I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 147 Li Bai, You Damn Murder Again

Chapter 147 Li Bai, You Damn Murder Again
As soon as the voice fell, only the sound of sword strikes came from the second floor.

There were a few clangs, and then several windows were broken by the sword energy, and pieces of wood shot in all directions.

After three figures flew down from the second floor, Ye Qing wanted to move his body, but his eyes narrowed, and he realized that it was not the bartender, but the familiar fabric that he had seen yesterday, so he withdrew his hand and gestured back.

Three figures fell to the ground and rolled around in embarrassment.

At this time, there was another sound from the second floor.

"Bastard, do you know who I am? I am a wife..."


Before the man could finish speaking, Li Bai smashed his head with his sword, and one of the heads flew down to the second floor.

Only a cold voice came from inside the building: "I don't care who you are, dare to say that Hero Lie is a horse piss, not scolding me for being ignorant!"

"This wine should only exist in the sky. It is rare to drink it in the world. Anyone who messes with my wine should not keep it. Anyone who abandons my sword... Hey, Guo Fengxiao, what are you doing, you son of a bitch, running away, I call you an ancestor Banban is still playing with wine..."

Guo Jia, who was running out of the gate, did not lift one foot when he heard that, and knelt towards the door with a plop.

"Guo Jia greets the lord!"

"My lord, what kind of pot... pot pot...!"

Li Bai jumped down from the second floor, with a long sword on his body, hunting in white clothes, with the spirit of an immortal.

But the language of Bashu is really surprising.

Especially seeing Ye Qing downstairs, he couldn't help but tilted his body, lost his balance on the ground, and knelt down full of emotion: "Li Bai pays homage to the lord!"

"Hehehehe! You two potters played very comfortably last night!"

Guo Jia and Li Bai's color changed instantly.

"My lord, yesterday we had a few extra drinks!"

"The lord is haunting me with wine and won't let me go, so Bai can't help himself..."

"That's enough, I'm going back to clean up you two!" Ye Qing flicked his sleeves, instead of discussing this matter, he turned his gaze to the head that fell from the second floor.

"Taibai, you killed this man!"

Ye Qing could see clearly that the person whose head was cut off was a swordsman from Mount Taihua.

And it was that woman.

Li Bai replied proudly: "My lord, this person caused trouble in the Hero Building, killed people and smashed things, Bai couldn't hold back for a moment and killed him!"

The good one couldn't hold back.

Li Taibai, Li Taibai, you are so unsympathetic.

is a cruel man.

"Ah! Junior Martial Sister! Junior Martial Sister!" Another person from Taibai Mountain rushed over crying, holding the head in his hands, with a sad expression and red eyes.

His lovely little junior sister died like this.

Is this what people do?
The other two members of Xiaolongmen also looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

This junior sister Huang is a rare female disciple on Taihua Mountain, and she is extremely favored.

Even if they saw it, they fell in love at first sight. Is Li Bai blind?
Such a watery person would be killed with a sword move!
Are you still a man?

"Xiaoyao Mansion, you guys are finished, you even killed Junior Sister Huang from Taihua Mountain, you are finished!"

He already had a lot of admiration for the Taihua Mountain woman, so the man with the flute wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "You will bear the anger of Taihua Mountain and our Xiaolongmen, and your Xiaoyao Mansion will be wiped from this world. .”

"Get out! Beep beep, I'll twist your head off too!" Li Bai kicked this man with a cross-eyed look, and he raised his sword and was about to make a killing move.

This person knew he was invincible, so he hurriedly retreated to his companion.

Ye Qing reached out his hand to stop Li Bai and said, "As a swordsman, Taibai should be able to nourish his energy, and don't just kill at every turn, it will easily affect the improvement of his realm."

"It's the lord!" Li Bai put the sword back into its sheath, nodded and asked softly, "My lord, have we caused serious trouble?"

"The trouble with fart is just a few dogs. If a dog bites people randomly, you can still bite back. If a dog bites someone, you think the owner of the dog will get down and bite you too!" Ye Qing reprimanded softly, but There is no trace of blame, but a sense of anti-sarcasm.


The two Xiaolongmen were afraid of Li Bai's skill and dared not speak out.

Usually they are arrogant and arrogant, but this year they met someone who was even more ruthless than them.

Li Bai really dared to kill.

The women in Taihua Mountain would kill as soon as they said they wanted to, without even blinking an eye.

Don't talk about men like them.

"I'll fight with you, kill my little junior sister, I, Taihua Mountain, want your blood to pay back!" The man from Taihua Mountain put down the woman's head, and charged forward with a sword in hand.

The sword style is sharp, and the target is Ye Qing instead of Li Bai.

He came fast and tricky.

It makes people feel invincible.

"Brother Zhang, no!"

"court death!"

The voices of Xiaolongmen and Li Bai sounded at the same time.

At this time, Li Bai was in front of Ye Qing, trying to stop the Taihua Mountain swordsman from attacking Ye Qing from behind, he was a little hasty.

So Li Bai wanted to pull Ye Qing away.

But suddenly a figure passed through, and a sword blocked Ye Qing's back.

"Clang!" The sword hit the sword with a sound.

The long sword in the hands of the swordsman in Taihua Mountain was taken by someone.

"Who are you, dare to destroy my good deeds." The swordsman of Taihua Mountain saw the strength of the incoming man, and immediately became furious:
"A mere first rank, dare to be brave, and suffer death!"

"Nine Swords of Dugu!"

The person who came was Linghu Chong, who used the Chongling sword technique just now, but changed it now.

Directly come up with the housekeeping trick, one of the highest martial arts of the Huashan School.

The sword is divided into nine styles, there is no retreat!

Every move is an attack, and the one who attacks the enemy has to defend.

The first form, the final form, has various changes, a total of 360 types, and it is an entry-level form.

Can't know the final ceremony, can't use Dugu Nine Swords.

After using one move, he was blocking the enemy's move, and then Linghu Chong gave another soft drink.

"Broken Sword Style!"

Decipher the sword techniques of all sects and sects in the world.

With the two blows just now, he had a first glimpse of the Taihua Mountain sword technique.

The way of swordsmanship in the world leads to the same goal by different routes.

Each has its strengths and weaknesses.

With a sound of "Clang!", as soon as the broken sword was released, the Taihua Mountain swordsman was directly shocked back.

The man's eyes were full of horror, and he shouted again: "Who are you? Even a mere first rank can break my long sword!"

Linghu Chong didn't pursue him, and was about to reply, but the other person disappeared in a flash like lightning, accompanied by a long sword.

Just waiting for everyone to react, the swordsman of Taihua Mountain fell to the ground with his head, and the long sword fell to the ground slowly, making the sound of gold and stone.

"Screw a fart with him, and delay drinking!"

No need to guess, it was the werewolf Li Bai who shot.

At this time, he returned to the same place. If he hadn't spoken, most people would not have noticed that he killed the person.

Linghu Chong was taken aback for a moment, held his sword in his arms and respectfully said: "I have been taught by my ancestors!"

"Children can be taught!" Li Bai's eyes brightened: "Little brother, let's drink and learn swordsmanship together when we have time..."

"Drink you big-headed ghost, want to drink again, and kill someone!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Bai finished speaking, Ye Qing slapped him hard.

"Master Bai made a mistake, please punish me..." Li Bai covered his head and face, begging for mercy repeatedly.

The people around looked at it, and they were all laughing and laughing.

This Li Bai is great, but he will soon be the sixth prince.

Looking at his understated pretense, in fact, everyone really had the urge to smoke him.

It's all right now, Ye Qing has learned a lesson.

"You guys..."

The scalps of the two Xiaolongmen people are a little numb!

Xiaoyao Mansion killed people from Taihua Mountain again.

This time it really couldn't be better.

"Go away, let me see you and kill them together!" Ye Qing stopped, turned around and glared at the two of them.

The two wanted to say something, but when they saw Linghu Chong and Li Bai, they turned around and ran away wisely.

(End of this chapter)

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