Chapter 133
There were basically no mistakes in the things submitted by the Minister of the Ministry of War. They clearly pointed out the merits and demerits of this battle, listed some important lists, and put forward suggestions for rewards and punishments.

In the end, it needs to be decided by the emperor and all the people.

In general, this kind of thing is mostly a formality.

Unless someone stands up and puts forward their own opinions, they will obstruct it.

Ye Zhen said: "What do you think?"

At that moment, an official stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the report of the Ministry of War is basically correct, and the rewards and punishments are also appropriate, but... However, I have doubts about the merits of His Royal Highness, and I believe that the ministers in the court are also the same!"

Immediately, many voices echoed, expressing their agreement with this point of view.

Ye Qing straightened up all of a sudden, and looked towards the senior official who was speaking.

Seeing that he was standing in the queue of civil servants, he guessed that he might belong to the Fufeng Palace.

These guys really wanted to mess with themselves.

Ye Zhen, who was on the dragon chair, closed his eyes and asked, "What doubts do you have about the Minister of Rites? Tell me!"

"Your Majesty, there are four doubts. The first Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry was established in a short period of time. It really has such a strong combat power that it can kill the Turkic people. After thinking about it, this kind of thing has never happened in my history. Surprised!"

"Second: According to the Ministry of War, His Royal Highness's mission was to go north to investigate, but he changed his route halfway. The journey was so far that it far exceeded the maximum daily travel speed. Did His Highness really report his whereabouts truthfully, or did he deliberately conceal something? ?”

"Third: I heard that His Highness the Sixth Highness brought wine to the north. Although this wine is not the same wine, it is still wine. I heard that it is no different from a hero after being mixed with water. So is His Highness the Sixth Highness bringing the wine to save people? It is to save people, but it is also a violation of military regulations, merits and demerits cannot be offset, and rewards should be punished!"

"Fourth: During the period when Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry was in charge of going south to contact the rear, a fire broke out in Chang'an City's Prince Chu's Mansion. Some thieves attacked the King's Mansion of Chu and wantonly killed everyone in the King's Mansion of Chu. The methods were extremely cruel. I calculated that His Highness the Sixth Prince had time to go back and forth once. , Your Majesty, please send someone to find out whether this matter is related to His Highness the Sixth Highness!"

After these four points were said, the entire court hall was boiling, with constant discussions and countless whispers.

"As we all know, Xiaoyao Mansion has a feud with Prince Chu's Mansion. It is really possible that Xiaoyao Mansion did it!"

"Bringing wine without permission is a violation of my Zhou's military discipline, and it should be punished. Otherwise, everyone will carry wine in the future, falsely claiming that it is for life-saving and healing. Once this wind blows, it will be fine, and it should be cured!"

"Are you saying that the Turks colluded with His Highness the Sixth Highness and deliberately sold out a misfortune so that Ye Qingsheng would be favored and sell more important news about me in the future!"

"Don't say it's really possible. If Ye Qing colludes with the Turks, then they can use the hands of the Turks to attack the Chu Palace at night and burn the Chu Palace to make things clear!"

Ye Qing was furious when he heard that.

Everything else is easy to say, saying that he colluded with the Turks is too stupid.

Forcibly poured sewage.

This hat is definitely the most buttoned up.

"Brother, what do you think, Ye Qing said that he would collude with the Turkic people." Suddenly, a negotiator bumped Ye Qing's shoulder and urged:
"Brother, here's your chance to show off. Please join Ye Qing's book. I'm sure King Chu and King Fufeng will be very happy. Your chance to stand out is here!"

While the man was talking, he made a frantic expression.

Ye Qing stared at this person and asked, "What's the name of this old man?"

"Hongnong Yang Mingtao!" The man replied seriously, with an air of arrogance on his face.

"You belong to Hongnong Yang's family, disrespect and disrespect!" Ye Qing clasped his fists and pretended to bow, but just in the middle of the movement, he punched Yang Mingtao in the face.

One punch knocked the man to the ground.

Yang Mingtao fainted on the spot.

People around jumped to the side in fright.

Damn, where did this brat come from, dare to commit murder in the hall.

Although Yang Mingtao's official position is not big, but the majestic Hongnong Yang family is also one of the best big families in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In Hongnong County, it is second only to the Cui family, the first family of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The brat dared to beat him, he didn't want to live anymore!


The eunuch who presided over the discipline in the hall noticed this and couldn't help coughing lightly.

Only then did everyone's eyes focus on this place.

Ye Zhen could see clearly from above that it was Ye Qing who caused the trouble.

There was one person lying on the ground.

He couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "Qing'er, what are you doing there? You haven't come forward yet."

"He is His Highness Sixth!"

The people around are like ghosts.

This guy is the prince, what are you doing standing behind the hall?
Damn, I was talking about him just now, so I won't be hated by him.

Ye Qing didn't even look at the two sides, came out and walked forward along the main road, stopped at a similar position and said: "This minister came to listen to the government just like everyone else. It was the first time I entered the palace. No one pointed me in the right direction, so I had to Find a place to stand."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for successfully clocking in the main hall of the Tai Chi Hall, and now the technical information on the method of refining salt is distributed!"

finally come!

It turned out that he wanted to run ahead, and it was not enough to just enter the palace.

"Ministry of Rites, why did you neglect your duties!" Ye Zhen frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Although Ye Qing didn't want to see him before, but now that he is a marquis, and he is going to court again, he made a joke about standing in the wrong place. Is the Ministry of Rites deliberately embarrassing him, the emperor?
Ye Zhen couldn't help looking at the Minister of Rites.

It was the Minister of Rites who came out to make trouble for Ye Qing just now.

Being questioned by Ye Zhen at this moment, he felt ten thousand goats bleating on his chest.

His face flushed.

This return came too fast.

Liu Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites gave his subordinates a few hard glances, and then said: "Your Majesty, it may be that the Sixth Highness did not report when he entered the palace, so the Ministry of Rites neglected to do so."

With an explanation, Ye Zhen won't get too entangled with this matter, after all, he is the Son of Heaven.

Moreover, the officials under the Ministry of Rituals immediately made a remedy, only a servant stood up and said: "Your Majesty, His Highness the Sixth Highness committed murder in the hall and hurt people in the hall. It is really absurd. Please punish him!"

Before Ye Zhen could speak, he was sent to the army, and he was very happy, but everyone below was watching, waiting for him to deal with it, so he said:

"Qing'er, why did you hurt someone?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, a man named Yang Mingtao tempted me just now, saying that as long as I stand up and slander King Fufeng, King Hongnong, and King Hedong during the Northern Expedition, I will not do anything, act indiscriminately, harm the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and kill my brothers, and promise me a Ministry of Rites." The position of the servant." Ye Qing said solemnly:

"Is this the kind of person whose beliefs are not firm? Even if King Fufeng and King Hongnong did something illegal, they are still my second and third brothers. There is no reason to slander and frame my brother, so I beat you. One punch, please be enlightened by Your Majesty!"


Yang Mingtao obviously asked you to participate in himself, but he didn't say that he was going to slander Fufeng King, Hongnong King, and Hedong King.

The nonsense King Fufeng and King Hongnong really did something illegal, can your hint be more obvious?

God TM shot out in anger for the brother, what a face!

(End of this chapter)

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