Chapter 126

"The general looks good today, his face is full of red, it seems that this trip has gained a lot!" Ye Qing leaned over to the general.

In terms of military exploits, he should belong to the warrior side.

When Han Zhan and his generals saw Mrs. Ye coming, the smiles on their faces became brighter.

Jokingly said: "It should have been a great harvest, but it's a pity that I didn't get the assistance of His Highness. I can only say that it was a bit of hard work!"

"That's right, Your Highness, you riders in Xiaoyao Mansion are elite and brave. You should have made meritorious service in the battlefield by beheading the generals and capturing the flag. In the end, I don't know who used bad ink to transfer the logistics money. It's a waste of our army's good opportunity. I just missed the opportunity to injure Turkic again."

"That is, some people are jealous of the virtuous and capable, and frequently harm my generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty. They are really not ministers!"

The generals group is not in the same basket as other factions.

Seizing the opportunity also hurt his mouth.

While hurting, he also looked at the civil servants and the aristocratic families.

Han Zhan and others are military generals, and they basically support the King of Xiliang.

And the king of Xiliang publicly expressed his support for Ye Qing last time, interacted with Ye Qing, and wooed him.

Ye Qing didn't refuse his kindness either.

This time he saved everyone again, but let everyone make a contribution.

The Generals Group is naturally more warm and friendly towards Ye Qing.

Ye Qing turned to the other two departments, seeing how ugly Ye Wei's face was.

Originally, he dismissed Ye Qing this time, thinking that he would get credit for it.

In the end, because of the lack of troops in Gaonu City itself, it won a small victory and then was killed by Xie Li's carbine.

All credit goes to naught.

Facing the ridicule and ridicule of the generals group, he naturally lost his face.

Ye Qing withdrew his gaze, and said to Han Zhan and the others: "Generals, you really want to treat me like a cow who pulls pears. You want to exhaust me to death. You have to combine work and rest when fighting. If you keep fighting, how much money can I have left in Xiaoyao Mansion?" A soldier!"

Han Zhan and the others were taken aback for a moment, but soon understood Ye Qing's joke.

They all laughed loudly, and gave a thumbs up: "Your Highness is open-minded, I, Li Gui, admire it!"

"That's right, His Highness Six is ​​the most enlightened and far-sighted His Highness in my Great Zhou, just like the King of Xiliang. When we return to Chang'an, His Highness must invite us to the Hero Building for a drink!" Someone took the opportunity to laugh, not forgetting Give Ye Yu some prestige.

"It's time, it's time, Your Highness must treat us to a few altars of heroic spirits, not to mention we're going to get hungry!"

Ye Qing clasped his fists and said, "Generals, save face, and I will definitely treat you at half price at the Hero Building."

"Wow! Your Highness, I take back what I just said, you are too stingy!"

"That's right, Your Highness is too stingy..."

While everyone was chatting and laughing, a eunuch coughed and said, "Ahem! Your Majesty is here!"

Only then did everyone show a restrained expression, their posture was straight, their eyes were retracted, and their hands were arched.

Ye Zhen walked in from the outside and took the first seat along the middle path.

His eyes glanced at everyone, and he said: "This year's northern war is basically over. I won this battle by beating [-] enemies in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Your honor is indisputable!"

This kind of sets the tone!

Da Zhou won, and it was a big victory.

As for how to win, how to win, and how to whitewash it next, this is the work of civil servants.

How to publicize it is a question that the aristocratic families need to consider.

Only then did everyone have a little joy on their faces, and they congratulated together: "Congratulations to Your Majesty for his personal victory, and congratulations to my Great Zhou for its prosperity and unabated prosperity. Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great Zhou ten thousand years!"

Ye Qing nodded slightly, with the same happy expression on his face, and then said: "The northern affairs will be handled by General Deng Tao, and the rest will come back to Beijing with me tomorrow to reward them for their achievements!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone's voice came from the bottom of their hearts.

Although the campaign only lasted for more than a month.

But still quite hard.

How can there be a beautiful wife and concubine in Chang'an City who is comfortable serving him.

The next day the army marched back to Chang'an.

When passing the Luoshui River Bridge, Ye Zhen drove out of his car to look at the newly built bridge.

Then the opponent said: "Here, build me a fort, and build me a big one like the diamond-shaped fort in Xiaoyao Mansion. I don't want the bridge here to be burned down!"

"No!" The people from the Ministry of Industry immediately accepted the order.

He knew that not only the fort had to be built, but also a better bridge had to be built.

Diaoyin city repairs are only used temporarily.

Cannot accommodate military use.

However, he was also wondering what the diamond-shaped fort in Xiaoyao Mansion looked like.

Why does His Majesty value things from Xiaoyao Mansion so much?

It seems that after going back, we have to get in touch with this Xiaoyaohou.

After this episode, the team continued to return south.

Just after crossing the bridge, a fast horse from Chang'an came to report.

Opening the letter engraved on the bamboo slips, Ye Zhen's face alternated between joy and bewilderment.

He closed his eyes and thought for a long time before saying: "Go and call Xiaoyaohou!"

There are master guards to inform Ye Qing.

Ye Qing came over on horseback, clasped his fists outside the car and said, "Your Majesty summoned the ministers to come over, but what orders do you have?"

Ye Zhen said: "A letter from Chang'an, saying that someone attacked your Xiaoyao Mansion at night!"

"What? Someone attacked the minister's mansion. Who is so bold to take advantage of His Majesty's absence to take advantage of the opportunity to disturb the stability of my Great Zhou? Such reckless actions should be killed, and the nine clans should be punished!"

Speaking of the words Zhu Jiu Clan.

Ye Zhen's face twitched slightly involuntarily.

His face turned cold, and his eyes gathered together.

Staring at Ye Qing's face, he wanted to see if his innocent and angry face was really cynical.

It's a pity that on that handsome young face, apart from the hatred for the perpetrator, nothing else can be seen at all.

"The Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang attacked your mansion, but they all used subjugation methods. Now there are no two gangs in Chang'an City." Ye Zhen vomited without pain.

Seems like a commonplace thing.

After planning for so many years to eradicate the Sanfang gang in one fell swoop, Ye Zhen should actually be more joyful and have that achievement in his heart.

However, this achievement is far inferior to the current victory over the Turks, and killing [-] enemies will shine through in the annals of history.

"It turned out to be them, so it's good for them to die. Congratulations to Your Majesty. From now on, my capital city of Great Zhou will be safe and secure and more and more prosperous." Ye Qing congratulated pretending not to know.

The car continued to move forward, the road surface may be bad, and there was a slight bump, Ye Zhen shook his body, and then said in a deep voice:

"Do you know that the two gangs not only attacked your mansion, but also Cai Er's, and burned down the Chu Palace."

Speaking of this, Ye Zhen did not miss the opportunity to observe.

Still watching Ye Qing carefully.

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, showing some secret joy on his face, then immediately closed his eyes and shook his head and said: "I don't know, I am very confused, why the two gangs are distracted to attack the seventh brother's mansion.

Of course, I want to know more, what is the loss of my Xiaoyao Mansion?Was it also burned down like the Chu Palace! "

Ye Zhen was disappointed, and still couldn't see anything strange from Ye Qing.

So he only replied: "The loss of Xiaoyao Mansion is not as great as that of Chu Wang's Mansion. You will understand the specifics when you return to the capital."

After speaking, he waved his hand.

Ye Qing showed disappointment, and left with fists in his hands.

There was nothing unusual until the figure disappeared from sight.

Ye Zhen looked suspiciously, pondered for a long time before saying: "Contact the shadow guard, and find out where the cavalry guards of Xiaoyao Mansion were active two days ago and where they stayed."


(End of this chapter)

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