I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 125 Arrangement of Yanyun's 8 Riders

Chapter 125 Arrangement of Yanyun Eighteen Riders
There were 22 people from Ye Qing, all wearing black clothes and black robes, walking with their faces covered.

There are few people and it is not easy to be exposed, so proceed carefully all the way to the nearest city gate to the east.

Soon the defenders of the East Gate were transferred to encircle the street.

However, Ye Qing and the others were first-class masters most of the time, jumping along the roof and directly bypassing it.


The soldiers guarding the city gate suddenly found dozens of black shadows entering the city wall.

I was so scared that I quickly shouted and asked.

However, he was quickly knocked down and beheaded by Ye Qing and others.

"Hurry up...someone is attacking the city tower!"

"Quick, shoot the arrows and don't let them escape, they want to get out of town!"

Ye Qing and the others dropped the rope and slid down with ease.

Those who couldn't borrow the rope jumped, and then used the dagger or sword on their body to slam into the city wall.

All the way, sparks brought lightning and slowed down to the ground.

"The Great Zhou Empire is nothing more than that, and my great Turkic warriors will come again in the future!"

Ye Qing deliberately left a word, and then disappeared under the city with the people.

When the defenders fired their bows and arrows, there were no people left.


Xiong Yue didn't realize that she had been fooled until the report came from the east city gate.

What a cunning fox.

They even attacked east and west, forcibly broke through the city gate and left the city.

"Mother, it is absolutely impossible for Turkic people to do this. If Turkic people only burned my mansion and attacked me, someone must be confusing the public!" Ye Cai was also very angry when he heard that the man who burned the mansion ran away. The nose is crooked.

But he is not too stupid, he understands that this is Ye Qing's smoke bomb.

I have no enmity with the Turkic people, why would the Turkic people do this kind of cannibalism!

"But...the enemy this time is too cunning." Xiong Yue only felt a severe pain in her head, and rubbed her head a few times before saying:
"Even if it wasn't done by the Turks, we can only admit it with a pinch of our noses, because there is no more reasonable and reasonable excuse than what the Turks did, and it is more conducive to stabilizing the situation in Chang'an."

The emperor is still out of contact, and the main force of the Great Zhou has not yet been contacted.

There is no better analogy than what the Turks did.

If you really want to say that other people did it, those who are interested should say that you attacked your political opponents yourself, and took the opportunity to eradicate dissidents.

Her prestige is bound to suffer.

Wind ratings will plummet.

The lesser of two evils, she can only declare that the Turks did it.

On the contrary, it can gain a little sympathy for Xinchu Palace.

Not to mention how Queen Xiongyue, Ye Cai and others in Chang'an City deal with the aftermath.

Ye Qing and the others went to the racecourse, rode their horses, and headed north overnight.

When I returned to the Luoshui River, it was two days later.

"Luo Cheng! Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry is the main combat force we will return to Chang'an this time. Their image is too prominent. Once someone with a heart finds out, they will definitely think of my Xiaoyao Mansion." Ye Qing will carry a map on his body. Give it to Luo Chengdao:

"Hold the map. It records a food storage point. Based on this, you will lead Yanyun eighteen cavalry to be active in Xihe County and the border area to form your own cavalry force. Kill more Turks and gain more reputation. If there is anything missing, I will notify Jin Yiwei to return to Chang'an."

Luo Cheng took the map and said excitedly, "It's the lord!"

Yanyun eighteen cavalry, such an elite troop is under his command.

My lord, this is a great trust in him.

Moreover, he can lead troops independently and develop cavalry, which is even more important to his ability.

How could he not be excited, how could he not be excited.

This made both Xue Rengui and Li Cunxiao jealous.

Why doesn't the lord let them command the eighteen cavalry?

They also want to roam outside!

"Okay, take a break, you can leave the team and play on your own!" Ye Qing waved Luo Cheng away.

He also thought about letting Li Cunxiao command the Eighteen Cavalry.

Li Cunxiao's strength is the third rank, and with Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, the ace special force, as long as he is not fighting against large-scale enemy cavalry in the frontier, he will definitely be the existence of gods and gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas.

But if you think about it in another way, if it is too strong, will the generals or prefects of the border and Xihe County be afraid of them.

Instead, it breeds other unfavorable thoughts.

So after all considerations, Ye Qing still let Luo Cheng take the lead.

Originally, Yanyun Shibaqi came from the Luo family.

As for Li Cunxiao's height, he still feels more secure if he stays with him.

It can even deter those young people and win time and space for the development of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Not to mention that Luo Cheng left with Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

Ye Qing asked Zhao Yun and Yu Jin again, "You can get in touch with Beidi County across the river!"

"My lord, we have contacted the other party in your tone. It is convenient for Diaoyin City to reply. Today, we will send craftsmen and civilian husbands to build the bridge." Zhao Yun replied truthfully.

Ye Qing nodded slightly, and Yu Jin said: "My lord, we also used your tone to send people back to Gaonu City to report the bridge repair problem!"

"That's good." Ye Qing was satisfied, so he asked again:

"How is the situation in Gaonu City? What important news did Zhang Yike send!"

Zhao Yun replied: "My lord, the Turkic people retreated north that night in the direction of Gaonu City. Your Majesty sent people to pursue them. At first, they really bit the Turkic people, beheaded thousands of Turkic people, and seized a lot of supplies.


"However, Xie Li suffered a loss, turned around and fought back, and sent His Majesty and the others back to Gaonu City!" Ye Qing guessed noncommittally.

Zhao Yun and Yu Jin's eyes showed shock.

"My lord, how do you know?"
This guess is too accurate.

"As the saying goes, a dog jumps over a wall when it's in a hurry. Your Majesty, some of them must be impatient. They want to save Xieli's fat and eat it. They have made great achievements, so they chase after him, and the result is Xieli. Li Yi lost supplies, if the army does not have enough supplies, half of them will starve to death on the way, why not turn around and fight." Ye Qing said with a smile:
"The important thing is that Xie Li saw that my Great Zhou army that was chasing me didn't have any cavalry, let alone the main force of the Korean War, so he guessed something, so he dared to do this."

After listening to Mrs. Ye's analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sighed and said: "This Xie Li can be regarded as a hero, treacherous, scheming, and extremely decisive. If we hadn't predicted in advance and killed his Zuo Xianwang's department, I would have liked this confrontation." I'm afraid Zhou will suffer a lot."

The Luoshui River Bridge was built very quickly. Ye Qing personally communicated with the people in Diaoyin City, and then led the riders north to Gaonu City.

When they arrived in Gaonu City, Ye Zhen and others returned after chasing evil forces.

By the way, there is also the main force of Dazhou, which is mainly based on the Korean War.

Of course, the iron cavalry did not return, but continued to pursue northward, and some were transferred to Xihe County.

Kill or drive out all the Turks who are still scattered in Xihe County.

This year's war lasted for a month, and it was basically over.

The last high-level meeting in Gaonu City this year was discussing the return to the capital.

Ye Qing saw that except for Han Zhan and his group who were looking happy and showing joy, everyone else had gloomy faces.

(End of this chapter)

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