I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 154 I Have No Feelings, No Life

Chapter 154 I Have No Feelings, No Life

The sun rises!
The sun rises!
The next day, Ye Qing yawned, went out of the room, looked up at the sun which was almost noon, and felt a little sore in his waist.

In the battle last night, he gained both fame and fortune. He conquered the little goblin with his special skills, and finally got a lot of useful information.

"However, Little Fairy's information is still insufficient. It seems that her status in Baixiao Pavilion is not high." Looking back, Ye Qing shook his head slightly:

"I still hope that Yuhuatian can bring back more secrets!"

Going out of the inner courtyard to the hall, Gu Yangyang said: "My lord, Mr. Haifeng, Mr. Shang Yang emptied the two courtyards in front with the scriptures. The carpenters in the mansion also built desks, chairs and other office equipment overnight. The layout is ready, do you want to go and see it?"

"Just take a look, let's go!" It was only a few steps to the left and right, and Ye Qing also wanted to see what the legendary county government looked like.

As soon as he left the hall, he suddenly stopped again, and then said to Gu Yangyang: "Go and call Wen You, Hai Feng, Shang Yang, and Feng Xiao to the hall, I have something important to talk about!"

"It's the lord!" Gu Yangyang was a little strange, didn't he go to the hall of the temporary county office?

Why didn't they go again, instead they called Li Ru and Guo Jia over.

However, Gu Yangyang was only a manager in the mansion, and had no right to know about this, so he had no choice but to invite him in person.

After Gu Yangyang left, Ye Qing said to the system in his mind: "System, tell me the news just now!"

"Good host!"

"Ding! Master, Hong Tianbao, the head of Taihua Mountain's sect on the Great Saturday, would like to know the itinerary of Ye Qing, the Xiaoyaohou of the Great Zhou, within seven days! Willing to spend 500 taels of silver as a reward, will you sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Lan Fei, the head of the Xiaolongmen sect of the big Saturday school, wants to know whether the civil and military advisors in the Xiaoyao Mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty will go out for activities alone within three days. He is willing to spend 400 taels of silver as a reward. Will he sell it?"

It was really slow.

The news is quite slow, but the action of the other party is quite fast.

Literally understood, the intention of Xiaolongmen and Taihua Mountain can be deduced in reverse.

It is true that he wants to play a black hand and engage in small tricks secretly.

And it's a ruthless move!
"However, I made a plan last night, so why not tell you guys, if you have the ability, come to my mansion." Ye Qing raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said to the system:

"It's sold, don't hesitate!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 720 taels of silver, and 2 chances to draw prizes!"

Of the more than 6 taels of silver accumulated in the last few times, except for the [-] that was sent to the household department, coarse salt was bought from Ye Zhen's young mansion, and the rest of Ye Qing was put into the treasury of the mansion for use by the mansion. outside expenses.

"System! Lottery draw!" Ye Qing said expectantly, while praying secretly in his heart.

Come to Wuxia Card!
Come to Wuxia Card!
"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing 2 martial arts character cards!"


It's really a martial arts card, and both of them are!
Ye Qing excitedly said again: "Use it!"

"Good host."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card and obtaining the "Condor Hero Lu" Yang Guo (third rank! Teaming up with the Condor can temporarily increase one rank, and joining forces with Xiaolongnv can temporarily increase one to three ranks)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts character card and obtaining the "Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword" Jing Wuming (Rank [-])!"

Yang Guo!
He was actually drawn!
As the saying goes, one encounter with Yang Guo ruins one's life.

I don't know if this Yang Guo is young, middle-aged or old.

However... joining forces with the Divine Condor greatly increased his force, and joining forces with Xiao Longnv even jumped three levels.

Cp king!
Jing is dead!
This is a character in Gu Long's novel "Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword".

Not many people seem to know about it!
However, there is one sentence that suits him best and is also the easiest to remind people of him - I have neither emotion nor life!

He is an assassin without emotion!

An assassin with a sword!

and many more!

Jing Wuming uses a sword!
Yang Guo uses a sword!

Li Bai uses a sword!

Feng Qingyang also uses a sword!

Mount Taihua is also famous for its swords, famous for its swords!
This was indeed arranged by the system to kick the field.

I have four major swordsmen here, so I can be arrogant.

Soon Li Ru, Guo Jia and others came.

"My lord, did you call us for something important?"

Ye Qing pointed to the chairs for them to sit down, and then said: "I just got the news that the people from Xiaolongmen and Taihuashan have arrived in the capital, and they are led by their young masters."

"That arrives so fast!"

Everyone was a little surprised.

Guo Jia said: "My lord, this was planned by them long ago. The four people yesterday were probably just scouts who came to the capital first. It seems that they have already planned to come to Xingshi to question our crimes and attack our Xiaoyao Mansion."

"What Feng Xiao said is right, Xiaolongmen and Taihua Mountain were well prepared, otherwise it would take two or three days to return the letter. The person who was killed yesterday will arrive today. How can there be such a coincidence." Zhang Yi echoed.

Li Ru thought deeply, Jin Yiwei hadn't reported the news yet, where did the lord get it from.

Could it be... The news came out from Baixiao Pavilion last night after being in a relationship with Wu Linglong.

Great my lord.

If Ye Qing knew that Li Ru was thinking about these things at this moment, he would definitely want to strangle him.

"So, everyone, do as you told me last night. I won't leave the mansion for seven days, and you won't be able to leave the mansion for three days. Just work in the mansion, and leave things to the people below." Ye Qing didn't want to change the original plan.

Because once it is judged as a rule by the system, the reward will not only be withdrawn, but also punished!
Let's wait for three to five or seven days first, and I will talk about earning rewards.

Xiaolongmen, Taihuashan, you wait!
"It's the lord, I won't go out for a few days when I find out." Everyone responded one after another.

Guo Jia squinted his eyes, and suddenly asked: "My lord, should we report this news to His Majesty and see how he handles it? After all, this matter also started from him, and we must not let Xiaoyao Manor face it alone. Dangerous danger!"

Both Zhang Yi and Shang Yang gave Guo Jia a thumbs up.


It's so annoying that they always let Xiaoyao Mansion come out to stand on the cylinder platform as a target for what the emperor did.

What Guo Jia said was unreasonable, but Ye Qing still looked at Li Ru, and Li Ru took a breath and said, "My lord, it's useless to report, the emperor will just wait and see what happens, and wait for us to fight against Taihua Mountain. I even guessed that he had thought about getting rid of the six sects, but he couldn't make up his mind and had many scruples."

"However, one thing is certain, the importance of the lord in His Majesty's heart is growing day by day, so it cannot be ignored. He will not sit back and watch the lord be attacked and killed by the people of Taihua Mountain, so now there should be experts arranged by His Majesty around our Xiaoyao Mansion. Maybe old acquaintances are black, white and impermanent based on scriptures." Li Rudao:

"So my lord, it's better to act as if you don't know anything, and confront Taihua Mountain with a tough attitude, but it will win more favor and recognition!"

"So... my safety is guaranteed, he won't care about yours!"

Ye Qing smiled lightly, he was only valuable, Ye Zhen needed him in terms of salt and iron, so he would protect himself.

As for the subordinates of Xiaoyao Mansion, Ye Zhen will not help Ye Qing take care of them.

After the words fell, Gu Yangyang reported outside the hall door: "My lord, His Majesty has sent someone here, and that black and white impermanence has come to the mansion again..."

Everyone in the hall looked at each other and smiled lightly!

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

(End of this chapter)

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