I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 122 We All Became His Pawns

Chapter 122 We All Became His Pawns

This first-grade master from the Chuyue family was a little scared by Yijing, but he didn't expect the little Cheng Yaojin to be so strong.

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, he hastily made a defensive posture, but seeing Cheng Yaojin backing away inexplicably, he was a little confused.

Followed by embarrassment.

"Asshole, you only know how to use three axes!"

Feeling insulted, this person stepped down, swung his sword and rushed to chase after him.

The person who does not process the gold has never suffered a disadvantage, and he is a habitual offender even if he rubs his feet with oil.

After the three strokes are finished, it will be accepted.

All of a sudden, he rushed back to the formation.

This master of the Chuyue kingdom had no choice but to swing his long sword to knock out the arrows that were shot.

Then go in other directions.

But within ten steps, he suddenly jumped from the roof and chopped off a big halberd.

Sensing the danger, he hurriedly raised his sword to block it.

"Clang!", the sword broke!

A thin vertical line of blood ran through the middle of his forehead.

one move!
Only one move!
There was only one thought in his mind at the last moment.

Then slowly fell back down.


Masked Ye Qing swung the Overlord Panlong Halberd to continue killing.

Cheng Yaojin also commanded his subordinates to rush out of the bow and crossbow protection formation to kill.

Another massacre was staged, and the sneak attackers who broke up and escaped fell one by one in a pool of blood.

At this time, the Mingongfang and Minqingfang next door were also in flames and fighting broke out.

The Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang's main halls are each divided into sub-rudder halls.

Countless men in black rushed in and beheaded the left-behind personnel of the two gangs.

Destroy the hallway.

The clever one escaped immediately, and then ran to report to Tie Feixing and Jin Xiang.

At this time, the two attacked the main altar of the Tiandihui was not smooth.

The two sides fought fiercely inside.

Even if two people joined, it was just a tie.

No one can help anyone.

Only some low-level soldiers died.

"The boss is not good, someone attacked our main hall!"

"The boss is not good, our Golden Wing Gang has been attacked!"

Suddenly two groups of people came to report one after another.

The two looked at each other, and both stomped their feet to the tallest building of the Tiandihui.

Then they looked at the main entrance of their respective workshops.

At this time, there was a fire there, and there were still sounds of fighting in the two squares.

"Who! Who dares to attack our gang?"

"The dog emperor's people!"

"How dare he, we didn't attack Xiaoyao Mansion!"

"Let's withdraw, go back first, it's important to save the hall!"

"it is good!"

After the two discussed it, they waved their sleeves and said, "Tiandihui will come to learn someday!"

After speaking, the two jumped outside.

When the subordinates heard the words, they knew that they were not planning to die, and they withdrew outside one after another.

"Hmph, is our heaven and earth a place where we can come and go whenever we want?" Ren Woxing was so red-eyed by the scriptures that he couldn't stop, and jumped to chase after him.

Ouyang Feng also said: "I haven't had enough of the old poison!"

After finishing speaking, he chased out.

Yue Buqun and Linghu Chong asked Xiang Feng Qingyang:

"Uncle Master chasing after?"

"Is Master Uncle chasing after you?"

"The lord has an order, don't seal the sword tonight, kill it with its bottom up!" Qing Fengyang flicked his Taoist robe, drew his long sword close to him, floated up to the roof of the building as light as a swallow, and then flew after him.

Yue Buqun and Linghu Chong both nodded and chased after him.

Others chased their lives, and Iron Hands did not hesitate.

It is also the lightness kung fu that has already gone with me.

Only Xie Xun stayed in the main altar of the Tiandihui to take care of the aftermath.


Tie Feixing quickly left the main altar of Tiandihui with his people, and returned to Minqingfang and Mingongfang by the same route.

Ye Fengqingyang, Ren Woxing and others chased after him and killed Lu Delan one by one.

But they didn't stop, and continued to chase after crossing the square wall.

Tie Feixing returned to the main entrance at the fastest speed.

At this time, the hall was washed with blood.

Tie Feixing saw several familiar figures.

"Black and white impermanence, what are you doing? Are you really going to war with us?"

Facing Tie Feixing's questioning, Black and White Wuchang sneered and said, "Didn't you start the war with scriptures?"

"I attacked the Tiandihui, when did I offend the Xiaoyao Mansion?" Tie Feixing was so angry that his chest heaved.

But he didn't do anything, because behind Black and White Wuchang slowly walked out several high-level masters.

On the other side of the street, other court gangsters, such as Xue Jian, who had just killed from the entrance of the branch hall, also ran over.

The opponent is powerful, but his Flying Star Gang is weak.

"No? But we have received news that the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang have just attacked Xiaoyao Mansion at the same time." Bai Wuchang shrugged and said seriously.

Heiwuchang waved his hand, and someone escorted out a member of the Flying Star Gang and said: "Look, this is the witness, you attacked Xiaoyao Mansion, and there was a fight in Xiaoyao Mansion tonight, this is a fact that no one can explain!"

"You... despicable!" Tie Feixing, even a pig, should understand now.

Someone framed them as the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang.

But the emperor never thought of making peace with the two gangs from the beginning to the end, and wanted to find an excuse to get rid of the second gang.

Even when the front line was fighting and there was a foreign aggression, he still chose to get rid of it.

I didn't plan to hold back.

"What a trick! What a Ye Zhen, the new King of Chu and Empress Xiong Yue have been fooled, Xiaoyao Mansion has become a victim, and we have all become his pawns!" Tie Feixing immediately understood Ye Zhen's layout.

Ye Zhenyiguang wanted to use this excuse to get rid of the second gang and continue to weaken the strength of the Chuyue clan.

No wonder Ye Cai was left alone in Chang'an.

This is a target.

Divert the target of the counterattack by the forces of the rivers and lakes.

Ye Zhen is not in Chang'an, so he can push it cleanly.

It is entirely possible to push all the responsibilities to Empress Xiongyue.

Anyone who wants revenge can find the Chuyue clan headed by Ye Cai.

"Shut up, dying and wanting to wrong His Majesty, to drive a wedge between His Majesty and Empress Empress, you deserve to die!"

Black and white impermanence was furious instantly, murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and the two rushed out at the same time.

The other entry-level masters behind them also rushed out together.

Xue Jian and the others also shouted loudly: "Kill! Don't leave any of these people behind, kill them all!"


Another bloody fight broke out in the migrant workshop.

Master to master, ordinary warrior to ordinary warrior.

Ren Woxing followed Feng Qingyang and others to catch up, and when he saw the two sides fighting, he couldn't help but stop.

"My lord said that if the people from the imperial court take action, we will withdraw!"

"Now it seems that His Majesty is indeed holding back, and he is very strong!"


Ouyang Feng, Ren Woxing, Qing Fengyang and others immediately withdrew the Mingongfang and Minqingfang.

These black hands of the imperial court will end up.

If the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang are not destroyed, they will also be seriously injured, and they will withdraw from the stage.

They don't have to worry about things here.

At Minwufang, Ye Qing, Cheng Yaojin, Xue Rengui, Luo Cheng, Li Cunxiao and others finished cleaning up the attacking members of the Chuyue clan.

Only then did Ye Qing glance at Mingongfang and Minqingfang, and then said to his subordinates: "Except for Zhijie who stays in the workshop, everyone else puts on black clothes and covers them to return the gift with me!"

"Who is the lord giving back!"

"Xin Chu Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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