Chapter 131 Punching CP Tasks
"I see! It's really exciting, but I don't know how the relative Dong's family will react now."

Ye Qing clasped his hands and put his fingers behind his head, looking a bit optimistic.

The Dong family will definitely not be reconciled to this.

There will be no shortage of counterattacks or other actions.

Just don't know where they would start.

To really mess with Empress Xiongyue as Ye Zhen calculated, or...

"My lord, it's hard to guess what the Dong family's reaction will be, but I think we should be more careful." Li Ru suddenly reminded with a half face down.

Ye Qing said: "What do you mean?"

"My lord, Mrs. Dong might not do anything to us, after all, after all, my lord is also the blood of the old lady, so I have a little relationship with her.

It's not you, the lord, who takes the lead, and you won't embarrass the lord. "

"But Xiaolongmen and Taihuashan may take revenge on us!"

No matter what Ye Zhen said, he was also the imperial court, and Sanfang was justifiably killed, and the forces in the rivers and lakes here were eliminated.

If they don't tear their faces apart, the two sects will naturally turn a blind eye and close one eye, and will not fight and break up.

But the Tiandihui in Xiaoyao Mansion, even though it was Ye Zhen's sacrificed pawn, was a real accomplice in the eyes of Xiaolongmen, Taihuashan and other people from all walks of life.

Xiaolongmen and Taihuashan are big factions, can they allow others to touch their younger brothers?
If you move your subordinates, if you don't take action, can you still suppress and control the other subordinates below?

If it causes a bad demonstration effect, what is the prestige of Xiaolongmen and Taihua Mountain?

So Li Ru is still a little worried and not optimistic.

"Little Dragon Gate! Taihua Mountain!"

Ye Qing also murmured softly, and asked Yuhuatian:
"How is the strength of the six sects? Which sect has the lowest strength?"

"The actual strength will not be known in a short period of time, but there should be at least a dozen No.

"The weaker ones should be Taihua Mountain and Baibo Valley."

Taihua Mountain!
White Valley!
Ye Qing couldn't help thinking.

"Ding! Master, please go to the main hall of the gate of Lantian Valley, Baibo Valley, Taihua Mountain, Xiaolongmen, Tumen Town, and Qishan Pavilion on the big Saturday to check in. If you successfully check in, you will be rewarded with [-] catties of good potato seeds and a copy of printing materials." !"

Check in again!

Go to the main hall of any mountain gate of the Six Sects, and you can get [-] catties of good potato seeds!

This is one of the first choices for grain production.

It is listed as one of the three staple foods in later generations.

It is suitable for a wide range of planting, rich in nutrients, and has a large yield. It is especially drought-resistant and cold-resistant.

Isn't it just suitable for the environment of Da Zhou?

There is also a typography resource.

Ye Qing was excited.

This must be done.

Calculate the time, at least until next year's spring and summer.

Otherwise, planting will be delayed.

But it wasn't over yet, and then the system prompt came again.

"Ding! Master, please go to the main hall of the Great Zhou Empire's Taiji Palace and Taiji Hall to check in! Successful check-in will reward you with a technical document on the method of refining and purifying salt!"

Refining and refining salt!

This reward is not low!

The combination of salt and iron has always been the lifeblood of the imperial court.

Salt and iron tax is the most direct thing to gather wealth.

But it has always been in the hands of the family.

Most of what Da Zhou eats now is coarse salt, and it is not cheap.

Slightly refined salt is extremely expensive.

The technology is in the hands of the Hedong Liu family.

Even Ye Zhen didn't dare to snatch away food, and he couldn't get back the two sources of income, the salt and iron tax.

After all, in terms of the imperial court's technology, the salt produced may still be sold at a loss.

Therefore, the price of official salt is high, the circulation is extremely poor, there are many impurities, and there are many criticisms.

"Ding! Please check in at Jingtai Palace, the former chief of the master. If you successfully check in, you will be rewarded with a copy of iron-making and forging-steel technical materials!"

Another check-in task.

This time it is a reward for iron-smelting and forging technical materials!
Salt iron!Yantie is really a couple.

CP can't run away!
and many more!

Jingtai Palace?
That's... the old lady's bedroom!

The residence of Empress Dowager Dong!

It really is not that easy!
Sanfang was expelled, and I just hated my relatives Dong's family. Now I go to the old queen's place, it's a bit of a fuss!

Ye Qing couldn't help showing a wry smile.

The system can send an easy task to check in at the main hall of Tai Chi Hall, which is not bad.

Wanting to go whoring for nothing is indeed a bit delusional.

"My lord, are we going to target Mount Taihua first?" Li Ru asked Ye Qing when he saw Ye Qing pondering for a long time.

Mount Taihua is the weakest of the six factions.

And I can have some trouble with Xiaoyao Mansion.

According to Ye Qing's personality, he should focus on taking care of Mount Taihua.

Ye Qing came back in a daze, touched his chin and nodded slightly: "Alright, first check Taihua Mountain, and find out the information on Taihua Mountain as soon as possible, especially the affiliated sects and gangs under it."

Even if you want to deal with Taihua Mountain, you must first start from its periphery.

And the name of Xiaoyao Mansion must not be used anymore.

Even the name of Tiandihui cannot be used.

Ye Qing couldn't help but think of Feng Qingyang and the other three who bought the group.

It seems that we can engage in a force to go out.

Taihua Mountain... Huashan School, it fits very well!

"It's my lord, I will continue to investigate!" Yuhuatian responded.

No one is more suitable than him.

"My lord, do you want to report the Qinling matter to His Majesty?" Li Ru suddenly asked this question.

Although time flies for more than a month.

Xiong Yue, Ye Cai and others should have made preparations for the transfer.

If it is reported at this time, it is possible that the people from the Chuyue kingdom have long since left.

Maybe the people who attacked Xiaoyao Mansion a few days ago were all from that secret stronghold.

When Ye Qing heard this, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his mind, and his eyes lit up.


This seems like a good meeting ceremony.

So Ye Qing shook his head and said: "No, if you report this matter to the emperor, he will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye. Besides, Empress Xiongyue should take care of the aftermath. Reporting it is just futile."

Ye Qingyi thought of who to send this news to, and the value of sending it to that person would be even greater.

Three days passed in a flash!

Rested in the mansion for three days.

Before dawn that morning, someone knocked on Ye Qing's door.

There are not many people who dare to get up before the rooster crows in the middle of the night.

Hearing the voice, Ye Qing could only yawn helplessly.

"Hurry up, young master. Today is your first day in court. If you want to reward meritorious deeds, your contribution is the greatest. You will definitely be named a prince. You can't delay, young master."

The maid, Huanhuan, was helping Ye Qing tidy up his robes, and kept babbling.

She was driven out of the palace with Ye Qing's earliest people.

The bitter days in the palace are still vivid.

She knew best how unpopular Ye Qing was and how low his status was back then.

Now that she finally has the opportunity to go further, she is the happiest and excited.

"No! From now on, my young master, you will be a prince, so I can't call you young master anymore!" Huanhuan suddenly stopped what she was doing, her eyes were slightly red.

Seeing her stop moving, Ye Qing was also a little confused, and looked down, why was the little girl about to cry.

Then he stretched out his hand and gently wiped the corners of the little girl's eyes and said, "Silly girl, you will always be my maid, as I said, no matter if I am the lord or the lord, you will always be, and no one can change it!"

"It's the young master, Huanhuan has been for the rest of her life!" Huanhuan nodded lightly and turned around, not wanting Ye Qing to see her crying ugly.

Ye Qing shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand to touch the little girl's head and said, "Wait, Huanhuan, even if you are not the king this time, I will fight for you to come back as the king, grow up well...!"

After speaking, Ye Qing left the room.

grow up!

Huanhuan was taken aback!
I... haven't grown up yet?

Growing up... Could it be that the young master wants to...

Huanhuan's little face instantly blushed up to the ears...

(End of this chapter)

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