I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 128 Stolen Cheng Yaoxin's spot

Chapter 128 Stolen Cheng Yaoxin's spot
Ye Qing led the people forward slowly, passing by all the way, and had a panoramic view of the expressions of the people along the way.

Probably to know what they are thinking.

What are they trying to express here!
Suddenly Ye Qing reined in and stopped.

Looking at the crowd of people, he said: "Father and folks in Minwufang, I, Ye Qing, led 800 guards from Xiaoyaofu to fight for more than a month. We fought five small battles and two big ones!"

Having said that, he intentionally paused for a moment before saying:
"I can proudly say that I brought back most of the warriors from Xiaoyaofuwei, among whom less than [-] were killed in battle. I hope to bring back more when I go to the country next time.

Again, in the name of Xiaoyao Mansion, I promise to the war dead that I will send bells to their parents and take care of their children. I will never let the warriors feel chilled, let alone the living. "

On the surface, the death rate in Xiaoyao Mansion is quite high.

800 people go, 700 people return.

One to eight battle losses.

But those who know what battles they have fought and what brilliance they have created will understand that this experience is quite low.

These battle records were actually created by Wubaiqi, and the real battle losses should be one to five.

And the enemy they faced was measured in tens of thousands.

A tough battle, a sneak attack.

All in the enemy outnumbered and outnumbered, life and death hang in the balance.

The real gate of hell.

"Your Highness is mighty!"

"The guards of Xiaoyao Mansion are mighty!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for remembering and taking care of me!"

There is no unified slogan on the street, and the chaotic voices are more sincere.

Ye Qing didn't bother to talk about it anymore, he urged the horse to go all the way to Xiaoyao Mansion.

Li Ru, Shang Yang, Cheng Yaojin, Ouyang Feng, Wu Qing and others greeted him at the door.

"Master He is back with a big victory!"

"My lord congratulations, you have been promoted to Lord Marquis!"

"Congratulations to my Xiaoyao Mansion Guard Banner victory, for the Great Zhou's contribution to the Han and horse, and for the eternal foundation!"

Ye Qing jumped off his horse, Li Cunxiao, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Yu Jin and others also got off their horses one after another.

"It is true that I should congratulate my Xiaoyao Mansion, congratulate my soldiers who went out to fight the enemy bravely, congratulate my soldiers who went out to fight for their contributions to the country, and at the same time, I also congratulate everyone who stayed in the Minwufang for resisting the enemy's attack and winning the same counterattack. , establish my ambition of Xiaoyaofu." Ye Qing glanced at the crowd, drew out his saber and said:

"Anyone who violates my Xiaoyao Mansion will be punished no matter how far away!"

Everyone replied loudly: "Anyone who violates my Xiaoyao Mansion will be punished no matter how far away!"

The sound shook the sky, and the killing intent was surging, rolling endlessly.

This cry from the heart can be heard across the street.

The hearts of all kinds of people who were watching Xiaoyaozeng secretly were shocked.

Such a strong killing intent.

Such an overbearing killing power.

Anyone who violates my Xiaoyao Mansion will be punished even if they are far away, and they really do what they say.

Starting from Ye Qingjin Minwufang, everything he did was carried out under this standard.

Every time someone came to commit an offense, they were beheaded and wiped out.

No meeting is!

Fourth Highness Ye Mao is so!

This is true of the three gangs and nine associations!

The Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang were not spared either!
Everyone followed Ye Qing into the mansion.

The soldiers were arranged to go down to rest.

Ye Qing sat at the top of the hall and asked, "Is Black and White Impermanence still in the mansion?"

Shang Yang replied: "My lord, until that night when the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang were wiped out, Black and White Wuchang has never entered the mansion, let alone the civil affairs workshop!"

Ye Zhen sent them into the mansion for a purpose, and when the purpose was accomplished, there was no need to stay any longer.

In other words, Xiaoyao Mansion gradually grew up with the scriptures and began to have fangs.

have their own direction of development.

After deliberately keeping the two of them, the conflict between the father and son should come online directly.

Although there are still many secrets in Xiaoyao Mansion, even if Ye Zhen wants to know, he can't make it so obvious.

At this moment, Ye Qing was finally a little free.

The pressure brought by the Sanfang gang no longer exists, and Ye Zhen's surveillance has also been withdrawn.

His Xiaoyao Mansion finally dived into the abyss, ready to soar into the sky and soar.

"By the way! Yuhuatian has news!" Ye Qing asked suddenly.

Yuhuatian has been there for more than a month, about [-] or [-] days.

As a result, there has been no news.

Li Rudao: "My lord, Yuhuatian sent back a message saying that he will be back in a few days. The heir masters of the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang should have found out, but he didn't mention it clearly in the letter, I'm afraid it's a little inconvenient."

Ye Qing nodded slightly, finally there was news.

That's it!
It can make Ye Zhen scruples, and it can make the Great Zhou court fearless for so many years.

I think the background is involved a lot.

The background of the people behind is not simple.

It's just that Ye Qing has no clue and can't guess.

"We'll talk about it later." Ye Qing said:

"Your Majesty has granted me five thousand soldiers and horses in Xiaoyaohou Mansion. From now on, my Xiaoyao Mansion can recruit troops on a large scale. Don't be afraid to spend money. People will recruit as many people as possible for me."

"The cavalry has been expanded to 2000 people, with Jingsi and Zilong as the main ones. You two have one master and one deputy." Ye Qing looked at Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun:

"Jingsi is the general and takes the title of captain; Zilong is the deputy general and takes the title of lieutenant!"

"It's the lord!" Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao stood up and took orders.

They had already decided on this matter in Gaonu City.

It's just that Luo Cheng was still there at that time, and after Luo Cheng took Yanyun Shiba away, the vacant life quota would naturally be given up to others.

Then Ye Qing looked at Xue Rengui and followed Yu Jin and said: "Rengui, you are the general and Yu Jin is the deputy general. You two will each lead a thousand infantry and command the infantry in the mansion!"

"It's the lord!" Xue Rengui and Yu Jin both accepted the order.

Four of these four places have gone!
There was the last one left, Cheng Yaojin straightened his body, with a silly smile on his face.

It is none other than it.

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and Xue Rengui couldn't beat him.

He is not Yu Jin's opponent than commanding the art of war, so he is also convinced by the four of them.

There weren't many generals in the mansion, and he was the one who stood tall among the short ones.

But what Ye Qing said next made people dumbfounded.

Just listen to Ye Qing said: "Li Siye is in charge of forming the Modao team as a general. The number of people is temporarily limited to [-]. You can choose personnel first!"

Li Siye, who followed Ye Qing back to the mansion, stood up and said: "It's my lord, Siye must build a shocking Modao team that will scare the enemy!"

Only then did everyone cast their eyes on this mighty, low-key and dull Chang'an local man who was unknown along the way! "

After Cheng Yaojin was briefly stupefied, he looked at Li Siye provocatively. It was this guy who robbed him of being a general.

This guy has nothing but a long machete.

If you haven't made an inch of merit, why should you?

What is this Modao team?

It also shocked the world and made the enemy frightened.

Older than me and can brag!
Ye Qing knew that Cheng Yaojin was not convinced, and others also wondered why Li Siye was promoted.

Also choose people first!

Sui Dao: "Siye's troops are heavy armored infantry who are accustomed to using long straight knives. Whether they are infantry or cavalry, they have a strong deterrent effect. In actual combat, they are even more brave and invincible.

Especially in the aspect of restraining cavalry, it is even more unique. "

"In the future, we will fight the Turks again. The cavalry attack alone will be insufficient. The infantry will definitely not be short of the Turkic cavalry. The Modao team is a great gift for them. Then you will know what the Modao has passed. Urging the front is unsurpassed, the sword wall is like a forest, and the horses and men are all cut."

Only then did the audience stand in awe after hearing the words.

It turned out that this is a special infantry built to restrain the Turkic cavalry.

When Mo Dao passed by, the sharp edge was unmatched, and the wall of the sword was like a forest, and all people and horses were cut.

Just these sixteen characters give people a strong murderous look, as well as a feeling of death rushing towards their faces.

It's really exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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