I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 123 Empress Xiongyue vomiting blood

Chapter 123 Empress Xiongyue vomiting blood

The palace gate was sideways, someone urged the horse to hurry, the half-gate of the palace had already been opened, and the man on the horse quickly entered the palace and rushed straight to the queen's bedroom.

At this time, Xiong Yue and Ye Cai Zhangdeng are playing chess.

Waiting for instant intelligence from outside.

Suddenly someone rushed over.

Clasping fists, he said: "Meet the empress and His Royal Highness the King of Chu!"

Xiong Yue and Ye Cai turned their faces, Xiong Yue took the white chess and threw it into the chess box.

Ye Cai asked expectantly: "The Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang have fought?"

"Yes, my lord, the two gangs crossed the wall and attacked the main altar of the Tiandihui; our people also crossed the wall and attacked Xiaoyao Mansion!"

Ye Cai was very satisfied and said to Queen Xiongyue: "Mother's funeral is over!"

As long as the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang act, everything will go well.

From then on, in Wuxiaoyao Mansion, when Ye Qing came back, all he was left with was a charred ruin.

The mansion that spent a lot of money to build disappeared.

Ye Qing should be dumbfounded when he comes back!
It's time to be heartbroken!
Not only the mansion is gone.

All the men who stayed in Chang'an were killed, and none remained.

All the properties under him were taken away, and the secret recipe was robbed, so you can't cry if you want to.

"It's not the last moment, don't jump to conclusions, calm down, don't imitate your brother!" Empress Xiongyue moved her windy eyes upwards, Meidai pressed lightly, and pressed her hands inside her sleeves to give a lecture.

Ye Cai was slightly stunned, and then replied: "It's the queen mother, and the queen mother taught me a lesson in time, it's the minister Meng Lang!"

"A child can be taught!" Xiong Yue got up and walked towards the courtyard and said, "Go up with your mother and have a look, such a beautiful night, such a beautiful scene, I haven't seen Chang'an for a long time."

Ye Cai followed Xiong Yue up and stepped up to the attic step by step.

This attic has four floors, and usually only the second floor is open.

Especially when the emperor was around, Xiong Yue never went to the top floor alone.

Because the emperor was still on top of the tower of his bedroom, how could Empress Xiongyue, as a queen, make such a move to overwhelm the emperor.

It is very well behaved!

Just tonight, just in Chang'an City right now, no one can suppress her, Xiong Yue.

Now everything in Chang'an is in her mind.

She is in control.

She has the qualifications to step on the list of groups, and she has the confidence.

Before going up to the fourth floor, Xiong Yue and Ye Cai glanced at the south window of the attic, and then saw the fire emerging from the distance.

From here to Minwufang.

How far away.

It's just a fire point, so in fact there must be a whole piece of fire.

The corners of Xiong Yue's and Ye Cai's mouths twitched slightly at the same time.

However, the two suppressed the surge in their hearts, and stepped up to the fourth floor of the attic step by step.

Only then slowly walked towards the south gate.

"Tonight's fire is not small! It's been a long time since I saw such a lively scene!" Xiong Yue saw the fire spots in the direction of Nancheng, like elves waving to him, and felt a little joy in his heart.

Ye Cai also suppressed the excitement in his heart, and replied without showing any emotion on his face: "If the queen mother likes it, in the future, the sons and servants will go to the palace to accompany the queen mother."

"You have a heart!" Xiong Yue shook her head slightly and sighed. She didn't know why, and suddenly looked towards the southeast.

That is the direction of hometown.

To the southeast of Dazhou is Chuyue Kingdom.

When she came out of Chuyue Kingdom, she was just a young girl.

He is still the precious daughter of the old emperor of the Chuyue Empire, and more than ten years have passed in a flash.

I have never stepped into the land and city of my hometown.

Everything in my hometown is clear and strange.

There is no longer the old emperor who loves his daughter, nor the ignorant girl.

Only the elder brother who keeps calling and the mission from the hometown.

"Report! Greetings to the Empress, Your Highness the King of Chu, Minqingfang and Mingongfang are on fire, and the members of the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang have withdrawn to the two squares!"

Xiong Yue's daydreaming was interrupted, and Feng frowned.

Ye Cai was also dissatisfied and scolded:

"The killing of the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang will destroy the world and return to Minqingfang and Mingongfang?"

"Returning to your lord, the two gangs did not destroy the Tiandihui. It was Minqingfang and Mingongfang that caught fire. The main hall of the two gangs was attacked. Tie Feixing and Jin Xiang took the people back to save themselves."

"Ahem! What?"

Ye Cai was startled, as if he couldn't believe it.

But Xiong Yue could understand that she was the queen after all, and she was much more personable than Ye Cai.

Big winds and big waves have experienced more.

He fixed his eyes on Nancheng.

is not that right?In Nancheng, the fire spots are obviously relatively loose, and there are a lot of them.

It's not like a place in Xiaoyao Mansion was ignited.

I didn't have much doubts just now, but now I'm thinking about it, and I suddenly feel strange.

"Report! Empress Empress, Your Highness the King of Chu, something bad happened. Our attack on Xiaoyao Mansion was frustrated, and none of the people who entered Minwufang escaped!"

Suddenly, someone stepped up to the attic to report in a hurry.

"Is this impossible?" Ye Cai became angry on the spot after hearing this.

With one palm, the inner leaf of a window was broken.

Even Empress Xiongyue shook violently.

If I remember correctly, there are at least 24 second-rate masters, [-] first-rate experts, and five first-rank experts who were sent to carry out the task.

With such a lineup, not to mention the small Xiaoyao Mansion, it is fine to attack the Flying Star Gang or the Jinxiang Gang.

Xiaoyao Mansion is full of fights and there will be no more than ten masters.

And most of them are second-rate and first-rate.

The only black and white impermanence entry is the emperor's person.

If it wasn't for threatening the lives of these two people, these two people shouldn't meddle in their own business.

After all, the purpose of the emperor sending them there was not to protect Xiaoyao Mansion.

None of the people I sent out to carry out the task now have returned.

how can that be.

"Go on, what else?"

Empress Xiongyue also reached the spiritual point where she was going to be furious.

If there is no explanation for this matter, she will not give up.

The person who came back to report said: "Go back to the empress, it seems that someone helped Xiaoyao Mansion, at least more than 50 masters appeared out of nowhere, most of them are first-class and Mr. strong."

"Someone helps Xiaoyao Mansion, how is this possible, Ye Qing has no friendship with outsiders, the fifth child has some business dealings with him, it seems that the relationship is good, but it is impossible for him to help Ye Qing." Ye Cai still couldn't accept this fact.

Anyway, I still have knowledge of Yijing's information, but I can't think of anyone who will help Ye Qing.

Since many people wanted Ye Qing to die, it would be better if he didn't make trouble.

The person who gave the report hesitated for a moment, and stammered: "My lord... His Majesty's people have made a move. They... They took the initiative to attack the Flying Star Gang and... the Golden Wing Gang!"

This time, Ye Cai's mind suddenly went blank.

There was a buzzing inside.

Even Xiong Yue lost his balance and leaned against the goal post.

Rubbing his temples, he looked at Nancheng, took a deep breath, then looked north, and muttered involuntarily:

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! We have all become your pawns. You have already laid out the game, Ben... poof!"

Spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xiong Yue closed her eyes and murmured:
"I thought you would take care of it, but I didn't expect that you really don't want any kindness. Everything is a bargaining chip for your success. Xiaoyao Mansion can be sacrificed, my reputation can be sacrificed, and Cai'er's future can also be sacrificed. When you arrive It counts everyone in!"

"Hahaha... It's just that you didn't expect that you would be cut off by the Turks, why didn't you leave a way for everyone..."

(End of this chapter)

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