I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 136? Ye Qing's Bad Idea

Chapter 136 Ye Qing's Bad Idea
Seeing Ye Zhen look over, Ye Wei knew it was going to be bad.

It was obvious that Ye Zhen wanted him to have a discussion with those guys from the aristocratic family.

You have to support Ye Zhen yourself.

It's just that Ye Wei is not an idiot.

This is a tricky question.

The aristocratic family definitely didn't want to pay anymore.

And Ye Zhen's problem had to be solved.

Otherwise, if Ye Zhen kicked him out of the succession sequence, what else would he have to do.

Ye Wei, who was a black face, quickly thought of a way in his mind.

Suddenly a good idea flashed through his mind.

Then he stood up and said: "Father, I have had frequent wars in the Great Zhou Dynasty for many years, and the treasury is huge, and I often cannot make ends meet. My son hereby exempts my father from all the rewards for this expedition. At the same time, I am willing to cut a year's salary to support my father. Emperor."

Originally, he didn't do much meritorious service, and the reward was insignificant.

In addition to the self-cut salary for one year, this example is too wise.

He neither embarrassed the family that supported him, nor did he hate Ye Zhen.

"You want to cut your salary for one year!" Ye Zhen never thought that his third son would say such a thing and solve the problem in such a way.

For a while, he couldn't find a flaw.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Ye Wei's evasion of the problem, Ye Qing still nodded slightly and praised:

"You have a heart!"

The officials of the aristocratic family line also nodded and gave Ye Wei an approving look.

In this way, their aristocratic family does not have to pay for food.

The problem of money and food should still be a headache for Ye Zhen to go back by himself.

The civil servants on the side heard this, secretly anxious, and cast a urging look at Ye Tao.

Ye Tao reacted in an instant, stood up and said: "Father, my son does not want the reward for this expedition, and is willing to cut two years' salary at the same time!"

Ye Wei didn't want a one-year salary, but he didn't want a two-year salary.

After Ye Tao finished speaking, Ye Jin also said: "Father, the two elder brothers are in front, and contribute to the Great Zhou, and I am willing to do the same with them!"

Ye Jin didn't say the specific number, but it was done on purpose.

Because Ye Tao and Ye Wei are fighting, he can't steal the prestige of the two.

But Ye Cai at the side didn't have such scruples, he only heard him say: "Father, my son is willing to spend half of the family wealth in building the mansion to support Father and reward the three armies!"

What a great handwriting!
half of the family fortune.

The new king of Chu is bold enough.

It is good to have an uncle from Chuyue Kingdom.

Ye Cai's words made Ye Zhen's eyes light up.

It seems to have found a good way to make money.

Donation has always been a common tactic of the government.

It's just that it's not a natural disaster or a flood now, it's a reward for the victory of the generals under the Ministry of War.

So donating doesn't work.

Seeing that Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Jin, Ye Cai and others all donated, Ye Qing could only grit his teeth and say, "Your Majesty, I am willing to donate ten glazed beads and eight pieces of glazed carvings for your majesty to reward the three armies! "

Ten glass beads, eight pieces of glass decorations!

How much does it cost!
Those are priceless things, Ye Qing will donate so much as soon as he donates.

Is Xiaoyao Mansion so rich?
It's just less than three months from the Hou's mansion.

Ye Zhen was overjoyed when he heard the words.

"Your Majesty, I feel that all the officials in the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty have conscience and are willing to contribute their meager strength to the country, so I boldly suggest that in rewarding this victory of the army, we should set up a stele and inscription on it, and at the same time write about our army. The great victory is due to the achievements of the generals and His Majesty.

Don't write the list of the labor force and the details of the donation, so as to warn future generations and set an example for the people of Dazhou. "Ye Qing eloquently expressed his vision.

After listening, Ye Zhen's eyes sparkled brightly.

There was also a bright smile on the black iron-like cold face.

All the officials in front of him looked sideways.

Then one by one to take a breath.

Set up a stele and pass it on!

What a warning to future generations and set an example.

Isn't this obviously deceiving people?
If anyone dares not to donate, their names cannot be recorded on it.

The common people will say that those who are not on the list are not good ministers.

If you donate less, you will point fingers and say you are stingy.

In particular, one of the aristocratic family's business is reputation.

Once the reputation is bad, it is completely over.

Let me ask, who doesn't want to fight for the first place and donate more.

Carve your family name on the front so that those who look up will see it first.

Leave the reputation in the stele forever, and pass it on for thousands of years.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to donate one thousand guan, and cut off the salary for one year!"

"Your Majesty, I donate five thousand guan..."

"Your Majesty, I donate..."

Soon all the officials rushed to ask for donations and cut off their salaries for one or two years.

"Good! Good! Good! You are all good courtiers of the Great Zhou, and you care about the country and the people. Even if you are more frugal in food and drink, you don't want to upset the hearts of my soldiers in the Great Zhou. I am really touched." Ye Zhen was excited. He nodded and said:
"All the lords have donated, so I will also make sure that I will also donate two glazed beads, 100 yuan of jade, and [-] pieces of cloth and silk..."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

All the officials praised against their will.

The money and food that could not be rewarded in the first place were suddenly available, and the Ministry of War was the happiest.

It was possible that the reward would have been withheld by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

As soon as Ye Qing made a move, he helped the Ministry of War and the tens of thousands of soldiers below win a promise that could barely be exchanged.

Naturally, I am sincerely grateful.

"Your Highness the Sixth Highness, thanks to your suggestion this time, otherwise our military department can only drink the northwest wind this year, and all the soldiers will go home disappointed."

After the court meeting ended, Han Zhan and others came to thank Ye Qing one after another.

Ye Qingdao: "The general can't afford it, I didn't do anything, if you want to say thank you, I think you should thank the third brother, he was the one who proposed to donate, especially the seventh brother, he donated the most.

He should be thanked well. "

"Cough cough!"

Ye Wei almost swallowed when he heard Ye Qing's words.

You've got all the benefits, but now you still want me to take the blame, it's too much.

Ye Cai snorted coldly and walked out towards the main entrance of the main hall.

After leaving the main hall, Ye Qing found that Dong Yushi was still behind, so he deliberately slowed down a few steps. When Dong Yushi approached, he walked over and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Dong Yushi for reminding, Ye Qing is very grateful!"

Yuan San thought that the Dong family in the palace would shoot at him.

He would come out to make trouble, but the Dong family did nothing.

On the contrary, when entering the palace, he reminded himself.

Only then did Ye Qing understand that the Dong family didn't bother about Sanfang.

Perhaps they also knew that the real ruler of the Dong family was Emperor Ye Zhen, so they were merciful.

No matter what the purpose was, Ye Qing took the initiative to say thank you.

Dong Yushi stroked his beard and said, "I didn't remind you anything, so there's no need to thank you. People from my Yushitai will still join you in the future. It's best not to let us find a reason!"

"If Dong Yu doesn't mind, I would like to visit Dong's mansion in three days."

Although the other party's attitude has always been indifferent, Ye Qing still suddenly swabbed and probed the other party.

Dong Yushi didn't answer directly, but just sneered: "You are really brave!"

Before entering the palace, he wrote poems to make fun of the emperor. When he entered the palace, he first beat Yang Mingtao of the Yang family, and then he attacked the Minister of Rites.

Then he came up with a bad idea to raise money for Ye Zhen, and now he still dares to ask himself, the censor who seems to be an enemy.

Dong Yushi scanned Ye Qing over and over again with burning eyes, and finally paid with his hands behind his back.

"This weird old man!" Seeing that Dong Yushi didn't agree or refuse, Ye Qing's eyes suddenly became complicated.

"Your Highness Xiaoyaohou, please wait a moment." Zhang Rang, the order of Huangmen, came over suddenly, and said to Ye Qing who was about to leave:
"Your Highness, Your Majesty welcomes you!"

(End of this chapter)

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