Chapter 134 No Alcohol Ban
You beat Yang Mingtao to death, and you scolded the Minister of Rites by the way.

Burned back the flames of war.

At the same time, he also lost a handful of King Fufeng and King Hongnong.

Everyone discovered that Ye Qing is not simple!

It was the first time that Guawazi went to court, and his thoughts were clear and his counterattack was swift and swift.

Looks like there is a good show.

"Okay! What a Yang Mingtao, when the affairs of the Ministry of Rites can be decided by a little Yilang." Although Ye Zhen knew that Ye Qing was talking nonsense in a serious manner, no one felt that Yang Mingtao dared to say such a thing.

But it doesn't prevent Ye Zhen from making decisions about the ministers.

Ye Qing found an excuse for him. Although it is lame, it is good if it works.

The Minister of the Ministry of Rites knelt down and bowed in fear: "Your Majesty, this is pure slander. The Ministry of Rites and this Yang Mingtao have never had an intersection, and it may be just a reason for coaxing and compiling it."

Originally, Yang Mingtao belonged to the family line, and Hongnong County supported Ye Wei.

The Minister of Rites is also a civil servant who supports Ye Tao, so naturally he wants to get rid of all relations at this time.

Moreover, eye drops should be applied to Hongnong Wang's mansion.

The Ministry of Rites started. Yang Biao, the contemporary helm of the Yang family, immediately stood up and said, "Your Majesty knows the lesson, my son has always been well educated and respectful to His Majesty and the court. He has never uttered nonsense and will never utter such slanderous words. Please also ask your Majesty to question the officials in the Queen's Palace to set the record straight!"

Other aristocratic families also wanted to come out to express their support. At this time, Ye Qing rushed to say: "Your Majesty, there are not a few people who said similar words to Yang Mingtao just now. They all said that the second and third brothers colluded with the Turks and revealed the news. Your Majesty." You can also check and ask them to repeat what they just said one by one!"

This time, the rows of people at the back of the hall were all frying pans.

When did Lao Tzu say such a thing.

We are talking about your collusion with the Turks.

It was you who burned down Chu Wangfu.

But they dare not stand up and argue.

Why, because their words were originally suspected of slander and biased.

If you really say it, you must be on the emperor's blacklist.

Ye Zhen flicked his sleeves and said angrily: "Okay! This matter is put on hold. Ye Qing Palace hurts people, and he will be fined for one year. Yang Mingtao will be the first to do something, and he will be dismissed from the court for talking nonsense and return to his hometown. He will reflect for a year!"

Play fifty boards each.

It's over.

But everyone can see that Yang Mingtao is finished.

Dismissed and returned home, reflect for a year!
Isn't that just saying don't be an official in the future?

Ye Qing was only fined one year's salary, which was neither heavy nor painful.

This time the officials couldn't understand.

Doesn't Ye Zhen hate Ye Qing, doesn't he dislike him?
Why is it facing him this time.

The Ministry of Rituals didn't get involved, so naturally they were happy that the aristocratic family was at a disadvantage, so they wisely shut up.

If you're mentioning this, maybe you should have dug yourself into it.

Ye Zhen saw that everyone was being honest, so he lightly raised his right hand and said, "As for the four points mentioned by the Minister of Rites, Qing'er should answer them himself!"

The book of the Minister of Rites has doubts, what does the emperor mean?
Why did it come back again.

Ye Qing was also a little puzzled.

What is Ye Zhen doing?
If you want to use him as an example, what is his purpose?
No wonder he wanted to take the opportunity to knock on the civil service department.

Are you leveling?

The aristocratic family has been suppressed, and the civil service department will also be suppressed.

I can't figure it out, but Ye Qing can only bite the bullet.

He bowed to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites and said: "The Shangshu just mentioned four doubtful points, so I will answer them one by one!"

The Minister of Rites made a gesture of invitation.

Ye Qing continued: "The first point is that the combat effectiveness of an army has nothing to do with the length of time it has been established. If Shangshu or the adults have any doubts about the fighters of my Xiaoyao Mansion, you can bring people to compare them in person. It means that the people in my Xiaoyao Mansion basically have no living enemies once they make a move, and they either don't fight, or fight to the death."

Everyone didn't expect Ye Qing to be so brave.

Doubt the fighting power, come and wipe it, come and fight.

This is straightforward enough.

If you don't believe me, come and die.

Minister of Rites' face turned blue.

It's like eating a fly.

He really couldn't refute Ye Qing's answer.

If you come up, you will play to your death, who dares to accept the move.

Ye Zhen above rarely showed a smile.

Ye Qing's credit was actually determined by him.

Xiaoyaohou has rewarded it, so can it be taken back?

The Minister of Rites doubted Ye Qing's military exploits, and indirectly suspected that Ye Zhen had dealt with him unfairly, and his physical examination was unclear.

Didn't he slap him in the face of the emperor in front of the princes in the court?
That's why he was so persistent, he couldn't evade this matter vaguely.

Looking at it now, Lao Liu is not only talented in literature, but also proficient in martial arts, his mouth is as tough as his character.

Ye Qing glanced at the Minister of Rites with a smile, and then said: "Second point, whether our army's whereabouts are true or not, only those who have been on the battlefield will understand that the limit of a person is at the juncture of life and death, which is always beyond imagination.

The Ministry of War has the most right to speak on this point. Anyone who has not experienced actual combat to speculate and define is just a glimpse of the leopard. "

Then Luo Yeqing looked at the Minister of the Ministry of War.

The Minister of the Ministry of War nodded slightly.

General Han Zhan came out and said: "What Your Highness said is very true. The battlefield is very changeable. Sometimes you can march a hundred miles a day in a hurry, and you can go a hundred and twenty or thirty miles by gritting your teeth. No matter the cost, you can go for 150 miles. When you are crazy, you can go for two hundred miles. It's not impossible, the most taboo of military strategists is to talk about military affairs on paper.

If you can't do it yourself, you can't deny that others can't do it! "

This second point is recognized by the Ministry of War, especially the tone he set in the Korean War.

Minister of the Ministry of Rites denied Ye Qing, denying him the Korean War, and denying their victory in Qingjian's counterattack, so he naturally wanted to speak out.

Ye Qing cupped his fists to thank him.

The face of the Minister of Rites was even worse, and the other officials were silenced.

"Your Highness should not be able to refute the third point!" The Minister of Rites had already laid it down, and this third point was an iron-clad fact.

Ye Qing couldn't argue at all.

As a result, Ye Qing looked up to the sky and laughed after listening.

Everyone was confused for a while.

Ye Qing could still laugh at this moment.

This is ironclad evidence, and there is no way to justify it.

Ye Qing said with a smile that he glanced at the Minister of Rites like an idiot, then he glanced at the civil servants and the aristocratic families and shook his head lightly:

"I said, my lords, you are all people who have read poetry and books. How come you have forgotten the most basic things. You have read so many books, where have you been?"

"Your Highness Six, don't talk about it and avoid the facts!" The Minister of Rites was very dissatisfied, feeling that Ye Qing wanted to change the topic.

Others followed suit.

Ye Qing smiled and said: "I remember that there is only a ban on alcohol in the army, but no ban on bringing alcohol!"

No booze!

The difference between one word and the meaning is quite different.

Everyone suddenly had a feeling that Ye Qing was going to escape this one.

I only heard Ye Qing say to Han Zhan: "Dare to ask the general, what I said is wrong!"

Han Zhan didn't know what Ye Qing wanted to do, but he nodded with certainty: "It is true that there is only a ban on alcohol in the army, and there is no ban on bringing alcohol!"

"Thank you, General!" Ye Qing bowed deeply, then raised his head and chest and said to the Minister of Rites:

"The alcohol prohibition prohibits private drinking in the army. If there is a big victory, or if His Majesty comes here in person, or if His Majesty sends an angel to reward the army, you can drink to celebrate the victory."

"It's just that everyone is used to subconsciously thinking that the ban on alcohol is the ban on alcohol, and this is what I mean by the ban on alcohol." Ye Qing sneered:

"There is no express law in the military that forbids bringing alcohol, it's just that some generals lead troops and generally don't bring it out of precaution, and it develops a kind of inertia and habit over time.

Mr. Shang Shu, you can't use a habit to restrain and punish a person who is dedicated to fighting for the country, and to punish people who are dedicated to preserving the lives of the soldiers who are fighting for the country!
What is the difference between asking questions like this and betraying the country, and collaborating with the enemy!
You have chilled the hearts of more than [-] soldiers of my Great Zhou, what should you do! "

(End of this chapter)

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