I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 127 New Problems Brought by Ye Zhen's Tax Exemption

Chapter 127 New Problems Brought by Ye Zhen's Tax Exemption
"Ye Zhen really doubts me!"

After returning from Ye Zhen's side, Ye Qing also began to feel a little uneasy.

I was actually a little nervous just now.

Ming people don't say dark words, this is what he did.

What Ye Zhen knew, he knew.

What Ye Zhen didn't know, he knew too.

"I just don't know if the shadow guards will find out my whereabouts."

Shaking his head, Ye Qing sneered, and simply stopped thinking about this question.

So what if you find out, I didn't do anything that conflicted with Ye Zhen's interests.

As an emperor, he should know better how to control a person. One of the best ways is to hold someone else's handle.

Xie Li lost, and there was no point in continuing the confrontation with the Turkic Youxian King, so they also withdrew their troops from Beidi County.

There was a complete truce on the northern fronts, the cold wind howled, and the northern air continued to invade the south. The early snowflakes stayed in the world for less than half an hour and then hurriedly ended.

What is left to the earth is a little polish.

When the wind blows, it is dry again.

By the Weishui River!

Gaoling Ferry!

The people of Chang'an and the civil and military officials came here to welcome the returning army.

Soon the Great Zhou Iron Cavalry appeared first, this was the most elite Tiger Guard Cavalry responsible for the emperor's safety.

Gold outfits war horses, white feathers gather magical weapons.

The stars and the moon open the sky, and the mountains and rivers line up.

The cold wind blows the corners of the painting, and the autumn colors are hunting.

Behind the iron cavalry is the emperor's carriage!
The civil and military generals stayed behind, and the re-dressed army walked slowly, looking extraordinarily majestic and majestic under the rising sun.

"Drums and music!"

Officials in charge of ceremonies waved small flags aloft.

The trained court musicians performed their duties.

The solemn ceremony and music were played.

People can't help but feel awe, admiration from the heart, and excitement from the heart.

After losing contact for seven or eight days, the news came back from the north that it was a great victory.

Great victory!

This made all the people and officials of the Great Zhou who were looking forward to shout out cheers.

The emperor is fine, and the main force of the Great Zhou is fine.

The Turks were defeated.

Da Zhou was victorious.

The whole city is boiling.

At this time, I saw the return of the army. These soldiers are the sons of some people, the husbands of some people, and the fathers of some people.

How could the people who came to greet them be stingy with their inner excitement and their approval.

"Great Zhou Wannian! Great Zhou Wannian!"

I don't know who yelled first, and then countless people yelled.

One sound higher than the other.

In the end, even the ritual music was overshadowed.

Hearing this and seeing the people who couldn't help themselves, Ye Zhen and his team stopped after crossing the river.

Ye Zhen stood up with a bright smile on his face.

This in-person visit proved him right.

After a big victory, his prestige is even higher.

The people of Dazhou will also recognize him more.

His power is more secure.

He glanced around and raised his right arm lightly.

The ceremonial officer waved the flag, and the musicians stopped.

With a restrained smile, he lightly raised his left arm, and the tigers and guards all drew out their horse swords.

Then tap the shield in your hand.

Make the sound of gold and stone.

One of the people who shouted was a little hoarse, and the two stopped talking when they saw Hubenwei's actions.

All eyes were on Emperor Ye Zhen.

Only then did Ye Zhen press his tongue with his rich middle-aged man and said:

"I went out to conquer the northern lands and fought against the Turks on the Gonuxi River. The soldiers of the Great Zhou fought bravely against the enemy. Only then did the Great Zhou win."

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Your Majesty, ten thousand years!"

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Your Majesty, ten thousand years!"

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Your Majesty, ten thousand years!"

It was another voice of support from the mountain, which made Ye Zhen a little intoxicated.

He, Ye Zhen, has done it, a feat that even the previous emperors did not have.

Look at these people, they all support me.

The Great Zhou is my Great Zhou.

"I pass on my decree that all counties except Hanzhong and Hongnong will be exempted from tax for half a year, so that they can have fun with the people and enjoy peace!" Ye Zhen suddenly announced an amnesty.

After a brief silence, the people cheered again.

All are holy.

The three counties of Guanzhong are the main force of this dispatch.

At the same time, the two counties of Liangzhou, Xihe and Hedong counties are border battlefields, which consume money and energy.

The half-year tax exemption, the local people are naturally rejoicing.

But Ye Zhen is happy, and the people are happy.

The civil servant's complexion changed drastically, frowning and talking.

Dazhou was not well-off at all, and finances have always been tight.

Now the five counties have been exempted from taxes for half a year, and the household department has to eat soil.

The Ministry of Households eats dirt, so how can other ministries get any better? The imperial court has no money in their pockets, and they can't get any money if they want to dig it out.

Especially after returning from a big victory, a large sum of money has to be spent to reward the three armies.

Hubu Shangshu and the servants suddenly felt so big that they wanted to hit the wall.

You can only turn your attention to the officials of the family line.

Whenever the court is in trouble, the family has to take out money to borrow money to make ends meet.

But the aristocratic families are all as smart as ghosts, the court’s tax for half a year is gone, and the money and food borrowed before the war have not been repaid in a year or so, and they dare to borrow, they are not fools.

One by one, the nose is watching the nose, and the nose is watching the heart as if neither saw nor heard.

The civil servants didn't give up, so they had to turn their eyes to Ye Tao.

Ye Tao also slandered Ye Zhen countless sentences in his heart, and he was also thinking hard about this problem.

Only Ye Wei was more relaxed, lowering his eyeballs, thinking about something.

Regardless of these things, Ye Zhen was rarely happy, and gained another wave of popularity and then sent Hu Benwei back to the city.

The team was inspected by the eyes of the people of Chang'an City, and slowly passed back to Chang'an City.

Team Ye's team was at the back, and Ye Qing deliberately hung out the tattered and blood-stained battle flag of Xiaoyao Mansion.

The commoners didn't pay much attention at first, but when they saw the elite Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry passing by, and the military flag with the military exploits flying high in the wind, they also made a small discussion.

The brocade guards who had been planted among the common people spoke out one after another.

"This is the guard of the Xiaoyao Mansion of His Highness the Sixth Highness. It looks even more powerful than the Tiger's Guard!"

"I heard that this great victory is all thanks to His Highness the Sixth Highness and the riders from Xiaoyao Mansion, they..."

"No wonder it is so. The Xiaoyao Mansion has made great achievements. It has turned the tide of the battle and killed countless enemies. It has created a miracle for the first time on the battlefield. His Highness the Sixth Highness is amazing..."

Most of the soldiers of Dazhou were arranged to camp outside the city to rest.

Only a few of Ye Zhen's true direct descendants can enter the city.

Ye Qing rode back to the mansion with Xiaoyao Mansion, and the officials of his own court told him that he would go to court in three days.

Because within three days the imperial court will calculate the military exploits and award them at the court meeting.

As one of the protagonists of this great victory, Ye Qing must be present.

No matter who wants to deal with him in a low-key manner, it is impossible.

After all, Ye Zhen himself first promised to confer the title of Ye Qing Xiaoyaohou.

He hadn't entered Xiaoyao Mansion yet, but had just entered the Minwufang, and the common people in the workshop spontaneously stood on the street and watched to greet him.

Today's Xiaoyao Mansion is no longer the original Xiaoyao Mansion.

Someone attacked a few days ago, dozens of masters led a large number of murderers.

In the end, they were all killed by the people of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Even the two major gangs in the two neighborhoods have been cleared out.

The strength of Xiaoyao Mansion is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and it is accompanied by awe.

There is another hope.

The stronger Xiaoyaofu is, the safer and more secure they will be in Minwufang.

Since Ye Qing's arrival, Yijing has profoundly affected everyone in the workshop.

After two months of changes, Minwufang has undergone unprecedented changes in terms of life, security, and employment.

This change is in a good direction.

It is what the people living here need.

They also want the change to continue.

So knowing that the Xiaoyao Mansion headed by Ye Qing has made great contributions, and after returning from a great victory, they are all excited and proud from the bottom of their hearts.

Because many of the guards in Xiaoyao Mansion were born in Minwufang.

Naturally, they did not go outside the city to watch the army return, to witness the majesty of the emperor.

Instead, they wait here silently, waiting for their heroes and their future to come back!

When Ye Qing comes back, the Minwufang will have a backbone, their life will be better, and the Minwufang will be more prosperous!

(End of this chapter)

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