I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 153 Personnel Arrangement, New Reform-through-Labor Law

Chapter 153 Personnel Arrangement, New Reform-through-Labor Law

"My lord, how do you arrange things in Nancheng County?" Shang Yang asked.

Now Ye Qing is in charge of not only Minwufang, but also Minqingfang and Mingongfang.

It is the entire Nancheng and outside the city, as well as the original Lantian County west of the Chan River.

The new county was established at the beginning, the official office has not yet been determined, the people's situation is unknown, and the upper and lower levels are not connected.

This is the time to go out to inspect, arrange command, and hand over work.

We can't delay because of the Taihuashan incident.

Ye Qing just remembered this, thought for a while and said, "I almost forgot if you didn't mention it, so let's confirm the personnel arrangement in the county first!"

Mentioning this, Shang Yang and Zhang Yi sat upright.

This is to set up a leadership team and take up positions.

Decentralization of power to everyone can finally do great things in a legitimate way.

Li Ru didn't respond. Anyway, he is leading the Jinyiwei, who can't see the light, so he was sure he was in charge of intelligence.

Guo Jia looked lazy.

I feel that I can be competent for anything, or I can arrange any position.

The only thing is, don't delay him from getting off work, otherwise it will affect drinking and whoring.

After taking a look at everyone, Ye Qing said: "Haifeng, you are the chief secretary, and Shang Yang, you are the county magistrate."

"It's the lord!"

Shang Yang and Zhang Yi happily took orders.

Both the chief secretary and the county magistrate are the second in command in the county, and they are the largest civil servants other than the county magistrate.

"County lieutenant..." Ye Qing pointed at Zheng Cheng Yaojin and said, "For the time being, Zhi Jie will be in charge!"

"Me!" Cheng Yaojin was a little confused:
"My lord, am I not the captain of the army?"

Although the county lieutenant and the capital lieutenant differ by one word, the number of soldiers they lead is legally the same, and sometimes there are even more county lieutenants, but the two official positions, which seem to be the same, are actually the difference between the genuine one and the counterfeit one.

Seeing that the official rank is one level, the captain is a serious officer, and he can command the county lieutenant in case of war.

One is at the central department level and the other is at the local department level, which are fundamentally two different things.

I am demoted?

It's fine if he didn't snatch the title of general from Li Siye, but now he has become a county lieutenant, Cheng Yaojin feels wronged and bitter!

Ye Qingdao: "You are the captain of the army, that's right, you are also a local county captain. For the time being, you will continue to lead the team to patrol the streets and the defense of various places."

Hearing this explanation, Cheng Yaojin was relieved.

It's probably useless to go to war after getting it to the local area.

It's not bad that he still retains his military status, but is just a temporary visitor to the county lieutenant.

"My lord, in that case... I can get two salaries!" Cheng Yaojin asked with a smile that seemed simple and honest.

"Get out, no, I'm asking to save you!" Ye Qing gave a fierce look.

This idiot is quite beautiful as you can imagine.

"Ahem, my lord, is there no one? I just asked, and I just asked!" Cheng Yaojin had a naturally thick face, without the slightest embarrassment, scratching the back of his head, how honest and responsible he was .

"Hahaha, Zhijie, I won't see you until you are all comforted..."

Everyone was amused by this guy and laughed together.

Even Li Bai cast a look of admiration.

If you dare to tease the lord, I, Li Taibai, will take it!
Don't leave after drinking!
Without mentioning Cheng Yao, the gag guy, Ye Qing went on to say: "As for Feng Xiao and Wen You, let's hang up as a scholar or work on it first!"

"It's the lord!"

Guo Jia and Li Ru have no objection.

Auxiliary staff, in later generations, this is a secretary or something.

Zhang Yi and Shang Yang are serious civil servants, and they will follow the direction of officialdom governance in the future.

However, Li Ru and Guo Jia are advisers, and they are aides or aides who follow the army and government, so Ye Qing's arrangement also fits their respective abilities and positions.

"As for the county government office, it's located in Guangmingfang near the gate of the city. In this regard, the Gongshu Ban is in charge of leading people to build it." Ye Qing said to Lu Ban:
"This government office must be comfortable and suitable for working, and at the same time, it must be magnificent, durable, and have the role of military garrison. It can be used as a fortress in the city to defend against the enemy after the south gate is lost. "

"It's my lord, I will build the county government with all my heart!" Lu Ban knew that this was another great achievement comparable to Xiaoyao Mansion.

It should not only have the function of office work, but also the function of fortification and war.

Although a little puzzled, this is in the city, and it's just a county government office.

Why take into account the role of the border fortress.

"My lord, are you worried about Lantian..." Zhang Yi asked quickly, but was interrupted by Ye Qing stretching out his hand.

"I don't worry about anything, just do what I do, it's always good to plan ahead!" Ye Qing shook his head and laughed.

Zhang Yi and Shang Yang looked at Li Ru, but Li Ru held his beard and didn't say much.

Guo Jia was thoughtful.

The south of the city leads to Lantian County, then Lantian Valley, and then Shangluo City to the border of Wuguan.

Could it be... The lord is worried that Chuyue Kingdom will kill Wuguan, break through Lantian Valley, and eventually attack the gate of Chang'an.

That's why the Nancheng County Government Office was specially built.

Moreover, it also assumes the necessary condition that the south city gate is lost.

Chang'an City... is not peaceful!
Then Ye Qing said again: "The temporary office is in the mansion, and two courtyards are moved out in front to handle official business and store files. As for detaining prisoners, there is no need to set up a pass-through prison. Instead, they will be sent to prisons for labor reform. In various construction sites or in the streets, they are responsible for the dirtiest work, replacing physical punishment with physical punishment!"

Prison cells in feudal society were basically useless, and the management was quite extensive, no matter what the crime was, it was off the hook.

When the date comes, kill what should be killed, and let what should be released.

There is no ideological education and labor reform.

Therefore, Ye Qing felt that his newly-built Nancheng County should start reforming from the prison. Even if the prisoners could not be educated, at least they should not let them waste food in vain, but should create some value.

"Si! My lord, this reform through labor is a good method. Can you explain it in detail so that Yang can learn from it." Shang Yang is a representative of the Legalists who practice supremacy.

Ye Qing's idea of ​​reforming through labor almost made his eyes shine, it was too disrespectful to him.

Prisoners are human beings and can contribute to the country.

As long as it can make the empire strong, any method can be used.

The power of the entire empire should be concentrated in one point to serve the strength and expansion of the empire.

Any disobedience to the will of the government or empire should be crushed.

Unity of strength, unity of thought, unity of direction!

Looking at Shang Yang's fiery eyes, Ye Qing knew that he wouldn't let it go without talking about something dry, so he told about his own set of future generations and what he meant after understanding.

Not only Shang Yang was amazed, but Guo Jia, Li Ru, Zhang Yi and others also nodded frequently after listening.

Seeing that they were listening seriously, Ye Qing said again: "Governing a big country is like cooking small shrimps, and the same is true for governing counties. We can do this...or we can do this..."

Unconsciously, Ye Qing talked for an hour, until Huanhuan knocked on the door and brought soup, Ye Qing realized that he was a little thirsty.

"Okay, that's all for today, everyone will do what you said just now, let's go back to your room and rest!"

"It's the lord!"

Shang Yang and Zhang Yi still had some unfinished business, but they were dragged away by Guo Jia and others.

After everyone left, Huanhuan came in with stomach-warming ginseng soup.

"Master, where do you sleep tonight, Huanhuan can make a bed for you!" Huanhuan put down the food box, carefully took out the soup Gu and placed it three inches from Ye Qing's right hand.

"Where do you sleep tonight?"

This is indeed a difficult problem. I just had Wu Linglong in the afternoon, should I sleep in her wing room at night, or go back to my main room.

Wait... Otherwise, I'd better go and tap Wu Linglong to see if Baixiao Pavilion can give me some information about Mount Taihua.

In the afternoon, I was only focused on work, so I forgot about it for a while.

The light wants to turn off the dazzling Baixiao Pavilion.

You should be gentle, it's a big deal for me!
(End of this chapter)

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