I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 148 Fengxiao, the sun is so poisonous today

Chapter 148 Fengxiao, the sun is so poisonous today
"I really want to sing a poem in this situation..."

Seeing the two Xiaolongmen running so fast, Li Bai couldn't help sighing, but seeing Ye Qing's murderous eyes, he immediately shut up.

Ye Qing said to Ye Jin and Zhang Lu: "Fifth brother, son, let's go to the private room behind the restaurant for a drink!"

"Drink! My lord, take me!" Li Bai lost his temper when he heard that there was some wine to drink, and Guo Jia also approached him with bright eyes.

Ye Qing was so angry that he pointed his right hand, not knowing which of these two jokes was better.

Ye Jin and Zhang Lu looked at each other, and Ye Jin said, "Sixth brother, you are an interesting family, really interesting!"

Zhang Lu also said: "This young man speaks quickly and has extraordinary martial arts skills, just like me, a generous man from Bashu."

"Disrespect, disrespect, I don't know who the young master is?" Li Bai smiled all over his face when he heard this, as if he had found a confidant.

Zhang Lu said: "Zhang Lu in Hanzhong Nanzheng Palace!"

"Uh...it turns out to be the prince, who has been admiring him for a long time!"

After hearing about Zhang Lu's identity, Li Bai's face lost all smiles, he bowed his hand, turned his face away, and then pulled Guo Jia and said, "Feng Xiao, the sun is so poisonous today!"

"..." Guo Jia!
"..." Zhang Lu!
"..." Ye Jin!
Ye Qing probably knew about Li Bai's urination, kicked him, and then said to Ye Jin and Zhang Lu: "Fifth brother, son, let's go upstairs, don't worry about it!"

The two looked suspicious, and then followed Guan Ye Qing's intention and walked into the Hero Tower.

When they went in, Linghu Chong asked in bewilderment: "Senior, what did you do just now?"

Li Bai looked in the direction of the gate of the Hero Building, his eyes were cold, and he murmured:

"Not a good person!"

"Ahem! Taibai is going to talk nonsense." Guo Jia gave Li Bai a hard tug:
"Today you provoked Yijing enough, Taihua Mountain will not let it go, the lord has a headache!"

It is said that the three of Ye Qing came to the private room in the backyard and served good food and wine.

Ye Qing raised his glass and said, "The last time we drank together was the old building. Now that it has been rebuilt and expanded, the scenery remains the same as it was before. To the fifth brother and the prince!"

Ye Jin smiled and said: "Sixth brother has a heart, this hero building is getting more and more prosperous, and the two streets in front are also very lively. It is not what it used to be. It is just like what the sixth brother said. It changes every day, like changing the world. , Brother Wu admires it!"

Ye Qingdao: "I made Brother Wu laugh, a small scene, a small scene! This is just the beginning, and the real prosperity will come in the future."

"Hahaha, Your Highness is amazing. He did what he said. Last time he invited me to settle in, it was a pity that he missed some opportunities. It's really a pity." Zhang Lu raised his glass and sighed dryly.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty is joking. Minwufang needs to be developed more at this time, and people need to buy shares. Not only Minwufang, but also the entire Nancheng County. If Shizi likes it, you can invest in any profitable business here. My Xiaoyao Mansion does not welcome you."

"Okay! Based on His Highness's words, my Nanzheng County Prince's Mansion, no matter in terms of people, wealth or things, will strongly support Nancheng County." Zhang Lu was very happy when he heard this.

Nancheng County needs to be developed, and the civil affairs workshop will be more prosperous. How could his Nanzheng Palace let go of this great opportunity.

Ye Jin also said: "Don't worry, sixth brother, your fifth brother still has some money, and I will support you here in Nancheng!"

In any case, Nancheng is also the capital of Chang'an.

In the past, this place was dirty and chaotic, but now there are three squares and one flat, and the forces in the rivers and lakes have been eliminated, and it is peaceful.

And all of them are under the jurisdiction of Ye Qing.

Nancheng will definitely usher in its spring and develop rapidly.

Not to mention catching up with the Dongxi City, at least it is still possible for the Dongxi City to be on par.

"Okay! Fifth brother is righteous to the son!" Ye Qing poured himself another glass of wine, then drank it all and said:
"Then I'm talking about a big deal with you!"

The development of Nancheng is still a small business.

And a big deal?
Ye Jin and Zhang Lu regained their spirits.

Ye Qing gave instructions to his subordinates, and soon someone brought the lacquer box.

Ye Qing opened the lid, pointed inside and said, "Fifth brother, son, let's see what this is..."

"This is...salt..."


East of the city!

In a certain house in a certain square!
"Boom! How dare you despise my six sects so much!"

"Let's go, avenge my junior sister! No one can stop us from killing that bastard Ye Qing today!"

"That's right, even the emperor shouldn't try to protect him!"

More than a dozen Taihua Mountain swordsmen with swords were furious and clamored to go out.


However, a man sitting in the middle raised his eyebrows, his eyes were cold, and he stopped everyone with a cold expression.

"Young sect master, don't you want to avenge your junior sister?"

"Young sect master, we have always listened to you before, but this time Ye Qing killed my junior sister and insulted me too much in Taihua Mountain. I am at odds with him. Either he dies or I die!"

The young man named Young Clan Master said: "What's the rush? If you want to kill, you can't kill now. You have to take revenge, but before you take revenge, you have to take back the bodies of Junior Sister and Seventh Junior Brother, and you go so blatantly, Don't you want to tell the world that our Taihua Mountain is going to be hostile to the royal family, and Ye Qing's death is not a pity, but because of him, my reputation of Taihua Mountain still has a future, that would be bad!"

"Young sect master can teach you a lesson in time, we are the ones who were reckless!"

Everyone admired them.

In the final analysis, it was caused by the Seventh Junior Brother and the people from the Xiaolongmen going to make trouble, and when it was investigated, it was Taihuashan who was at fault.

Once there is a war with the emperor, no one will sympathize with Taihua Mountain.

The young sect master comforted his own people, then looked at the two members of Xiaolongmen and said, "Who encouraged you to make trouble? And...why did Ye Qing only kill my people from Taihua Mountain, and our Xiaolongmen's people were covered in blood? And back, not even a single wound was left!"

"You... Young Clan Master Hong, what do you mean by this?" The two Xiaolongmen were very annoyed when they saw each other asking themselves.

"What do you mean, isn't what I said not obvious enough? The four of you came to the capital at the head, and it's fine to talk to the Dong family. You didn't even figure out the situation in Xiaoyao Mansion, and you took the initiative to provoke troubles, exposed yourself, and were easily defeated. Don't you want to explain it?" The young master of Taihua Mountain looked even colder, and the surrounding atmosphere was about to freeze into ice.

The man who doesn't use weapons in Xiaolongmen snorted coldly: "Master Hong's words are really interesting. You and I have always been on good terms with each other, so we came to Beijing together. It is because your little sister Huang is arrogant and rude to talk about the Dong family's death. And it was her idea to go up to the hero, if she hadn't considered herself outstanding in martial arts, attractive in appearance, and stunned your seventh junior brother and our ninth junior brother, how could we have smashed the hero building."

"Shut up, talk nonsense, my little junior sister is going to die, and you still want to slander her!" The young sect master of Taihua Mountain sneered coldly, with murderous eyes in his eyes.

The other Taihua Mountain people also glared at the past one by one, as if drawing their swords.

"You are bullying my little junior sister and the seventh junior brother, so you put all the blame on him. Is your Xiaolongmen so despicable?" A Taihua mountain swordsman who loves Huang little junior sister said and rushed forward past.

Not to be outdone, the two of Xiaolongmen fought with them with a movement of their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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