I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 135? Your Majesty's Household Department Has No Money

Chapter 135 His Majesty's Household Department Has No Money
That's right!
What Ye Qing said was true.

The prohibition of alcohol in the military prohibits private drinking, not bringing alcohol.

Not being able to bring alcohol is just a habit, just a measure to prevent private drinking.

It's not illegal by itself.

Just like selling kitchen knives, kitchen knives are innocent.

Killing someone with a kitchen knife is a crime.

Just because someone killed someone with a kitchen knife, selling a kitchen knife is not a crime.

Not to mention that the business of selling kitchen knives cannot be banned just because someone killed someone with a kitchen knife.


The Minister of Rites was rendered speechless by the refutation, a breath of blood welled up in his heart, and he fainted directly in the hall.

The civil servants and people from the family line all stared wide-eyed.

This TM can be forcibly explained.

Ye Qing also knows the law!

Moreover, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was accused of collaborating with the enemy and falsely accusing him.

He even blatantly scolded them who are ignorant of learning and playing with pens, and they don't even know the most basic principles and words.

"Wonderful, what His Highness Sixth Highness said is really wonderful, it really makes people overwhelmed." A servant of the Ministry of War mocked:

"I thought we were the only big bosses who didn't know much about writing and hyphenation. It turns out that you are the same as us!"


This knife hurts my heart!

Ghosts are the same as you ordinary people.

We are just victimized by directional thinking.

It has nothing to do with literary literacy or cultural level.

"Come here! Take the Minister of Rites to the side hall, and send the imperial doctor to treat him!" Ye Zhen felt slightly relieved, unexpectedly, Ye Qing directly scolded the Minister of Rites for fainting.

Soon there were powerful men in front of the palace to carry away the Minister of Rites.

Ye Qing turned his back to Ye Zhen, glanced at all the ministers and said, "I just want to say four words for the fourth point. If I want to punish you, I have nothing to say!"

If you want to add a crime, there is nothing to say!
What a crime you want to impose, why don't you have no words!

I thought that Ye Qing was going to say a lot of long words again, but it turned out to be only eight words.

No explanation at all.

If you don't fight, you fight.

Silence is gold.

For a while, no one was talking about it.

Shut up wisely.

Ye Zhen saw everything about His Highness from above, and seeing no one was talking, he said: "Since the ministers have no objections, then the reward will be determined according to the merits reported by the Ministry of War!"

"Among them, Ye Qing was granted the title of Marquis of Xiaoyao, and I actually sealed him in Gaonu City, and now he is adding [-] households to his food town."

There is no nomination, but the number of food cities has been increased, and the officials have no objections.

When Ye Qing pouted slightly, five thousand households in Shiyi was a consolation prize.

I have been fined a year's salary, and this food city is naturally included.

And as far as money is concerned, he is not rare at all.

There was glass in the past, and now there is salt industry.

He has two treasures in his hands.

Although a little dissatisfied, Ye Qing still cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xie Wanen, Han Zhan retreated to his ranks of generals, Ye Qing hesitated for a moment and then followed to stand in the ranks of generals.

Anyway, the civil servant family doesn't want to see him, so it's better to stand by the general for the time being.

Han Zhan and others did not refuse.

Among the nine princes, only Ye Yu is close to generals, and now there is one more Ye Qing.

They will not launch such a potential stock.

The military rewards have been fixed.

Next, the Ministry of Finance stepped forward and reported to Ye Qing:

"Your Majesty, rewards and punishments will be determined for this battle, and the rewards will cost a lot. The Ministry of Households has no money and food for the time being. Please learn from Your Majesty!"

The people from the Ministry of War have made great achievements, but it is strange that the officials of the Ministry of Households have a good face if the Ministry of Households is required to pay.

Naturally cry poor.

Ye Zhen was quite unhappy when he heard the officials from the household department cry about being poor, although he had expected it.

His face turned black.

I'm happy to say that.

Awarding rewards is an emperor's favorite thing to do.

Because it can show off, it can show one's authority and kindness.

The household department came up and said that there was no money.

A tone that I just have no money, so you can do whatever you like.

Naturally, Ye Zhen was very upset.

Ye Qing looked at Ye Zhen above, and suddenly felt a touch of sadness for Ye Zhen.

Although Ye Zhen is ruthless, even though he is the emperor, he seems to have a lot of helplessness.

In this court, it is not a speech hall, nor is it just to do whatever you want.

You can't do whatever you want.

It seems that the bondage of the officials is not too small.

This is only the imperial court. Looking at other aspects, first of all, there are Jianghu forces in Chang'an City, and the restrictions imposed on the imperial court by the foreign relative Dong.

There are still many aristocratic families in the local area who control the military and government, and the Zhang family in Hanzhong supports their own troops.There are still six major factions in the arena.

Abroad, there are also Qiang and Turkic people who harass and harass them every year.

The Chuyue Kingdom is eyeing it covetously, while Beishi, Weiguo, and South Korea are also sharpening their knives.

Internal and external troubles, the harem is not peaceful yet, and there are still nine sons vying for the heir, so changing someone might be going crazy.

Ye Zhen faced so many and serious problems that the emperors of all dynasties were rare.

So in Ye Qing's view, Ye Zhen is a little sad.

Ye Zhen stared at the official of the household department who was talking, and was silent for a while before he said coldly: "Isn't it not long before the autumn grain and autumn tax were collected? How can the household department have no money and food! Are you going to let the soldiers who returned from the big victory Are you chilled? Do you want to stir up mutiny?"

"I'm terrified!" The household official knelt down and said:
"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Households really has no money and food, and the autumn grain and autumn taxes are all used for the frontline battles. Now that Xihe County and Hanyang County have not completely ceased fighting, the imperial court still needs to continue to supply.

The confiscated ones were all promised to the benefactor who had previously lent the debt to the imperial court before the expedition, and you just... just exempted the seven counties from taxes, I am afraid that even the previous debts will not be enough to make up for it. "

This person's words are probably telling Ye Zhen that the household department is really gone.

Even if you want to squeeze, you can't squeeze out. The Turkic side is basically finished, and the Qiqiang side is still fighting. You don't want this front.

At the same time, he even told Ye Zhen that you should not even think about borrowing money from the aristocratic family.

They are not borrowing anymore.

Unless you pay back what you owed in previous years.

That's right, this household official came from an out-and-out family.

He naturally wanted to speak out for the family.

Not to mention that the household department has no money, even if he has money, he will keep it and return it to the aristocratic family.

Aristocratic families have never been charitable organizations, they only borrow and don't repay, maybe they will directly change the emperor or change the dynasty for you.

Hearing this, Ye Zhen retracted his hands into the sleeves of the dragon robe, clenched into fists and rattled.

War is fun for a while, tax exemption is cool for a while, and you can cry when you are not in debt.

Ye Zhen didn't dare to push too much, because he knew that the aristocratic family could do anything.

Da Zhou has just embarked on a pro-rejuvenation road under his own rule.

Sanfang Jingping, seven Qiangs destroyed one Qiang, and the Turks suffered heavy losses.

Everything is realized in his hands.

A bright future is beckoning to him, and all the critical problems of Dazhou are waiting for him to solve them one by one.

As a result, he suddenly got stuck on the most deadly and critical money and food.

The family's internal affairs issue, which can never be bypassed, suddenly resurfaced.

It gave Ye Zhen a headache.

When thinking of money and food, Ye Zhen thought of Hanzhong, the source of the largest share of Da Zhou.

His eyes turned to Zhang Lu.

Although Zhang Lu was young, the Zhang family always acted in a low-key manner, pretending to be poor and stupid was good at it, and turned their eyes to one side, pretending not to notice Ye Zhen's gaze.

It is true that the Zhang family has money and food, but there is nothing wrong with borrowing food to support the two-front battlefield, expanding the share of Hanzhong grain stores, and obtaining trade convenience.

But if you take out real money, there is no way!

After all, Zhang Lu is a courtier and a junior, and the relationship is too far away, so it is naturally difficult to speak.

So Ye Zhen had no choice but to set his sights on the third son Ye Wei.

The aristocratic family supported Ye Wei, and at this time, Ye Wei needed to lean towards him, the emperor, to solve the current embarrassing problem.

Since the third son wants to be the crown prince and succeed him, if he doesn't perform well, how can he have a chance!
(End of this chapter)

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