I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 129 Report the situation

Chapter 129 Report the situation
The Modao team is so powerful!
Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Siye with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

The same is top-notch, why is he better than himself.

Can my old Cheng still lose to him in terms of strength?

"What? I know you want to fight Siye." Seeing Cheng Yaojin's eyes full of fighting desire, Ye Qing asked.

Cheng Yaojin clasped his fists and said, "My lord, that's what I mean, I just don't know if he dares to fight or not!"

Before Ye Qingfa arrived, Li Siye blushed, and coldly snorted at Cheng Yaojin:

"If you want to fight, you can fight. If you can't use it in the hall, you can fight outside the courtyard!"

"Just right!"

Cheng Yaojin was not polite, he walked out without giving Li Siye a chance to repent.

Don't look at Cheng Yaojin's recklessness and honesty, yelling all day long, but everyone knows that this guy is the most ghostly.

Never a loser.

It's his advantage that he will grind his face to death.

If it's not his grabbing, grab some points.

Ye Qing said with a smile, "Go and watch if you want to see the excitement!"

Zhao Yun and others also wanted to see Li Siye's skills.

So everyone followed out.

Li Ru, Shang Yang, Shen Wansan, Lu Ban and others were not interested in this, so they all stayed.

Lu Ban asked curiously: "My lord, who can win!"

"Do you still need to ask? This guy Zhijie has just raised his realm, and his strength is not stable. He is already at a disadvantage in weapons. It is strange that he can win!" Shen Wansan said bluntly:
"Since my lord let Li Siye be the side general, there must be something special about him, which means that knowledge must be a little bit worse."

Ye Qing, Li Ru and others looked at each other and smiled.

Although Shen Wansan did not know martial arts, he had a flexible mind and was quite accurate in judging people.

The analysis is also quite correct.

"Wan San, how is the winery?" Ye Qing asked.

Shen Wansan replied: "The master's winery has been completed, and the new wine has been sold, and the old wine still needs to be fermented in the cellar and wait for the time to sell!"

It is a good thing to be able to produce wine, and now the hero of distilling wine finally does not have to rely on the acquisition of other wineries.

The taste of Yingxiong Lie can also be better controlled, instead of the IWC brand, which is messy and complex.

"My lord, the hero building has just been rebuilt, and the first business is more prosperous than before. The newly built food street and pedestrian street, the business of each store is also extremely hot." Shen Wansan said proudly:
"Now the daily revenue of each store can reach more than [-] yuan, and more and more people come and go to our Minwufang, and the reputation of our Minwufang Xinjie has been completely destroyed.

If you can earn more in the future, you can feed back more money in the house, and the investment funds will be gathered back soon! "

There are quite a few shops in the two new streets, and one family costs [-] guan, which is indeed a huge sum of money.

Of course, the more important thing is that the business is alive.

One is revitalizing the economy and gaining a reputation.

It can continue to expand around and expand the commercial area.

The second is that all the jobs provided have been realized, and the people in the workshop have things to do and make money.

There is more hope.

So Ye Qing turned his attention to Lu Ban.

Lu Ban has not stopped these days, and has been building engineering buildings non-stop.

Hero Tower and Tiandihui General Forum are all achieved this month.

Seeing Ye Qing looking over, he also said: "My lord, next we are going to launch the large supermarket you mentioned, which is a large market for centralized shopping. According to your original design concept, my lord, we made a change after inspection, that is Dig down two floors to create a novel experience of underground shopping and storage warehouses.”

What's the situation, Gongshuban, you have developed the basement privately.

Engage in an underground supermarket.

I didn't teach you that way!

Lu Ban said: "My lord, the large supermarket you want to build contains all categories. If the unit square area remains the same, if you want to increase the carrying capacity, you must increase the space.

The ground part of the main structure cannot exceed the height of the imperial city, so we can only dig down two floors.

My lord, we have done the calculations. Although this will consume some wood, bricks and stones, and increase some costs, we can build kilns and burn bricks on the spot with the excavated soil, which can meet the needs of large supermarkets themselves, and can also be used to expand other streets. . "

"That's right! That's right. It seems that you, Gongshu Ban, have put in a lot of effort, studied hard, and studied what I said." Ye Qing didn't expect Lu Ban to be able to do design and ecological chain in advance.

Really give him a ruler, he dares to measure the entire Longteng Continent.

Speaking of making kilns and making bricks, Ye Qing thought of Ou Yezi.

Then he said, "Where's Ou Yezi, how is this kid doing recently?"

Li Ru, Shang Yang, Shen Wansan and the others looked at each other, and they all showed bright smiles, and they smiled a little bit treacherously: "Master, you can go to the treasury and you will know."

In terms of ability to make money, they felt that Ou Yezi, a primary school student, was invincible.

A whole treasury is full of glass products, and other new gadgets that have been tested.

That thing can be exchanged for a lot of money.

The key is that the production is too simple, and the mass production can catch up with brick making.

It's like a piece of gold bricks.

Now they dare not estimate how much money Xiaoyao Mansion has.

At the same time, I didn't dare to take it out for large-scale auction and circulation. I was really afraid that someone would come to the door and smash the door plaque.

Ye Qing probably guessed something.

Guess he's not here, Ou Yezi has no direction and is just making things.

Glass is too much and worthless, especially semi-finished products.

It happened that I still had the Modao technical information, so I asked Ou Yezi to learn how to make a knife by the way, so I got up.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin and others finished their martial arts competition, so they turned back.

Cheng Yaojin shrugged his head and walked in, clasped his fists at Ye Qing and said, "My lord, I am defeated, and Yaojin is not as good as him!"

Ye Qing walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged, just improve your strength and figure out all your 36 Tiangang axes. At that time, let alone your inheritance, even Zilong and the others may not be your opponents." !"

"Really!" Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed when he heard this, his eyes lit up.

This product is a living treasure, obviously wanting to gain benefits, how could it be so easy to be attacked.

So Ye Qing straightened his face with a backhand and said seriously:


"Uh..." Cheng Yaojin was taken aback, his eyes widened.

The lord actually made fun of him.

Li Cunxiao, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Yu Jin and others burst out laughing upon hearing this.

One by one, they came over and patted Cheng Yaojin's shoulder lightly, saying:
"Work hard, one day you will beat me!"

After leaving the hall, Ye Qing called Li Siye to find Ou Yezi together!

When seeing Ou Yezi, this kid was obviously darker than before.

I have been staying at the experimental kiln for more than a month.

"My lord, you are back!" Ou Yezi looked like a good student, when he saw Ye Qing coming, he stood aside and respectfully saluted as a teacher.

Ye Qingdao: "Tell me about what you have learned, felt, and accumulated during the past few days. Next, you may have to learn something else..."

(End of this chapter)

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