I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 152 Negotiation Arrangement Layout

Chapter 152 Negotiation Arrangement Layout

Wu Linglong was stunned for a while.

I want my wife to invite someone!

Can't please!
Not coming anymore!
Really think that our Baixiao Pavilion is a free laborer!

The old lady has to pay the dowry for her innocent body.


"What? Little fairy, you don't want to help me, you don't want to tide over the difficulties with our Xiaoyao Mansion." Ye Qing sighed quietly:

"That's right, I'm embarrassing you. You are a weak woman. It's not easy to spend all your money to help me hire a righteous man from the rivers and lakes. I'm too greedy."

Ye Qing held Wu Linglong's little hand, gently stroked and said, "Stay in the mansion with peace of mind, no matter what, I won't make you a little fairy suffer, even if there is something wrong with Xiaoyao Mansion one day, I will I will send you away safely first."

"Your Highness... I'm so touched!" Wu Linglong pressed her body even tighter, and even swayed and rubbed her body.

My heart is secretly slandering.

It's no wonder my old lady believes you, a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost.

After thinking about it, Wu Linglong thought to herself again: "No way! The old lady spent a lot of effort to sneak into Xiaoyao Mansion. She got nothing and lost her innocent body. Isn't it too bad. "

"Or take this opportunity to drag Mrs. Ye and Xiaoyao Mansion into Baixiao Pavilion and let Ye Qing sell herself..."

The two conceived their own ghosts in the bathroom, completing the first time in their lives.

After leaving the bathroom, Ye Qing took Guan Wu Linglong to dinner, allowing her to experience the food in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Then let Gu Yangyang arrange a yard for Wu Linglong to live in.

After dismissing Wu Linglong, Ye Qing called everyone in the mansion to the study to discuss matters.

"Taibai and Fengxiao, I believe everyone knows each other!"

Ye Qing pointed to Li Bai and said to Guo Jia.

Li Ru, Shang Yang, and others replied one after another: "My lord, we all got to know each other during the meal. Taibai's martial arts are outstanding, and Feng Xiao's talent is as good as mine. They are all talents who can assist the lord and make my Xiaoyao Mansion flourish!"

"I won't say much about Fengxiao. Except for his bad habit of drinking and sleeping in karaoke halls, everything else is easy to say. He is a qualified literati and adviser." Ye Qing pointed to Li Bai and said:
"But I haven't seen whether Li Taibai is beneficial to my Xiaoyao Mansion."

Guo Jia and Li Bai both showed embarrassment when they heard the words.

Being fond of drinking and whoring is not a big problem at all, but it hurts my heart to say it clearly.

Not to mention Li Bai, killing two people in Taihua Mountain in a row, causing big troubles to Xiaoyao Mansion, and bringing a major crisis to Xiaoyao Mansion, is indeed a disgraceful thing.

However, Li Bai was proud and arrogant, so he stood up and cupped his fists and said, "My lord, Bai does everything alone. If Taihua Mountain is really bad for me and my lord, Bai is willing to go out and bear it alone. At worst, I will kill Taihua Mountain, even if I die. It will break the front teeth of Mount Taihua."

"Bullshit! Go back and sit down for me, every day you will know how to use your skills, you can do whatever you want!" Ye Qing stared and slapped the table, reprimanded.

Li Bai arched his hands and sat back.

"My lord, calm down, Taibai's frankness is also for the sake of the family and for the sake of the lord, just be more careful in the future!" Zhang Yi persuaded.

Guo Jia also chimed in and said: "My lord, from now on, let Taibai pay more attention and restrain himself."

Others also agreed after seeing it.

Li Bai's military strength is now the highest in Xiaoyao Mansion, and he is one of the pillars in the mansion. Although he is a bit arrogant, everyone still likes his personality.

Only by being arrogant can you highlight the strength of Xiaoyao Mansion, so that cats and dogs will not come to make trouble.

"All right! For the sake of everyone's face, I will spare Li Bai's punishment, and I will keep it to see how he behaves in the future!" Ye Qing didn't really intend to punish Li Bai, but just wanted him to restrain himself and restrain him. Insolent temperament.

"Thank you, my lord!" Li Bai replied depressedly, always feeling that something was wrong.

No matter how you come up, you will take him away, making it seem like he is really at fault.

Ye Qing pulled his gaze away from Li Bai, and then asked: "Taibai killed the people in Taihua Mountain, and with the personality of Taihua Mountain, he will definitely not let it go. What do you think about this!"

Li Ru, Shang Yang, and Zhang Yi didn't speak, but turned their eyes to Guo Jia intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Bai and Guo Jia are good friends, Li Bai provoked this matter, let's hear how Guo Jia helped his good friend deal with it.

Guo Jia seemed to have a plan in mind, and said lightly:

"My lord, according to Yijia, although Taibai's actions are domineering and he killed people in Taihua Mountain in the street, but Taihua Mountain is at fault, so they definitely don't dare to come to our Xiaoyao Mansion to inquire about their crimes. What they do is nothing more than sending people to assassinate the lord, or It's the assassination of Taibai."

"Only after the settlement is done privately will someone be sent to the court to ask for an explanation. Such a person will take revenge secretly and show it to the people in the Jianghu, intimidating and convincing all the gangs and factions under him;

The two are obviously playing a victim. Once the court surrenders, the reputation they want will naturally go back, and it will also make the people of Da Zhou look up to it even more. "

"So what Feng Xiao means is that for the time being, they won't take any action on the surface, and will only take revenge in private." Zhang Yi nodded slightly in agreement:

"Then we have to be careful. It's easy to hide a spear and it's hard to defend against it, especially if there are many masters in the opponent's sect. If you want to kill anyone in our Xiaoyao Mansion, it will be difficult to guard against!"

"The law of heaven is clear, how dare they ignore the laws of the Great Zhou!" Shang Yang hated this kind of undisciplined and lawless use of weapons the most.

Li Ru sneered and said: "Brother Gongsun, they are from the Jianghu, and they don't know how to tell you about the law. The law is useful, so there is no such thing as their existence!"

"Hmph! This group of people should all be killed. I hate that the imperial court has been conniving with these rangers and sects in the Jianghu. It is they who have been destroying the principles of Da Zhou and weakening the prestige of Da Zhou's government. Otherwise, Da Zhou will definitely be unparalleled Powerful!" Shang Yang spat out in cynical hatred.

"Wenyou, during this period of time, you Jinyiwei are focusing more on this, and you want to find out and monitor every Taihuamen disciple who enters Beijing." Ye Qing glanced at Li Ru, and then said to Shang Yang:
"Gongsun Yang, you are strengthening law enforcement on the streets, building up a broad Chaoyang crowd, conducting strict investigation and registration of all strangers, and cutting off the survival soil of Taihuamen or other Jianghu forces in Sanminwufang at the grassroots level."

Both Li Ru and Shang Yang said: "It's the lord! We will arrange the arrangement after we go back, and we will do a good job of prevention from the open and the secret."

Then Ye Qingcai said to Zhang Yi: "Tell the people in the mansion that there is no need not to go out alone, let alone go out of the civil affairs workshop, and let Yi Da and others withdraw to the mansion temporarily. I have a hunch that something big will happen in the next few days. Everyone must be safe."

"It's my lord!" Zhang Yi also replied.

Then Ye Qingcai said to Li Cunxiao and Feng Qingyang and other warriors: "After you have changed your appearance, you patrol the streets in the square, and if you find suspicious people, you can directly take them down, you are welcome."

"It's the lord! I'll understand!" Li Cunxiao, Feng Qingyang, Ouyang Feng, Ren Woxing and others replied one after another.

With the army of Xiaoyao Mansion and the members of Tiandihui, the civil affairs workshop can be built quite stable and safe.

After a set of combined punches, Xiaoyao Mansion's prevention system is not weak.

Once there are groups of people and strangers coming in, they will definitely be discovered soon.

If it is a single enemy, Gang may be besieged by many masters of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Unless the opponent directly dispatches a master of rank five or above.

It's just that such a top expert will never step out of the mountain gate easily, let alone use it for such small activities, otherwise his reputation will be rotten on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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