Chapter 132 Why be afraid

It is a long journey from Nancheng to Huangcheng.

So to go to court, you must hurry up.

Not only Ye Qing, but also other people.

That's why most officials live in the east of the imperial city.

Not only is it a show of wealth, but it is also conducive to going to court, and you can sleep more late.

When we arrived at Suzaku Street, the sky was only bright, and looking at the sky and the distance was still a bit hazy.

It was Ye Qing's first time to go to court, and he was not used to it, so he couldn't help thinking of a poem, and couldn't help but read:

"The flowers on the temples of the clouds are swaying in golden steps, and the hibiscus tent is warming the spring night.

The spring night is bitter, the day is high, and the king does not go to court early. "

As soon as I finished reading, I heard someone clapping their hands and applauding: "Okay! Sixth brother is really good-natured and good-natured!"

Ye Qing didn't need to guess to know that it was the fat fifth brother Ye Jin.

Every time this guy appears, if he is not hypocritical, he is embarrassed to speak.

Of course, Zhang Lu, the eldest son of Prince Nanzheng, came with him.

Ye Qing smiled and cupped his hands and said: "It turns out that it's Brother Wu and Shizi. I said that I didn't hear the rooster crowing this morning, but only heard the magpies crowing around their heads!"

"Sixth brother, why doesn't it sound like you're praising me! You dare to make up your fifth brother early in the morning, be careful I'll cut your food!" Ye Jin kicked his eyes sideways, opening his small eyes as wide as possible.

"Hahaha, don't dare, no one dares to arrange Fifth Brother." Ye Qing hurriedly shook his head, pointed at Zhang Lu and said:
"If you don't believe me, ask the eldest son, I'm obviously praising Fifth Brother that you are suave, handsome and unrestrained?"

Zhang Lu smiled and waved his hands and said, "I didn't hear it, I didn't hear it, I didn't hear what you two said, I was just passing by!"

"You... the sixth brother is right. I am indeed a bit suave and handsome." Ye Jin's complexion changed, and he rubbed his chin, feeling smug.

"The system! Why didn't you check in the five buckets of rice teacher?" Seeing Zhang Lu appearing, Ye Qing couldn't help but wondered about the system.

Wudoumi is also a big force.

The system replied coldly: "No, not now, it's asking the system to crash!"

"Master, show some face, you haven't completed the three tasks yet."

"Uh...hehe, don't you think it's easier to go to Wudoumi Dojo?" Ye Qing rubbed his nose and exited the system.

Now the system will also skin!

Good or bad!

"Yo! Isn't this the fifth younger brother and the sixth younger brother? The poem you just a bit problematic!"

While Ye Qing, Ye Jin and others were chatting and joking, Ye Tao led people past.

"Sixth Brother, you should be careful with your words. There are quite a few royal censors among the people who come here. They specialize in criticizing people. It is not a good habit to slander your father because of your meritorious deeds!" Speaking of which, Ye Tao He deliberately increased his voice and said:

"Ahem! Sixth brother, Dong Yushi is right behind!"

It's okay if you don't talk about it, but when you talk about it, there really is an old man in his fifties looking towards Ye Qing and the others.

His eyes were not good, sharp as an eagle, as if he was grabbing something out of Ye Qing and the others.

Not to mention Ye Tao, even Ye Jin immediately restrained his expression, and reminded in a low voice: "Sixth brother, be careful, Dong Yushi is our old uncle, and ordinary people can't afford it!"

After speaking, Ye Jin took Zhang Luma and slipped away.

For fear of being targeted by Dong Yushi.

But Ye Qing didn't move, but met Dong Yushi's gaze, and also sized him up.

This Dong Yushi doesn't need to ask, he already knows who it is.

Isn't he from the Dong family, a relative?

The younger brother of the old queen, um, a very, very young brother.

Dong Yushi saw that Ye Qing was not afraid of him, so he walked over directly, his eyes were always aggressive, and he could stare at people hair-raisingly.

It's as if I owe him a hundred thousand dollars.

"You are not afraid of me!" Dong Yushi asked suddenly.

Ye Qing clasped his hands and saluted and replied: "Heart is upright, why should we be afraid!"

"Uh!" Dong Yushi was taken aback.

No one dared to speak like this in front of him.

And it's serious bullshit.

You don't know why I'm staring at you.

What a fart!

Ye Qing went on to say: "I went to battle to kill the enemy and broke through the Turks. I haven't been afraid before, but I am afraid when I go home. Does Mr. Dong think it's normal?"

Is it normal?
What a rhetorical question.

You kid is showing off your exploits to me.

It's still mocking my Dong family for losing Sanfang's chess pieces.

Dong Yushi became slightly interested.

However, his face was still cold, and he snorted coldly: "Do you know that people's hearts are sinister? Today you will understand that many people who did not die on the battlefield died in places they shouldn't die!"

After speaking, Dong Yushi flicked his sleeves and entered the palace gate, and walked along the avenue to the Chaohui Hall of Taiji Hall.

Many people who didn't die on the battlefield died in places they didn't deserve to die?
This Dong Yushi... is interesting!
The mountain rain is about to come, and the court is the most dangerous arena in the world. It seems that this statement is true.

Waiting for what you are, then... wait and see!

The corridor leading to the court hall is very long and there are many people.

Officials, big and small, or princes and ministers in Beijing, as long as they are qualified to go to court, all of them can come.

There are too many people going to court, and there is no special service in the palace, so if you come early, you can only stand and wait.

Not even saliva.

Really hard work.

This is not a big deal, the problem is that when the time comes, the imperial guards will push open the door of the main hall, and the people with higher titles will enter first.

Enter in order according to grade, and then stand in line!
Ye Qing came here for the first time, and he didn't know where to stand.

Ye Jin and Zhang Lu had long since disappeared.

He didn't want to take Ye Qing with him at all, and he didn't want to be focused on because of Ye Qing.

Ye Qing simply found a seat at the back, leaned against a pillar and got up halfway.

The officials who didn't know the situation around met and talked about it one after another.

"Who is this person? I haven't seen it before, why are you standing here?"

"So young, he doesn't look like an official, nor does he look like a military general. Who is the successor son of the Duke, County King, and Lord Hou's family?"

"I haven't heard of anyone who died recently, and whose eldest son became a nobleman?"

"Don't worry about it, wait and see how the people from Yushitai join him!"

"That's right, just watch a good show!"

"His Majesty is here!"

The sound of a male duck sounded.

Then Ye Zhen, wearing a dragon robe and a jade crown, entered through the side door and walked towards the dragon chair.

When everyone saw Ye Zhen appearing, they all said, "Welcome Your Majesty!"

Walking to the dragon chair, Ye Zhen took a look at the hundreds of officials gathered below, and then sat down on the dragon chair.

"Everyone is flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The eunuch in charge of ceremonies sang: "Please play if you have anything to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

After that, people continued to stand up to ask questions and discuss state affairs.

Halfway through, the Minister of the Ministry of War stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of War has approved the gains and losses of the Turks in the Northern War, and the merits and demerits. Please have a look!"

The Minister of War took out a roll of bamboo slips and the eunuch handed them over.

Ye Zhen looked at it first, nodded slightly, and then handed it over to Mrs. Si Li for supervision: "Those who have made great achievements in this battle should be rewarded; those who have made mistakes should be punished. What do you think should be rewarded and punished!"

Then the eunuch Si Li took the bamboo slips again and read out the contents inside.

(End of this chapter)

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