I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 145 Ye Qing is the Magistrate of Nancheng County

Chapter 145 Ye Qing is the Magistrate of Nancheng County

The first dealer's business is of great significance, even if it is a loss, it must be famous.

Watching Ye Qing and Ye Zhen's interactive performance under the stage.

The officials of the household department knew that this matter was settled.

If you don’t give it, you may not have the 5 taels.

Here, you can withdraw money from Xiaoyao Mansion immediately.

"Your Majesty, I also expressed my position that I am willing to subscribe to the Shaofu for 1 taels of official salt." Dong Huang stood up and said.

"Okay, okay! Dong Aiqing is the pillar of the country, I am very relieved."

Another one came out to subscribe, and Ye Zhen knew that he had won this one, so he was overjoyed and said: "Dong Huang has always contributed to the country, devoted himself to his duties, and worked hard. , ruling Yushitai."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Dong Huang came out and replied respectfully.

It turned out that he was only the censor Zhongcheng of the palace, and he could only be said to be one of the top five figures in the censor platform.

Now he directly became the number one.

Now it can be described as fame and fortune.

Maybe it's because the reward is a bit high, and the subscription of ten thousand taels of silver has increased so much.

But Ye Qing subscribed for 5 taels, and received no reward.

So Ye Zhen silenced his voice and said again: "Ling, Ye Qing is very loyal, and to praise my royal family's dignity, I will be appointed Nancheng County Magistrate from today to be in charge of Nancheng County's affairs."

Ye Qing is rewarded again!
Let him be the county magistrate, and he will be in charge of the military and administration!
This right is not small.

No... Where did we come from in Nancheng in Dazhou?
A servant from the Ministry of Officials stood up and asked, "Your Majesty, where is Nancheng? The Ministry of Officials has not yet filed a record. Please tell Your Majesty clearly."

Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Cai, civil servants, and aristocratic families all secretly prayed that this Nancheng is the best in the corner of Dazhou.

Of course, it would be even better if it was on the northern border.

But they were going to be disappointed, because Ye Zhen said: "Nancheng County is far away in the sky and close in front of us. It didn't exist before, but it exists from now on. From now on, Chang'an City Minwufang and all the squares to the south will be designated as Nancheng County. At the same time, the mountains and forests of Lantian County to the west of Chanshui River will be assigned to Nancheng County."

Nancheng County Nancheng County!

It turned out to be this Nancheng County!

Build a new county in the southern half of Chang'an City!
In fact, there are two counties in Chang'an City, with Wannian County as the main city in the east and Chang'an County as the main city in the west.

Each manages half of Chang'an City.

Now Nancheng is suddenly divided into a county.

In this way, Wannian County and Chang'an County have shrunk.

The original pattern of two counties standing side by side has become a three-legged situation.

What does the emperor want to do?
If you really want to appreciate Ye Qing, you can just let him be the magistrate of Lantian County, Wannian County, or Chang'an County.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this matter!" A servant of the Ministry of Officials came out to object.

The two counties of the good things were forcibly split into three counties, and Prince Ye Qing was also appointed as the county magistrate.

Everyone couldn't figure out the emperor's pulse.

Ye Zhen waved his hand and said, "That's it, there's no need to discuss it."

What else did the official want to say, Ye Qingyi ran out to thank him and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty! I will make Nancheng County prosperous as soon as possible, and turn Nancheng County into the best county in Dazhou, the most beautiful and prosperous county. We will also build a South City in Nancheng as soon as possible for the convenience of the people in the south of the city!"

"Okay! I'll wait and see, I hope you can make Nancheng County more prosperous."

Chang'an City originally had two cities, the East and the West, and the South City was not prosperous because most of the poor people lived in it.

If you open a Nanshi, it will indeed bring out the style of Nancheng.

With the prosperity of Nancheng, there must be a lot of tax revenue.

Ye Zhen is naturally happy to see the results.

Even the officials of the household department heard this, and their eyes lit up.

The matter of salt and iron is basically settled, and they can't beat the emperor.

However, if Nancheng County can really prosper and have more tax revenue, it will also be the Department of Fertile Households.

So the household department has no opinion.

It's just that the officials are a little uncomfortable.

The addition of a county in the capital city is originally an achievement of the Ministry of Officials. One of the assessments is to increase the population of the county.

One more Nancheng County shows that the Ministry of Officials has political achievements.

The problem is that they have the final say on Nanbugui, Ye Qing is airborne, and Ye Qing has the final say on all matters in the county.

In other words, Ye Qing can appoint officials of all sizes in the county, whether they are civil or military.

In this way, the officials did not intervene, so naturally they could not arrange people.

For nothing, if you lost an opportunity to use authority, you also lost the opportunity to make money.

Do you think the Ministry of officials can feel uncomfortable?
However, they were uncomfortable, and the emperor settled it with the scriptures.

And the generosity of Ye Zhen's attack this time far exceeded everyone's imagination.

Seeing that Ye Qing took advantage, Ye Tao and Ye Wei, who originally intended to compete for the throne, came out one after another and said:

"Father, my son is willing to subscribe for [-] taels of silver official salt from the Shaofu."

"Father, my son is willing to subscribe for official salt of 3 taels of silver from the Shaofu!"

Seeing these two people come out, Ye Jin rolled his eyes and said with a simple and honest face: "Father, my son is willing to subscribe to the Shaofu for official salt of 8000 taels of silver!"

"Hahaha, good good good good good good good! You are all good!" Ye Zhen smiled brighter on his face, and turned to the household department intentionally or unintentionally.

It seems to be saying, look, I just changed here, and there is so much money coming in, Yantie really treats your household department like a waste of money.

Hubu felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.

"Father, my son is willing to subscribe for 8 taels of silver official salt from the Shaofu!" Ye Cai stood up and said for some unknown purpose.

And the number of subscriptions is far more than that of others.

After speaking, Ye Cai still looked towards Ye Qing.

Eyes full of provocation.

You fifty thousand, I eighty thousand.

Burn my mansion, wait, I must crush you to death.

Seeing Ye Cai looking over, Ye Qing just slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

That look of contempt, as if looking at a fool!
"Eighty thousand!" Ye Zhen was stunned for a moment, his seven-character style of work is also generous, does your Chu Palace still have so much money?

It seems that I underestimated the queen and your uncle.

Ye Zhen also praised with a smile: "Good! Cai'er is knowledgeable and sensible, and knows the principle that a country is a family. The mansion has not yet been built, and another [-] sympathize with the empire, very good!"

Ye Cai skimmed towards Ye Qing triumphantly.

But soon I felt something was wrong!

My [-] will get a sentence of good?
Father, don't you reward me with something?
Ye Qing helped him build a new Nancheng County with only [-] yuan. If I donated [-] yuan, why don't you give me a half-county-sized Huangzhuang outside.

All the princes subscribed, even Dong Huang also subscribed, and the generals of the Ministry of War also stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, I will subscribe for 500 taels..."

"Your Majesty, I don't have much money, I subscribe for 1000 taels..."

"Your Majesty, the minister is 200 taels..."

Ye Zhen smiled even more happily.

Generally speaking, the military department is good, and the pain is not in vain.

Seeing that the opportunity was not right, the civil servant had no choice but to agree:
"Your Majesty, the minister's family is poor, and he is willing to bite the bullet and subscribe for 100 taels!"

"Your Majesty, I still have some salt left in my family, so I will subscribe for 50 taels..."

"Your Majesty! Chen Shiliang..."

(End of this chapter)

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