I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 144? Xiaoyao Mansion subscribes 5 official salt

Chapter 144 Xiaoyao Mansion Subscribes 5 Taels of Official Salt
After hearing this, the officials of the household department followed the steps of the household department minister and came out to object:

"Your Majesty, please consider carefully, this is absolutely impossible!"

Even if the salt and iron is a scam, but if it is placed in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance has the final say on how to cheat.

This is the same as the unlucky child, how to make troubles is his own business.

Even if it is a waste, you have to raise it yourself with tears in your eyes.

If you give it to others, you will want to scold it, and even if you want to beat it, you will not be able to intervene.

What's more, there is such a scam, the household department is easy to make accounts.

If you lose money, just go here.

Who can find out.

No matter what the reason is, the salt and iron cannot leave the household department anyway.

It doesn't matter if you make money or not, and you lose money or not.

Ye Zhen knew that the Ministry of Households would object, so he was not annoyed. He just sneered and said, "This matter is decided, so there is no need to discuss it. From now on, the Shaofu will be in charge of salt and iron. The household department separately remitted 1 taels of silver."

One million taels of silver!

It's not too small to say.

But compared to the finances of the entire empire, it is only a decimal point.

Aspect is too small.

So Hubu Shangshu was a little surprised, but he still resolutely vetoed it:

"Your Majesty, this matter is still inappropriate. The household department has always been in charge of the household department. It is not appropriate to put it in the Shaofu!"

Ye Zhen stretched out his right hand and said, "Fifty thousand!"

In order to move over, Ye Zhen gritted his teeth and added [-].

As long as Ye Qing buys official salt vigorously and produces snowflake salt continuously, money will not be a problem for the Shaofu.

Hubu Shangshu was stunned again, thinking that Ye Zhen was determined to accept it, but he also had an extra reason in his mind.

The emperor was willing to spend 5 taels of silver to take away the salt and iron, but there might be tricks in it.

In an unclear situation, he couldn't agree, so he said: "Your Majesty, this is not a question of money, but that there has never been such a precedent in the Great Zhou Dynasty. If this example is opened, future generations will follow suit, and it may be ruined for thousands of years!"

A group of officials from the household department, seeing that the boss was so stubborn, echoed and said: "Your Majesty is here, there is no such precedent in the Great Zhou Dynasty, please don't mention it again, lest future generations follow suit and cause thousands of years of harm!"

Not even [-].

You can do it, Ye Zhen became a little angry, his face became even colder, and he snorted and said: "Okay, since you insist on keeping the salt and iron, then you give the Shaofu 10 taels of silver every year, and I won't force you." This proposal!"

10 taels of silver, the household department will give to Shaofu!
Emperor, emperor, your brain circuit is abnormal.

Why should we.

The officials of the household department immediately shut up.

It seems that this is not easy to handle.

Are you still going to be stiff?
Should I take [-] from the Shaofu, or give [-] to the Shaofu.

As long as it makes sense, you know how to choose.

So everyone turned their attention to Hubu Shangshu.

Only then did Shangshu Hubu feel that he had been fooled by Ye Zhen.

It turned out that the emperor had this ghost idea.

I want the household department to take money to the Shaofu.

That's why I deliberately took salt and iron.

It's good to cheat the sky with one hand.

When the Minister of the Household Department was hesitating, Dong Huang stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I want to read a copy of the Household Department. When the Household Department went up to court, it contradicted your majesty. If you commit crimes below, it is a crime to gather crowds to blackmail you. It is not good to manage salt and iron. , Running out of money every year, leading to financial emptiness, is the second crime, not wanting to be loyal to the country, and not thinking of making money for the country is the third crime, please Your Majesty govern the household department and other officials and other serious crimes."


This household department wrestles with His Majesty, fights in the arena, and eats melons. Why do you, Dong Yushi, interfere.

If they come up, they will bombard the entire household department.

Old Dong, do you still want to get a salary?

This knife pierced the Minister of the Household Department bloody.

People from other ministries were also shocked.

Dong Huang actually stood up to speak for the emperor, and even read a copy of the household department in front of all officials.

what's going on.

Today's court meeting is a bit abnormal!

Could it be that something big is about to happen.

Ye Zhen on the dragon chair heard the words, with a faint smile on his face, and approval in his eyes.

In the end, the old censor was still powerful.

In fact, Dong Huang came out to speak, Ye Zhen was not surprised.

Because Liu Buren went to check Ye Qing's whereabouts, before entering the palace last night, Ye Qing went to the Dong Mansion first.

What exactly was discussed is unknown.

But Ye Zhen guessed that it must have something to do with Snowflake Salt.

It is impossible for Ye Qing to eat alone.

In addition to looking for an endorsement from him, the emperor, the court also had to find someone with weight.

Although Dong Huang is only a censor, his authority is not one of the greatest.

But the energy of the Dong family is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary families.

That's why Ye Zhen has the confidence to have a good fight with these courtiers below.

Sure enough, Dong Huang lived up to expectations and successfully stabbed the sword, leaving the householders speechless.

Dong Huang came out to support the emperor, and other censors also stood up and said: "The ministers feel that the Ministry of Household Affairs has violated the system, please punish your Majesty!"

The court of swords, lights and swords is really exciting. Ye Qing wanted to watch the show, but seeing that the household department was still stalemate and refused to rest assured, he said to the generals headed by Han Zhan:
"General, all generals, I don't think the Ministry of War can be silent. It's time to speak up for His Majesty, otherwise no one will help you speak up if you want to get rewards in the future."

Everyone knows Tobe's urine.

A few days ago, weeping and refusing to give the money, the Ministry of War almost had to drink the northwest wind.

Han Zhan and the others stood up and said after making eye contact with each other, "Your Majesty, I think that changing the Yantie government may be more beneficial to the country!"

"That's right, as the saying goes, once the salt and iron are exchanged, there will be tens of thousands of gold. If you continue to store it in the household department, you will only continue to lose money. If you store it in the Shaofu, you may immediately earn a lot of wealth for the empire."

"The minister agrees!"

As soon as the Ministry of War made a move, there was a lot of cheering.

And how high the voice should be.

The god TM's salt and iron are exchanged, and the gold is tens of thousands?

The officials of the household department were about to cry.

I have never seen such a downfall.

Ministry of War, you don't want food and pay.

Ye Zhen was very happy. The Ministry of War was indeed his strongest reliance, and he would stand in line at critical times.

It is not in vain to live up to raising commercial banks for them a few days ago.

"What about you gentlemen?" Ye Zhen looked towards the civil servant.

"I wait... I wait!"

The civil servants hesitated, should they agree to this matter?

I really don't want to, because the Shaofu is the emperor's pocket.

Both the family line and the civil service line are thinking about how to restrain the emperor.

How could such an important thing be put into Shaofu.

"Your Majesty, if Yantie changes the at least mansion, I am willing to immediately subscribe for official salt of 5 taels of silver to help my great Zhou flourish!" Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Qing stood up and promised.

Your brains exploded.

When the salt and iron were transferred to Shaofu, Xiaoyaofu immediately bought white salt of 5 taels of silver.

Do you want to use Xiaoyaofu to take a bath?

It takes so much official salt.

On the other hand, someone secretly sighed, is Xiaoyao Mansion so rich?

5 taels of silver.

"Hahaha, okay, as expected of my Xiaoyao Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I should be generous in doing things." Ye Zhen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and Ye Qing subscribed in the hall, which was considered a deal, so he nodded and said:
"You send the money directly to the household department. I am not a stingy person. I will ask the Shaofu to give you 6 taels of silver."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing didn't expect Ye Zhenting to come this time, so he was generous.

It seems to be really poor enough.

(End of this chapter)

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