I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 143 Killing 1 person in one step

Chapter 143 Killing a person in ten steps

It really lives up to its reputation!
Guo Jia is addicted to drinking and loves whoring, and he can't even wait for the time to take office.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Ye Qing closed his voice and said: "Where is Li Bai, Guo Jia may be inconvenient, something has to go out, you come to say hello to Wen You!"

not there!

Who is this Guo Jia, who dares to release the pigeons of the lord.

He also despises himself so much that he avoids seeing him.

But there was still no one leaving behind the curtain.

Ye Qing suddenly had a bad feeling.

Asked: "System, you can't say that Li Bai is not here!"

"Master, you are so smart. Li Bai should be called Shijiu Sword Immortal. He is addicted to alcohol. He stopped after smelling the aroma of wine. At this time, he is dancing swords against wine in the Hero Building. Song Yong Mingzhi, he couldn't come back to his life!"

Drinking at the Hero Tower again!

Li Bai Guo Jia, you two want to be in CP.

"System, these two guys won't really drink and brag together!"

"Master, guess!" The system replied mysteriously.

It seems so!

No wonder neither of these guys came to report.

Two wine worms.

Think of Li Bai and Guo Jia punching each other.

A drunk singing, lightly dancing a long sword.

A charming woman upstairs, while drinking...

Uh, the picture is unsightly and unimaginable.

"My lord, this Li Bai..." Li Ru watched for a long time, but still no one came out.

Ye Qing's face was distorted, and he was a little bit unkind.

No way, this Li Bai also let the lord's pigeons go!
Guo Jia and Li Bai are about to suffer disaster.

"Li Bai...cough cough, he went drinking with Guo Jia, I remember wrongly, I'm bringing them to meet everyone tomorrow!" Ye Qing hurriedly found a reason to resolve the embarrassment.

Li Ru is not an idiot either.

But he didn't dare to ask further, so he said: "Then my lord, Confucianism will go down first!"

Ye Qing nodded, but didn't hold back.

After Li Ru left, Ye Qing clenched his hands into fists.

He thumped the table lightly and said, "Okay Guo Jia and Li Bai, let's see how I deal with you two!"

Ye Qing stood up and was about to rush out of the mansion to the Hero Building.

But just stood up and sat down again.

"Forget it! I'll let you two go for now, and I'll settle accounts with you tomorrow!"

On the first day of work, I went off to drink.

It seems impossible not to give you some exciting tasks.



Hero House!
Guo Jia is clinking glasses with Li Bai for a drink.

Suddenly Guo Jia sneezed, rubbed his nose and said, "Brother Taibai, I didn't blow it up with you, just by sneezing, you will know which lady is thinking about me!"

"Oh! Fengxiao, you still have such abilities, really amazing!" Li Bai showed admiration when he heard the words, and gave a thumbs up and said:
"Li Mou has no other skills, only this wine and sword are unique. If you don't get drunk in a thousand cups, you can show your true qualities as a hero. If you shoot a sword to the end of the world, you can kill a person in ten steps, and you won't stay in a thousand miles!"

"Brother Taibai is really a real man. This heroic wine is the best wine in the world. The degree of fragrance is unparalleled. Ordinary people drink a few bowls and then get drunk to the ground. Only Brother Taibai and I can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. I have no friends tonight..." Guo Jia wanted to stand up, but his legs were weak and trembling, his eyes were blurred, and he couldn't tell the east from the west, but the wine glass in his hand But he was determined not to fall.

And the pride of continuing to drink is not lost!

"Hahaha, Feng Xiao, you're drunk, why did I see two of you dancing, could this be the little lady you mentioned who haunts you all day..."

The next day!

Ye Qing didn't have time to settle accounts with Li Bai and Guo Jia first.

Because he is going to court.

The so-called small court in three days, and one court in five days.

It is not every day that the court gathers civil and military officials to hold a court meeting in the main hall of Taiji Hall.

Otherwise, if you wake up so early every day, you will also get emotional.

After all, if the time to wake up is too early, the ministers will also have opinions.

So the imperial court had a small dynasty in three days and a big dynasty in five days.

Only when there are particularly important things will they go to court.

Especially for people like Ye Qing who have no official position and no position, they don't need to go to court frequently.

Today's court meeting is still boring.

It is nothing more than the arrival of winter, and it is necessary to organize the people who are idle at home to plow the land so as to prepare for the spring planting after the spring of next year.

There is also the repair of water conservancy and dredging of ditches.

The rest is trivial matters.

Of course, the most important thing is to go to war in the northwest, which still needs money and food support.

Last time, because of the donation to erect a monument, the court had the money to reward the three armies.

So the Ministry of Finance naturally cried again, yelling that he was poor and crying.

Ye Zhen took the opportunity to say: "All the income of the imperial court goes to the household department, but every year the household department can't make ends meet, and we cry with me every day. I think your household department should make a good change!"

After hearing this, the officials of the household department became anxious.

What did the emperor want to do? Did he want to demote and punish the officials of the household department, and wanted to exile a few to vent his anger.

Even so, the Ministry of Households can't afford the money.

"I don't know how His Majesty wants to change!"

As he was in charge of the Household Department, the Minister of the Household Department had no choice but to come out and sing with Ye Zhen.

It is obvious that Ye Zhen wants to take the Ministry of Finance into action, so he can't let the younger brothers do it anymore.

He must be trained to make a gesture of protecting the household department.

Ye Zhendao: "The matter of salt and iron has always been under the name of the household department, but all the officials know that the household department has neglected management. Not only did salt and iron not increase the financial resources of the household department, but it was in short supply every year. Presumably all the officials have complained gone."

The emperor wants to fight the idea of ​​salt and iron.


These are two burdens!

Not to mention letting go to the household department, even if it is given to other departments, it can only be a loss of money.

Not to mention iron, in this salt industry, the official salt technology is not as good as that of the Liu family, and the raw material of official salt is still mainly ore, and the mining cost is high.

The price naturally remains high.

If the mining cost can be reduced, even if there are a little more impurities than the Liu family's, it can still be used.

Naturally, there is also a market.

The Liu family is different, based on the Hedong Salt Lake.

Once the lake water is scooped up, put it in a pot and roast it on a fire, and the coarse salt can be produced by clearing the pine.

When taking lake water, filter it repeatedly, and the impurities will be reduced by half.

The mining cost is low and there are few impurities, so it is naturally popular.

Of course, unless the court has the ability to destroy the Liu family.

By bringing the salt lake back to the empire, the salt tax of the household department can also be collected.

It's just...it's a bad idea, who would dare to snatch Liu's salt lake.

That is not forcing the family to rebel.

The big week is over.

"Then what does His Majesty think?" Hubu Shangshu asked.

Ye Zhen said: "From now on, the salt and iron will be under the name of the Shaofu, and the Shaofu will be in charge, and the Shaofu will be responsible for generating income for the empire!"

"Your Majesty, this matter must never be done. Salt and iron are important matters, and it is a major matter for the country. How can you enter the Shaofu lightly? This is unreasonable!" The Minister of the Household Department became anxious when he heard it, and immediately objected.

Shaofu is the emperor's personal pocket.

Put the salt and iron in to figure out how to get it back.

Isn't this like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth and never returning?
Even if salt and iron don't make money now, and they still pay for it, they can't be put in the Shaofu.

(End of this chapter)

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