Chapter 146

Although each civil servant subscribes for a small amount, it cannot hold up to a large number.

The first person is a hundred or so taels, which adds up to a lot of money.

So Ye Zhen's smile never faded.

Until he happily announced that he was going to court, he was still having fun.

It opened big on the first day and made so much money.

This sweetness made him more aggressive!
"Hahaha, congratulations to the sixth brother, you have given our royal family a face this time, and the emperor rewarded a county magistrate again. I am really envious of my brother!" Ye Jin had a simple and honest face, and his small eyes almost narrowed up.

"Fifth brother's words are wrong. It's not that I gave the royal family a face, it's everyone who gave the royal family a face, and all the officials gave Da Zhou a face. They are all ministers." Ye Qing corrected:

"As for the county magistrate, little official, I will work hard. If the fifth brother envies me, I can ask His Majesty to do it. I think with the talent of the fifth brother, not to mention the county magistrate, even the eunuch is easy to do." thing!"

"Eh..." Ye Jin was refuted and immediately swallowed his words.

"Oh, I forgot, Fifth Brother, you are the King of Hedong. It is reasonable to entrust the land in Hedong. You should have more than one county under your name. I forgot." Ye Qing patted Ye Jin's arm and said as he walked.

Fortunately, Ye Jin's body is fat, stocky and heavy.

"This... ahem, Sixth Brother has a good memory!" Ye Jin was a little embarrassed.

Logically speaking, if the prince has a fief, he should go to the fief and seal it.

Unless it is established as a prince.

Otherwise, it is normal to open a mansion and seal it after adulthood.

For example, the eldest prince Ye Yu went to Liangzhou.

But Ye Zhen has not established a prince since he ascended the throne.

The position of the crown prince was suspended, and no one was forced to entrust the land.

So everyone naturally ignores this.

Now that Ye Zai brought it up, let alone Ye Jin, Ye Tao, Ye Wei and others who were walking in front all staggered.

Hundreds of officials stopped one after another.

It's true which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

If you really want to be serious, it's not that King Fufeng and King Hongnong have to get out of Chang'an.

If they leave Chang'an, the position of Prince Li will be completely useless.

Regardless of everyone's reaction, after leaving the palace, Ye Qing said to Ye Jin: "Let's go, fifth brother, let's go to the Yingxiong Building for a few drinks. I have a business to discuss with you and your son."

Ye Jin and Zhang Lu looked at each other.

Seeing that Ye Qing was serious, he said, "Okay, the sixth brother will lead the way!"

If you have money, you don't make money, you bastard, you donated so much money to the emperor just now, you have to earn some money back.

No one will complain about the lack of money.

Soon everyone arrived at the main street of the Hero Building.

at this time!

As soon as the chariots and horses stopped, there was an angry shout from the Hero Tower.

Then a jar of wine flew out from the window on the second floor.

The ground shattered, the wine spilled all over the ground, and the fragments splashed.

"Shit Xiong Lie, what kind of wine is this? You dare to fool me with a pot of urine. You don't want to open the Hero Building!"

Someone is making trouble!

This is everyone's first instinct.

What a strong aroma of Yingxiong Lie, not to mention Dazhou, there is probably no better wine in the entire East of Longteng Continent for the time being.

Now some people even say it is horse urine.

Are you young and ignorant, or I am drunk.

Both Ye Jin and Zhang Lu set their sights on Ye Qing.

This is Ye Qing's territory, if someone makes trouble, he has to take it!

The shop assistants and shoppers from all around also gathered here, wanting to see what was going on.

At this moment, there was a bartender's advice from upstairs.

"Guest officer, don't be angry! Guest officer, don't be angry!"

"Don't be angry, I don't even look at what kind of ghost you guys are, and you are kind enough to use it to fool people!"

"Guest officer... what are you doing, guest officer..."

Following the sound of panic from the bartender, there was the sound of kicking a table and hitting the wooden door, and then a gray object was mercilessly thrown down from above.

Ye Qing and the others fixed their eyes.

Boy, this is a person, not a table or chair.

Ye Qing could clearly see that the man was wearing the clothes specially made by the Hero Tower.

And the screams belonged to the bartender.

Ye Qing stepped on the stirrup lightly, leaped out with his strength, and caught the bartender a foot off the ground.

The bartender was so frightened that he was dizzy and his eyes were only rolling.

Ye Qing let him go lightly, the bartender lost his balance and was about to fall, but was picked up by another one.

The person who came was Cheng Yaojin who was patrolling the street.

The bartender might have been woken up by Cheng Yaojin's body odor or the fragrance of his mouth, and hurriedly clasped his fists and shouted: "Master Hou, it's Master Hou, thank you Master Hou for saving the little one!"

Ye Qing said: "What happened above? Who did the murder here!"

Mentioning this bartender still had lingering fears on his face, maybe he wanted to recall and brew, but Cheng Yaojin mentioned it and gave a light drink: "Didling, talk!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The bartender hurriedly said again: "Go back to Lord Hou and Master Cheng, a young man dressed in a very Jianghu came to the restaurant, two with a sword in his hand, and one with a flute in his hand, four people came up Just ordered [-] altars of wine and [-] dishes.

We sent two altars first, they just vomited after one sip, and then slandered that there was something wrong with our wine, not only smashed the wine on the table, but also threw the villain as an object! "

Cheng Yaojin became furious after hearing this, let go of the bartender, swung the axe forward and said, "My lord, I'll arrest them and torture them!"

Ye Qing raised his brows slightly, and stretched out his hand to stop him: "Retreat Zhijie, you are not their opponent. If you disperse the people nearby, you will die if you watch the excitement."

From the bartender's mouth, Ye Qing probably guessed who the troublemaker was?
If I guessed right, it should be the four arrogant guys from Xiaolongmen and Taihuashan that I saw in Dong Huang's mansion.

The strength of these people is all at the top of the first rank.

By no means simple people.

Cheng Yaojin is definitely not their opponent.

Still save some effort.

Cheng Yaojin was taken aback.

Is this person so rude?

I can't fight, the lord wants to protect me.

But he is only first-class strength, Ye Qing's strength is stronger than him, and said: "It's the master, I will arrange it!"

So Cheng Yaojin ordered his subordinates to disperse the onlookers.

At this time, there were sounds of beating, smashing and shouting on the second floor.

There was also the sound of the bartender and the third-rate martial artist guarding the building being injured.

"Sixth Brother, do you need Brother to take action!" Ye Jin asked.

Zhang Lu on the side also said: "Your Highness, people from my Nanzheng Palace can also take action. I want to see the origin of those who dare to make trouble in the Hero Building!"

I came here to have a drink and discuss business.

It's very uncomfortable when this TM directly encounters troubles and stirs up interest.

Ye Jin and Zhang Lu came out with innate masters.

I don't mind borrowing Ye Qing to use it.

Ye Qing also regretted not bringing Xue Rengui and Li Cunxiao with him.

But he shook his head and said, "No need! There are people in my hero building who can settle it."

Ye Qing hadn't forgotten wrongly, there was also Li Bai, a drunkard in the hero building who had been drinking for half the night.

Sure enough, when the words fell, someone on the second floor snorted coldly and shouted: "Where are you bastards, you dare to be presumptuous here. Today your grandfather Li Taibai will replace Jianghu to eliminate you scum!"

(End of this chapter)

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