Chapter 151

Great Zhou Empire Palace!

"People from Xiaolongmen and Taihuashan have gone to the Hero Building to make trouble!"

There was a trace of displeasure on Ye Zhen's face.

The Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang were wiped out, and the two gangs finally came.

The Xue family, who were the real people behind the scenes, didn't make a sound, and the two factions rushed to the capital to make trouble.

Are you really declaring your own sense of existence, or are you paying less and less attention to the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty?
"Your Majesty, people from the Xiaolongmen and Taihua Mountain were making trouble in the Hero Building, and happened to meet His Highness Six. A high-ranking warrior who suddenly appeared in the hands of His Highness killed two disciples of Mount Taihua in front of His Highness and the common people. " When Liu Buren said this, he felt his back was wet.

Ye Qing keeps playing masters, and their shadow guards haven't found out yet.

Strange enough now.

People from Nanzai Ye Qing killed people from Taihua Mountain, and this incident became a big problem.

The follow-up is not good!

"Well! The sixth man killed the disciple of Taihua Mountain!" Ye Zhen clenched his fist and thumped the dragon case hard.


Ye Zhen's eyes and body were full of murderous aura, icy cold.

"I won't easily offend the six factions. For the sake of Da Zhou, I didn't openly get into trouble with the six factions. He Ye Qing... a prodigal bastard!"

This can be regarded as angering Ye Zhen.

It made him feel a little angry and indisputable.

Originally, Ye Qing's performance has been getting better and better recently, and his potential has been gradually released.

He went out to help defeat the Turks, and then healed the wounded soldiers. After returning, he solved the problem of rewarding food, and also helped the Shaofu get salt and iron, and raised a lot of self-funds by the way.

As a result, it is good now, which directly angered Mount Taihua and caused a terrible disaster.

All the previous things are in vain.

How could Ye Zhen not be angry.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" Liu Buren asked.

Ye Zhen fell into deep thought, and asked after a long time: "First monitor every move of Xiaolongmen and Mount Taihua, especially the disciples of the two factions who came to Beijing, and at the same time let me release the dirty things that the two factions have done over the years... .”

"As for Xiaoyao Mansion, don't worry about him, let's see how the matter develops!" Ye Zhen rubbed his temples, suffering from a severe headache.

Taihua Mountain can't be moved yet, and Ye Qing can't be busy, otherwise no one will help him get refined salt, and the salt and iron he gets will be waste.

Burn your brain!

Ye Zhen, who has always been ruthless, is also a little worried at this time.

It was very difficult for Liu Buren to get such an ambiguous order.

The always decisive emperor seems to have changed a bit.

The importance of the sixth prince is increasing day by day, and it is rare for His Majesty to make a choice.


"What? Your killed the people from Mount Taihua?"

Only Ye Qing and Wu Linglong were left in the bathroom.

Wu Linglong's voice trembled slightly, her face was full of disbelief and regret.

Her shyness eventually allowed her to dominate.

Huanhuanhou was outside the bathroom, and the bathroom was soundproofed. Although the rhythmic sound of the soul crashing could not be heard, it still made people imagine, involuntarily filling their brains with indescribable images.

Ye Qing, who was refreshed all over, soaked comfortably in the bathtub. After enjoying the fusion of souls, he continued to enjoy the beauty's kneading.

Wu Linglong's massage techniques were indeed so flawless that people couldn't find any faults, which gave Ye Qing the urge to fight again.

But of course when he told about the Hero Building, the pair of Yang Chun fingers on his shoulders stopped abruptly.

"What? You've heard of Mount Taihua!" Ye Qingming asked knowingly.

Baixiao Pavilion heard it based on information, if they didn't know about Mount Taihua, then there was really a ghost.

Wu Linglong felt that she had lost her composure, and her complexion immediately returned to normal. She continued to massage Ye Qing's shoulders, loosened her bones, and relaxed her whole body.

"Your Highness, this Taihua Mountain is the Great Mountain Gate of my Grand Saturday. You also know about our Wanhualou. There are people coming and going, and there are all kinds of things, so I have heard a little bit." Wu Linglong explained:
"It is said that this Taihua Mountain is a remarkable existence. The sect was established on Taihua Mountain in Hongnong County, and it radiates for hundreds of miles around. The entire mountain range of Taihua Mountain, Xiaohua Mountain, and Taohua Mountain is their territory. There are many masters in it, with a long history. .”

"Besides, they are ruthless, domineering, and ruthless. The contemporary sect master Hong Baxian is a man who will take revenge. He has long intended to get involved in other counties. Your Highness, you should be careful when you kill people in Taihua Mountain. They will definitely will retaliate."

As she spoke, Wu Linglong had a bitter look in the corner of her eyes.

The strength in his hands involuntarily increased a little bit.

"This person who suffered a thousand knives, stabbed such a big trouble, I didn't say it earlier. If I said it earlier, I would enter Xiaoyao Mansion later. My innocent body may be at a loss!"

Wu Linglong knew that Baixiao Pavilion was capable of dealing with Taihua Mountain, but it was impossible to help Xiaoyao Mansion Ye Qing for nothing.

It is impossible for Ye Qing to offend the Great Saturday Martial Arts and expose his own strength in the Great Zhou.

Baixiao Pavilion has more important things to do and a bigger mission.

Ye Qing is just an investment place, and has not received any returns now, so it is not Baixiaoge's style to pay.

So Wu Linglong shouted in her heart that she was wronged, and she didn't cry.

"Oh! Really? The Taihua Mountain is really so terrifying, so what should I do?" Ye Qing asked.

Wu Linglong said: "Your Highness, you are now one of His Majesty's most favored princes. Go to the palace and ask Your Majesty for help. The imperial court has come forward to make peace with Taihua Mountain. You are making up for some things to Taihua Mountain. Taihua Mountain has a ladder. Next, naturally I won’t be digging into this matter.”

"Ask Your Majesty for help! That's not appropriate." Ye Qing shook his head and said:
"I am the prince, representing the face of the royal family. How can I admit my mistakes and bow to Mount Taihua, let alone let the court bow to Mount Taihua? Otherwise, people in the world will think that the court is afraid of Mount Taihua, and this will only increase the popularity of Mount Taihua Arrogance."

"Besides, this matter is that Taihua Mountain made trouble first, and then humiliated and assassinated it. All kinds of performances have exceeded the rules of the sect. I killed people in Xiaoyao Mansion because I helped Taihua Mountain clean up the house. If Taihua Mountain is like this, it has nothing to do with Dazhou Enemy, then it’s better to fight to the death.” Ye Qing suddenly changed his tone and became tough.

There is domineering and decisiveness in the words.

This made Wu Linglong startled, she was a little fascinated looking at the confident and strong Ye Qing.

Immediately thinking of something, I tried to ask: "Your Highness! Do you have other lovers to help you? Are there many masters in the mansion, we have the strength to start a war with Taihua Mountain!"

She, Wu Linglong, entered the mansion for a reason, not just to inquire about this news.

Can you find out the source of Ye Qing's talent?
When she asked this question, Wu Linglong leaned forward and pressed her body tightly together, slowly entwining her stalwart tenderness.

Ye Qing closed his eyes, felt the fiery temptation, his mind was turbulent, and he almost couldn't hold it back, but in the end, the Lingtai was clear, and the corners of his mouth turned up and said:

"Apart from you, little fairy, where is there any other lovers? The masters in the house are only those. I have no confidence. I have no lack of confidence, because I believe that justice can overcome everything, and people with knowledge will definitely not look at it. I was bullied by Taihua Mountain, you say yes, little goblin, will you help me hire some righteous men from the rivers and lakes..."

(End of this chapter)

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