I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 155 The thief's heart is immortal

Chapter 155 The thief's heart is immortal
"Black and white are impermanent, come when you say it!" Ye Qing couldn't help shaking his head slightly:
"Go, follow me to see."

Everyone followed Ye Qing to the gate. At this time, Black and White Impermanence led dozens of quack masters standing there. When they saw Ye Qing, they cupped their fists and saluted:

"Your Highness and I were ordered to complete the task you gave us, and brought back more than a dozen heroes to the mansion. Please check your Highness!"

Hearing what the two said, the corners of Ye Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

The kung fu of these two guys making up nonsense is also first-rate.

But it stands to reason that Black and White Impermanence did join Xiaoyao Mansion.

It's just that they obeyed the orders of Emperor Ye Zhen. The last time the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang were eliminated, they didn't go back to the mansion.

But there is no public proof that the two were removed from Xiaoyao Mansion.

So they are still from Xiaoyaofu.

It is also reasonable to say.

Ye Qing glanced at the masters behind the two, two thirds were top-notch, and one third were first-class.

"Since you're back, go back home and rest. I'll ask Haifeng Shangyang and the others to take credit for you later."

Ye Qing had no reason to refuse the addition of black and white impermanence, these master guards and guards.

Naturally, he readily accepted it.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Black and White Wuchang replied, and then led everyone into Xiaoyao Mansion!
The news that Black and White Wuchang entered Xiaoyao Mansion again soon spread throughout Chang'an.

"Bang!" sounded.

Heavy palms on the food table.

Angry Hong Tianbao snorted: "What does Ye Zhen mean? If you want to save Ye Qing, you really have to tear yourself apart from our six sects. Does he have the ability?"

"Isn't this obvious? Black and white impermanence have been sent there, isn't it just to tell the world that he supports Ye Qing and that we are not allowed to retaliate against him." Lan Fei said coldly:

"I just received the news that Ye Qing held a meeting with his subordinates last night. The temporary office of Nancheng County is in Xiaoyao Mansion. His staff will not leave the mansion for the past few days, and the civil affairs workshop has begun to strengthen patrols. Quiet, a bunch of old men and old ladies with red armbands on their arms, interrogating strangers when they see them, are more annoying than those policemen and bad guys."

"I just found out that Ye Qing won't be leaving the house for seven days. This guy clearly wants to be a coward. He's really not a man, so timid." Hong Tianbao said contemptuously.

The strength in the hand was increased even more, as if a punch smashed the food table.

Lan Fei thought for a while and said, "It seems that we don't want to kill Ye Qing and his group of important subordinates who live in Xiaoyao Mansion in a short time. Why don't we kill that person..."

"Who!" Hong Tianbao interrupted and asked the most unwilling one.

Lan Fei smiled and said: "Let me do what I want, he can't move Tiandihui into Xiaoyao Mansion too! Tiandihui is a power in the Jianghu, let's take it first, Ye Zhen has nothing to say, and people in the Jianghu will also I feel that we talk about the morality of the rivers and lakes, so... Ye Qing will definitely save Ren Woxing, and then there will be a chance."

"If he doesn't save Ren Woxing, in order to keep his dog's head, wouldn't he give up the Tiandihui?" Hong Tianbao snorted coldly:

"Don't forget, the Tiandihui was just created by him temporarily to deal with the Flying Star Gang and the Golden Wing Gang in Sanfang. Now that he is free and easy, and he can build an army of 5000 people under his name, does he still care about the Tiandihui?"

Hong Tianbao was not optimistic about Lan Fei's idea.

He remembered that the Flying Fish Gang, Kuangsha Gang, and Tianxiang Gang used the same plan back then, and if they wanted to attack Tiandi, they would call Xiaoyao Mansion for reinforcements.

Not to mention the result, the old nest was taken away by black and white impermanence.

The same routine should not work for Ye Qing.

He Hong Tianbao is not stupid, as the young sect master of Mount Taihua, he still has this point of view.

"It doesn't matter. Let's destroy the Tiandihui first. If he's not here, he won't be calling. Anyway, I can't do anything in these three to five or seven days, so I can wipe my hands with the Tiandihui." Lan Fei showed a gloomy look on his face coldly continued:
"The world will be wiped out by us, and Ye Qing's image will inevitably be damaged. Those who want to defect to him will be disappointed. Even if he wants to continue to hang on, his subordinates will be secretly anxious."

Hong Tianbao was silent.

What Lan Fei said was not unreasonable.


"Ding! Master, Lan Fei, the head of the Xiaolongmen sect on Saturday, wants to know the whereabouts of Tiandihui Ren Woxing in the past few days, so that he can cooperate with the Taihuamen to attack and kill him. He is willing to spend 600 taels of silver as a reward. Will he sell it? ?”

"Ding! Master, Hong Tianbao, the head of the Taihua Mountain sect on the big Saturday, wants to know the internal structure and defenses of the main altar of the Tiandihui, so that he can unite with the people from the Xiaolongmen to destroy the main altar of the Tiandihui. He is willing to spend 800 taels of silver As a reward, whether to sell it!"

Ye Qing, who had just brought Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang and others to the courtyard of the temporary government office in Nancheng County, stopped suddenly.

It's really relentless!
Xiaoyao Mansion's idea couldn't be won, so the Tiandihui was changed.

If you want to kill me, I can do it.

Suddenly Ye Qing felt that it was dangerous for Ren Woxing, the general manager of the World Society, to take it seriously.

He is always on the enemy list every time.

Ren Woxing became the one whose life was most threatened besides himself.

"Don't sell it for now, keep it!" Ye Qing didn't think too much, and gave the system an order to keep it for observation.

"Good host!"

When Nancheng County was first established, there were many things to say, and there were various chores.

To say the least, Ye Qing is an idler.

Don't have to do anything at all.

After being busy for a while, Guo Jia and the others discussed some things that must be clarified as soon as possible.

The first is: the population of Nancheng County, find out how many households there are under the rule, how many people are in each household, and how many are strong laborers!basis for development.How many are children, the hope of the future, and how many are orphans, widows, elderly and disabled, in need of relief!
The second is: the geographical conditions of Nancheng County, the mountains, rivers and water patterns. It is necessary to transfer files to the original Chang'an County and Wannian County, and to go out of the city to Lantian County to find information. County map.

The third is: to sort out the officials of all sizes in Nancheng County, including the bad people in each workshop, as well as the three elders in each township, ri, and village, and other people who are in charge of affairs, voices, and administration.

The fourth is to find out the economic situation in various parts of Nancheng County.

The fifth is: Make a plan for the next plowing and canal repair. After the busy farming is over, this period of time is when the people are free. They need to organize manpower to plow the land for the spring planting in the coming year, and collapse at the same time. Or blocked ditches should be dredged so as to irrigate in the coming year without affecting the harvest.

Sixth: Formulate the basic policy for winter protection in Nancheng County, and urge and help the people under the administration to prepare for the winter, because every year when the severe winter comes, it is the most tormenting day for the people. If they don’t eat enough, they will die easily. If they don’t wear enough, the house can If it cannot block the wind or will be crushed by heavy snow, it must be repaired and strengthened as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is common for a winter snow to reduce the number of people under control by thousands or eight hundred.

These days, the population is the labor force, the productivity, and everything in development.

A country cannot prosper without a population, and a country cannot be strong.


In short, on the first day, there was no real practical work, and most of the copywriting.

Only when the policy was set, Ye Qing said: "Everyone has worked hard today, and you all have dinner with me. Just now there is the latest information. This time, Xiaolongmen and Taihuashan are going to take action against Ren Woxing and Tiandihui. Let's sum it all up..."

(End of this chapter)

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