter to His Majesty."

"It's my lord!" Zhang Yi knew the contents of the letter because Ye Qing wrote it in front of him.

Then Ye Qing said again: "Also, after I leave, you have to adapt accordingly. The battlefield environment is prone to change rapidly, and a small factor will turn the world upside down. , leave in time!"

"My lord..." Zhang Yi's scalp suddenly felt numb.

Ye Qing said that it seems that something big will happen.

Ye Qing looked around, although he didn't notice anyone watching or eavesdropping.

But for the sake of caution, he dipped his finger in water and wrote the words 'Back to Chang'an' on the table.

Then the watermark was removed with a light stroke of the hand.

Zhang Yi suddenly realized.

Why did Ye Qing take on this drudgery?

It turned out to be going back to Chang'an for planning.

Chang'an has a reason why they must return.

Could it be that Ye Cai, the new king of Chu, or the other two major factions are about to attack.

After understanding, Zhang Yi said: "My lord, Yi knows what to do, my lord can go out of the city at ease, I don't need to worry here."

Ye Qing patted him on the shoulder and left the room without saying another word. Li Cunxiao, Xue Rengui and others were all ready.

Ye Qing led them out of the south gate overnight.

In order to increase the block speed, maintain continuous battery life.

Ye Qing and the others are still one person and two horses.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yi went to find Ye Zhen with something.

Ye Zhen heard that it was something Ye Qing wanted to send before he left, so he met Zhang Yi.

After reading the letter, Ye furiously clapped a few times and shouted: "Bastard! Why didn't you report such important news earlier! Nizi..."

Zhang Yi turned a deaf ear and shrank her head, pretending she didn't see or hear.

What was written in the letter was nothing more than the strategy proposed by Ye Qing to Han Zhan and others in Qingjian.

The letter stated that Han Zhan led Da Zhou's main force and Da Zhou's elite cavalry to move to the rear of Xie Li.

He will not come to Gaonu City to rescue him.

Moreover, it is also concluded that Xie Li will run away to the north in the second half of the night tonight, so let Ye Zhen make a plan early and not let Xie Li run away.

That's why Ye Zhen was furious.

Such important information, something that can directly affect the decision-making, Ye Qing did not mention it in the previous meeting, and it took half an hour to let Zhang Yi come over. This is not obvious that he did not take him seriously as the emperor.

"I should have killed him..."

Ye Zhen pointed at Zhang Yi with his outstretched right hand, trembling with anger, his face livid:
"Did you already know about this?"

Zhang Yi bowed in fear: "Your Majesty, I know that I don't know the contents of the letter, but just acted according to orders. If Your Majesty thinks the contents of the letter are too important, I will bring someone back to my Marquis."

Chase your ass!

It's been half an hour. If one person and two horses can catch up, I will lose.

Obviously calculated.

Diarrhea should me.

Knowing that Zhang Yi was also lying, Ye Zhen could only stare blankly. Being angry with a petty person like a butler was really unreal, so Ye Zhen could only wave his hands to let him go down.

Then he said: "Call everyone over and continue the meeting!"

The herald looked at the sky, it was almost Hai hour, and there was a meeting?
At this moment, everyone has just returned from the meeting, so let's undress and get under the covers to sleep.

It's quite frustrating.

(End of this chapter)

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